Use Tag Controls in .NET -

I've searched but cannot figure out what for now I'll call a "tag" control is in .NET. I want to build in the tagging feature you will find in most forums when posting a question (similar to stackoverflow). However I cannot find any info on it. I suspect its because I dont know what the technical name is for the control. They are called tags in forums. See screenshots. Can someone tell me if this is possible to build in .NET and what they are called. If not, what can I use to build this functionality?

There is a very good jQuery plugin named Chosen that can do this Tag style using a multiple select control.
For example using the Chosen and this code
<script type="text/javascript" >
jQuery(".chosen-select").chosen({width: '100%;'});
<asp:ListBox ID="lstWithTags" runat="server" CssClass="chosen-select" SelectionMode="Multiple"></asp:ListBox>
you have your tag select control very fast and easy


Datepicker calendar control for visual studio 2005

Does anybody know of a good datepicker calendar control for 2005? I went through a few but can't one that I like. The biggest problem I'm finding is, how do I clear a date after I picked it?
Thank you,
try jquery datepicker :)
Its good, and it will solve your problem of clearing the date too and lots of cool themes :)
hope it helps
use this function inside the script :-
$(function () {
this in page
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
also include all proper css and js files as per theme selected. you can directly link the files on internet or can store individual js/css files locally and then reference it.
Also see pagesource of this link. it will further clarify your concepts :)
Use a jQuery Date Picker by Rick Strahl. It's the only one I ever use. It's very simple.

Explicit localization problem

when trying to translate the confirmation message to Norwegian i get the following error:
Cannot have more than one binding on property 'OnClientClick' on 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton'. Ensure that this property is not bound through an implicit expression, for example, using meta:resourcekey.
i use Explicit localization in the following manner:
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkMarkInvoiced" runat="server" OnClick="lnkMarkInvoiced_OnClick"
OnClientClick="<%# Resources: lnkMarkInvoicedResource.OnClientClick%>"
Visible="False" CssClass="stdtext" meta:resourcekey="lnkMarkInvoicedResource" ></asp:LinkButton>
here's the local resource file entry:
<data name="lnkMarkInvoicedResource.OnClientClick" xml:space="preserve">
<value>return confirm('Er du sikker?');</value>
if i remove the meta attribute i get the English text(default).
how do i get the Norwegian text appearing without resorting to using the code behind?
removing the meta attribute prevents the exception from occurring but the original problem still exists. I can't get the Norwegian text to show.
only the default English text shows.
Another Update:
I know this question is getting old but i still can't get the Norwegian text to display.
If anyone has some tips please post a response.
Looks like you're making the problem harder by inlining the onclick. Why not split it out to a separate line?
function markInvoiced()
return confirm('<%= Resources.SomehowGet.lnkMarkInvoicedResource.OnClientClick%>');
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkMarkInvoiced" runat="server" OnClick="lnkMarkInvoiced_OnClick"
OnClientClick="return markInvoiced();"
Visible="False" CssClass="stdtext" meta:resourcekey="lnkMarkInvoicedResource" ></asp:LinkButton>
And while we're looking at your code, you realize that you're essentially building an <a> tag, right? As such, why not just build an <a> and save yourself some grief?
And finally, next project why not ditch the built-in ASP.NET localization nighmare in favor of something sane like FairlyLocal, in which case you'd write this:
<a href="#" onclick="return confirm(<%=_"really?"%>) onserverclick="lnkMarkInvoiced_OnClick" runat="server">
<%=_("Mark Invoice")%>
Are you using the .NET resource manager and satellite assemblies to store your localized resources? It looks like you have hard-coded the alternative language in your markup, rather than storing it in a language-specific resources assembly...
.NET has some extremely rich localization and globalization capabilities. If you use them properly, localization should be a pretty automatic thing (assuming your client is providing their language code as part of the HTTP headers). Even if your client has not configured their browser with the appropriate language, it is still easy enough to manually change the UI culture via a user request (clicking a flag icon, configuring a setting, etc.)
This article might be helpful: ASP.NET Web Page Resources Overview
That meta tag is using implicit localization when you're using explicit localization in the OnClientClick. You will need to choose one method or the other. If you are to use explicit localization, you'll need to do the necessary work to set the proper culture info in your application in the code-behind.

jQuery Intellisense in VS 2008 not working with ajax ToolkitScriptManager

I've followed all the steps to get intellisense working for jQuery in VS 2008 SP1 (with the vsdoc hotfix). It works when I reference jQuery inside an asp:ScriptManager control like so:
<asp:ScriptManager runat="server">
But I'm using ajax ToolkitScriptManager instead and the intellisense doesn't seem to work when using this control. It offers some better features so I'm not willing to live without it.
It looks like the VS team only programmed the jQuery intellisense to look for asp ScriptManager controls and not ToolkitScriptManager. Has anyone found a workaround for this specific problem?
Wows, I, had the same problem and used the following method to trick Visual Studio:
<% if(false) { %>
<script src="/scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<% } %>
The script tag will never be rendered but VS interprets it and enables intellisense.
If the file is contained in your project with a -vsdoc.js at the end, IntelliSense should work. Rick Strahl has a great post about this at
A different question: why are you putting the JQuery library in the script manager?
The script manager can do some cool things, like compress the javascript files for you -- but that only works if the JavaScript is in a resource file.
Also, using the ScriptManager adds a bunch of extra JavaScript that will not be downloaded by the client (all of the Microsoft AJAX libraries). Which is fine so long as you are using the Microsoft AJAX Toolkit, but is a lot of extra load if you are not.
EDIT: if you want a better relative position get JQuery from Google Code. You can read about it here:

RegisterClientScriptBlock without form tag

After trying to understand why client code is not rendered in a page (injected by user control) I found this link, it turns out you must have a form tag for it to work (Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock did declare this but ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock which I use does not say anything regarding this).
I am using Visual studio 2005.
Does anyone know if this has been solved?
To clarify, I want my control to add javascript code to the head section of the page without having to use the
<form runat="server"
I have tried adding it using:
HtmlGenericControl x = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
x.InnerText = "alert('123');";
But this did not work for me.
As far as I know this functions the same in current versions, you can test it very simply though.
per discussion in the comments, the only "workaround" that I could think of would be for your to manually insert the script into the "head" section of the page on your own, using a runat="server" declaration on the Head element.
Got it!
My mistake was not doing it in the OnPreRender method (I used the Render method).
Now all that is needed is - like Mitchel Sellers wrote, set the header to runat server and than add to it's controls:
HtmlGenericControl x = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
x.InnerText = GetScriptSection();
Thanks for pointing me to the right direction!
The MSDN Page for registerclientscriptblock here says:
The client-side script is emitted just
after the opening tag of the Page
object's <form runat= server> element.
The script block is emitted as the
object that renders the output is
defined, so you must include both tags
of the <script> element.
If you do not want to include a form, than you will basically need to build your own implementation of it.
Minor clarification for anyone seeing this:
The form tag must have the runat="server" attribute set, e.g.
<form id="theform" runat="server">
Just placing a regular HTML form tag in the page will not help.

jQuery Menu and ASP.NET Sitemap

Is it possible to use an ASP.NET web.sitemap with a jQuery Superfish menu?
If not, are there any standards based browser agnostic plugins available that work with the web.sitemap file?
I found this question while looking for the same answer... everyone says it's possible but no-one gives the actual solution! I seem to have it working now so thought I'd post my findings...
Things I needed:
Superfish which also includes a version of jQuery
CSS Friendly Control Adaptors download DLL and .browsers file (into /bin and /App_Browsers folders respectively)
ASP.NET SiteMap (a .sitemap XML file and siteMap provider entry in web.config)
My finished Masterpage.master has the following head tag:
<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/script/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/script/superfish.js"></script>
<link href="~/css/superfish.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
Which is basically all the stuff needed for the jQuery Superfish menu to work. Inside the page (where the menu goes) looks like this (based on these instructions):
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="SiteMapDataSource" runat="server"
ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server"
Orientation="Horizontal" CssClass="sf-menu">
Based on the documentation, this seems like it SHOULD work - but it doesn't. The reason is that the CssClass="sf-menu" gets overwritten when the Menu is rendered and the <ul> tag gets a class="AspNet-Menu". I thought the line $('ul.AspNet-Menu').superfish(); would help, but it didn't.
Although it is a hack (and please someone point me to the correct solution) I was able to get it working by opening the superfish.css file and search and replacing sf-menu with AspNet-Menu... and voila! the menu appeared. I thought there would be some configuration setting in the asp:Menu control where I could set the <ul> class but didn't find any hints via google.
Yes, it is totally possible.
I have used it with the ASP:Menu control and jQuery 1.2.6 with the Superfish plugin. Note, you will need the ASP.NET 2.0 CSS Friendly Control Adapters.
ASP.NET generates the ASP:Menu control as a table layout. The CSS Friendly Control Adapter will make ASP.NET generate the ASP:Menu control as a UL/LI layout inside a div.
This will allow easy integration of the jQuery and Superfish plugin because the Superfish plugin relies on a UL/LI layout.
It looks like you need to generate a UL for Superfish. You should be able to do this with ASP.Net from your site map. I think the site map control will do something like this. If not, it should be pretty trivial to call the site map directly from C# and generate the DOM programmatically. You could build a user control to do this, or do it in the master page.
Check out this MSDN article on how to programmatically enumerate the nodes in your site map.
Remember to add css classes for NonLink elements. Superfish css elements don't acccont for them. And if you're like me and have root menu's that are not links, then it renders horribly. Just add AspNet-Menu-NonLink elements to the superfish.css file and it should render fine.
The SiteMapDataSource control should be able to bind to any hierarchical data bound control. I'm not familiar with superfish but I know there are plenty of jQueryish controls out there to do this.
I created a neat little sample project you can use at
It is a composite control which generates a nested UL/LI listing from your sitemap.
