Modify google calendar input form - google-calendar-api

Because of personal purpose, I wanna modify the event input form (the form showing when clicking add new event on Google Calendar). Specifically, I wanna add some fields to this form. Can we do this? If we can, can you suggest what we should use to do this?
Many thanks for supporting.

You can't directly change that form, but you could create a Calendar add-on. As it's stated in the documentation:
G Suite add-ons are built using Apps Script, and their interfaces defined using the Apps Script Card service.
You will be able to create the custom interface you desire using Card service and use Apps Script to create the custom process you want.
Building Google Calendar interfaces has more details about how you could build your interface and Calendar actions has some examples of how you could handle the actions after clicking a button in your custom interface.


How to create a timed quiz in google form

I use Google Classroom for my chess club and send out quizzes using Google form. I am trying to find out if it is possible to set up some sort of timer in Google Forms right now. All the answers I can find using google are pretty outdated.
Here's a blog you can check and try for the implementation on How to Schedule your Google Forms and Limit Submissions. Afterwards, you can just add as a material and attach the link using Google Classroom API.
You can use add-ons. It's easy to use and looks good as well.
- timmer shows on the top of the page
- triggers the form to close upon timeout
- only paid version allows you to set logo, text, design and webcam tracking
- You can't customize the time countdown section-wise, countdown as a whole submission
note: you need to configure with a token from web app

Do I need to manually create a dynamic link for every product in the e-commerce app while using firebase dynamic link?

I am using a firebase deep link for my e-commerce application. I am able to create a dynamic link from the console and add a deep link with extra parameters to it. But those parameters are hardcoded.
I can see from the docs that we can create dynamic links using API and SDK. It is suggested in the docs to create a new one every time.
Also, dynamic links created using API or SDK does not show up in the console.
Is there any way to keep the dynamic link same and pass the parameters to it?
I am planning to use the dynamic links in conjunction with the notification. I want to use dynamic links to deep link the notification to a specific screen.
Is there a way to add the extra parameters(e.g. order_id or product_id) to the dynamic link?
Since each of your products is unique, each of them will need a unique dynamic link.
If you want to pass custom values, you typically encode them into the URL as shown here: Add parameter to Firebase Dynamic Links.
For example, if you use the "manually" create URLs you pass in the link parameter of your choice and that would contain your product ID:[&amv=minimum_version][&afl=fallback_link]
Note: I put "manually" in quotes there, since building URLs this way is highly automatable; it is just more explicit than the using the API to build the URL.

Options for creating custom dialogs in Sitecore

I need to implement some pop-up dialogs in sitecore. The popups are used in an existing angular site and I would like to reuse as much as possible.
Use case: From a sitecore form activate the dialog, init the dialog with data from the sitecore field. If the user presses OK, then write back the new value to the site core field.
I know that sitecore has an IFrame type but I know that the browser will not allow me to write back to the parent window from a site in another domain.
So what options do I have?
It is possible to communicate cross iframes and cross domains by posting it between, see example here

How to show web page/web resource in CRM Dynamics?

I am new to Microsoft Dynamics. I managed to create new solution and know how to add web resource to particular page like Contacts. Also, I have added few buttons to Ribbon control with their actions.
Now my problem is, I want to add a button either to ribbon control or anywhere in page, which I can access in complete CRM (like I can do in Master Page of, and which will help me open my web resource.
For example, if I click on Charts bar, web resource should be visible, otherwise it should be hidden.
My question may be lame, because I am very new to CRM Dynamics, kindly suggest my way is correct or I need to take some different approach?
If I understand it correctly you're looking for a way to add a button to multiple screens without need to modify each of them separately. (To avoid the pain when modifying all the ribbons or all the forms.)
In that case I'd suggest creating a separate JS web resource with code that adds a button with desired functionality, styling etc. And use Form Libraries Manager from XrmToolbox to bulk add the resource to all the forms.

Creating google analytics dashboard

I'm creating web site on zend framework and want to place statistic into my admin panel. Is there any js plugin (something like GA api) for getting styled graphs?
You may take a look at this:
and that:
it depends on what you want to display a line graph, a map ...
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics. (Disclosure - I work with them) EmbeddedAnalytics is based on the GA API. To do what you are asking is simple:
Create Account and grant embeddedanalytics access to your GA data.
Define your charts/reports.
Get embedding iframe code.
Embed this code into your site where you want them to show.
Additionally, we are working on creating pre-defined dashboard pages which will allow end-user to embed entire dashboards into a page.
