arduino as modbus RS485 slave sending message to master - arduino

I am French speaking, excuse my poor English. I am working on a rs485 modbus communication between 2 arduino megas. I would like the slave to send for example the value "10" to the master.
On the slave I use the example of the library :
#include <ModbusSlave.h>
// explicitly set stream to use the Serial serialport
Modbus slave(Serial, 1); // stream = Serial, slave id = 1, rs485 control-pin = 8
void setup() {
// register handler functions
slave.cbVector[CB_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS] = ReadAnalogIn;
// slave.cbVector[CB_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS] = readMemory;
// start slave at baud 9600 on Serial
Serial.begin( 9600 ); // baud = 9600
slave.begin( 9600 );
void loop() {
// listen for modbus commands con serial port
// Handel Read Input Registers (FC=04)
uint8_t ReadAnalogIn(uint8_t fc, uint16_t address, uint16_t length) {
// write registers into the answer buffer
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint16_t res;
res = 221;
//slave.writeRegisterToBuffer(i, analogRead(address + i));
return STATUS_OK;
on the master I use an example from the librabry
#include <ModbusMaster.h>
// instantiate ModbusMaster object
ModbusMaster node;
void setup()
// use Serial (port 0); initialize Modbus communication baud rate
// communicate with Modbus slave ID 1 over Serial (port 0)
node.begin(1, Serial);
void loop()
static uint32_t i;
uint8_t j, result;
uint16_t data[6];
// set word 0 of TX buffer to least-significant word of counter (bits 15..0)
// node.setTransmitBuffer(0, lowWord(i));
// set word 1 of TX buffer to most-significant word of counter (bits 31..16)
// node.setTransmitBuffer(1, highWord(i));
// slave: write TX buffer to (2) 16-bit registers starting at register 0
// result = node.writeMultipleRegisters(0, 2);
// slave: read (6) 16-bit registers starting at register 2 to RX buffer
result = node.readHoldingRegisters(2, 6);
// do something with data if read is successful
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)
but it does not work, it seems that there is no communication between the arduino. does anyone have a solution?


Arduino PLC Modbus Communication to read plc input register

I am trying to communicate Arduino UNO and Wecon(LX3v-0806MR) PLC with RS485. Here the arduino is the master and the plc is the slave. I want to now read the values from the input registers (04) of plc and present it on serial monitor. For that purpose I am using the following code.
#include <ModbusMaster.h>
We're using a MAX485-compatible RS485 Transceiver.
Rx/Tx is hooked up to the hardware serial port at 'Serial'.
The Data Enable and Receiver Enable pins are hooked up as follows:
#define MAX485_DE 3
#define MAX485_RE_NEG 2
// instantiate ModbusMaster object
ModbusMaster node;
void preTransmission()
digitalWrite(MAX485_RE_NEG, 1);
digitalWrite(MAX485_DE, 1);
void postTransmission()
digitalWrite(MAX485_RE_NEG, 0);
digitalWrite(MAX485_DE, 0);
void setup()
pinMode(MAX485_RE_NEG, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MAX485_DE, OUTPUT);
// Init in receive mode
digitalWrite(MAX485_RE_NEG, 0);
digitalWrite(MAX485_DE, 0);
// Modbus communication runs at 115200 baud
// Modbus slave ID 1
node.begin(1, Serial);
// Callbacks allow us to configure the RS485 transceiver correctly
bool state = true;
void loop()
uint8_t result;
uint16_t data[6];
// Toggle the coil at address 0x0002 (Manual Load Control)
result = node.writeSingleCoil(0x0002, state);
state = !state;
// Read 16 registers starting at 0x3100)
result = node.readInputRegisters(0x3100, 16);
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)
Serial.print("Vbatt: ");
Serial.print("Vload: ");
Serial.print("Pload: ");
Serial.println((node.getResponseBuffer(0x0D) +
node.getResponseBuffer(0x0E) << 16)/100.0f);
I tried the codes many a times but it is not working. If anyone knows how to do it please share the codes with me. I just want read int value from plc.
*Note: The sensor used is for TTL to rs485 is MAX485.

SPI Problem Arduino Mega with pressure sensor MS5803-05BA

I need your help for a project.
I have actually 2 parallel sensors of the type: MS5803-05BA, which supports I2C and SPI connection. One sensor is on I2C bus and one sensor is on SPI. They are both sending to my Arduino Mega. The I2C works perfect with short cables.
Here the datasheet of the sensor:
For some informations who wants to do the same with I2C. Here you can find a good code. (You can find the other MS580X typs there too). For the communication between the sensor and the Arduino Mega you need an logic converter like this txs0108e, which can be bought with a break out board (you need pull up resistors on the sensor side!):
But to my problem: I have an sensor distance for about 3-5 meters and the I2C connections doesnt work. Yes I can try to fix the pullup resistors but it doesnt worked for me (I have tried some different lower resistors between 3-10kOhm). Therefore I want to switch to the SPI bus.
I have edit the code from, and
The File is added. (You have to put the .h and .cpp files in the folder of the arduino code (.spi).
I have problems with the code from the SPI (ccp and header). There is no right communication. I have checked my cables twice. I couldnt find a problem and the connection with the txs0108e works for parallel I2C sensor. Both sensors are working on I2C.
Here is the main code (arduino .spi) for SPI and I2C parallel:
/_____ I N C L U D E S
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "MS5803_05.h"
#include "MS5803_05_SPI.h"
const int miso_port = 50; //SDI
const int mosi_port = 51; //SDO
const int sck_port = 52; //SLCK
const int slaveSelectPin = 53; // CSB
MS_5803 sensor = MS_5803(512);
MS_5803_SPI sensor_spi = MS_5803_SPI(4096, slaveSelectPin);
void setup()
pinMode(miso_port, INPUT);
pinMode(mosi_port, OUTPUT);
pinMode(slaveSelectPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(sck_port, OUTPUT);
if (sensor_spi.initializeMS_5803_SPI()) {
Serial.println( "MS5803 SPI CRC check OK." );
else {
Serial.println( "MS5803 SPI CRC check FAILED!" );
if (sensor.initializeMS_5803()) {
Serial.println( "MS5803 I2C CRC check OK." );
else {
Serial.println( "MS5803 I2C CRC check FAILED!" );
void loop()
Serial.println("SPI Sensor first pressure [mbar], than temperature[°C]:");
// Show pressure
Serial.print("Pressure = ");
Serial.println(" mbar");
// Show temperature
Serial.print("Temperature = ");
Serial.println("I2C Sensor first pressure [mbar], than temperature[°C]:");
// Show pressure
Serial.print("Pressure = ");
Serial.println(" mbar");
// Show temperature
Serial.print("Temperature = ");
The first connection with SPI is here (.cpp):
#include "MS5803_05_SPI.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#define CMD_RESET 0x1E // ADC reset command
#define CMD_ADC_READ 0x00 // ADC read command
#define CMD_ADC_CONV 0x40 // ADC conversion command
#define CMD_ADC_D1 0x00 // ADC D1 conversion
#define CMD_ADC_D2 0x10 // ADC D2 conversion
#define CMD_ADC_256 0x00 // ADC resolution=256
#define CMD_ADC_512 0x02 // ADC resolution=512
#define CMD_ADC_1024 0x04 // ADC resolution=1024
#define CMD_ADC_2048 0x06 // ADC resolution=2048
#define CMD_ADC_4096 0x08 // ADC resolution=4096
#define CMD_PROM_RD 0xA0 // Prom read command
#define spi_write SPI_MODE3
#define spi_write2 SPI_MODE1
// Create array to hold the 8 sensor calibration coefficients
static unsigned int sensorCoeffs[8]; // unsigned 16-bit integer (0-65535)
// D1 and D2 need to be unsigned 32-bit integers (long 0-4294967295)
static uint32_t D1 = 0; // Store uncompensated pressure value
static uint32_t D2 = 0; // Store uncompensated temperature value
// These three variables are used for the conversion steps
// They should be signed 32-bit integer initially
// i.e. signed long from -2147483648 to 2147483647
static int32_t dT = 0;
static int32_t TEMP = 0;
// These values need to be signed 64 bit integers
// (long long = int64_t)
static int64_t Offset = 0;
static int64_t Sensitivity = 0;
static int64_t T2 = 0;
static int64_t OFF2 = 0;
static int64_t Sens2 = 0;
// Some constants used in calculations below
const uint64_t POW_2_33 = 8589934592ULL; // 2^33 = 8589934592
SPISettings settings_write(500000, MSBFIRST, spi_write);
SPISettings settings_write2(500000, MSBFIRST, spi_write2);
// Constructor
MS_5803_SPI::MS_5803_SPI( uint16_t Resolution, uint16_t cs) {
// The argument is the oversampling resolution, which may have values
// of 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.
_Resolution = Resolution;
//Chip Select
boolean MS_5803_SPI::initializeMS_5803_SPI(boolean Verbose) {
digitalWrite( _cs, HIGH );
// Reset the sensor during startup
if (Verbose)
// Display the oversampling resolution or an error message
if (_Resolution == 256 | _Resolution == 512 | _Resolution == 1024 | _Resolution == 2048 | _Resolution == 4096){
Serial.print("Oversampling setting: ");
} else {
Serial.println("Error: specify a valid oversampling value");
Serial.println("Choices are 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096");
// Read sensor coefficients
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
digitalWrite(_cs, LOW); //csb_lo(); // pull CSB low
unsigned int ret;
unsigned int rC = 0;
SPI.transfer(CMD_PROM_RD + i * 2); // send PROM READ command
ret = SPI.transfer(0x00); // send 0 to read the MSB
rC = 256 * ret;
ret = SPI.transfer(0x00); // send 0 to read the LSB
rC = rC + ret;
// send a value of 0 to read the first byte returned:
rC = SPI.transfer( 0x00 );
rC = rC << 8;
rC |= SPI.transfer( 0x00 ); // and the second byte
sensorCoeffs[i] = (rC);
digitalWrite( _cs, HIGH );
//SPI.endTransaction(); // interrupt can now be accepted
// The last 4 bits of the 7th coefficient form a CRC error checking code.
unsigned char p_crc = sensorCoeffs[7];
// Use a function to calculate the CRC value
unsigned char n_crc = MS_5803_CRC(sensorCoeffs);
if (Verbose) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
// Print out coefficients
Serial.print(" = ");
Serial.print("p_crc: ");
Serial.print("n_crc: ");
// If the CRC value doesn't match the sensor's CRC value, then the
// connection can't be trusted. Check your wiring.
if (p_crc != n_crc) {
return false;
// Otherwise, return true when everything checks out OK.
return true;
// Sends a power on reset command to the sensor.
void MS_5803_SPI::resetSensor() {
digitalWrite(_cs, LOW); //csb_lo(); // pull CSB low to start the command
SPI.transfer(CMD_RESET); // send reset sequence
delay(3); // wait for the reset sequence timing delay(3)
digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH); //csb_hi(); // pull CSB high to finish the command
SPI.endTransaction(); // interrupt can now be accepted
The Code can be downloaded at:
There you can find the schematic and output picture too.
Thanks a lot :).

Arduino to Arduino Modbus RTU in RS-485

I'm trying Arduino to Arduino (master-slave) communication using Modbus RTU protocol in RS-485. I am using an Arduino Mega 2560 for the project and using this library Modbus RTU. As of now, the master simply reads data slave and prints in the Serial monitor.
I tried the following code:
#include <ModbusRtu.h>
#define ID 3
Modbus slave(ID, 0, 0);
boolean led;
int8_t state = 0;
unsigned long tempus;
// data array for modbus network sharing
uint16_t au16data[9];
void setup() {
// define i/o
pinMode(2, INPUT);
pinMode(3, INPUT);
pinMode(4, INPUT);
pinMode(5, INPUT);
// start communication
tempus = millis() + 100;
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
void loop() {
// poll messages
// blink led pin on each valid message
state = slave.poll( au16data, 9 );
if (state > 4) {
tempus = millis() + 50;
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
if (millis() > tempus) digitalWrite(13, LOW );
// get digital inputs -> au16data[0]
bitWrite( au16data[0], 0, digitalRead( 2 ));
bitWrite( au16data[0], 1, digitalRead( 3 ));
bitWrite( au16data[0], 2, digitalRead( 4 ));
bitWrite( au16data[0], 3, digitalRead( 5 ));
// diagnose communication
au16data[6] = slave.getInCnt();
au16data[7] = slave.getOutCnt();
au16data[8] = slave.getErrCnt();
#include <ModbusRtu.h>
// data array for modbus network sharing
uint16_t au16data[16];
uint8_t u8state;
* Modbus object declaration
* u8id : node id = 0 for master, = 1..247 for slave
* u8serno : serial port (use 0 for Serial)
* u8txenpin : 0 for RS-232 and USB-FTDI
* or any pin number > 1 for RS-485
Modbus master(0,1,1); // this is master and RS-485
* This is an structe which contains a query to an slave device
modbus_t telegram;
unsigned long u32wait;
void setup() {
master.begin(19200); // baud-rate at 19200
master.setTimeOut(2000); // if there is no answer in 2000 ms, roll over
u32wait = millis() + 1000;
u8state = 0;
void loop() {
switch(u8state) {
case 0:
if (millis() > u32wait) u8state++; // wait state
case 1:
telegram.u8id = 1; // slave address
telegram.u8fct = 3; // function code (this one is registers read)
telegram.u16RegAdd = 1; // start address in slave
telegram.u16CoilsNo = 4; // number of elements (coils or registers) to read
telegram.au16reg = au16data; // pointer to a memory array in the Arduino
master.query(telegram); // send query (only once)
case 2:
master.poll(); // check incoming messages
if (master.getState() == COM_IDLE) {
u8state = 0;
u32wait = millis() + 100;
The output in the serial monitor is not changed when the input at Pin 2 is high in slave.
Could someone please tell me the possible cause and solution? If I've missed out anything, over- or under-emphasized a specific point, let me know in the comments.

Arduino to arduino i2c code

I have an OPT101 connected to a slave arduino to measure light intensity. I want to send the data received from the OPT101 circuit to a master arduino that will print the data on the serial monitor. When I test my code, nothing shows up on the screen. (I know it's not my i2c connection cause I tested it by sending "hello"). I am using an arduino leonardo as the slave and the arduino uno as the master.
The code for the OPT101 circuit is:
#define inPin0 0
void setup() {
void loop() {
int pinRead0 = analogRead(inPin0);
double pVolt0 = pinRead0 / 1024.00 * 5.0;
Serial.print(pVolt0, 4 );
I tired to combine the slave code and my OPT101 code to get this:
#define inPin0 0
void setup() {
void loop() {
void requestEvent()
int pinRead0 = analogRead(inPin0);
int pVolt0 = pinRead0 / 1024.0 * 5.0;
And this is my master code:
#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
Wire.requestFrom(2, 8);
char c =;
void loop()
You must follow steps described below to communicate between master and slave I2C devices:
Only master can initiate read or write request.
Read or write requests must be synchronous. It means, slave can only return data after master requests for them and vice versa for write.
Do not use slave address from 0 - 7. They are reserved. Use slave address that ranges between 8 to 127.
On Arduino I2C, you can only send and receive a byte. To send or receive integer, double that have multiple bytes, you need to split them first and on other side, you have to combine them into its equivalent datatype. (Correct me, if I'm wrong.)
Your code should be like this:
Master Sketch:
#include <Wire.h>
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x40
// This macro reads two byte from I2C slave and converts into equivalent int
#define I2C_ReadInteger(buf,dataInteger) \
buf[0] =; \
buf[1] =; \
dataInteger = *((int *)buf);
// Returns light intensity measured by 'SLAVE_ADDRESS' device
int GetLightIntensity()
byte Temp[2];
int Result;
// To get integer value from slave, two are required
int NumberOfBytes = 2;
// Request 'NumberOfBytes' from 'SLAVE_ADDRESS'
Wire.requestFrom(SLAVE_ADDRESS, NumberOfBytes);
// Call macro to read and convert bytes (Temp) to int (Result)
I2C_ReadInteger(Temp, Result);
return Result;
void setup()
// Initiate I2C Master
// Initiate Serial communication # 9600 baud or of your choice
void loop()
// Print light intensity at defined interval
Serial.print("Light Intensity = ");
Slave Sketch:
#include <Wire.h>
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x40
#define inPin0 0
// Preapres 2-bytes equivalent to its int
#define IntegerToByte(buf,intData) \
*((int *)buf) = intData;
// Sends int to Master
void I2C_SendInteger(int Data)
byte Temp[2];
// I2C can only send a byte at a time.
// Int is of 2bytes and we need to split them into bytes
// in order to send it to Master.
// On Master side, it receives 2bytes and parses into
// equvivalent int.
IntegerToByte(Temp, Data);
// Write 2bytes to Master
Wire.write(Temp, 2);
void setup()
// Initiate I2C Slave # 'SLAVE_ADDRESS'
// Register callback on request by Master
void loop()
void requestEvent()
// Read sensor
int pinRead0 = analogRead(inPin0);
int pVolt0 = pinRead0 / 1024.0 * 5.0;
// Send int to Master
This code is tested on Arduino Version: 1.6.7.
For more information regarding I2C communication, refer Arduino
Example: Master Reader
Why are you putting the while loop in the setup() function instead of using the loop() function ?
But more confusing is this line int pVolt0 = pinRead0 / 1024.0 * 5.0;. In the initial code the variable is not int but double. I suggest you try to recode using the original line:
double pVolt0 = pinRead0 / 1024.00 * 5.0;
And only then reduce to int.
In Arduino I2C, you can only send and receive one byte, and it is necessary to combine them in their equivalent data type.

RS232 communication in MPlab

I am using MPlab to read data from a pic micro controller. I am using pic18F87J11.
The data that I want to read is on pin 3 of the DB9 of the RS232, and my RS232 is connected to the pic micro controller.
Can anyone help me or give me a simple sample code to do that??
Thank you,
// Designed by
// Serial communications example. Echo data comes to serial port
// using serial receive interrupt.
#include <p18f4520.h>
#pragma config OSC = HS // 20MHz Crystal, (HS oscillator)
#pragma config PBADEN = OFF // PORTB<4:0> pins are configured as digital I/O on Reset)
#pragma config WDT = OFF // watch dog timer off
#pragma config LVP = OFF // Low voltage program off
unsigned char cUART_char;
unsigned char cUART_data_flg;
void init_uart(void);
void UART_putc(unsigned char c);
void InterruptHandlerLow ();
void main()
init_uart(); // init UART module
while (1) // infinite loop which handles ncoming data as they arrive
if (cUART_data_flg==1)// if new data available, send it back through USART tx line (echo it)
cUART_data_flg=0; // clear new data flag so one charactor will echoed once
#pragma code InterruptVectorLow = 0x18
void InterruptVectorLow (void)
goto InterruptHandlerLow //jump to interrupt routine
// Low priority interrupt routine
#pragma code
#pragma interrupt InterruptHandlerLow
void InterruptHandlerLow ()
if (PIR1bits.RCIF==1)//is interrupt occured by EUSART receive?,
//then RCREG is full we have new data (cleared when RCREG is read)
if(RCSTA&0x06) //more efficient way than following commented method to check for reception error
//if(RCSTAbits.FERR==1 || RCSTAbits.OERR==1 )
RCSTAbits.CREN=0; //Overrun error (can be cleared by clearing bit CREN)
cUART_char=RCREG; //clear Framing error
cUART_char = RCREG; // read new data into variable
cUART_data_flg = 1; // new data received. so enable flg
void init_uart(void) // init UART module for 9600bps boud, start bit 1, stopbit 1, parity NONE
cUART_data_flg=0; // init data receive flag to zero (no data)
TRISCbits.TRISC7=1; //Make UART RX pin input
TRISCbits.TRISC6=0; //Make UART TX pin output
SPBRGH = 0x02; //9600bps 20MHz Osc
SPBRG = 0x08;
RCSTAbits.CREN=1; //1 = Enables receiver
RCSTAbits.SPEN=1; //1 = Serial port enabled (configures RX/DT and TX/CK pins as serial port pins)
BAUDCONbits.BRG16=1;//1 = 16-bit Baud Rate Generator – SPBRGH and SPBRG
TXSTAbits.SYNC=0; //0 = Asynchronous mode
TXSTAbits.BRGH=1; //1 = High speed
TXSTAbits.TXEN=1; //1 = Transmit enabled
RCONbits.IPEN = 1; //enable Interrupt priority levels
IPR1bits.RCIP=0; // EUSART Receive Interrupt Priority 0 = Low priority
PIE1bits.RCIE=1; // 1 = Enables the EUSART receive interrupt
INTCONbits.GIEL = 1;//enable interrupts
INTCONbits.GIEH = 1;
void UART_putc(unsigned char c)
TXSTAbits.TXEN=0;// disable transmission
TXREG=c; // load txreg with data
TXSTAbits.TXEN=1; // enable transmission
while(TXSTAbits.TRMT==0) // wait here till transmit complete
