Why R netCDF4 package is transposing my data? - r

I'm reading a .nc data in R with ncdf4 and RNetCDF. The NetCDF metadata says that there are 144 lons and 73 lats, which leads to 144 columns and 73 rows, right?
However, the data I get in R seems to be transposed with 144 rows and 73 columns.
Please could you tell me what is wrong?
a <- tempfile()
download.file(url = "ftp://ftp.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis2.derived/pressure/uwnd.mon.mean.nc", destfile = a)
nc <- nc_open(a)
uwnd <- ncvar_get(nc = ncu, varid = "uwnd")
## [1] 144 73 17 494
umed <- (uwnd[ , , 10, 421] + uwnd[ , , 10, 422] + uwnd[ , , 10, 423])/3
## [1] 144
## [1] 73

It looks you are having two problems.
The first one is related with expecting the same structure that the netCDF file has in R which is a problem in itself because when you are translating the multi-dimensional array structure of the netCDF into 2 dimensional dataframe. NetCDF format needs some reshaping in R in order to be manipulated as it does in python(see: http://geog.uoregon.edu/bartlein/courses/geog490/week04-netCDF.html).
The second one is that you are using values instead of indices when subsetting the data.
umed <- (uwnd[ , , 10, 421] + uwnd[ , , 10, 422] + uwnd[ , , 10, 423])/3
The solution that I see for this is starting by creating the indices of the dimensions that you want to subset. In this example I am subsetting preassure level 10 millibar and all that goes between longitude 230 and 300 and latitude 25 and 40.
nc <- nc_open("uwnd.mon.mean.nc")
LonIdx <- which( nc$dim$lon$vals > 230 & nc$dim$lon$vals <300 )
## [1] 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
## 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
LatIdx <- which( nc$dim$lat$vals >25 & nc$dim$lat$vals < 40)
## [1] 22 23 24 25 26
LevIdx <- which( nc$dim$level$vals==10)
## [1] 17
Then you would need to apply the indices over each dimension except time which i would assume you don't want to subset. Sub setting lon and latitude is important due to R saves all in memory therefore leaving the whole range of them would consume a significant amount of RAM.
lat <- ncvar_get(nc,"lat")[LatIdx]
lon <- ncvar_get(nc,"lon")[LonIdx]
lev <- ncvar_get(nc,"level")[LevIdx]
time <- ncvar_get(nc,"time")
After that you can get the variable that you were looking for uwnd Monthly U-wind on Pressure Levels and finish reading the netCDF file with a nc_close(nc).
uwnd <- ncvar_get(nc,"uwnd")[LonIdx,LatIdx,LevIdx,]
At the end you can expand the grid with all the four dimensions: longitude,latitude,preassure level and time.
uwndf <- data.frame(as.matrix(cbind(expand.grid(lon,lat,lev,time))),c(uwnd))
names(uwndf) <- c("lon","lat","level","time","U-wind")
Bind it to a dataframe with the U-wind variable and convert the netcdf time variable into an R time object.
uwndf$time_final<-convertDateNcdf2R(uwndf$time, units = "hours", origin =
as.POSIXct("1800-01-01", tz = "UTC"),time.format="%Y-%m-%d %Z %H:%M:%S")
At the end you will have the dataframe you are looking for between Jan 1979 and March 2020.
## [1] "2020-03-01 UTC"
## [1] "1979-01-01 UTC"
## lon lat level time U-wind time_final
## 1 232.5 37.5 10 1569072 3.289998 1979-01-01
## 2 235.0 37.5 10 1569072 5.209998 1979-01-01
## 3 237.5 37.5 10 1569072 7.409998 1979-01-01
## 4 240.0 37.5 10 1569072 9.749998 1979-01-01
## 5 242.5 37.5 10 1569072 12.009998 1979-01-01
## 6 245.0 37.5 10 1569072 14.089998 1979-01-01
I hope this is useful! Cheers!
Note: For converting the netcdf time variable into an R time object make sure you have the ncdf.tools library installed.


breakdates in strucchange gives float instead of date

I want to detect breakpoints in a dataset and using strucchange library.
Dataset as timeseries object made by xts as below:
2009-12-18 145
2010-01-08 100
2010-02-09 120
2010-03-02 150
2010-03-09 110
2010-03-23 180
2010-03-30 120
2010-04-06 135
2010-05-11 150
2010-05-25 155
2010-06-01 90
I using code below to detect breakdates but it gives me floats(double in r) as breakdates.
bp_ts <- breakpoints(duration ~ 1, breaks = 2)
The output is:
Corresponding to breakdates:
m = 1 0.168604651162791
m = 2 0.145348837209302 0.372093023255814
I want to output to be as date:
The output should be:
Corresponding to breakdates:
m = 1 2010-03-23
m = 2 2010-03-23 2010-05-11
I could not understand why dates become floats after breakpoints function application.
from now big thanks :)

R - Sum range over lookback period, divided sum of look back - excel to R

I am looking to workout a percentage total over a look back range in R.
I know how to do this in excel with the following formula:
This is summing column B over a range of today looking back 3 lines. It then divides this sum buy the total sum of column B + C again looking back 3 lines.
I am looking to achieve the same calculation in R to run across my matrix.
The output would look something like this:
adv dec perct
1 69 376
2 113 293
3 270 150 0.355625492
4 74 371 0.359559402
5 308 96 0.513790386
6 236 173 0.491255962
7 252 134 0.663886572
8 287 129 0.639966969
9 219 187 0.627483444
This is a line of code I could perhaps add the look back range too:
perct <- apply(data.matrix[,c('adv','dec')], 1, function(x) { (x[1] / x[1] + x[2]) } )
If i could get [1] to sum the previous 3 line range and
If i could get [2] to also sum the previous 3 line range.
Still learning how to apply forward and look back periods within R. So any additional learning on the answer would be appreciated!
Here are some approaches. The first 3 use rollsumr and/or rollapplyr in zoo and the last one uses only the base of R.
1) rollsumr Create a matrix with rollsumr whose columns contain the rollling sums, convert that to row proportions and take the "adv" column. Finally assign that to a new column frac in DF. This approach has the shortest code.
DF$frac <- prop.table(rollsumr(DF, 3, fill = NA), 1)[, "adv"]
> DF
adv dec frac
1 69 376 NA
2 113 293 NA
3 270 150 0.3556255
4 74 371 0.3595594
5 308 96 0.5137904
6 236 173 0.4912560
7 252 134 0.6638866
8 287 129 0.6399670
9 219 187 0.6274834
1a) This variation is similar except instead of using prop.table we write out the ratio. The code is longer but you may find it clearer.
m <- rollsumr(DF, 3, fill = NA)
DF$frac <- with(as.data.frame(m), adv / (adv + dec))
1b) This is a variation of (1) that is the same except it uses a magrittr pipeline:
DF %>% rollsumr(3, fill = NA) %>% prop.table(1) %>% `[`(TRUE, "adv") -> DF$frac
2) rollapplyr We could use rollapplyr with by.column = FALSE like this. The result is the same.
ratio <- function(x) sum(x[, "adv"]) / sum(x)
DF$frac <- rollapplyr(DF, 3, ratio, by.column = FALSE, fill = NA)
3) Yet another variation is to compute the numerator and denominator separately:
DF$frac <- rollsumr(DF$adv, 3, fill = NA) /
rollapplyr(DF, 3, sum, by.column = FALSE, fill = NA)
4) base This uses embed followed by rowSums on each column to get the rolling sums and then uses prop.table as in (1).
DF$frac <- prop.table(sapply(lapply(rbind(NA, NA, DF), embed, 3), rowSums), 1)[, "adv"]
Note: The input used in reproducible form is:
Lines <- "adv dec
1 69 376
2 113 293
3 270 150
4 74 371
5 308 96
6 236 173
7 252 134
8 287 129
9 219 187"
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
Consider an sapply that loops through the number of rows in order to index two rows back:
DF$pred <- sapply(seq(nrow(DF)), function(i)
ifelse(i>=3, sum(DF$adv[(i-2):i])/(sum(DF$adv[(i-2):i]) + sum(DF$dec[(i-2):i])), NA))
# adv dec pred
# 1 69 376 NA
# 2 113 293 NA
# 3 270 150 0.3556255
# 4 74 371 0.3595594
# 5 308 96 0.5137904
# 6 236 173 0.4912560
# 7 252 134 0.6638866
# 8 287 129 0.6399670
# 9 219 187 0.6274834

Creating a data set with paired data and converting it into a matrix

So, I'm using R to try and do a phylogenetic PCA on a dataset that I have using the phyl.pca function from the phytools package. However, I'm having issues organising my data in a way that the function will accept! And that's not all: I did a bit of experimenting and I know that there are more issues further down the line, which I will get into...
Getting straight to the issue, here's the data frame (with dummy data) that I'm using:
Taxa Tibia Feather
1 Microraptor 138 101
2 Microraptor 139 114
3 Microraptor 145 141
4 Anchiornis 160 81
5 Anchiornis 14 NA
6 Archaeopteryx 134 82
7 Archaeopteryx 136 71
8 Archaeopteryx 132 NA
9 Archaeopteryx 14 NA
10 Scansoriopterygidae 120 85
11 Scansoriopterygidae 116 NA
12 Scansoriopterygidae 123 NA
13 Sapeornis 108 NA
14 Sapeornis 112 86
15 Sapeornis 118 NA
16 Sapeornis 103 NA
17 Confuciusornis 96 NA
18 Confuciusornis 107 30
19 Confuciusornis 148 33
20 Confuciusornis 128 61
The taxa are arranged into a tree (called "tree") with Microraptor being the most basal and then progressing in order through to Confuciusornis:
Phylogenetic tree: tree
Number of tips: 6
Number of nodes: 5
Branch lengths:
mean: 1
variance: 0
distribution summary:
Min. 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max.
1 1 1 1 1
No root edge.
Tip labels: Confuciusornis
No node labels.
And the function:
>phyl.pca(tree, all, method="BM", mode="corr")
And this is the error that is coming up:
Error in phyl.pca(tree, all, method = "BM", mode = "corr") :
number of rows in Y cannot be greater than number of taxa in your tree
Y being the "all" data frame. So I have 6 taxa in my tree (matching the 6 taxa in the data frame) but there are 20 rows in my data frame. So I used this function:
> all_agg <- aggregate(all[,-1],by=list(all$Taxa),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
And got this:
Group.1 Tibia Feather
1 Anchiornis 153 81
2 Archaeopteryx 136 77
3 Confuciusornis 120 41
4 Microraptor 141 119
5 Sapeornis 110 86
6 Scansoriopterygidae 120 85
It's a bit odd that the order of the taxa has changed... Is this ok?
In any case, I converted it into a matrix:
> all_agg_matrix <- as.matrix(all_agg)
> all_agg_matrix
Group.1 Tibia Feather
[1,] "Anchiornis" "153" "81"
[2,] "Archaeopteryx" "136" "77"
[3,] "Confuciusornis" "120" "41"
[4,] "Microraptor" "141" "119"
[5,] "Sapeornis" "110" "86"
[6,] "Scansoriopterygidae" "120" "85"
And then used the phyl.pca function:
> phyl.pca(tree, all_agg_matrix, method = "BM", mode = "corr")
[1] "Y has no names. function will assume that the row order of Y matches tree$tip.label"
Error in invC %*% X : requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments
So, now the order that the function is considering taxa in is all wrong (but I can fix that relatively easily). The issue is that phyl.pca doesn't seem to believe that my matrix is actually a matrix. Any ideas why?
I think you may have bigger problems. Most phylogenetic methods, I suspect including phyl.pca, assume that traits are fixed at the species level (i.e., they don't account for within-species variation). Thus, if you want to use phyl.pca, you probably need to collapse your data to a single value per species, e.g. via
dd_agg <- aggregate(dd[,-1],by=list(dd$Taxa),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
Extract the numeric columns and label the rows properly so that phyl.pca can match them up with the tips correctly:
dd_mat <- dd_agg[,-1]
rownames(dd_mat) <- dd_agg[,1]
Using these aggregated data, I can make up a tree (since you didn't give us one) and run phyl.pca ...
tt <- rcoal(nrow(dd_agg),tip.label=dd_agg[,1])
If you do need to do an analysis that takes within-species variation into account you might need to ask somewhere more specialized, e.g. the r-sig-phylo#r-project.org mailing list ...
The answer posted by Ben Bolker seems to work whereby the data (called "all") is collapsed into a single value per species before creating a matrix and running the function. As per so:
> all_agg <- aggregate(all[,-1],by=list(all$Taxa),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
> all_mat <- all_agg[,-1]
> rownames(all_mat) <- all_agg[,1]
> phyl.pca(tree,all_mat, method= "lambda", mode = "corr")
Thanks to everyone who contributed an answer and especially Ben! :)

Find the non zero values and frequency of those values in R

I have a data which has two parameters, they are data/time and flow. The flow data is intermittent flow. Lets say at times there is zero flow and suddenly the flow starts and there will be non-zero values for sometime and then the flow will be zero again. I want to understand when the non-zero values occur and how long does each non-zero flow last. I have attached the sample dataset at this location https://www.dropbox.com/s/ef1411dq4gyg0cm/sampledataflow.csv
The data is 1 minute data.
I was able to import the data into R as follows:
flow <- read.csv("sampledataflow.csv")
names(flow) <- c("Date","discharge")
flow$Date <- strptime(flow$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
plot(flow$Date, flow$discharge,type="l")
I made plot to see the distribution but couldn't get a clue where to start to get the frequency of each non zero values. I would like to see a output table as follows:
Date Duration in Minutes
Please let me know if I am not clear here. Thanks.
Additional Info:
I think we need to check the non-zero value first and then find how many non zero values are there continuously before it reaches zero value again. What I want to understand is the flow release durations. For eg. in one day there might be multiple releases and I want to note at what time did the release start and how long did it continue before coming to value zero. I hope this explain the problem little better.
The first point is that you have too many NA in your data. In case you want to look into it.
If I understand correctly, you require the count of continuous 0's followed by continuous non-zeros, zeros, non-zeros etc.. for each date.
This can be achieved with rle of course, as also mentioned by #mnel under comments. But there are quite a few catches.
First, I'll set up the data with non-NA entries:
flow <- read.csv("~/Downloads/sampledataflow.csv")
names(flow) <- c("Date","discharge")
flow <- flow[1:33119, ] # remove NA entries
# format Date to POSIXct to play nice with data.table
flow$Date <- as.POSIXct(flow$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
Next, I'll create a Date column:
flow$g1 <- as.Date(flow$Date)
Finally, I prefer using data.table. So here's a solution using it.
# load package, get data as data.table and set key
flow.dt <- data.table(flow)
# set key to both "Date" and "g1" (even though, just we'll use just g1)
# to make sure that the order of rows are not changed (during sort)
setkey(flow.dt, "Date", "g1")
# group by g1 and set data to TRUE/FALSE by equating to 0 and get rle lengths
out <- flow.dt[, list(duration = rle(discharge == 0)$lengths,
val = rle(discharge == 0)$values + 1), by=g1][val == 2, val := 0]
> out # just to show a few first and last entries
# g1 duration val
# 1: 2010-05-31 120 0
# 2: 2010-06-01 722 0
# 3: 2010-06-01 138 1
# 4: 2010-06-01 32 0
# 5: 2010-06-01 79 1
# ---
# 98: 2010-06-22 291 1
# 99: 2010-06-22 423 0
# 100: 2010-06-23 664 0
# 101: 2010-06-23 278 1
# 102: 2010-06-23 379 0
So, for example, for 2010-06-01, there are 722 0's followed by 138 non-zeros, followed by 32 0's followed by 79 non-zeros and so on...
I looked a a small sample of the first two days
> do.call( cbind, tapply(flow$discharge, as.Date(flow$Date), function(x) table(x > 0) ) )
2010-06-01 2010-06-02
FALSE 1223 911
TRUE 217 529 # these are the cumulative daily durations of positive flow.
You may want this transposed in which case the t() function should succeed. Or you could use rbind.
If you jsut wante the number of flow-postive minutes, this would also work:
tapply(flow$discharge, as.Date(flow$Date), function(x) sum(x > 0, na.rm=TRUE) )
2010-06-01 2010-06-02 2010-06-03 2010-06-04 2010-06-05 2010-06-06 2010-06-07 2010-06-08
217 529 417 463 0 0 263 220
2010-06-09 2010-06-10 2010-06-11 2010-06-12 2010-06-13 2010-06-14 2010-06-15 2010-06-16
244 219 287 234 31 245 311 324
2010-06-17 2010-06-18 2010-06-19 2010-06-20 2010-06-21 2010-06-22 2010-06-23 2010-06-24
299 305 124 129 295 296 278 0
To get the lengths of intervals with discharge values greater than zero:
tapply(flow$discharge, as.Date(flow$Date), function(x) rle(x>0)$lengths[rle(x>0)$values] )
[1] 138 79
[1] 95 195 239
[1] 57 360
[1] 6 457
... Snipped output
If you want to look at the distribution of these durations you will need to unlist that result. (And remember that the durations which were split at midnight may have influenced the counts and durations.) If you just wanted durations without dates, then use this:
flowrle <- rle(flow$discharge>0)
flowrle$lengths[!is.na(flowrle$values) & flowrle$values]
[1] 138 79 95 195 296 360 6 457 263 17 203 79 80 85 30 189 17 270 127 107 31 1
[23] 2 1 241 311 229 13 82 299 305 3 121 129 295 3 2 291 278

Select a value for based on a highest value in another column

I don't understand why I can't find a solution for this, since I feel that this is a pretty basic question. Need to ask for help, then. I want to rearrange airquality dataset by month with maximum temp value for each month. In addition I want to find the corresponding day for each monthly maximum temperature. What is the laziest (code-wise) way to do this?
I have tried following without a success:
names(airquality) <- tolower(names(airquality))
mm <- melt(airquality, id.vars = c("month", "day"), meas = c("temp"))
dcast(mm, month + day ~ variable, max)
aggregate(formula = temp ~ month + day, data = airquality, FUN = max)
I am after something like this:
month day temp
5 7 89
There was quite a discussion a while back about whether being lazy is good or not. Anwyay, this is short and natural to write and read (and is fast for large data so you don't need to change or optimize it later) :
Month Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Day
[1,] 5 45 252 14.9 81 29
[2,] 6 NA 259 10.9 93 11
[3,] 7 97 267 6.3 92 8
[4,] 8 76 203 9.7 97 28
[5,] 9 73 183 2.8 93 3
.SD is the subset of the data for each group, and you just want the row from it with the largest Temp, iiuc. If you need the row number then that can be added.
Or to get all the rows where the max is tied :
Month Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Day
[1,] 5 45 252 14.9 81 29
[2,] 6 NA 259 10.9 93 11
[3,] 7 97 267 6.3 92 8
[4,] 7 97 272 5.7 92 9
[5,] 8 76 203 9.7 97 28
[6,] 9 73 183 2.8 93 3
[7,] 9 91 189 4.6 93 4
Another approach with plyr
names(airquality) <- tolower(names(airquality))
mm <- melt(airquality, id.vars = c("month", "day"), meas = c("temp"), value.name = 'temp')
ddply(mm, .(month), subset, subset = temp == max(temp), select = -variable)
month day temp
1 5 29 81
2 6 11 93
3 7 8 92
4 7 9 92
5 8 28 97
6 9 3 93
7 9 4 93
Or, even simpler
names(airquality) <- tolower(names(airquality))
ddply(airquality, .(month), subset,
subset = temp == max(temp), select = c(month, day, temp) )
how about with plyr?
max.func <- function(df) {
max.temp <- max(df$temp)
return(data.frame(day = df$Day[df$Temp==max.temp],
temp = max.temp))
ddply(airquality, .(Month), max.func)
As you can see, the max temperature for the month happens on more than one day. If you want different behavior, the function is easy enough to adjust.
Or if you want to use the data.table package (for instance, if speed is an issue and the data set is large or if you prefer the syntax):
DT <- data.table(airquality)
DT[, list(maxTemp=max(Temp), dayMaxTemp=.SD[max(Temp)==Temp, Day]), by="Month"]
If you want to know what the .SD stands for, have a look here: SO
