Is this possible? Google Analytics access - google-analytics

A client granted me access to their Google Analytics. I need to share it with my contractor however I don't want them to access my Gmail. How can I provide them my login for Analytics and restrict them from accessing my Gmail.
(I'm trying to not bother the client and I don't have the right privileges to add another user to their Google Analytics account)
Thanks ahead of time!

If you give access to your Google Account to the contractor, of course it will also see Gmail.
Ask for access for the contractor;
Create a dashboard that reads data with Google Analytics API and share that with the contractor.

It's a Pickle ๐Ÿฅ’
Straight from the get-go, I feel you. I've been in similar situations multiple times. It's a pickle of a situation. However, I think there is a good solution for you:
Ask your client for administrator access.
Now hold up! This may seem like something that will bother them, but it's something that will allow you to do the work you need to do. They want you to do a good job and have the tools to do it, and having admin access will allow for that. You wisely, do not want to share your login credentials with your contractor.
Reasoning ๐Ÿค”
Having said that, it is my natural inclination to not ask a client to do work. It feels like an inconvenience to them, that they're paying me to do the work, and that they aren't paying me for them to do work. However, I've been training myself to think differently about that. I've been trying to reframe the relationship between us and clients like it's a partnership, that we're on the same team, and that we're both going to have to do work to see the project through to completion. I need to be able to ask the client to do work, like set up accounts, provide content, review edits etc. It's furthermore an exercise in trust. If they don't trust you enough to grant you admin access, it's your job to help them see that they need to trust you in order for you to do great work for them.
And they want you to do great work.
Strategy ๐Ÿš€
I generally have my clients give me administrator access to all accounts that I need to manage. That way I can make any changes needed to the account and add users etc. I would have ran into a similar problem earlier today (the client granted me access to their Analytics account with my individual business email, instead of our joint email account that we use for those kind of activities). However, since I had asked them to give me administrator access, I was able to add our joint account as a user and remove my individual account.
Specifically in your situation, I would not recommend sharing your login information with a contractor. I think that is the only way of getting around getting admin access to their Analytics account.
I hope that helps you navigate that situation! Try to reframe the problem as an opportunity for some practice to ask your client to do something. It may seem be hard, but it will help so much in this situation, and for other situations where having the client do a bit of work will make your work and the project so much better.
You've totally got it! ๐Ÿ˜


Linkedin Full Profile API access for a Course Project

My team and I are undertaking a course on Ar/Vr, and we are trying to access profile information from Linkedin. I need access to full profile information (r_fullprofile), as the (r_basicprofile) is not sufficient for the project.
I understand that access to these API's are only through Partner Programs, but since I am a student, I cannot find the valid program that I should apply to.
How to proceed with the above situation, or any kind of access that I can request for the project?
i would consider using r_basic anyway. requesting such a partnership will take up to more then a month of waiting.
also you should look at the possiblities of the linkedin people V1 api.,lastName,headline,positions:(company,title,summary,startDate,endDate,isCurrent),industry,location:(name,country:(code)),pictureUrl,publicProfileUrl,emailAddress)?format=json
this are some things you can get from the basic, i probably missed alot because i do not need them. do you need something specifc ?

How can I check if it is the same user in ASP.NET?

This question is not related to ASP.NET specifically, but more web applications in general.
I am building a web application wherein I am registering a user. As of now I am taking in very basic credentials like First Name, Last Name, etc of the user. In this website I am giving some information for free for any user who has just registered so that the user finds my website authentic and that it is not a fake website. After that, to get more information, the user has to pay.
The information my site provides will get obsolete after sometime. So, when a new user registers, he/she will get the new information that gets updated; but the old users have to pay to get the same new information.
My problem here is once the information gets obsolete the same person can re-register with a different set of credentials and get the new information. I want to avoid this from happening.
So my question here is this: what information should I request from the user, or extract from the user, to check that the same user is not re-registering? Or any other way to make this possible.
I am thinking of getting the IP address of the machine from which the person is registering and use it to check. But the user can use a different machine to re-register.
I am completely lost here and not getting the solution. I even checked on the Internet but could not find an answer.
Please let me know if you need any further information from my side.
You will not find a technical way to prevent users from registering multiple times. They can simply use another device, IP, another email account and different credentials.
What you can do is asking them to send you hard to fake "offline" information, like a credit card number or a photo of the ID. Some users may still be able to register multiple times this way, but probably not indefinitly. You will however lose many possible clients this way who are unwilling to provide such information for a test account, so this is likely not the solution you want.
My advice would be one of the following two:
Limit the information/service you give out to free users, so that even if they register again they will gain something when they pay.
Try to bind them to their account in a way where they would lose something if they threw it away. This may for example be providing user rewards for activity (real or virtual) or increasing their experience based on their history. Take SO for example: If you registered again, you would lose all your reputation. The users will think twice if this is worth the new content.
After reading all of the above, i think a good solution could be to let the user identify himself through facebook or linkedin. Few people will have a second account.
I think you cannot put any users like that because every thing can be duplicate
There are some ways for which the user must have payment mode or identity details like passport or it is windows application you can have finger scanner it will be definitely Unique..
You can do this (with limitations) with the use of cookies. Setting a cookie on the users device will allow you to determine who the visitor is and that they have already registered.
The limitations are that cookies can be deleted or blocked and are only valid for that specific user agent - the user could use a different device or a different browser on the same device. A lot of people don't really know about cookies though and how to delete them.
By tying this technique with a requirement to provide a valid email address you can make it a hassle for somebody to register more than once as they will have to create a new email account and then delete their cookies.
Whether this will stop enough people depends on your site and your requirements - if you're giving money away then this technique is not nearly good enough. If you just want to discourage the practice of multiple accounts it may be enough.
Your only way out is to have SOMETHING the existing user gets as a "gift?" or added value to maintain just one account. If you can identify items of value to your subscribers and offer to "give" it to them provided their account "attains" one or more status, then you'll get some control. Take for example, I don't need a second account.
Identifying by facebook or linkedin is a good option, but if you are giving such services. which are very beneficial for the users, so they dont mind on creating multiple accounts on even facebook or linked in.
So what i think is to set some reward type stuff with each user, and increase the services as they get increment in rewards.once they are good in rewards and are capable to use multiple services, this increases the probability that they will not create another account.

Sandbox access in Australia

Since the developer site update the other day, I have lost access to the sandbox.
I was literally using it an hour before the update.
I tried to retrieve my password, but my account is no longer found.
I tried to set up a new account, and it's telling me that I need to have a US registered business in order to sign up.
So, my question is, what does the rest of the world do when they need to test their site?
Am I missing something?
Ok, Got it. PayPay support have said to create a dummy account. In other words, lie about having an American business. Once you've done that, go to applications, then sandbox accounts, and import the data using your old sandbox credentials!
I have the same problem. It appears to be even worse than stated. They appear to have 'integrated' the Sandbox login with PayPal account logins. So you have to have a live PayPal account. In other words developers must also be CFOs in their organizations, or else must be using PayPal as a means of exchange themselves, otherwise they don't exist.
Truly incredible.
Not to mention having cut off arbitrary numbers of existing developers in mid-stream.

Will Google block my access if I use their features without token?

I'm using this link
to fetch feeds using Google's algorithm. As you can see I'm not adding any other parameters, just fetching the returned data in JSON format. My app will be heavily used hopefully and if I send a lot of requests to this link, will Google block my access or something?
Is there anything I can include, like userip, url for my app (so if they have problem to just contact me) or something else?
The most basic answer to your question is that Google will change its Terms of Service whenever it likes, and you've got no say in the matter. So if it's allowed today, it might not be allowed tomorrow, at Google's whim.
On this issue, though, you seem fairly safe. From the Terms of Service (these is the general document, since Reader doesn't seem to have a specific one):
Donโ€™t misuse our Services. For example, donโ€™t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.
Google provides RSS and Atom. They provide these feeds, so I assume they expect that they'll be used. They don't say that it's a misuse to point someone else at those feeds, so it looks OK for now, but they could add such a clause at any time.
All online services are subject to the terms and conditions of the providers of those services. So, as others have said, they may be ok with your use today, but they can change their mind any time down the line. I doubt including a URL or email or contact info will help anything, because when these services change, they don't notify every user of the service, they just announce the change publicly, and usually they give several month's notice in order to give users a chance to adapt their applications, but this is not standardized or enforced so there is no guarantee. One example would be the fairly recent discontinuance of the Google Finance API (for which no replacement has been announced).
The safest approach would be to design your app such that this feature that uses google's functionality is decoupled as much as possible from the rest of your app, so that, when or if the availability of the service changes (ie it's no longer available at all) you can adapt your app to use some other source for the feeds with minimal impact to the rest of the app. Design for change and plan for the worst.

How to create a secure login page using VS 2010/ASP.Net/VB.Net?

I would like to create a secure login page for a pre-defined set of users (so no creating username/passwords by the users themselves). I've looked up a few sites and they all seem to suggest using Microsoft's Membership or something. I am not very sure as to why that's used, but all you need to know is that I will be creating the login details. I just need to make the login secure, ie, no duplicate logins, no logins from different browsers and cookies and sessions and encryption and all that. Any one have the code/links to where I can get all this? Thanks in advance.
You have a couple of options here.
Case 1 :
Role your own security but bear in mind you will oversee something. Security isn't easy and its sooo easy to overlook something. Hashing , salting , encryption etc...
Case 2:
If its a simple site just use Microsoft memberschipprovider. It is good and they spend 3 years tweaking / patching it. You can also override the memberschipServiceprovider to implement some additional security. or to tell the memberschipprovider what data should be used.
Extend your ISS server with this open-source firewall :
It provides some cool features for "free"(If you have access to install it).
The best security is when you find the balance between secure and accessible vs Top-security and inaccessible.
And to answer the link part of your question:
If you want more information on microsofts' memberschipprovider :
Google :) or Bing or yahooooo!
