What is the TTS engine that here maps uses - here-api

I am developing an app using here maps. I am using voice guidance provided by them for maneuver data.
Packages used
Voice Catalog ,VoiceGuidanceOptions, VoicePackage
For more understanding, Can I know what TTS engine is used behind by here maps ?

Here uses text in form of compiled packages for voice guidance. There is no API in SDK to modify them.
For Android, Here uses the standard Android engine i.e android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech
And for IOS, AVSpeechSynthesizer from AVFoundation framework.
These are default frameworks which are available on all devices.
Hope this helps!


Using SDK made for Android in Xamarin

I'm currently developing a little project, i've bought a "smart lock" with works with Bluetooth and uses an open platform called TTLock. The resources are here: https://open.ttlock.com/doc/userGuide
The idea is to create my own App to control this "smart lock" using the methods created by TTLock.
The web page gives SDK resources for Android and IOS, but i want to program my App in Xamarin.Forms. My question is, can I "add" the Android SDK and the IOS SDK to my Xamarin.Forms solution and work with that methods, or i have to program first in Android Studio and later in an IOS IDE?
Thank you so much for your time and your responses. I'm learning about programming APPs on IDE, so all knowledge will be appreciated.
My question is, can I "add" the Android SDK and the IOS SDK to my Xamarin.Forms solution and work with that methods,
The answer of the first question is Yes. You could refer to Binding a .JAR document to use it in Android, and refer to Binding iOS Libraries document to use it in iOS.
or i have to program first in Android Studio and later in an IOS IDE?
The second question is depends on you. You will not need to use native IDE to do that.
For Android, there are two ways to get the native library:
Using Android Studio to download it
Going to Source repository website to download it
First method, I think you already know that, from the document you will find the sample steps:
The Second method, the shared document is chineses language. Therefore, you could find the source repository website here: https://maven.aliyun.com/mvn/search, and search by typing tongtonglock you will see the navtive libraries as follows. Then you can pick one to download.
For iOS, you could refer to its sample link to get the framework.

Custom Wake Word with Speech SDK

I'm looking for a way to have an application just process voice commands every time I say a specific phrase. The behavior should be similar to Cortana, Alexa or others. The application will be deployed on a hands-free device, but the Speech device SDK cannot be used, because it runs solely on a PC.
Is there an addition to the Speech SDK with a custom wake word yet?
MS speech recognition uses RESTful APIs to cloud services. You can use them from any device.
You can use speech-to-text and voice command services on Android or iOS. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/speech/?v=18.05: Examples exist for both Java and Objective-C.
I think you also want to check out the preview of speaker recognition.
Does this help?
Looks like you would need to go to a specific site to set a wake work as it's still in preview mode. That will generate some files that you'd download for the SDK.
There's more in this documentation page.

How to open DICOM (.dcm) images in iOS ?

Though this is a duplicate question, it would be really great if someone can help me in integrating a DICOM image viewer in my iOS application. Basically we are building a health application, where we have a requirement to showcase .DCM images. Any solutions ?
I'd tried with this and this too. But no luck :(
Imebra (c++) can be compiled for OS-X and iOS.
It comes with few objective-c helpers that convert images to UIImage or NSImage and std::string objects to/from NSString.
The documentation contains a section dedicated to building the library for Apple OSes.
Disclosure: I'm the author of Imebra
I am currently the primary maintainer of fo-dicom, which is a C# based cross-platform DICOM toolkit, available on .NET Framework, but also on Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android as well as other platforms.
If you are considering developing in C#, fo-dicom might be a sufficient alternative.

offline ovi map in desktop application

I want to embed Ovi Maps in a desktop application in offline(but interactive) mode. GIven that these maps and their related map APIs are mainly targeted for mobile platforms, is this possible ? If so, can anyone point to any existing documentation on how to do this? Any pointers to existing examples would be a plus.
I considered using google Maps which can be integrated with desktop applications, but they cannot be used in offline mode.
Unfortunately, even if you can use Ovi Maps in your desktop application (using Nokia Qt C++ SQK with Location API, see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility/location-overview.html) you cannot use Ovi Maps in offline mode and there is currently no way to embed it (offline maps use is only possible on Nokia mobile devices that embed maps by default).
The latest branding of Ovi Maps has changed to Nokia Maps. The new - Nokia Maps Framework for Mobile HTML5 claims to have offline support. The API relies on the user using a browser which supports local storage, so provided your user base is using Google Chrome or Safari it would work on a desktop as well as various mobile platforms.
An example app can be found with the documentation
The offline claim can be found here

Integrating platform-specific API's in multiplatform mobile app (Flex / Titanium)

My team is in the planning phase of a multiplatform mobile app. We're considering Adobe Air/Flex or Appcelerator Titanium instead of native development, but will eventually be needing to use an external API that is ported to iOS and Android. **(one that harnesses the device's camera)
The idea would be to use platform detection and overloaded classes to determine which platform version of the API to import. Is something like this possible in either Adobe or Appcelerator? If so, would the native Objective-C or Java need to somehow be wrapped in Actionscript (if Adobe) or JavaScript (if Titanium)?
Any advice would be fantastic.
A near-term (no dates yet) release of Mobile Air will include native extensions. The native code will be written in the platforms' native languages. ActionScript interfaces will exist to interact with these extensions, the specifications for which have not yet been released.
Titanium is 100% native code.
How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work?
