(Un)Serialize JSON (to)in QObject using nlohmann/json - qt

I want to use the nlohmann/json library to serialize some json to a QObject and vice versa.
The problem I run into is that the parser is trying to use the copy constructor of the QObject, wish is not allowed.
There is something in the documentation regarding this https://github.com/nlohmann/json#how-can-i-use-get-for-non-default-constructiblenon-copyable-types but I can't manage to make it work.
template <>
struct adl_serializer<MyQObject>
static MyQObject from_json(const json& j)
return {j.get<MyQObject>()}; // call to implicitly-deleted copy constructor of 'MyQObject'
static void to_json(json& j, MyQObject t)
j = t; // no viable overload '='
inline void from_json(const json& j, MyQObject& x)
// ...
inline void to_json(json& j, const MyQObject& x)
j = json::object();
j["xxx"] = x.xxx();
// ...
What should I write in the adl_serializer to make it work ?


Mono.Cecil AddInterfaceImplementation equivalent?

I am working on Mono.Cecil codegen util, and I want to preform following operation:
Loop through types
If type contains X attribute:
- Add ITestInterface implementation (where ITestInterface has defined some methods)
// For reference
public interface ITestInterface
void Something();
int IntSomething();
// Expected result, if type contains X attribute:
// Before codegen:
public class CodeGenExample
// After codegen
public class CodeGenExample : ITestInterface
public void Something()
// some stuff
public int IntSomething()
// do some stuff
return 0;
I have seen that .NET Reflection has a AddInterfaceImplementation method (https://learn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/dotnet/api/system.reflection.emit.typebuilder.addinterfaceimplementation?view=net-5.0).
Is there a Mono.Cecil equivalent or a workaround for this & how to use it?
That can be achieved by:
Iterating over all types defined in the assembly
Checking which types have the attribute applied to
Injecting the methods.
As an example you can do something like:
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
namespace inject
interface IMyInterface
int Something();
class MarkerAttribute : Attribute {}
class Foo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 1)
using var a = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location);
var interfaceToImplement = a.MainModule.GetType("inject.IMyInterface");
foreach(var t in a.MainModule.Types)
if (t.HasCustomAttributes && t.CustomAttributes.Any(c => c.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "MarkerAttribute"))
System.Console.WriteLine($"Adding methods to : {t}");
var something = new MethodDefinition("Something", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Virtual, a.MainModule.TypeSystem.Int32);
something.Body = new Mono.Cecil.Cil.MethodBody(something);
var il = something.Body.GetILProcessor();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 42);
// Add the interface.
t.Interfaces.Add(new InterfaceImplementation(interfaceToImplement));
var path = typeof(Program).Assembly.Location + ".new";
System.Console.WriteLine($"Modified version written to {path}");
object f = new Foo();
IMyInterface itf = (IMyInterface) f;
System.Console.WriteLine($"Something() == {itf.Something()}");
Another potential solution is to have the methods implemented in an internal class and copying over their method bodies.
As a side note, these are 2 online tools you can use to explore/learn more about CIL, Mono.Cecil, C#:
Cecilifier (disclaimer: I'm the author of this one)
That being said if you can use C# 9.0 you may be able to leverage the new Source Generators feature.

Qt novice: base class for QLineEdit and QTextEdit

Is there another class besides QWidget which holds all generic functions for both? Something like QEdit...
As an example I'd like to reference cut(), copy() and paste(), but it looks like I have to dynamic cast the QWidget. Is there any other way?
There is no other way besides QWidget. The reason is that QLineEdit is inherited directly from QWidget. You can see the full hierarchy of Qt classes here
You don't have to dynamic-cast anything: this is typically a sign of bad design. Qt generally has very few interface classes - they usually have the word Abstract somewhere in the name, and are not really pure interfaces as they have non-abstract base classes, like e.g. QObject. Thus there was no pattern to follow, and no need for abstracting out the edit operations into an interface.
There are several approaches to overcome this:
Leverage the fact that the methods in question are known by the metaobject system. Note that invokeMethod takes a method name, not signature.
bool cut(QWidget * w) {
return QMetaObject::invokeMethod(w, "cut");
bool copy(QWidget * w) {
return QMetaObject::invokeMethod(w, "copy");
You can use the free-standing functions such as above on any widget that supports the editing operations.
As above, but cache the method lookup not to pay its costs repeatedly. Note that indexOfMethod takes a method signature, not merely its name.
static QMetaMethod lookup(QMetaObject * o, const char * signature) {
return o->method(o->indexOfMethod(signature));
struct Methods {
QMetaMethod cut, copy;
Methods() {}
explicit Methods(QMetaObject * o) :
cut(lookup(o, "cut()")),
copy(lookup(o, "copy()")) {}
Methods(const Methods &) = default;
// Meta class names have unique addresses - they are effectively memoized.
// Dynamic metaobjects are an exception we can safely ignore here.
static QMap<const char *, Methods> map;
static const Methods & lookup(QWidget * w) {
auto o = w->metaObject();
auto it = map.find(o->className());
if (it == map.end())
it = map.insert(o->className(), Methods(o));
return *it;
bool cut(QWidget * w) {
bool copy(QWidget * w) {
Define an interface and provide implementations specialized for widget types. This approach's only benefit is that it's a bit faster than QMetaMethod::invoke. It makes little sense to use this code for clipboard methods, but it could be useful to minimize overhead for small methods that are called very often. I'd advise not to over-engineer it unless a benchmark shows that it really helps. The previous approach (#2 above) should be quite sufficient.
// Interface
class IClipboard {
virtual cut(QWidget *) = 0;
virtual copy(QWidget *) = 0;
virtual paste(QWidget *) = 0;
class Registry {
// all meta class names have unique addresses - they are effectively memoized
static QMap<const char *, IClipboard*> registry;
static void register(const QMetaObject * o, IClipboard * clipboard) {
auto name = o->className();
auto it = registry.find(name);
if (it == registry.end())
registry.insert(name, clipboard);
Q_ASSERT(it->value() == clipboard);
static IClipboard * for(QWidget * w) {
auto it = registry.find(w->metaObject()->className());
Q_ASSERT(registry.end() != it);
return it->value();
static void unregister(const QMetaObject * o) {
template <class W> class ClipboardWidget : public IClipboard {
cut(QWidget * w) override { static_cast<W*>(w)->cut(); }
copy(QWidget * w) override { static_cast<W*>(w)->copy(); }
paste(QWidget * w) override { static_cast<W*>(w)->paste(); }
ClipboardWidget() {
Registry::register(&W::staticMetaObject(), this);
~ClipboardWidget() {
// Implementation
QMap<const char *, IClipboard*> Registry::registry;
static ClipboardWidget<QTextEdit> w1;
static ClipboardWidget<QLineEdit> w2;
void yourCode() {

Qt a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object

I have a function which calls emitResult after loading data from file.
bool IpResolver::ResolvedInfo::load(QTextStream &in)
ResolvedInfo rf;
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
QStringList list = line.split(' ');
list[0] = rf.country;
list[1] = rf.ip;
if (rf.ip.isEmpty() == false)
So here is declaration of emitResult:
void emitResult(const ResolvedInfo &data);
And it gives me this error:
a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object
No idea what should I do.
emitResult is a non-static member function of IpResolver, I presume. Yet you're calling it without any instance, from a subclass IpResolver::ResolvedInfo. Remember that just because the ResolvedInfo is a subclass, doesn't make it special in any other way. Specifically, if it doesn't hold a reference to the instance of the parent class, it won't work the way you expect it to.
There are two general ways to fix your issue:
You can pass a reference to IpResolver to the ResolvedInfo constructor, and retain the reference in the ResolvedInfo instance:
class IpResolver {
class ResolvedInfo {
IpResolver & q;
ResolvedInfo(IpResolver & q) : q(q) { ... }
static bool load(QTextStream &in) {
ResolvedInfo rf;
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
QStringList list = line.split(' ');
list[0] = rf.country;
list[1] = rf.ip;
if (!rf.ip.isEmpty())
void emitResult(const ResolvedInfo &);
Or you can make the emitResult a static method:
class IpResolver {
static void emitResult(const ResolvedInfo &);

Save (already-existing) QSetting into an INI file

I want to save an alredy-existing QSettings object into some INI file for backup.
The QSettings comes from the application's global settings, ie. it can be registry, ini file, etc.
In case it helps, my context is:
class Params
// All params as data members
// ...
void loadGlobal ()
Qettings s; // Global parameters, paths set by application
// Fill data members: s.value (...);
class Algo
Result run (Params p)
Result r = F(p);
return r;
int main (...)
Params p;
p.loadGlobal ();
Algo a;
Result r = a.run (p);
// At this point, save Result and Params into a specific directory
// Is there a way to do:
p.saveToIni ("myparams.ini"); // <-- WRONG
A solution would be to add a saveTo (QSetting & s) method into the Params class:
class Params
void saveTo (QSettings & s)
s.setValue (...);
int main (...)
Params p;
p.loadGlobal ();
QSettings bak ("myparams.ini", ...);
p.saveTo (bak);
But I am looking for a solution without modifying the Params class.
Well, no, QT Doesn't really support this directly. I think your best bet is writing a helper class...something like:
void copySettings( QSettings &dst, QSettings &src )
QStringList keys = src.allKeys();
for( QStringList::iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); i++ )
dst.setValue( *i, src.value( *i ) );
I think there are 2 issues:
QSettings does not have a copy constructor or assignment operator (that I know of), so you'll probably have to write your own copy using allKeys().
You can't save QSettings to an arbitrary file, but what you can do is set the path used for a specific format and scope using the static method QSettings::setPath(). Note that you need to do that before your backup QSettings object is created (and you would use format IniFormat).
If you're OK not having complete control over the resulting path, this should be sufficient. If not, you could still do the above, then get the file name using fileName() and use a system call to copy/move the file to the desired final location.

segfault after return 0;

I wrote a program to test my binary tree and when I run it, the program seems to crash (btree.exe has stopped working, Windows is checking for a solution ...).
When I ran it through my debugger and placed the breakpoint on the function I suspect is causing it, destroy_tree(), it seemed to run as expected and returned back to the main function. Main, in turn, returned from the program but then the cursor jumped back to destroy_tree() and looped recusively within itself.
The minimal code sample is below so it can be ran instantly. My compiler is MinGW and my debugger is gdb (I'm using Code::Blocks).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
int key_value;
node *left;
node *right;
class Btree
void insert(int key);
void destroy_tree();
node *root;
void destroy_tree(node *leaf);
void insert(int key, node *leaf);
root = NULL;
void Btree::destroy_tree()
cout<<"tree destroyed\n"<<endl;
void Btree::destroy_tree(node *leaf)
delete leaf;
void Btree::insert(int key, node *leaf)
if(key < leaf->key_value)
insert(key, leaf->left);
leaf->left = new node;
leaf->left->key_value = key;
leaf->left->left = NULL;
leaf->left->right = NULL;
else if (key >= leaf->key_value)
insert(key, leaf->right);
leaf->right = new node;
leaf->right->key_value = key;
leaf->right->left = NULL;
leaf->right->right = NULL;
void Btree::insert(int key)
insert(key, root);
root = new node;
root->key_value = key;
root->left = NULL;
root->right = NULL;
int main()
Btree tree;
int i;
return 0;
As an aside, I'm planning to switch from Code::Blocks built-in debugger to DDD for debugging these problems. I heard DDD can display visually pointers to objects instead of just displaying the pointer's address. Do you think making the switch will help with solving these types of problems (data structure and algorithm problems)?
Your destroy_tree() is called twice, you call it once and then it gets called after the execution leaves main() from the destructor.
You may think it should work anyway, because you check whether leaf!=NULL, but delete does not set the pointer to NULL. So your root is not NULL when destroy_tree() is called for the second time,
Not directly related (or maybe it is) to your problem, but it's good practice to give structs a constructor. For example:
struct node
int key_value;
node *left;
node *right;
node( int val ) : key_val( val ), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
If you do this, your code becomes simpler, because you don't need worry about setting the pointers when you create a node, and it is not possible to forget to initialise them.
Regarding DDD, it;'s a fine debugger, but frankly the secret of debugging is to write correct code in the first place, so you don't have to do it. C++ gives you a lot of help in this direction (like the use of constructors), but you have to understand and use the facilities it provides.
Btree::destroy_tree doesn't set 'root' to 0 after successfully nuking the tree. As a result, the destructor class destroy_tree() again and you're trying to destroy already destroyed objects.
That'll be undefined behaviour then :).
Once you destroy the root.
Make sure it is NULL so it does not try to do it again (from the destructor)
void Btree::destroy_tree(node *leaf)
delete leaf;
leaf = NULL; // add this line
