Dimension lookup hangs AX client? - axapta

I have an import interface (not coded by me) that imports XML data and creates LedgerJournalTable (1) and LedgerJournalTrans (1..n) records.
When handling LJT dimensions, the code first checks that the dimension exists in AX, then inserts the data in the dimension[x] field. However, in the case that the dimension doesn't exist, a warning is shown to the user after the import run ends, but the data is still inserted as is.
And when the user goes to the LJT line after the import is complete, the erronous value is shown in the dimension field. When the lookup/drop-down of this dimension is clicked, the lookup does not open and AX client hangs. Ctrl+break will recover it, but the lookup never opens. You can delete the value, save, and the problem will still persist. You can manually enter an existing value and save, and the problem will still persist.
Problem extends to the table browser also.
Any idea why this is happening and how can it be fixed, other than not saving the erronous value in the first place (I have no idea why this is done this way in the first place)?
Thanks in advance.

Let me know if I'm reading this correctly.
User runs some process to import LJ table/trans records from XML.
If a bad dimension is inside XML, it shoves the data into the LJ trans dimension[x] field even though it's invalid, and presents a warning to user.
User views the journal and sees the bad data and attempts to use the lookup to correct it, but the lookup hangs/crashes.
Seems to me the issue may be that you've been shoving a bunch of bad data into AX and the lookup is trying to use table/edt relations that are invalid.
If I'm right, you need to go to SQL directly and query the ledger trans table and look for any bad dimension data and correct/remove it.
I suspect existing bad data is causing the lookup to fail and not merely whatever bad data you imported and are looking at.
Perhaps what caused the problem is, a user imported bad data, received a warning, ignored warning, clicked "post" as-is (with bad data) and now it's in AX? And now when you do a 2nd import, and try to use the lookup, it's crashing on that bad-data-relation.

Edited: So, while there was an corruption in the DB, the actual culprit was found: the standard AX code creating temp data for the dimension lookup - there was a mod code in Dimensions.insert() that wrote an XML file every dimensions were updated or inserted. This took so long in this case that it hang up the client. I put the code inside an if clause like so:
// offending code
Problem solved.


How to update mark a form dirty after a server side modification

I don't understand how to make the Client ui aware of a server side change in a document.
My use case is the following : I'm adding a button to my form, that calls a custom document method :
In MyDocType.py, I have :
class MyDocType(Document):
def change_some_value_in_doc(self):
self.the_field_i_want_to_change = 50
It work in the sense that the_field_i_want_to_change is immediately updated to the new value.
However, If I hit Save, I get the message "No changes in document". I managed to determine that this is because on the JS side, the form is not marked as "dirty", but despite reading the documentation over and over, I cannot find the right way.
I tried with self.notify_update() which seems to have no effect.
Is it a bug ? Or am I misunderstanding how this is supposed to work ?
I'm using frappe v 14.0.0-beta.3
Actually, I realized that doing
class MyDocType(Document):
def change_some_value_in_doc(self):
self.the_field_i_want_to_change = 50
Does work in the sense that it save the new value, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for, because my purpose is actually to pre-fill some data with the custom method and leave to the user to complete before saving...
Any help to get me in the right direction would be very appreciated.
To pre-fill data in your form - that you want the user to confirm before saving to the database, you should use client-side scripting (in JS). Changing the value on the server is not going to help you since you want the user to get pre-filled values before inserting a record in the database.

Access 2013 unable to add new line to form and runtime error 2105 when trying to a new record

I am migrating several adp files to accdb so that it can work under access 2013 but one problem is driving me nuts:
I have a form on which I cannot see an empty line to add new data.
the form property allowaddition is on
the recordsource of the form is an sql View to which I can add a new line directly from access (so it is not readonly)
I am forcing the AllowAddition on the code when initializing security with me.allowadditions = true (this used to be enough to make it work in the old adp)
I have a button to add a new line to the form that runs on_click and gives me a runtime error on this line of code Docmd.gotorecord , , AcNewRec
The runtime error is "2105 : you can't go to the specified record".
This tells me that there is something that is still read only.
the SQL View has an index as well as all the table used in it.
I tried to replace the view in the recordset of the form by a table and still not working.
Am I missing something? What else can I do to be able to add a new record to my form (or view)?
Thank you
Try setting focus to one of the textbox controls in your form before calling the new record, something along the lines of
The reason is, SQL Server backend allocates new records differently than Access backend, and Access does a bit of magic for you in the interface, so I've found sometimes explicitly setting focus to a text control will fix this issue.
Depending on how things are structured with your Access app, if that suggestion doesn't work, then you might need to go the extra step of programatically creating the new record (blank fields except for primary key) in SQL Server first and then refresh the Access form and then setfocus to the newly created record (e.g. either the last or first record depending on your recordsource sort order)

lotus public variable in formula

once again I have to ask you for a help.
I have a problem with creating public variable and using it in formula.
The details of this issue is:
1, right after starting a Lotus Notes Application i have to create public variable EmpNum which will be contain an employee number (the number will be imported from IBM Blue Pages)
2, this EmpNum variable will be used to filter the data in a view, so I have to use it in formula in View Selection.
I'll be very grateful if you help with this issue.
Maybe there is possible any simplest solution of this problem?
Thanks in advance,
Tomasz (td2003)
Torsten, Panu, thank you.
I've decided to try write an EmpNum variable in notes.ini using #SetEnvironment and read it by #GetEnvironment, and it works.
BUT (!) there is a very strange thing:
1) when I entered formula "SELECT((form="ITForm") & (Status="Completed") & (TX_EmployeeNumber=#Environment("EmpNum")))" the view shows me all document where "TX_EmployeeNumber" is EMPTY;
2) otherwise when I entered formula "SELECT((form="ITForm") & (Status="Completed") & (TX_EmployeeNumber!=#Environment("EmpNum")))" (not equal) the view shows me all document where "TX_EmployeeNumber" is NOT EMPTY and no matter if TX_EmployeeNumber have exactly the same value as EmpNum.
For example: if EmpNum="P11" the view with 2nd formula shows the documents where TX_EmployeeNumber fields contains "P11", "P22", "A32" and so on.
I'm sure that #Environment("EmpNum") retrieves correct data from notes.ini.
I'm totally confused and completely don't know what's going on.
Do you have any idea about this?
First of all: There are NO public variables in Lotus Notes as you request it. Neither in LotusScript nor in Formula. Every variable just lives in its context, never in the complete client.
There are two places to put such a variable:
in the notes.ini, where you can set / read it using Formula (#Environment, #SetEnvironment, #getEnvironent) or LotusScript (NotesSession.GetEnvironmentString, NotesSession.SetEnvironmentVar).
In a Profile document in a database, where you can get it using #GetProfileField (Formula) or NotesDatabase.GetprofileDocument() (LotusScript)
Both of these approches will NOT help you for your number 2.
There is only ONE View- Selection- Formula for ALL Users. Putting something "userspecific" in there will let it render correctly for ONE value (the one, that the server uses when building the view- index), but not for all the others.
To solve your problem you can use:
a) An embedded View
A view that is categorized by empNum
A Form that has this view embedded and a Formula for "Show single category" for this embedded view set
b) A SPOFU view
SPOFU is "Shared, private on first use" and means, that every user has his own copy of the view. These views have some caveats and are hard to maintain. You should NOT use them, if you are not totally aware of the implications (getting the ACL right is one very important thing for these views)...
EDIT (due to change in question): SPOFU will neither work with Environment nor with Profile- documents, as the methods to read them are not supported in Views... So b) is not really an option... Sorry...
It is possible to use the #SetViewInfo formula in the QueryOpen and/or PostOpen of a view to get the view to only present data from one category. Be careful with this because you will need to touch EVERY view so that the value is cleared if the user navigates to a view which is not categorized by the employee num...
FWIW: I only have done this using #UserName not with another piece of data. I suggest you do that by having the import process add the fully qualified Notes name of the user to the documents as they are imported.
You can modify view selection formula with NotesView class. In this case you would have to use private views.
A better solution would be to use an XPage to show the view and use category filter. Or if you want to use traditional style then embed the view to a form or page and use "Show Single Category" feature.

how to use QTable::editCell()

I don't understand how QTable::editCell() should be used. I am trying to do some error checking based on entries made by user in a QTable as mentioned in my another question.
I would like to give user an opportunity to re-edit the cell which has error. For example, if name column entry has some special characters such as '(', the user should be prompted for the error and the control should go back to same cell in edit mode. I tried using QTable::editCell() in my code as shown below.
Table->editCell(row, 0, TRUE);
name = Table->text(row, 0);
However, this doesn't work as expected. The control doesn't stay in the cell at all and obviously the name is not correctly collected. So, my question is how to ensure from within code that a cell of QTable can be edited so that the edited contents can be accessed immediately in next statement (as shown in above code).
Note: I am working with qt 3.3.8 only.
I don't think you can do that. You'll have to go back to the event loop, and wait for one of the signals (like valueChanged(row,col)) to be fired to re-validate the data.
A blocking wait on a GUI object is often not a good approach (except for modal dialogs).
I know I'm a little late here but you should use the following connect statement with your own custom function to do your specific needs such as below. You can also use this method to disable users from entering in special characters within you custom function. That way they wont ever have to correct undesirable characters.
connect(ui->tableWidget, SIGNAL(cellChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(customFunction(int,int)));
void updateTable
//remove invalid characters

SqlSiteMapProvider - OnSiteMapChanged event never fires?

I'm doing the Wicked Code implementation of SqlSiteMapProvider, except in VB.NET.
There's a few things with the code that are causing issues, and I don't understand how it is supposed to work the way it's written in the article. I've provided the code straight from the article provided below. I've pasted the code here for ease of viewing
First issue - the depedency is instantiated BEFORE (lines 134-137) the tree is created (151-160) - so as soon as you add the depedency to the http.cache (165-167), the OnSiteMapChanged event (242) fires immmediately - making the entire proccess run again - and this loops many times until finally something makes it stop. (i stepped through it and counted the code looping at least 20 times before I gave up on trying to guess when it hit last)
OK, so to fix this I just moved the code to the create the dependency to AFTER the tree is built, right before inserting to http.cache (so HasChanged property is false when adding to http.cache, and you don't get stuck in this psuedo-ifinite-loop).
I still have a problem though - every time a page loads, the BuildSiteMap() hits and line 121 checks if _root is not null - it seems it is never null after it is first built... this is good because I don't want to hit the DB each time. Now, I insert a record into the table... the OnSiteMapChanged event never fires. As I browse pages on the app, the sitemap does not reflect the newly inserted record - stepping through the code, I see that the check at line 121 is still causing the function to short circuit... The sitemap will only refresh if i re-start Visual Studio, which causes the private _root field to become null again, and re-builds the sitemap, reflecting the new changes.. (refreshing the browser or starting new browser instances does not work)...
EDIT: THE ISSUE STEMMED FROM A SILLY 'SET NOCOUNT ON' LINE IN THE TOP OF MY STORED PROC. APPARENTLY THIS BREAKS THE QUERY NOTIFICATION. It seems that this statement is seen as a result set and that the second, actual query statement invalidates the result set resulting in a notification. This was very hard to find and nowhere in the MSDN documentation until I added the comment. Hope this saves someone else the miser I went through!
THE ISSUE STEMMED FROM A SILLY 'SET NOCOUNT ON' LINE IN THE TOP OF MY STORED PROC. APPARENTLY THIS BREAKS THE QUERY NOTIFICATION. It seems that this statement is seen as a result set and that the second, actual query statement invalidates the result set resulting in a notification. This was very hard to find and nowhere in the MSDN documentation until I added the comment. Hope this saves someone else the miser I went through!
