Scan an element that disappears from screen in TOSCA - tosca

Can anyone guide me on if we can scan an error alert in TOSCA which appears on the screen only for few seconds. Is there any way to do it after the element has disappeared.

If the error element is part of the web page then you can use the filter and search slider bar on the XSCAN window by sliding it towards right, it should show components of the page with further details. The error alert component would most probably be there with the property has hidden.

Open Developer Console(F12 for Chrome)-> Settings->Debugger-> disable JavaScript. Now the element will remain on the screen for as long as you want.


How to capture screen all things in scroll view in Firefox using Robot Framework

I have to capture screenshot all things in scroll view, I use keyword Selenium2Library.Capture Page Screenshot and then zoom out but it got only visible screen.
Search Transaction Data By Input Date
Input Text &{Transaction}[startDate] ${STARTDATE}
Input Text &{Transaction}[endDate] ${ENDDATE}
Click Element &{Transaction}[searchBtn]
Wait Until Element Is Visible &{Transaction}[firstTransDate] timeout=10s
Firefox Browser Zoom Out 3
capture page screenshot
Appreciate everyone can suggest if there are other ways to capture all things in scroll view.

Changing place of element when I zoom out

When I search any thing in input Search and zoom out (ctrl/-) on my website , place of result of search will be change ! How I should fix it that result of search open bottom of input search exactly ?
My url : link of my website and it's pic of result of search : pic of my website
Looking at your website it seems that you have a script which generates the results using absolute positioning after results are loaded. Upon zooming out the absolute positioning is no longer relevant.
If it were possible, a solution would have been to listen for the browser's zoom event and recalculate this, however there is currently no way to do that. More information about that in this SO question: Catch browser's "zoom" event in JavaScript
The ideal solution would be to change the structure of your dropdown to not need absolute positioning if you want to handle this scenario.
Alternatively, you can keep searching for ways to listen to the zoom event and update the positioning of your dropdown using the search input's left offset.

Media Query doesn't change CSS when Maximizing Browser and Switching Tabs

Here is a bit of CSS that has a simple media query.
When I shrink the page so that the view port is less than 320, the box turns green. Now if I follow these steps, the browser will be maximized, but the CSS will still be in the state defined by the media query at 320px.
With the page opened in the first tab, and the browser sized so that the < 320px media query is enabled,
Open a new tab, Browse to a website, like
Maximize the browser.
Take an extended browsing session away from the first tab. Do not reactivate the first tab for a few minutes.
Activate the first tab with the window maximized.
At this point, the view port should be full screen, but the element should still be the green block.
This means the <320 media query is still applied. If you open the debugger though, you'll see that the CSS applied though is the normal CSS. Is this a bug with Chrome?
Here's an album on imgur that shows the sequence.
Opened, maximized.
Reduced viewport, media query enabled.
Maximized, still using media query.
Looking at the CSS, it says that the dimensions are 300x200, but the UI shows 100x100. Something is broken.
The fix for this issue is to convince Chrome to update the render on the page. You can do it by resizing, maximizing, or changing a class on the body tag. I've updated to codepen to use a visibilitychange event that fires during tab switching to toggle a class on the body to force Chrome to update the page render.

iPad SplitView Master View shows but with minor (and incorrect) variation

I'm practicing development of a simple iPad Split View app (Stanford's Hegarty online class). And everything works for the most part. However, the Master side ('left side), although working in landscape mode looks a little different than what I expect it to as a 'popover' in portrait mode. The 'popover' covers the left side of the screen including the toolbar button item that triggered it where normally it should not cover that button.
Unfortunately I can't post images so I'll try my best to describe in more detail. Normally the 'proper' popover will be hovering right below the bar item button that triggered it with a thick arrow-ish thingie (the 'anchor') pointing to the button and not covering that button. The popover can be dismissed by clicking on that button again (or elsewhere on the screen).
What's happening to me, however, is that when I click the bar item button to show the popover, the resulting popover 'covers' the button and essentially fills up the left portion of the screen (the detail view is under it and most of it is showing) with its designated width (so, again, it doesn't cover the entire detail view). The is no 'anchor' arrow pointing to the bar item button since it is obviously covering it instead. The popover is dismissed normally once I click anywhere else on the screen.
So why is my popover covering the button and not simply hovering under it with an 'anchor' pointing to it as it should?
I don't think it it makes much sense to post code at this point because I don't think it'll help and more importantly not sure what portion to post considering this might be a problem with how I wired it in the Builder. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated!
I believe its a change that came in IOS5.1
If you want the same behaviour you probably need to set the master up as a popover segue, from a toolbar button or similar in the detail view, and set the split view delegate to not show the master in portrait.
I'm on the move now but if you want any more info let me know and I'll try and get back to you later.

How to dynamically show number of products in a row according to browser size?

In an ecommerce site, I would like to display number of items in a row according to browser width, but minimum will be 4 items. Just like what has been done in Amozon site, if you try to browse, try to maximize and shrink your browser, you will find that number of items display in [More Items to Consider] section is according to your browser size. It is smart enough to know when it should fully hide or show an item, no partially visible item forever.
Anyone know what is this technology called? Any idea how this can be done? Thanks in advance.
You can do this with float elements in a div with overflow:hidden. I'll jsfiddle a proof of concept for you.
Make your browser window bigger and smaller and you will see more and less pears.
That is just CSS based.
An example of what you want to accomplish from a friend website redesign
shrink and wide the browser so you can see the effect
You can also use JQuery to moniter whether browser window is resized, through $(window).resize function. And you'll have to call details of the products shown either using Ajax or with iframe by reloading the page within iframe with more products.
The code to be written inside browser's resize method will be as follows.
$(window).resize(function() {
//Your code on resizing the browser.
