How to capture screen all things in scroll view in Firefox using Robot Framework - robotframework

I have to capture screenshot all things in scroll view, I use keyword Selenium2Library.Capture Page Screenshot and then zoom out but it got only visible screen.
Search Transaction Data By Input Date
Input Text &{Transaction}[startDate] ${STARTDATE}
Input Text &{Transaction}[endDate] ${ENDDATE}
Click Element &{Transaction}[searchBtn]
Wait Until Element Is Visible &{Transaction}[firstTransDate] timeout=10s
Firefox Browser Zoom Out 3
capture page screenshot
Appreciate everyone can suggest if there are other ways to capture all things in scroll view.


a11y in PC Chrome: Up/Down Arrow keys causing yellow highlight when JAWS open

I've been working over the past several months to make a site accessible and a JAWS issue has recently brought to my attention by our QA department.
I've put up a CodePen showing an example similar to what I've built. The main piece here is the Track List:
<div id="track-list"
The idea is that we have a Chapter list of menu-items which can be hidden or shown by clicking a Button. When the list is showing, you will tab from the Chapters button into the list. Once in the list, Tab & Shift+Tab will only scroll through the menu items. Only the 'Esc' key will exit the list.
The Issue:
Without JAWS running this works fine. If a user attempts to hit the 'Up/Down' keys, nothing out of the ordinary occurs.
However, once JAWS is open it was found that if the Up/Down keys were used then a colored highlight box would appear that would read other parts of the page without necessarily focusing them. Originally, this would include the hidden menu-items, but I was able to get rid of this by setting their display to 'none' (as opposed to just setting their opacity to '0').
However, you can still see in this example that if you take the following steps:
Tab to Chapters Button
Hit Space or Enter to hide the menu
Hit the 'Down' Key on the keyboard. The next, "Play/Pause button" should highlight and be read aloud by JAWS screen reader.
Meanwhile, the 'Chapters' button remains 'focused' with the default browser highlight.
My question is around this highlight box and the expected function of Up/Down keys within JAWS. What is the purpose of this highlight box as it seems decoupled from the browser focus. Is there a way to disable it? Do users typically use Up/Down keys, and if so, does this look like the expected behavior or should I be taking more into consideration to avoid confusion around these keys while working on accessibility updates?
Thank you,
an element with role="menu" must be controlled by arrow keys e.g. down arrow key moves focus to the next menu item and up arrow moves to the previous menu item and tab/shift+tab must moves focus to the next/previous page element. the correct implementation example:

Scan an element that disappears from screen in TOSCA

Can anyone guide me on if we can scan an error alert in TOSCA which appears on the screen only for few seconds. Is there any way to do it after the element has disappeared.
If the error element is part of the web page then you can use the filter and search slider bar on the XSCAN window by sliding it towards right, it should show components of the page with further details. The error alert component would most probably be there with the property has hidden.
Open Developer Console(F12 for Chrome)-> Settings->Debugger-> disable JavaScript. Now the element will remain on the screen for as long as you want.

JavaFX 2 - Autoscroll to last item in exceeded toolbar

I am creating File Manager like Miller column app for windows in JavaFX for learning purpose.
Check the screenshot below:
As you can see, when toolbar exceeds, there comes a double arrow button for more items to select from popup.
I already did auto scroll for miller column, which works as expected.
I would like to auto scroll toolbar to last item and show double arrow on left side.
I am adding adding clickable buttons in toolbar for traversing like manual BreadCumBar.
Tried ControlsFX BreadCumBar, it doesn't even show arrows or popup when exceeds, Bug here :
If its not possible to do so with toolbar, I would like to know how to customize toolbar popup only via css. Or any other way that improve usability easiness.
Also I would love to know suggestions for whole app from expert designers.

Could the screen of apple watch be scrolling/paging style?

If I want to design things on the Apple Watch with many contents then exceeds the screen, could it be scroll or paged?
Yes. It does. WKInterface allows you to scroll to bottom/up when content is more than the screen size. As you keep on adding the content to interface, Watchkit will automatically create scroll that allows you to view the content to the bottom. Second one is horizontal scrolling page by page. In WatchKit there is only one way to do horizontal page based scrolling. You have to set up a page based UI. You will have to have a new instance of a controller for each page. See link for more info.

iPad SplitView Master View shows but with minor (and incorrect) variation

I'm practicing development of a simple iPad Split View app (Stanford's Hegarty online class). And everything works for the most part. However, the Master side ('left side), although working in landscape mode looks a little different than what I expect it to as a 'popover' in portrait mode. The 'popover' covers the left side of the screen including the toolbar button item that triggered it where normally it should not cover that button.
Unfortunately I can't post images so I'll try my best to describe in more detail. Normally the 'proper' popover will be hovering right below the bar item button that triggered it with a thick arrow-ish thingie (the 'anchor') pointing to the button and not covering that button. The popover can be dismissed by clicking on that button again (or elsewhere on the screen).
What's happening to me, however, is that when I click the bar item button to show the popover, the resulting popover 'covers' the button and essentially fills up the left portion of the screen (the detail view is under it and most of it is showing) with its designated width (so, again, it doesn't cover the entire detail view). The is no 'anchor' arrow pointing to the bar item button since it is obviously covering it instead. The popover is dismissed normally once I click anywhere else on the screen.
So why is my popover covering the button and not simply hovering under it with an 'anchor' pointing to it as it should?
I don't think it it makes much sense to post code at this point because I don't think it'll help and more importantly not sure what portion to post considering this might be a problem with how I wired it in the Builder. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated!
I believe its a change that came in IOS5.1
If you want the same behaviour you probably need to set the master up as a popover segue, from a toolbar button or similar in the detail view, and set the split view delegate to not show the master in portrait.
I'm on the move now but if you want any more info let me know and I'll try and get back to you later.
