Center spinner in viewport on bootstrap overlay - css

I'm using the bootstrap-vue overlay on a page that has long content scrolled via the browser window.
<b-overlay :show="loading">
The overlay correctly covers all of the content, even the part below the viewport, but the overlay's built-in spinner is centered on the content rather than the viewport, so the spinner ends up near or below the bottom of the viewport when the content is long enough.
I've tried custom content via a slot, like this...
<b-overlay :show="loading">
<template v-slot:overlay>
<div style="???" class="text-center">
<p style="???">Make me a spinner and center me on the viewport</p>
...with dozens of ideas for style="???", including position:absolute with different tops, including top=50vh, including !important strewn around, etc., but the content doesn't budge.
// Note that this snippet doesn't run, because I don't see a way to get
// bootstrap-vue via CDN
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function() {
return {
message: 'Hello Vue!',
messages: []
mounted() {
for (let i=0; i<50; i++)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<b-overlay :show="true">
{{ message }}
<!-- long content below extends the overlay size -->
<!-- this moves the spinner down and off the viewport -->
<li v-for="m in messages" :key="m">{{m}}</li>
I think key to solving this is finding the CSS selector that allows me to change the spinner's position to "fixed" as opposed to "absolute" which seems to be what bootstrap generates.

To get spinner on center of screen you need to make it as direct child of body.
If it is nested it will have restrict area inside immediate parents area.
Try to add that separately or once your DOM ready detach overlay and append to body tag.

I ran into the same issue. Adding this line of CSS on the component resolved it for me:
.position-absolute {
position: fixed !important;
Note: make sure to not include the scoped keyword in your <style> tag, as this will not work for Bootstrap classes.


Vuetify navbar (v-app-bar) overlap scrollbar

The same problem as this post except it is Vuetify.
Is there any solution that use provided API? CSS would be the last option I choose.
codepen demo
<v-app-bar app dark absolute class="navbar-bg" >
<v-app-bar-nav-icon #click="toggleSidebar" />
Currently, there's no a single prop in API.
But you may help yourself a lot with a built-in vuetify classes and directives.
First of all, you (sadly) need to write some CSS to manually disable initial page scrolling:
html {
overflow-y: hidden;
.scrollable {
overflow-y: scroll;
Then you need to add <v-main> component to your application with scrollable pt-0 mt-16 classes and wrap all of your future app components into it. This classes will adjust the padding from the default <v-app-bar> and enable scrolling directly in <v-main>.
Finally, you should add v-resize directive to <v-main> to automatically recalculate your page size when user will resize a page:
<v-main class="scrollable pt-0 mt-16" v-resize="onResize">
...your application data...
methods: {
onResize() {
//64px is v-app-bar height in your case
document.querySelector(".scrollable").style.height = (window.innerHeight - 64) + 'px';
That's it. You may then create your custom component to wrap <v-main> and forget about such manipulations.
Codepen link with an example

Fitting a large image to a specific size

I have a series of images of different size (call it set A) that I am arranging next to each other. Upon press of a button, those images get replaced by a much larger image in original size. I'd like to make sure the replaced image adheres to the original image size. I've tried to apply various container width tricks, but so far have failed.
I've set up a runnable demo here (code is in home.html and home.ts in pages directory)
If you press the "Switch" button, the images get replaced, as does the size (which I want to avoid)
(please excuse inline CSS styling)
The code:
My template
<ion-content padding>
<div *ngFor="let image of images">
<!-- the reason for this div is to force the placeholder image to this size -->
<!-- doesn't seem to work... -->
<div [ngStyle]="{'width':image.w, 'height':image.h, 'float':left}">
<img [src]="showImage?image.src:placeholder" style="float:left;max-width:100%; max-height:100%;width:auto;height:auto;" />
<div style="clear:both">
<button ion-button (click)="toggleImage()">switch</button>
The TS:
import { NgStyle } from '#angular/common';
images = [{
src: '',
src: '',
src: '',
placeholder = "";
showImage:boolean = true;
toggleImage() {
this.showImage = !this.showImage;
Your demo doesn't show images. Anyways, to acheive this, you don't have to use containers and all other things. It can be acheive by using simple css. Before doing this, make sure to fix the size of the image. for example if you want the 1 image size to be 30% and height 100% and then set object-fit property of the css to be cover. Below is the quick example:-
<img src="../image_path" class="image"/>

angularjs delay route change upon click as long new background image does not load

My web app shows body background for a second then it loads the dynamic background when i route from one page to another. I am trying to remove that white flash by adding a splash screen using AngularJS. I looked at some tutorials but were not able to find exact solution.
how do i avoid showing the white body background before my div background loads?
any suggestions?
<body class="hold-transition skin-blue sidebar-mini sidebar-collapse">
<div class="wrapper" ng-style="{'background': backgroundImg}" >
<div class="content-wrapper">
<section class="content">
<div ng-view></div>
my route
controller: 'pageController'
My controller
app.controller("pageController",function($scope, $rootScope){
$scope.title = "About Us";
$rootScope.backgroundImg="url('')"; //abt bg
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
console.log("about page loaded");
From what I understand, the pb is that when you route to another page then you launch a new request to download your background with your url(...). Because this request can take time then you have your white screen.
So a solution could be to "preload" all background images when you open your app. So before displaying anything on your app you can display a "loading..." div. In background download all your backgrounds.
Once this is done, when changing route then simply change the css class of your wrapper div to the css class containing the correct background image.
On this particular page, you could have a div that wraps the entire document.
Give this div a class with css ie .document-wrapper-invisible
in your css give .display-none class a display property of none
.dislay-none {
display: none;
When your view content loaded function runs, remove this class. You can simply set a variable to be true and use ng-class to conditionally remove the class. ie
<div ng-class="{display-none: !documentLoaded}">
// your page content
in your controller
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
console.log("about page loaded");
$scope.documentLoaded = true;
Something along these lines should work (I've only ever used rootScope for the viewContentLoaded event, if $scope works on it's own then great)

How to animate one item when the other item is hover

I have div box which contains two items. One is under the other one. So when the lower item is hover I'd make it animated and slide it out of the top item.
<div id="main">
<div id="box"></div>
<div id="item"></div>
With my knowledge in CSS3 I could only make a transition for item to slide it out in hover. But I want it happen when #main is hover not #item.
Have a look at the them please.
You are correct, there is no way currently to style a parent element of a child in pure CSS. You can use JavaScript as a way to achieve the desired effect.
You can achieve this in JavaScript by doing the following (DEMO: Fiddle)
This should run onload or else it will not work.
// On Hover
document.getElementById('main').onmouseover = function () {
document.getElementById('item').classList.add("to-left"); // Add To Left Class
// OnMouseOut (Not Hover)
document.getElementById('main').onmouseout = function () {
document.getElementById('item').classList.remove("to-left"); // Remove To Left Class
Please remember to change the IDs of the elements if needed.
Add this CSS class to your CSS
.to-left {
margin-left: 60px;
And your HTML stays the same. This should get what I believe your desired result is. Let me know if this works for you.

bootstrap fixed header when scrolling down

I am working within bootstrap's core admin structure and have a main header at the top of the page and then a sub header beneath it. I am trying to allow that sub header to fix to the top of the page when the user scrolls down so they can always see that information, but I am having a bit of trouble.
The section I would like to stick to the top looks like this.
<div class="area-top clearfix" >
<div class="pull-left header">
<h3 class="title"><i class="icon-group"></i>Dashbord</h3>
<ul class="inline pull-right sparkline-box">
<li class="sparkline-row">
<h4 class="blue"><span> Cover Designs</span> 4</h5>
<li class="sparkline-row">
<h4 class="green"><span> Video Trailers</span> 5</h5>
<li class="sparkline-row">
<h4 class="purple"><span> Web Banners</span> 5</h5>
and I have tried so far to wrap that in another div with the navbar navbar-fixed-top classes. But that shot it to the top right away and overlapped content that needs to be seen.
I have also tried using plain css by adding position:fixed; to the current div, but that messes up the breadcrubms I have laying underneath it because it takes it out of the flow.
Is there anyway to accomplish this with just css. I know I can do a hack with jquery, but in my team I am only in charge of the css.
you can use below css to the sub header navbar.
.sticky-top {
position: -webkit-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 1020;
Add 'sticky-top' class to sub header.
for eg: you can see the fiddle below which is similar to the question.Here second menu fixed to top when user scrolls.
position:fixed is the way to go here. Can you apply a height to the div you want to be fixed and apply a margin to the breadcrumbs?
.area-top{ position:fixed; height:2em; }
.breadcrumbs { margin-top: 2.2em; }
My point of view is the following. When you ask for this :
to fix to the top of the page when the user scrolls down
It means that you need to detect when users are scrolling. Furthermore, there is no other way than js / jQuery to detect this kind of action. CSS can be a part of solution by creating a class for exemple which will stick your menu, but you'll always need a bit of js to detect when to put and to remove the class.
Here is an exemple on how to do this in jQuery :
<script type="text/javascript">
var offset = $('.area-top').offset().top;
var top = $(document).scrollTop();
if(top >= offset){
// this is where you should fix you menu
$('.area-top').addClass('fixed'); // if you have a css class which fix the element.
$('.area-top').css('position', 'fixed'); // if you don't have css class
// this is where you should unfix your menu
$('.area-top').removeClass('fixed'); // if you have a css class which fix the element.
$('.area-top').css('position', 'inherit'); // if you don't have css class
Don't forget that every "advanced" action which need to detect a change in the DOM or which need an user interaction will require some JS or PHP to deal with it. By "advanced", i'm meaning all the things that can't be natively handle in HTML.
