Creating google analytics dashboard - web-deployment

I'm creating web site on zend framework and want to place statistic into my admin panel. Is there any js plugin (something like GA api) for getting styled graphs?

You may take a look at this:
and that:
it depends on what you want to display a line graph, a map ...

Check out EmbeddedAnalytics. (Disclosure - I work with them) EmbeddedAnalytics is based on the GA API. To do what you are asking is simple:
Create Account and grant embeddedanalytics access to your GA data.
Define your charts/reports.
Get embedding iframe code.
Embed this code into your site where you want them to show.
Additionally, we are working on creating pre-defined dashboard pages which will allow end-user to embed entire dashboards into a page.


Firebase dynamic links admin generation or user genaration

I would like to use firebase dynamic links for sharing posts in my app via a link.
I found out that the firebase admin SDK can't generate dynamic links. So that leaves a question: should each user generate a dynamic link each time they want to share a post via link?
If there are 10k posts, a lot of links will be generated.
Having a link like would be more efficient because everybody could use the same URL to share.
Is this possible or should each user generate a personal share link?
Thanks in advance!
There is a REST API that you can use to generate Dynamic Links too. It sounds like you're looking to use that.
If the Admin SDK were to add support for Dynamic Links, it will likely be a fairly thin wrapper around that REST API.

How to show list View in Google Calendar for day's events?

I'm new in google calendar integration and apologize if this is asked earlier:
I have created four resources for Google Calendar from my Gsuite account, as I want the column layout in frontend using the
<iframe src=''></iframe>
generated from integrate calendar but on frontend only the month week and agenda is showing. I have tried different solution but all of them displaying the week & month if I combined all the calendar to one, than also the view is the same
I want to integrate this only with google Iframe, although using full calendar it is also possible.
Please, kindly check the attachment: I want this backend layout, and to the frontend with an additional option of the list view.
If I did understand it correctly what you want here is to have exactly this view as an iframe embedded on your website.
I'm afraid this is not possible to get that view using the iframe you can obtain following this steps:
If you want another view you'll have to build it yourself retrieving the data using Google Calendar API and building the view yourself, or you can also use other existing libraries, like:
It may have a nicer view and the functionalities you are missing, take a look at it!

Google analytics page tracking

I have a question about google analytics page tracking. I have a website and the main domain is Now I want the following. All pages hanging under Should get a separate Google Analytics. What is the best way to do this?
Thank you!
Using a default GA tag would do the job unless you specifically want to completely independently track the cisco subdirectory. in which case 2 separate tags are required, and you should check outthe following
From what I understand, you want to show data under in a separate GA account.
You may choose to create a new filter against your directory.
You may create a different GA Account altogether and
then change the property ID on the new section.
You may choose to create a new sub-domain

Embed Google Analytics sessions (line graph and counter) in page

I am attempting to learn how to create a pretty simple widget to embed in a web page that will show the pageviews for that page to the reader. Just want to show views over the past 90 days, but as a total number and as a line graph.
I've been fussing with the Embed API reference guide at, and I have managed to create a basic dashboard - but I'm struggling to figure out how to take that code and target it down for only one property and how to filter the query to a particular URL.
Am I barking up the wrong tree, trying to use the embed API?
The embed API is not the way to go for this as it is designed for you to log in and look at your own data. You would need to use something like superProxy instead -

How would I go about creating an interactive map using google's API in Wordpress?

I'm working on a Wordpress website for a friend and want to put a calendar on a page that when the mouse scrolls over a country for the country to light up and display some information as well as give the user some options to download a pdf about that country.
See to get an idea of what I mean.
Just need to get a sense of what technologies and tools are needed to make something like this work. I know I will need to utilize an API but the hovering and attaching a pdf to each country is new to me.
You could try to use the Google Geochart API for your problem. It allows to create interactive maps and to capture click events. It also allows to color countries individually and to display tooltips. You can find more information and examples here:
I created a plugin for WordPress that uses this API. It integrates all the needed scripts and allows to build a map from the admin panel. You can find more information here:
