Why does go standard library prefer pointer receivers? - pointers

Is there a reason why Go standard library prefers pointer receivers, even where value receivers would work?
For example, in go 1.14 io.multiwriter:
type multiWriter struct {
writers []Writer
func (t *multiWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
func MultiWriter(writers ...Writer) Writer {
return &multiWriter{allWriters}
This would work even if instead of &multiWriter{allWriters}, the function returned multiWriter value, and func (t *multiWriter) Write had a value receiver.
Is there a reason why go standard library consistently prefers pointer receivers?

multiWriter's methods could indeed skip the pointer receivers, but since MultiWriter returns an interface and interfaces in Go only contain a type and a pointer to the data, you would need to separately allocate a struct anyway.
One interesting point here is that, as far as I can tell, this is an implementation detail and not part of the spec. One could imagine an alternative Go implementation which uses a different representation of interfaces in memory, potentially allowing small structs to fit directly in interface values without pointers.

Is there a reason why go standard library consistently prefers pointer receivers
Sometimes it's for compatibility reasons (e.g. because the first version would not have worked on value receivers). Sometimes it's for consistency reasons. Sometimes it's author preference. There is not much to see or learn here.


Create interface wrapping existing types with pointer-receiver methods

I need to test an app which uses Google Cloud Pubsub, and so must wrap its types pubsub.Client and pubsub.Subscriber for testing purposes. However, despite several attempts I can't get an interface around them which compiles.
The definitions of the methods I'm trying to wrap are:
func (s *Subscription) Receive(
ctx context.Context, f func(context.Context, *Message)) error
func (c *Client) Subscription(id string) *Subscription
Here is the current code. The Receiver interface (wrapper around Subscriber) seems to work, but I suspect it may need to change in order to fix SubscriptionMaker, so I've include both.
Note: I've tried several variations of where to reference and dereference pointers, so please don't tell me to change that unless you have an explanation of why your suggested configuration is the correct one or you've personally verified it compiles.
import (
type Receiver interface {
Receive(context.Context, func(ctx context.Context, msg *pubsub.Message)) (err error)
// Pubsub subscriptions implement Receiver
var _ Receiver = &pubsub.Subscription{}
type SubscriptionMaker interface {
Subscription(name string) (s Receiver)
// Pubsub clients implement SubscriptionMaker
var _ SubscriptionMaker = pubsub.Client{}
Current error message:
common_types.go:21:5: cannot use "cloud.google.com/go/pubsub".Client literal (type "cloud.google.com/go/pubsub".Client) as type SubscriptionMaker in assignment:
"cloud.google.com/go/pubsub".Client does not implement SubscriptionMaker (wrong type for Subscription method)
have Subscription(string) *"cloud.google.com/go/pubsub".Subscription
want Subscription(string) Receiver
First, for most uses, using the ptest package is probably a much easier approach for testing pubsub. But of course, your specific question can apply to any library, and the below approach can be useful for many things, not just mocking pubsub.
Your broader goal of using interfaces to mock a library like this, is doable. But it is complicated when the library you wish to mock out returns concrete types that you cannot mock (probably due to unreported fields). The approach to be taken is much more involved than is often worth it, as there may be easier ways to test your code.
But if you're intent on doing this, the approach you must take is to not wrap the entire package in interfaces, not just the specific methods you wish to mock.
You would need to wrap any types that you wish to mock which are returned by or accepted by your interface, too. This usually means you also need to modify your production code (not just your test code), so this can sometimes be a deal-breaker for existing code bases.
Where I have usually done this before is when mocking something like the standard library's sql driver, but the same approach can be applied here. In essence, you would need to create a wrapper package for your pubsub library, which you use even in your production code. Again, this can be quite intrusive on existing codebases, but for the sake of illustration. Using your defined interfaces:
package mypubsub
import "cloud.google.com/go/pubsub"
type Receiver interface {
Recieve(context.Context, func(context.Context, *pubsub.Message) error)
type SubscriptionMaker interface {
Subscription(string) Receiver
You can then wrap the default implementation, for use in production code:
// defaultClient wraps the default pubsub Client functionality.
type defaultClient struct {
func (d defaultImplementation) Subscription(name string) Receiver {
return d.Client.Subscription()
Naturally, you'd need to expand this package to wrap most or all of the pubsub package you're using. This can be a bit daunting.
But once you've done that, then use your mypubsub package everywhere in your code, instead of directly depending on the pubsub package. And now you can easily swap out a mock implementation anywhere you need for testing.
It can't be done.
When defining the type signature of a method on an interface, it must match exactly. func (c *Client) Subscription(id string) *Subscription returns a *Subscription, and a *Subscription is a valid Receiver, but it does not count as conforming to the interface method Subscription(string) Receiver. Go requires precise matching for function signatures, not the duck-typing style that it usually uses for interfaces.

Custom errors in golang and pointer receivers

Reading about value receivers vs pointer receivers across the web and stackoverflow, I understand the basic rule to be: If you don't plan to modify the receiver, and the receiver is relatively small, there is no need for pointers.
Then, reading about implementing the error interface (eg. https://blog.golang.org/error-handling-and-go), I see that examples of the Error() function all use pointer receiver.
Yet, we are not modifying the receiver, and the struct is very small.
I feel like the code is much nicer without pointers (return &appError{} vs return appError{}).
Is there a reason why the examples are using pointers?
First, the blog post you linked and took your example from, appError is not an error. It's a wrapper that carries an error value and other related info used by the implementation of the examples, they are not exposed, and not appError nor *appError is ever used as an error value.
So the example you quoted has nothing to do with your actual question. But to answer the question in title:
In general, consistency may be the reason. If a type has many methods and some need pointer receiver (e.g. because they modify the value), often it's useful to declare all methods with pointer receiver, so there's no confusion about the method sets of the type and the pointer type.
Answering regarding error implementations: when you use a struct value to implement an error value, it's dangerous to use a non-pointer to implement the error interface. Why is it so?
Because error is an interface. And interface values are comparable. And they are compared by comparing the values they wrap. And you get different comparison result based what values / types are wrapped inside them! Because if you store pointers in them, the error values will be equal if they store the same pointer. And if you store non-pointers (structs) in them, they are equal if the struct values are equal.
To elaborate on this and show an example:
The standard library has an errors package. You can create error values from string values using the errors.New() function. If you look at its implementation (errors/errors.go), it's simple:
// Package errors implements functions to manipulate errors.
package errors
// New returns an error that formats as the given text.
func New(text string) error {
return &errorString{text}
// errorString is a trivial implementation of error.
type errorString struct {
s string
func (e *errorString) Error() string {
return e.s
The implementation returns a pointer to a very simple struct value. This is so that if you create 2 error values with the same string value, they won't be equal:
e1 := errors.New("hey")
e2 := errors.New("hey")
fmt.Println(e1, e2, e1 == e2)
hey hey false
This is intentional.
Now if you would return a non-pointer:
func New(text string) error {
return errorString{text}
type errorString struct {
s string
func (e errorString) Error() string {
return e.s
2 error values with the same string would be equal:
e1 = New("hey")
e2 = New("hey")
fmt.Println(e1, e2, e1 == e2)
hey hey true
Try the examples on the Go Playground.
A shining example why this is important: Look at the error value stored in the variable io.EOF:
var EOF = errors.New("EOF")
It is expected that io.Reader implementations return this specific error value to signal end of input. So you can peacefully compare the error returned by Reader.Read() to io.EOF to tell if end of input is reached. You can be sure that if they occasionally return custom errors, they will never be equal to io.EOF, this is what errors.New() guarantees (because it returns a pointer to an unexported struct value).
Errors in go only satisfy the error interface, i.e. provide a .Error() method. Creating custom errors, or digging through Go source code, you will find errors to be much more behind the scenes. If a struct is being populated in your application, to avoid making copies in memory it is more efficient to pass it as a pointer. Furthermore, as illustrated in The Go Programming Language book:
The fmt.Errorf function formats an error message using fmt.Sprintf and returns a new error value. We use it to build descriptive errors by successively prefixing additional context information to the original error message. When the error is ultimately handled by the program’s main function, it should provide a clear causal chain from the root problem to the overall failure, reminiscent of a NASA accident investigation:
genesis: crashed: no parachute: G-switch failed: bad relay orientation
Because error messages are frequently chained together, message strings should not be capitalized and newlines should be avoided. The resulting errors may be long, but they will be self-contained when found by tools like grep.
From this we can see that if a single 'error type' holds a wealth of information, and on top of this we are 'chaining' them together to create a detailed message, using pointers will be the best way to achieve this.
We can look at this from the error handling's perspective, instead of the error creation.
Error Definiton Side's Story
type ErrType1 struct {}
func (e *ErrType1) Error() string {
return "ErrType1"
type ErrType2 struct {}
func (e ErrType2) Error() string {
return "ErrType1"
Error Handler Side's Story
err := someFunc()
switch err.(type) {
case *ErrType1
case ErrType2, *ErrType2
As you can see, if you implements a error type on a value receiver, then when you are doing the type assertion, you need to worry about both cases.
For ErrType2, both &ErrType2{} and ErrType2{} satisfy the interface.
Because someFunc returns an error interface, you never know if it returns a struct value or a struct pointer, especially when someFunc isn't written by you.
Therefore, by using a pointer receiver doesn't stop a user from returning a pointer as an error.
That been said, all other aspects such as
Stack vs. Heap (memory allocation, GC pressure) still apply.
Choose your implementation according to your use cases.
In general, I prefer to a pointer receiver for the reason I demonstrated above. I prefer to Friendly API over performance and sometimes, when error type contains huge information, it's more performant.
No :)
Go interfaces allow for anything that complies with the error interface to be handled by code expecting error
type error interface {
Error() string
Like you mentioned, If you don't plan to modify state there is little incentive to pass around pointers:
allocating to heap
GC pressure
Mutable state and concurrency, etc
On a random rant , Anecdotally, I personally think that seeing examples like this one are why new go programers favor pointer receivers by default.
The tour of go explains the general reasons for pointer receivers pretty well:
There are two reasons to use a pointer receiver.
The first is so that the method can modify the value that its receiver points to.
In general, all methods on a given type should have either value or pointer receivers, but not a mixture of both.

Pointers sent to function

I have following code in main():
msgs, err := ch.Consume(
q.Name, // queue
cache := ttlru.New(100, ttlru.WithTTL(5 * time.Minute)) //Cache type
//log.Println(reflect.TypeOf(msgs)) 'chan amqp.Delivery'
go func() {
//here I use `cache` and `msgs` as closures. And it works fine.
I decided to create separate function for instead of anonymous.
I declared it as func hitCache(cache *ttlru.Cache, msgs *chan amqp.Delivery) {
I get compile exception:
./go_server.go:61: cannot use cache (type ttlru.Cache) as type *ttlru.Cache in argument to hitCache:
*ttlru.Cache is pointer to interface, not interface
./go_server.go:61: cannot use msgs (type <-chan amqp.Delivery) as type *chan amqp.Delivery in argument to hitCache
Question: How should I pass msg and cache into the new function?
Well, if the receiving variable or a function parameter expects a value
of type *T — that is, "a pointer to T",
and you have a variable of type T, to get a pointer to it,
you have to get the address of that variable.
That's because "a pointer" is a value holding an address.
The address-taking operator in Go is &, so you need something like
hitCache(&cache, &msgs)
But note that some types have so-called "reference semantics".
That is, values of them keep references to some "hidden" data structure.
That means when you copy such values, you're copying references which all reference the same data structure.
In Go, the built-in types maps, slices and channels have reference semantics,
and hence you almost never need to pass around pointers to the values of such types (well, sometimes it can be useful but not now).
Interfaces can be thought of to have reference semantics, too (let's not for now digress into discussing this) because each value of any interface type contains two pointers.
So, in your case it's better to merely not declare the formal parameters of your function as pointers — declare them as "plain" types and be done with it.
All in all, you should definitely complete some basic resource on Go which explains these basic matters in more detail and more extensively.
You're using pointers in the function signature but not passing pointers - which is fine; as noted in the comments, there is no reason to use pointers for interface or channel values. Just change the function signature to:
hitCache(cache ttlru.Cache, msgs chan amqp.Delivery)
And it should work fine.
Pointers to interfaces are nearly never used. You may simplify things and use interfaces of pass by value.

Why is fmt.Println not consistent when printing pointers?

I'm an experienced programmer but have never before touched Go in my life.
I just started playing around with it and I found that fmt.Println() will actually print the values of pointers prefixed by &, which is neat.
However, it doesn't do this with all types. I'm pretty sure it is because the types it does not work with are primitives (or at least, Java would call them that, does Go?).
Does anyone know why this inconsistent behaviour exists in the Go fmt library? I can easily retrieve the value by using *p, but for some reason Println doesn't do this.
package main
import "fmt"
type X struct {
S string
func main() {
x := X{"Hello World"}
fmt.Println(&x) // &{Hello World} <-- displays the pointed-to value prefixed with &
fmt.Println(*(&x)) // {Hello World}
i := int(1)
fmt.Println(&i) // 0x10410028 <-- instead of &1 ?
fmt.Println(*(&i)) // 1
The "technical" answer to your question can be found here:
As you can see, when printing pointers to Array, Slice, Struct or Map types, the special rule of printing "&" + value applies, but in all other cases the address is printed.
As for why they decided to only apply the rule for those, it seems the authors considered that for "compound" objects you'd be interested in always seeing the values (even when using a pointer), but for other simple values this was not the case.
You can see that reasoning here, where they added the rule for the Map type which was not there before:
I would guess this had to do with the fact that it is very common to use for example pointers to Struct to pass them around (so many times you'd just forget to de-reference the pointer when wanting to print the value), but no so common to use pointers to int or string to pass those around (so if you were printing the pointer you were probably interested in seeing the actual address).

What do the terms pointer receiver and value receiver mean in Golang?

I've been getting errors from go saying stuff about pointer receivers and I decided to google what the terms mean and I read different sources and documentation talking about pointer receivers. For example: http://golang.org/doc/faq and http://jordanorelli.com/post/32665860244/how-to-use-interfaces-in-go.
Though, eventhough they talk about these terms they failed to define them precisely. Though, from the context I think the difference between them are defining variables as pointers like *MyStruct vs MyStruct. Although, I am not 100% sure of their difference, I wanted to get a more official or solid understanding of the terms, specially their difference (pointer receiver and value receiver). If possible some simple example code showing their difference in go would be awesome! (and probably necessary to really understand this)
Like for example, something that is confusing me is, what is the difference between the term pointer and pointer receiver? or Value and value receiver? What does the term receiver add to these concepts?
Since you clarified you're confused by the term receiver and not the pointer/value distinction. In Go "receiver" refers to the value a method is defined on, for purposes of interfaces. You can think of the receiver as a special case of the first argument to a function.
func (m MyStruct) DoStuff()
This is what's known as a "value receiver", it is defined on the value MyStruct. This is functionally identical to:
func DoStuff(m MyStruct)
With a "receiver" you call the function with ".", like in many OO languages:
m := MyStruct{}
m.DoStuff() // as opposed to DoStuff(m)
The set of methods a type is a receiver on defines the interface it implements:
type DoesStuff interface {
func DoSomething(d DoesStuff) {
func main() {
m := MyStruct{}
So what's a pointer receiver? It looks like this:
func (m *MyStruct) DoOtherStuff()
The difference is exactly the difference between a pointer and a value. Though minor semantic changes occur. Go will auto address and auto-dereference pointers (in most cases) so m := MyStruct{}; m.DoOtherStuff() still works since Go automatically does (&m).DoOtherStuff() for you. (Naturally, you're free to do m := &MyStruct{}; m.DoOtherStuff as well). Further, the interface is defined on the pointer, so:
type DoesOtherStuff interface {
func DoSomethingElse(d DoesOtherStuff) {
func main() {
m := MyStruct{}
// DoSomethingElse(m) will fail since because the interface
// DoesOtherStuff is defined on a pointer receiver and this is a value
If you're still confused about when to use a pointer receiver versus a variable receiver, the short answer is: probably a pointer receiver. The long answer has been answered several times, but I'll link here simply because it was easy to find in my history.
