Dart Vision Client Library - firebase

I am developing an app that uses an OCR,
I used offline Firebase ML Vision so far but it is limited in terms it can't read Cyrillic letters.
Google Cloud Vision seems to fix that problem.
But my app is built with Flutter and Dart, and Vision does not have a client library for Dart.
These are the available libraries.
Did I miss something?

You are not missing anything, Google cloud does not have an official client library for dart [1]. However, I found a GitHub tread that may help you [2] developing the OCR for Cyrillic letters.
[1] https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/cloud-client-libraries
[2] https://github.com/dart-lang/googleapis/issues/67


Does react-native-firebase/app work with react-native-google-mobile-ads and Expo?

On rnfirebase.io there's no longer any documentation about Admob integration, and I believe I read that it wasn't supported anymore. Would the analytical parts of react-native-firebase/app (e.g. /analytics) work with the react-native-google-mobile-ads module or other similar modules that integrates Admob.
Thanks in advance.

What is the TTS engine that here maps uses

I am developing an app using here maps. I am using voice guidance provided by them for maneuver data.
Packages used
Voice Catalog ,VoiceGuidanceOptions, VoicePackage
For more understanding, Can I know what TTS engine is used behind by here maps ?
Here uses text in form of compiled packages for voice guidance. There is no API in SDK to modify them.
For Android, Here uses the standard Android engine i.e android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech
And for IOS, AVSpeechSynthesizer from AVFoundation framework.
These are default frameworks which are available on all devices.
Hope this helps!

Custom Wake Word with Speech SDK

I'm looking for a way to have an application just process voice commands every time I say a specific phrase. The behavior should be similar to Cortana, Alexa or others. The application will be deployed on a hands-free device, but the Speech device SDK cannot be used, because it runs solely on a PC.
Is there an addition to the Speech SDK with a custom wake word yet?
MS speech recognition uses RESTful APIs to cloud services. You can use them from any device.
You can use speech-to-text and voice command services on Android or iOS. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/speech/?v=18.05: Examples exist for both Java and Objective-C.
I think you also want to check out the preview of speaker recognition.
Does this help?
Looks like you would need to go to a specific site to set a wake work as it's still in preview mode. That will generate some files that you'd download for the SDK.
There's more in this documentation page.

recognizing QR codes with the Computer Vision API

I'm in the design stages of writing a Xamarin Forms app that will process camera pictures of legal documents. Is it possible to use the Computer Vision API to detect QR codes and parse them?
I was looking for the same thing and reviewed the documentation again, but didn't find any suitable operation within Computer Vision up to version 2.1. In the end I settled for this service: http://goqr.me/api/ which does exactly that and seems to work quite well. I tried ZXing, too, but with unsatisfactory results.
Hope that helps.

Transliteration google api required

I need a Google transliteration for python or any other language. Is there any Google api available to achiving the task or any other solution available for transliteration through programming ?
As of PHP 5.4 you have the Transliterator class, it's working very well for me.
