Run a function that requires user interaction in a knitr document - r

I am using the package Knitr to write a report in latex. I have written the following function in my snippet:
sum <- function(){
n <- as.numeric(readline("Enter any positive integer"))
i <- 1:n; s <- sum(i)
When I execute it inside the Latex document as:
I get this error:
## Enter any positive integer ##
Error in 1:n: NA/NaN argument
How do I fix the snippet?

To be able to input anything interactively, readline() has to be used in an interactive R session, but your Rnw document is compiled in a non-interactive R session (why?)---this is only my guess, since you didn't mention how you compiled the document, and most people probably click the "Knit" button in RStudio, which means the document is compiled in a separate non-interactive R session.
In a non-interactive R session, readline() doesn't allow interactive input, and returns "" immediately, which leads to the error you saw:
> 1:""
Error in 1:"" : NA/NaN argument
If you have any code that requires human interaction (such as inputting numbers), the document has to be compiled in an interactive R session, and the way to do it is to run knitr::knit('your-document.Rnw') in the R console. (For R Markdown users, run rmarkdown::render() instead.)
That said, I don't recommend putting code that requires interaction in a knitr document, because it will make it harder to be reproducible (the result depends on interactive input, which is not predictable).
You may define your function so it doesn't absolutely require human interaction, e.g.,
sum2 <- function(n = as.numeric(readline("Enter any positive integer"))) {
i <- 1:n; s <- sum(i)
Then if you want to call the function in a non-interactive R session, you can pass a value to the argument n, e.g.,


R package code coverage with test_that and readline()

Good morning,
I'm building an R package and trying to get code coverage (via codecov) as high as possible. But, I'm struggling to use test_that when the function requires input via readline(). Here is a simplified function using readline() in a similar way to mine.
y<-as.numeric(readline((prompt="Enter a number: ")))
Any way to use test_that() with this function without having to manually input a number everytime this runs? Like, setting up a default input number only for the test?
From ?readline():
This [function] can only be used in an interactive session.
In a case like this I would probably rewrite my function to something like this:
fun <- function(y = readline(prompt = "Enter a number: ")) {
y <- as.numeric(y)
res <- 2 * y
When used interactively it works just the same, but when you want to test the function you can do so programmatically, for example:
fun(y = 10),
Other alternatives is to include some options in your package or an environment variable that tells your code that you are in testing mode, and alters the behavior of fun(). See e.g. this answer on SO.

How to hide warning messages from self-written function in R?

I am running an ordinary R script in which I have a self-written function. The function makes use of rm() which often produces warnings I do not want to appear in console output. Any of these solutions:
hiding warnings from rm usage from this particular self-written function,
hiding warnings from all usages of rm (globally for an R session)
would satisfy me.
foo.function <- function(){
# [1] "foo"
# Warning message:
# In rm(foo.object) : object 'foo.object' not found
For these particular case of object not found, you may use something like this:
if(exists("foo.object")) rm(foo.object)
If you want to hide other warnings as well, just use suppressWarnings().

Erroneous code diagnostics report in RStudio when sourcing functions via source

I'm working in RStudio on a simple analysis where I source some files via the source command. For example, I have this file with some simple analysis:
# Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------
source("Generic Functions.R")
# Some work ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Makes no sense
mtcars$mpg <- CleanPostcode(mtcars$mpg)
The generic functions file has some simple functions that I use to derive graphs and do repetitive tasks. For example the used CleanPostcode function would look like that:
Generic Functions.R
#' The file provides a set of generic functions
# String manipulations ----------------------------------------------------
# Create a clean Postcode for matching
CleanPostcode <- function(MessyPostcode) {
MessyPostcode <- as.character(MessyPostcode)
MessyPostcode <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", MessyPostcode)
MessyPostcode <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", MessyPostcode)
MessyPostcode <- toupper(MessyPostcode)
cln_str <- MessyPostcode
When I run the first file, the objects are available in the global environment:
There are some other function in the file but they are not relevant to the described problem.
Nevertheless the RStudio sees the object as not available in scope, as illustrated by the yellow triangle next to the code:
Is there a way to make RStudio stop doing that. Maybe changing something to the source command? I tried local = TRUE and got the same thing. The code works with no problems, I just find it annoying.
The report was generated on the version 0.99.491 of RStudio.

retrieve original version of package function even if over-assigned

Suppose I replace a function of a package, for example knitr:::sub_ext.
(Note: I'm particularly interested where it is an internal function, i.e. only accessible by ::: as opposed to ::, but the same answer may work for both).
my.sub_ext <- function (x, ext) {
return("I'm in your package stealing your functions D:")
# replace knitr:::sub_ext with my.sub_ext
knitr <- asNamespace('knitr')
unlockBinding('sub_ext', knitr)
assign('sub_ext', my.sub_ext, knitr)
lockBinding('sub_ext', knitr)
Question: is there any way to retrieve the original knitr:::sub_ext after I've done this? Preferably without reloading the package?
(I know some people want to know why I would want to do this so here it is. Not required reading for the question). I've been patching some functions in packages like so (not actually the sub_ext function...):
original.sub_ext <- knitr:::sub_ext
new.sub_ext <- function (x, ext) {
# some extra code that does something first, e.g.
x <- do.something.with(x)
# now call the original knitr:::sub_ext
original.sub_ext(x, ext)
# now set knitr:::sub_ext to new.sub_ext like before.
I agree this is not in general a good idea (in most cases these are quick fixes until changes make their way into CRAN, or they are "feature requests" that would never be approved because they are somewhat case-specific).
The problem with the above is if I accidentally execute it twice (e.g. it's at the top of a script that I run twice without restarting R in between), on the second time original.sub_ext is actually the previous new.sub_ext as opposed to the real knitr:::sub_ext, so I get infinite recursion.
Since sub_ext is an internal function (I wouldn't call it directly, but functions from knitr like knit all call it internally), I can't hope to modify all the functions that call sub_ext to call new.sub_ext manually, hence the approach of replacing the definition in the package namespace.
When you do assign('sub_ext', my.sub_ext, knitr), you are irrevocably overwriting the value previously associated with sub_ext with the value of my.sub_ext. If you first stash the original value, though, it's not hard to reset it when you're done:
knitr <- asNamespace("knitr")
## Store the original value of sub_ext
.sub_ext <- get("sub_ext", envir = knitr)
## Overwrite it with your own function
my.sub_ext <- function (x, ext) "I'm in your package stealing your functions D:"
assignInNamespace('sub_ext', my.sub_ext, knitr)
knitr:::sub_ext("eg.csv", "pdf")
# [1] "I'm in your package stealing your functions D:"
## Reset when you're done
assignInNamespace('sub_ext', .sub_ext, knitr)
knitr:::sub_ext("eg.csv", "pdf")
# [1] "eg.pdf"
Alternatively, as long as you are just adding lines of code to what's already there, you could add that code using trace(). What's nice about trace() is that, when you are done, you can use untrace() to revert the function's body to its original form:
trace(what = "mean.default",
tracer = quote({
a <- 1
b <- 2
x <- x*(a+b)
at = 1)
# Tracing mean.default(1:2) step 1
# [1] 4.5
# Untracing function "mean.default" in package "base"
# [1] 1.5
Note that if the function you are tracing is in a namespace, you'll want to use trace()'s where argument, passing it the name of some other (exported) function that shares the to-be-traced function's namespace. So, to trace an unexported function in knitr's namespace, you could set where=knit

call to sapply() works in interactive mode, not in batch mode

I need to execute some commands in batch mode (e.g., via Rscript). They work in interactive mode, but not in batch mode. Here is a minimal example: sapply(1:3, is, "numeric"). Why does this work in interactive mode but return an error in batch mode? Is there a way to make a command like this work in batch mode?
More specifically, I need to write scripts and to run them in batch mode. They need to call a function (which I didn't write and can't edit) that looks like this:
testfun <- function (...)
args <- list(...)
if (any(!sapply(args, is, "numeric")))
stop("All arguments must be numeric.")
writeLines("All arguments look OK.")
I need to pass a list to this function. A command like testfun(list(1, 2, 3)) works in interactive mode. But in batch mode, it produces an error: Error in : object 'is' not found. I tried debugger() to get a handle on the problem, but it didn't give me any insight. I also looked through r-help, the R FAQ, R Inferno, but I couldn't find anything that spoke to this problem.
Rscript doesn't load the methods package by default because it takes a lot of time. From the Details section of ?Rscript:
‘--default-packages=list’ where ‘list’ is a comma-separated list
of package names or ‘NULL’. Sets the environment variable
‘R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES’ which determines the packages loaded on
startup. The default for ‘Rscript’ omits ‘methods’ as it
takes about 60% of the startup time.
You can make it load methods by using the --default-packages argument.
> Rscript -e 'sapply(1:3, is, "numeric")' --default-packages='methods'
