Xamarin Forms - Create Entry or Picker dynamically based on a property and bind it to a ObservableCollection object - xamarin.forms

I have a xamarin forms application that receives data from the database. The database gives "Car" data back. Those objects all have a couple of properties. On of those properties decides what kind of view should be shown on the screen. So a car could have a property named "TypeOfView" with a value "Entry" or "Picker" etc..
The problem is a follows: How can I dynamically create views based on that property and how can that be bind to objects in a list in the viewmodel?
// This is the codebehind where UI controls get created
BindingContext = DependencyInjectionService.Get<CheckListEditViewModel>();
var stack = new StackLayout()
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
Padding = 5
for (int i = 0; i < (BindingContext as CheckListEditViewModel).CheckListItems.Count; i++)
var item = (BindingContext as CheckListEditViewModel).CheckListItems[i];
var description = new Label()
Text = item.Description
if ((item.ChecklistItemType == Domain.ChecklistItemType.Number))
var numerEntry = new Entry();
numerEntry.Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric;
numerEntry.TextChanged += MyMethod;
numerEntry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, new Binding(mode: BindingMode.TwoWay, path: "Value", source: item));
// this is to test if the binding worked
var testLabelBindingTesting = new Label();
testLabelBindingTesting.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding(mode: BindingMode.TwoWay, path: "Value", source: item));
else if ((item.ChecklistItemType == Domain.ChecklistItemType.Email))
var numerEntry = new Entry();
numerEntry.Keyboard = Keyboard.Email;
Content = stack;
// The list is in the viewmodel class:
public ObservableCollection<ChecklistItem> CheckListItems { get; set; }


Loading a menu structure on every razor page in asp .NET Core

After user authentication I'm supposed to change the user menu based on the roles of the user.
To do this, I created a service which fetched the menu the user is expected to see:
public List<MenuStructure> LoadCompleteMenuRole(string role)
List<MenuStructure> resultList = null;
var menuHeaders = LoadMenuHeadersForTheGivenRole(role);
if (menuHeaders != null && menuHeaders.Count > 0)
resultList = new List<MenuStructure>();
foreach (var menuHeader in menuHeaders)
var menuStructure = new MenuStructure
MenuName = menuHeader.HeaderName,
Caption = menuHeader.Caption
var menuDetails = LoadMenuDetailsForTheGivenHeader(menuHeader.Id);
if (menuDetails != null && menuDetails.Count > 0)
menuStructure.MenuElements = new List<MenuElement>();
foreach (var menuDetail in menuDetails)
var menuElement = new MenuElement
ElementName = menuDetail.DetailName,
ElementCaption = menuDetail.Caption,
Destination = menuDetail.Destination
return resultList;
My problem? Where do I implement the service so the menus get loaded in every razor page I create?

Create dynamic forms with Xamarin Forms

I have a list with objects. Those objects all have properties. I loop through this list in the code behind. Based on a specific property of each item, I decide what view I should create.
That can be a button, picker etc.. At this moment I have reached from server to UI. But right now I need to go back from UI to server, I think that I need binding for that but I am unable to accomplish that. How can I achieve this?
My code:
var stack = new StackLayout()
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
Padding = 5
for (int i = 0; i < (BindingContext as CheckListEditViewModel).CheckListItems.Count; i++)
var item = (BindingContext as CheckListEditViewModel).CheckListItems[i];
var description = new Label();
description.Text = item.Description;
if ((item.ChecklistItemType == Domain.ChecklistItemType.Number))
var numerEntry = new Entry();
numerEntry.Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric;
Content = stack;

Fill JavaFX combobox by javascript class (Nashorn)

I try to use my custom class which I have created in my script (the script is written in Nashorn) and after that I try to use this custom class to fill in as items in combobox. I know that if I want to see correct values in combobox that the class has to override method toString, but in this case I do not know much how can be overriden this method in my custom class written in Nahorn.
Below I provide my code where the variables cmbCategories is JavaFX combobox and CategoryItem which I try to use as object to fill in the items in combobox and display as category name.
I would appreciate any suggestion or ideas how can be this problem resolved.
var ClientBuilder = Java.type("javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder")
var Platform = Java.type("javafx.application.Platform")
var Executors = Java.type("java.util.concurrent.Executors")
var Response = Java.type("javax.ws.rs.core.Response")
var String = Java.type("java.lang.String")
var List = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList")
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(function () {
print("Calling for category data...")
var categoryData = ClientBuilder
.target(String.format("%s%s", "http://localhost:8080", "/client/action/categories"))
if(categoryData.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
var categories = JSON.parse(categoryData.readEntity(String.class))
var categoryItems = new List();
for each (var category in categories) {
categoryItems.add(new CategoryItem(category.id, category.category))
Platform.runLater(function() {
} else {
function CategoryItem(id, name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.toString = function () {
return this.name;
Use the ScriptEngine to retrieve an appropriate string in the cellValueFactory of the ComboBox.
Simplified example
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
final ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByMimeType("application/javascript");
ComboBox<Object> comboBox = new ComboBox();
comboBox.setCellFactory(c -> new ListCell<Object>() {
protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty || item == null) {
} else {
Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
bindings.put("a", item);
try {
// use script engine to retrieve text
setText(Objects.toString(engine.eval("a.name", bindings)));
} catch (ScriptException ex) {
Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();
b.put("cmbCategory", comboBox);
engine.eval("function CategoryItem(id, name) {this.id = id;this.name = name;}\n"
+"var Platform = Java.type(\"javafx.application.Platform\")\n"
+ "var categories = [new CategoryItem(1, 'a'), new CategoryItem(2, 'b'), new CategoryItem(3,'c')]\n"
+ "for each (var category in categories) {cmbCategory.getItems().add(category);}", b);
Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(comboBox));
I don't see the purpose of using JavaScript for this though. Everything you do in the javascript code could be done from java code more efficiently...

Report localization in Telerik self hosted service (.trdx)

I have telerik REST web API(ASP.NET ) which is working fine. Now I need to localize the reports (report are in .trdx extension).
From documentation of telerik I found the code which have place in my BaseTelerikReportsController but this also not working, and even not show any error.
Telerik Localization Documentation
public class BaseTelerikReportsController : ReportsControllerBase
static readonly Telerik.Reporting.Services.ReportServiceConfiguration ConfigurationInstance;
static BaseTelerikReportsController()
var resolver = new CustomReportResolver();
//Create new CultureInfo
var cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("aa-iq"); //<-- Line 1
// Set the language for static text (i.e. column headings, titles)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = cultureInfo; //<-- Line 2
var reportsPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Reports");
ConfigurationInstance = new Telerik.Reporting.Services.ReportServiceConfiguration
HostAppId = "TBReportApp",
ReportResolver = resolver,
// ReportResolver = new ReportFileResolver(reportsPath),
Storage = new Telerik.Reporting.Cache.File.FileStorage(),
public BaseTelerikReportsController()
ReportServiceConfiguration = ConfigurationInstance;
There is a similar question but don't guide me to any right direction Here
Update 1
I have added below function in Global.asax.cs.
protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Create new CultureInfo
var cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ar");
// Set the language for static text (i.e. column headings, titles)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = cultureInfo;
// Set the language for dynamic text (i.e. date, time, money)
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cultureInfo;
After above line (see image) data under red mark is localize but i need to localize yellow one(i.e heading)
I figure out how to localize the report header. Following are the some summarized steps.
Add App_GlobalResources folder and .resx accordingly your languages (See the figure 1-1).
Send language attribute from 'HTML5 Viewer'.
var viewer = $("#report-viewer").data("telerik_ReportViewer");
var model = {
//other attributes
Language: this.selectedLanguage //Here value may be ,en Or ar
report: reportSettings,
parameters: model
On server side based on that attribute change label accordingly.
private static void Localization(ref Report reportInstance)
ResourceManager currentResource = null;
switch (_language)
case "en":
currentResource = new ResourceManager("Resources.en", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
case "ar":
currentResource = new ResourceManager("Resources.ar", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
// var MyResourceClass = new ResourceManager("Resources.ar", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
ResourceSet resourceSet = currentResource.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in resourceSet)
string key = entry.Key.ToString();
string value = entry.Value.ToString();
var items = reportInstance.Items.Find(key,true);
foreach (var singleItem in items)
var singleItemType = singleItem.GetType();
//if (singleItem.GetType().FullName == "") ;
if (singleItemType.FullName == "Telerik.Reporting.TextBox")
var castItem = (Telerik.Reporting.TextBox) singleItem;
castItem.Value = value;
On Telerik Standalone Report Designer
Change your report(.trdx) Textbox value which matches your .resxname value pair.
Resource file values

How to bind data form database to a existing table in powerpoint using open xml

I using openxml to create a powerpoint from an web app.I created a ppt with charts and opened ppt in openxml sdk productivity tool and code which was generated with that i modified the chart data which is coming from database,Code for which i created to modify the chart data as
created a class for the code in the sdk,in that CreatePart() i added these links
ChartPart chartPart1 = slidePart1.AddNewPart<ChartPart>("rId3");
// This is below code added
#if true // Injects the chart part modification process
var chartModifier1 = new ChartPartModifier();
EmbeddedPackagePart embeddedPackagePart1 = chartPart1.AddNewPart<EmbeddedPackagePart>("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "rId2");
and created a class for ChartPartModifier()
public void UpdateSecondChartPart(ChartPart chartPart)
// Searchs SeriesText and its Values to replace them with your dynamic data
var seriesLabels = chartPart.ChartSpace.Descendants<SeriesText>().ToList();
var seriesValues = chartPart.ChartSpace.Descendants<Values>().ToList();
var categoryAxis = chartPart.ChartSpace.Descendants<CategoryAxisData>().ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < this._lineSecCharts.Count; ++i)
var yourLine = this._lineSecCharts[i];
var label = seriesLabels[i].Descendants<NumericValue>().FirstOrDefault();
var values = seriesValues[i].Descendants<NumericValue>().ToList();
var categories = categoryAxis[i].Descendants<NumericValue>().ToList();
// Replaces the label of the series
label.Text = yourLine.Label;
// Replaces the values of the series
for (int valIdx = 0; valIdx < values.Count(); ++valIdx)
values[valIdx].Text = yourLine.Plots[valIdx].Value.ToString();
categories[valIdx].Text = yourLine.Plots[valIdx].Category;
Like this is there any way to modify the data in the table,If so can any one provide me the solution is much appreciated.
I found answer after a research i'm able to update the table values from database using openxml
the below code which(if condition) added between table appending the rows and graphicdata appending
#if true // Injects the table modification process
TableModifier tableModifier = new TableModifier();//Create a class
tableModifier.UpdateTable(table1);//Send the table object of which you wanted to update
In class of TableModifier
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
public class TableModifier
public TableModifier()
public void UpdateTable(Table table)
var rows = table.Descendants<TableRow>().ToList();
for (int r = 0; r < rows.Count(); ++r)
var yourRow = this._rows[r];
var cells = rows[r].Descendants<TableCell>().ToList();
for (int c = 0; c < cells.Count(); ++c)
var yourCell = yourRow.Cells[c];
var text = cells[c].Descendants<Text>().FirstOrDefault();
if (text != null)
text.Text = yourCell.Value;
private void SetupDataSource()
this._rows.Add(new Row()
Cells = new List<Cell>()
new Cell(){ Value = "Products" },
new Cell(){ Value = "2010" },
new Cell(){ Value = "2011" },
new Cell(){ Value = "2012" },
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
var productName = string.Format("Product {0}", (char)(i + 'A'));
this._rows.Add(new Row()
Cells = new List<Cell>()
new Cell(){ Value = productName },
new Cell(){ Value = "10%" },
new Cell(){ Value = "20%" },
new Cell(){ Value = "30%" },
#region Private Data Structure
private class Row
public List<Cell> Cells { get; set; }
private class Cell
public string Value { get; set; }
private List<Row> _rows = new List<Row>();
