Arduino to Arduino Modbus RTU in RS-485 - arduino

I'm trying Arduino to Arduino (master-slave) communication using Modbus RTU protocol in RS-485. I am using an Arduino Mega 2560 for the project and using this library Modbus RTU. As of now, the master simply reads data slave and prints in the Serial monitor.
I tried the following code:
#include <ModbusRtu.h>
#define ID 3
Modbus slave(ID, 0, 0);
boolean led;
int8_t state = 0;
unsigned long tempus;
// data array for modbus network sharing
uint16_t au16data[9];
void setup() {
// define i/o
pinMode(2, INPUT);
pinMode(3, INPUT);
pinMode(4, INPUT);
pinMode(5, INPUT);
// start communication
tempus = millis() + 100;
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
void loop() {
// poll messages
// blink led pin on each valid message
state = slave.poll( au16data, 9 );
if (state > 4) {
tempus = millis() + 50;
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
if (millis() > tempus) digitalWrite(13, LOW );
// get digital inputs -> au16data[0]
bitWrite( au16data[0], 0, digitalRead( 2 ));
bitWrite( au16data[0], 1, digitalRead( 3 ));
bitWrite( au16data[0], 2, digitalRead( 4 ));
bitWrite( au16data[0], 3, digitalRead( 5 ));
// diagnose communication
au16data[6] = slave.getInCnt();
au16data[7] = slave.getOutCnt();
au16data[8] = slave.getErrCnt();
#include <ModbusRtu.h>
// data array for modbus network sharing
uint16_t au16data[16];
uint8_t u8state;
* Modbus object declaration
* u8id : node id = 0 for master, = 1..247 for slave
* u8serno : serial port (use 0 for Serial)
* u8txenpin : 0 for RS-232 and USB-FTDI
* or any pin number > 1 for RS-485
Modbus master(0,1,1); // this is master and RS-485
* This is an structe which contains a query to an slave device
modbus_t telegram;
unsigned long u32wait;
void setup() {
master.begin(19200); // baud-rate at 19200
master.setTimeOut(2000); // if there is no answer in 2000 ms, roll over
u32wait = millis() + 1000;
u8state = 0;
void loop() {
switch(u8state) {
case 0:
if (millis() > u32wait) u8state++; // wait state
case 1:
telegram.u8id = 1; // slave address
telegram.u8fct = 3; // function code (this one is registers read)
telegram.u16RegAdd = 1; // start address in slave
telegram.u16CoilsNo = 4; // number of elements (coils or registers) to read
telegram.au16reg = au16data; // pointer to a memory array in the Arduino
master.query(telegram); // send query (only once)
case 2:
master.poll(); // check incoming messages
if (master.getState() == COM_IDLE) {
u8state = 0;
u32wait = millis() + 100;
The output in the serial monitor is not changed when the input at Pin 2 is high in slave.
Could someone please tell me the possible cause and solution? If I've missed out anything, over- or under-emphasized a specific point, let me know in the comments.


Arduino send bad signal to interrupt pin

I have connected coin hopper and coin acceptor to one arduino uno, coin acceptor connected to pin 2, coin hopper to pin 3 - sensor and pin 7 - relay. When coin hopper switch relay, it is executing coininterrupt
for coin hopper I am using this script link
coin acceptor script: link
I need this 2 scripts working on 1 arduino
my code:
#define SENSOR 3
#define RELAY 7
#define ACCEPTOR 2
volatile boolean insert = false;
int pulse=0,count;
char sen;
int temp=0;
unsigned long int timer;
void setup()
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ACCEPTOR), coinInterrupt, RISING);
void loop()
if (insert) {
insert = false;
// temp is amount to dispense send to arduino
// if hopper sensor read drop coin
Serial.println("out 1");
//if dispensed coins equal with coins to dispense stop engine
// if amount dispensed is not equal with amount to dispense and engine running, stop
void coinInterrupt() {
insert = true;
I was trying to change pins (arduino uno support interrupts on pin 2 and 3 only) but problem still appears so I guess there is issue in the code
your sketch does not run in this state :
first fix errors :
declare insert as volatile
remove cpulse (not used anywhere)
change 'if()' to (I suppose) 'if (insert) ....'
remove stuff with 'sen' var : simply use if(digitalRead(SENSOR)) or if(!digitalRead(SENSOR))
except if you need to store relay state.
use logical operators like || or && unless you really need bitwise operations
example of result sketch :
#define SENSOR 3
#define RELAY 7
volatile boolean insert = false;
byte amountToDispense = 0;
int pulse = 0;
int temp = 0;
unsigned long int timer;
void setup()
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), coinInterrupt, RISING);
void loop()
if (insert ) {
insert = false;
if (Serial.available())
timer = millis();
temp = Serial.parseInt();
if (temp > 0) {
//amountToDispense = - 48;
digitalWrite(RELAY, LOW);
if (digitalRead(SENSOR))
timer = millis();
Serial.println("out 1");
if (pulse >= temp)
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
pulse = 0;
temp = 0;
if (!digitalRead(RELAY) && (millis() - timer > 2000))
digitalWrite(RELAY, HIGH);
pulse = 0;
temp = 0;
void coinInterrupt() {
insert = true;
What is this supposed to do?
You init sen with digitalRead(SENSOR);
Assuming that pin is LOW when you start the sketch and turns HIGH, sen will become 1.
Next you do sen &= 0x03 so sen is still 1.
Again sen=(sen<<1)|digitalRead(SENSOR); , sen will either be 2 or 3.
Next loop run sen=(sen<<1)|digitalRead(SENSOR); sen is now 4 or 6. and so on...
I don't have time to think about what you want to achieve but this is definitely a problem as you'll only enter if (sen == 1) once and never again.
If this is not sufficient you should probably improve your post as it is unclear what arduino sends bad signal to interrup pin is supposed to mean. That doesn't make sense. Explain the expected behaviour of your program and how it behaves instead. add more comments so it becomes clear what you intend to do with each block of code so we don't have to interpret

arduino as modbus RS485 slave sending message to master

I am French speaking, excuse my poor English. I am working on a rs485 modbus communication between 2 arduino megas. I would like the slave to send for example the value "10" to the master.
On the slave I use the example of the library :
#include <ModbusSlave.h>
// explicitly set stream to use the Serial serialport
Modbus slave(Serial, 1); // stream = Serial, slave id = 1, rs485 control-pin = 8
void setup() {
// register handler functions
slave.cbVector[CB_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS] = ReadAnalogIn;
// slave.cbVector[CB_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS] = readMemory;
// start slave at baud 9600 on Serial
Serial.begin( 9600 ); // baud = 9600
slave.begin( 9600 );
void loop() {
// listen for modbus commands con serial port
// Handel Read Input Registers (FC=04)
uint8_t ReadAnalogIn(uint8_t fc, uint16_t address, uint16_t length) {
// write registers into the answer buffer
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint16_t res;
res = 221;
//slave.writeRegisterToBuffer(i, analogRead(address + i));
return STATUS_OK;
on the master I use an example from the librabry
#include <ModbusMaster.h>
// instantiate ModbusMaster object
ModbusMaster node;
void setup()
// use Serial (port 0); initialize Modbus communication baud rate
// communicate with Modbus slave ID 1 over Serial (port 0)
node.begin(1, Serial);
void loop()
static uint32_t i;
uint8_t j, result;
uint16_t data[6];
// set word 0 of TX buffer to least-significant word of counter (bits 15..0)
// node.setTransmitBuffer(0, lowWord(i));
// set word 1 of TX buffer to most-significant word of counter (bits 31..16)
// node.setTransmitBuffer(1, highWord(i));
// slave: write TX buffer to (2) 16-bit registers starting at register 0
// result = node.writeMultipleRegisters(0, 2);
// slave: read (6) 16-bit registers starting at register 2 to RX buffer
result = node.readHoldingRegisters(2, 6);
// do something with data if read is successful
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)
but it does not work, it seems that there is no communication between the arduino. does anyone have a solution?

How can I make a NeoPixels LED animation be toggled on/off by an OSC message?

Currently I am attempting to figure out how to control my Adafruit NeoPixels strip using OSC. More specifically, I am using TouchOSC to send/receive messages over WiFi from my NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller, which is connected to my NeoPixels.
I have downloaded some test code that somebody else made that listens for OSC messages to toggle the tiny LED on the NodeMCU board on/off. When the controller receives the message, it sends the message back to the TouchOSC client to tell whether or not the light is on (it's a toggle button). This all works perfectly fine.
I've written a simple function that animates the NeoPixel LED strip connected to the NodeMCU board. On its own, this also works perfectly fine.
What I've been struggling with is to figure out a way to get my function [the one called gwBlink()] to run in a loop when the LED is toggled on.
I've attached the code. Could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?? I would be eternally grateful for any help!! :)
The TouchOSC interface:
* Send and receive OSC messages between NodeMCU and another OSC speaking device.
* Send Case: Press a physical button (connected to NodeMCU) and get informed about it on your smartphone screen
* Receive Case: Switch an LED (connected to NodeMCU) on or off via Smartphone
* Created by Fabian Fiess in November 2016
* Inspired by Oscuino Library Examples, Make Magazine 12/2015
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <OSCMessage.h> // for sending OSC messages
#include <OSCBundle.h> // for receiving OSC messages
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN 3
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(58, 3, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
char ssid[] = "XXX"; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "XXX"; // your network password
// Button Input + LED Output
const int btnPin = 12; // D6 pin at NodeMCU
const int ledPin = 14; // D5 pin at NodeMCU
const int boardLed = LED_BUILTIN; // Builtin LED
boolean btnChanged = false;
int btnVal = 1;
WiFiUDP Udp; // A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
const IPAddress destIp(192,168,0,10); // remote IP of the target device (i.e. THE PHONE)
const unsigned int destPort = 12000; // remote port of the target device where the NodeMCU sends OSC to
const unsigned int localPort = 10000; // local port to listen for UDP packets at the NodeMCU (another device must send OSC messages to this port)
unsigned int ledState = 1; // LOW means led is *on*
void setup() {
// Specify a static IP address for NodeMCU - only needeed for receiving messages)
// If you erase this line, your ESP8266 will get a dynamic IP address
WiFi.config(IPAddress(192,168,0,13),IPAddress(192,168,0,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0));
// Connect to WiFi network
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
Serial.println("Starting UDP");
Serial.print("Local port: ");
// btnInput + LED Output
pinMode(btnPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(boardLed, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
void sendOSC(){
// read btnInput and send OSC
OSCMessage msgOut("/1/buttonListener");
if(digitalRead(btnPin) != btnVal) {
btnChanged = true;
btnVal = digitalRead(btnPin);
if(btnChanged == true){
btnChanged = false;
digitalWrite(ledPin, btnVal);
digitalWrite(boardLed, (btnVal + 1) % 2); // strange, but for the builtin LED 0 means on, 1 means off
Serial.print("Button: ");
Udp.beginPacket(destIp, destPort);
void receiveOSC(){
OSCMessage msgIN;
int size;
if((size = Udp.parsePacket())>0){
void gwBlink() {
// LED strip animation
uint16_t i, j;
for(i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i = i + 2) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 182, 90);
for(j = 1; j < strip.numPixels(); j = j + 2) {
strip.setPixelColor(j, 128, 128, 128);
for(i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i = i + 2) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, 128, 128, 128);
for(j = 1; j < strip.numPixels(); j = j + 2) {
strip.setPixelColor(j, 0, 182, 90);
void toggleOnOff(OSCMessage &msg, int addrOffset){
ledState = (boolean) msg.getFloat(0);
digitalWrite(boardLed, (ledState + 1) % 2); // Onboard LED works the wrong direction (1 = 0 bzw. 0 = 1)
digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState); // External LED
if (ledState) {
Serial.println("LED on");
else {
Serial.println("LED off");
ledState = !ledState; // toggle the state from HIGH to LOW to HIGH to LOW ...
This code actually works fine as far as switching the little LED on the board on/off, but my animation function isn't triggered.
I have only been working with NeoPixels for a short time, but I had problems when trying to use them & serial monitor simultaneously. Once I disabled the serial command (//Serial.begin(115200);), they worked fine. The documentation doesn't plainly state this, I discovered it in a thread where an Adafruit Admin referred to using serial while trying to also update the NeoPixels as a "pain".
If commenting out Serial.begin fixes your problem, then I guess you can experiment with:
*if (Serial.available()) {
int inByte =;
Serial1.print(inByte, DEC);
...idk, but it's worth trying.

Having hard time achieving 1 Msps with external 12bit- ADC(LTC2365) using Arduino Due

I have an LTC2365/1 Msps 12bit-ADC with SPI pins. Somehow I only could achieve a maximum of 200 Ksps with this ADC rather than something close to 1 Msps using an Arduino Due. I wonder if anyone could help me with this issue. I tried many ways but couldn't figure it out.
Datasheet for the ADC:
Here is the code I use for Arduino:
#include <SPI.h>
const int spi_ss = 10; // set SPI SS Pin
uint8_t byte_0, byte_1; // First and second bytes read
uint16_t spi_bytes; // final 12 bit shited value
long int starttime,endtime;
long int count=0;
void setup() {
SerialUSB.begin(2000000); // begin serial and set speed
pinMode(spi_ss, OUTPUT); // Set SPI slave select pin as output
digitalWriteDirect(spi_ss, HIGH); // Make sure spi_ss is held high
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(16000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
void loop2() {
while((endtime-starttime)<=1000) {
// write the LTC CS pin low to initiate ADC sample and data transmit
digitalWriteDirect(spi_ss, LOW);
byte_0 = spi_read(0x00); // read firt 8 bits
byte_1 = spi_read(0x00); // read second 8 bits
digitalWriteDirect(spi_ss, HIGH);
// wite LTC CS pin high to stop LTC from transmitting zeros.
spi_bytes = ( ( (byte_0 <<6) ) + (byte_1 >>2) );
//samples per second
static inline uint8_t spi_read(uint8_t b) {
return SPI.transfer(b);
inline void digitalWriteDirect(int pin, boolean val) {
if(val) g_APinDescription[pin].pPort -> PIO_SODR = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin;
else g_APinDescription[pin].pPort -> PIO_CODR = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin;

Zigbee/Xbee as Receiver and Transmitter - missing packets on receiver side

My problem statement is very simple. I have one Arduino Uno and another Arduino Mega Board. Both have got Zigbee Shield mounted on them. One of them is working as Transmitter (Uno) and another (Mega) as a receiver.
Code for Tx:
void setup() {
void loop() {
Code for Rx:
char msg;
const int led = 13; //led at pin 13
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);//Remember that the baud must be the same on both arduinos
void loop() {
while(Serial.available() ) {;
if(msg=='H') {
Serial.println("Message High");
if(msg=='L') {
Serial.println("Message Low");
On Tx side it is sending packets serially High Low
However on the receiver side, I get some packets missing. It is like
Message High
Message High
Message Low
Message High
Message High
Message High
Message Low
Message Low
Message Low
Message Low
Message Low
Message Low
Message Low
Message Low
Message Low
I would expect that it should print
Message High
Message Low
Message High
Message Low
How can i receive packets synchronously and How can i aware of any packetlos on the Rx side.
Thank you for your suggestions, corrections, comments!
First off, this statement is false: "Remember that the baud must be the same on both arduinos." You can run at different baud rates on each end of the wireless link, since the XBee modules buffer your requests. The XBee baud rate just determines the line speed of the serial connection between your host and the radio module. Everything is sent "over the air" at 250kbps.
Second, the problem is that you have a delay inside your while loop on the receiver. With that delay, you can only process one character every 200ms, so you're overflowing your buffer. The other end is sending 7 characters ("HighLow") every 400ms, and you only process 2 of them in that time.
Move the delay outside of the loop and you should be fine.
The following can be interesting to beginners
Arduino Code : Sensor + Xbee Tx
//Reference: Sparkfun
// Declaration of all necessary header file
#include "Wire.h"
#include <SPI.h>
// Declarations of Parameters
int scale_ADXL337 = 3; // 3 (±3g) for ADXL337, 200 (±200g) for ADXL377
int scale_ADXL377 = 200;// 3 (±3g) for ADXL337, 200 (±200g) for ADXL377
float rawX_ADXL337, rawY_ADXL337, rawZ_ADXL337; // Raw values for each axis of Sensor ADXL337
float rawX_ADXL377, rawY_ADXL377, rawZ_ADXL377; // Raw values for each axis of Sensor ADXL377
float scaledX_ADXL337, scaledY_ADXL337, scaledZ_ADXL337; // Scaled values for each axis of Sensor ADXL337
float scaledX_ADXL377, scaledY_ADXL377, scaledZ_ADXL377; // Scaled values for each axis of Sensor ADXL377
boolean micro_is_5V = false; // Set to true if using a 5V microcontroller such as the Arduino Uno, false if using a 3.3V microcontroller, this affects the interpretation of the sensor data
void setup()
// Initialize serial communication at 115200 baud
//Serial.print("The Accelerometer ADXL377 and ADXL337 are connected to the MEGA BOARD");
// Read, scale_ADXL337, and print accelerometer data
void loop()
// Get raw accelerometer data for each axis
rawX_ADXL377 = analogRead(A0);
rawY_ADXL377 = analogRead(A1);
rawZ_ADXL377 = analogRead(A2);
rawX_ADXL337 = analogRead(A3);
rawY_ADXL337 = analogRead(A4);
rawZ_ADXL337 = analogRead(A5);
scaledX_ADXL377 = mapf(rawX_ADXL377, 0, 1023, -scale_ADXL377, scale_ADXL377);
scaledY_ADXL377 = mapf(rawY_ADXL377, 0, 1023, -scale_ADXL377, scale_ADXL377);
scaledZ_ADXL377 = mapf(rawZ_ADXL377, 0, 1023, -scale_ADXL377, scale_ADXL377);
scaledX_ADXL337 = mapf(rawX_ADXL337, 0, 1023, -scale_ADXL337, scale_ADXL337);
scaledY_ADXL337 = mapf(rawY_ADXL337, 0, 1023, -scale_ADXL337, scale_ADXL337);
scaledZ_ADXL337 = mapf(rawZ_ADXL337, 0, 1023, -scale_ADXL337, scale_ADXL337);
delay(200); // Minimum delay of 2 milliseconds between sensor reads (500 Hz)
delay(200); // Minimum delay of 2 milliseconds between sensor reads (500 Hz)
// Same functionality as Arduino's standard map function, except using floats
float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
Receiver : On Aduino + XBEE Explorer (suggested by tomlogic)
long msg;
const int led = 13; //led at pin 13
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);//Remember that the baud must be the same on both arduinos
void loop() {
while(Serial.available() ) {;
Receiver on USB XBEE USB in Ubuntu
Imp : chown username /dev/ttyS1 (in my case ttyS1)
//Source :
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
/* Change to the baud rate of the port B2400, B9600, B19200, etc */
#define SPEED B9600
/* Change to the serial port you want to use /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyS0, etc. */
#define PORT "/dev/ttyS1"
int main( ){
int fd = open( PORT, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY );
if (fd <0) {perror(PORT); exit(-1); }
struct termios options;
bzero(&options, sizeof(options));
options.c_cflag = SPEED | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD | IGNPAR;
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &options);
int r;
char buf[255];
while( 1 ){
r = read( fd, buf, 255 );
printf( "%s", buf );
