Firestore Food-Ordering Application Database Design Questions - firebase

I'm working on a Flutter application that basically allows users to place orders to restaurants then go and pick-up those orders.
A restaurant has a List of MenuGroups and each group has a List of ExtraIngredients and List of MenuItems.
A MenuItem has several variants with different prices also List of Ingredients that come with that item and ExtraIngridients that can be added.
Currently, in firestore I've a collection called restaurants and each restaurant has a List of MenuGroups. Is there a way to make this more efficient
For example, is it better to do the menuGroups as a subcollection in the document?
Also to implement an order queue number system (first order starts from 1 goes to 99 then goes back to 1)
Is it better to store that in a variable in restaurant document(Whenever there is a new order there will be 1 read to get the current number than 1 write to increase that number and also after reaching 99 to set it back to 1)
or in the order document itself (Now each order has an extra field 1 read to get the last order's number and the new order will be written all together so there is no extra write operation just for the queue number)

There is no certain way to answer this. But there are some rules I would say to tackle this efficiently.
Put Data in a same document if you want to show it together. (Not too big, neither too small)
Put data in collections, when you want to search an individual piece of that data, or you have a database to grow.
Use map if you want to search a parameter based on that data.
use map if you want to store related data ( Like delivery addresses of the user).
Document write doesn't count on data you wrote, no matter if you increase your order counter value by 1, or change the whole document, it will count as one write.


The best way to calculate total money from multiple orders

Let's say i have an multi-restaurant food order app.
I'm storing orders in Firestore as documents.
Each order object/document contains:
total: double
deliveredByUid: str
restaurantId: str
I wanna see anytime during the day, the totals of every Driver to each Restaurant like so:
robert: mcdonalds: 10
kfc: 20
alex: mcdonalds: 35
kfc: 10
What is the best way of calculating the totals of all the orders?
I currently thinking of the following:
The safest and easiest method but expensive: Each time i need to know the totals i just query all the documents in that day and calculate them 1 by 1
Cloud Functions method: Each time an order has been added/removed modify a value in a Realtime database specific child: /totals/driverId/placeId
Manual totals: Each time a driver complete an order and write its id to the order object, make another write to the Realtime database specific child.
Edit: added the whole order object because i was asked to.
What I would most likely do is make sure orders are completely atomic (or as atomic as they can be). Most likely, I'd perform the order on the client within a transaction or batch write (both are atomic) that would not only create this document in question but also update the delivery driver's document by incrementing their running total. Depending on how extensible I wanted to get, I may even create subcollections within the user's document that represented chunks of time if I wanted to be able to record totals by month or year, or whatever. You really want to think this one through now.
The reason I'd advise against your suggested pattern is because it's not atomic. If the operation succeeds on the client, there is no guarantee it will succeed in the cloud. If you make both writes part of the same transaction then they could never be out of sync and you could guarantee that the total will always be accurate.

Many tiny documents in CosmosDB

I have many (order of 100s) pieces of data that I want to associate with a document in CosmosDB. Each piece of data is small (order of 100s of bytes).
My first solution was to store the data as an array inside the document. This works okay, but in order to append a new item to the array I need to read the document from CosmosDB, add the element, then replace the document back into CosmosDB.
Instead of doing this I would like to store each piece of data as its own document in the same partition. What are the drawbacks of having many tiny documents vs the one aggregated document?
What are the drawbacks of having many tiny documents vs the one
aggregated document?
I would like to say that i suggest you storing each piece of data,instead of one aggregated document.
Reason1:As you mentioned in your question,if you want to add the element into the document,you need to read the document from CosmosDB, then replace the document because the partial update is not supported by cosmos db so far.(Please refer to this feedback and follow it if you need: That's a huge and tedious work.
Reason2:If you store pieces of data,you can query them flat. (select * from c)
For one single array document,you need to use join to access the nested properties.(select a.array from c join array in c.array)
Reason3:If you store pieces of data,you could manage them into different partitions.Even though you don't need it now,why not keep the feature for the future.
Reason4:As to cost,it all depends the RUs and storage and requests to cosmos db will consume RUs. If you store pieces of data,you just need to access the specific document as you want which is more economical i think.
Depends on your use case.
For frequent add operations, you are first reading and updating the document back (2 operations) which will incur you more cost than creating a new document (1 operation).
However, if the documents are having some sort of relationships (like foreign keys in traditional SQL), getting data would require multiple queries if you go with approach #1 above (have more cost) otherwise, you'll get the complete data in a single query (low cost).
I'd recommend to go through this and this posts which will give you better insights on which approach you can choose.
I'm facing this question right now and I want to let my contribution here. I'm having to store some statuses, this status is a metric that I get once per hour, then i have two options:
Create a register per status -> 24 registers per day
Create a register per day and add status inside it -> 1 register per day with 24 status inside an array
I chose the second one because:
Both options will have the same amount of operations on database
I'm using this data on Power BI and after doing some tests the data from second option had a small size after importation

Firestore : How to design a Data model to make querying documents that are not exist in an array possible?

I'm trying to find a way to properly desing my Data Model with Firestore. I'm looking for something similar to what Tinder does, showing you people that you have'nt swiped yet, based on your location.
So I ended up with something like :
A User1 has an array of "met people"
A "Haven't yet met user"/ User2 his also a User with the same document model
They all belong in the same "Users" collection
I want to query all the users that this User1 haven't swiped yet
I know that you can't do something like "array_not_contains" or "!=" because all fields that you query need to be indexed.
So I wonder, is this possible to model data to make it work, or the only solution is to drop Firebase because this kind of query is not possible at all?
One alternative can be to store in a collection all the relationships (with theirs status) between all users. But that also means that whenever a user signup, I have to create as many documents as I have users that's really ugly and make a enormous numbers of documents.
Thanks again for your answer and sorry for my late answer.
There is no need to create a new database call since you already got all the users from that area in the first place.
Not If have a large response set, I will limit to a number. (5 in the example below).
And even If I don't limit the number, in the next db call, how I can know that new peoples has been added and how to retrieve only those.
I will not remove them from Users Collection has they can be show to others users.
P.S: I forget User4 in Users Collection pictures.
For User 1, get 5 first matchs, remove existing ones, show User5.
For User2, get 5 first matchs, remove existing ones, show User4, User5.
After users choices, Users are added to their list. Users Collection stay the same.
For User 1, get 5 first matchs, remove existing ones, nothing to show, even if I have a User 6, 7.
To fix that I launch a second query get the new ones but, more the user use the app more query I may need to do to try to display to him existing user in his area.
Maybe I've misunderstood what you named "initial list", for me it is the list object retrieve from my db containing all users (with limit).
You can check the answers of Alex Mamo to know how to query documents that are not exist in an array possible.
Let's me explain my use case and why I think, that won't work.
I want to be able to search all users next to me, for trying to do that in Firebase, I store Geopoint. Geopoint can't be really use for now out of the box with Firebase, so I user Geofirestore in a Cloud Function.
I store and update user Geopoints based on theirs locations, so this means user location change by time.
I limit the numbers of Users return by this function.
In my initial state I retrieve users next to me (User1), I get 3 an 4.
Let's say that I store last checked userId to use it later as a cursor for my query (User 4).
Now my geopoint change, and the users in this area changes too.
I request next bunch of users next to me, and I use my previous userId/document to "startAfter" (more on this
here), see the image below, that's won't work.
If I use the cursor (User4), I'll take 5, but not 2, because in the return list, if I order by Id, 2 will be before 4.
Worse, like below, if the return list may not even have user 4 in it, the cursor will be pointless.
My example is a bit simplified and does not take in account what is described in the first answer and my first edit (limited subset of users, data design).
A possible database structure for your app might be:
--- users (collection)
--- uid (document)
--- acceptedUsers: ["uidOne", "uidTwo"]
--- declinedUsers: ["uidThree", "uidFour"]
--- //Other user properties
The mechanism is simple. When you first want to show a user profile to the current (authenticated) user, you have to create a query that will return all users (in user area). According to the user decision, you need to add the corresponding uid in either the acceptedUsers array or in declinedUsers array. Once you want to show another users, use the same query but this time, you need to make an extra operation. Once the query returns the users within user location, add all those users to a list. Compare the list that is coming from the database with your exting arrays and remove all the users from both arrays. In this way you'll have a list that contains only users that the actual user didn't see. This extra step is needed to make sure the id of the user does not exist in one of those arrays. In the end, simply choose a random user from the list and show the details to the user. That's it!
One alternative can be to store in a collection all the relationships (with theirs status) between all users. But that also means that whenever a user signup, I have to create as many documents as I have users.....that's really ugly and make a enormous numbers of documents.
This is not an option. This means that you need to write each time a user joins your app an enormous amount of data, which will be very costly. Since everything in Firestore is about the number of read and writes, I think you should think again about this approach. Please see Firestore usage and limits.
Let's consider the initial list of users that has 10 records. With other words, all the users within that area are 10. You say that 7 users are already seen, that makes the list contain only the 3 remaining users.
So I display the 3, (or I do another request to get some more) and he check the 3.
Yes, you should display those 3 users and then remove them one by one from the initial list. There is no need to create a new database call since you already got all the users from that area in the first place. Once the list remains empty, you should display a message to the user that in that particular area are no more users to swipe.
When will create another database call?
Only when needed. Which means that you create another call once new users enter that area. Let's say 3 new users are new, you get a list now of 3 user and use the same algorithm.
More my user use the app more it’s difficult to show people that he haven’t seen, because his list become bigger.
If you think that the arrays will grow more than a document can hold, then you should consider storing the users in a collection and not in an array. So in this case, the problem is that the documents have limits. So there are some limits when it comes to how much data you can put into a document. According to the official documentation regarding usage and limits:
Maximum size for a document: 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes)
As you can see, you are limited to 1 MiB total of data in a single document. When we are talking about storing text (uids), you can store pretty much but as your array getts bigger, be careful about this limitation.
But if you'll stay within this limits, which I personally think you'll do, you have nothing to worry about.
Not If have a large response set, I will limit to a number. (5 in the example below). And even If I don't limit the number, in the next db call, how I can know that new peoples has been added and how to retrieve only those.
I will not remove them from Users Collection has they can be show to others users.
If you have large amount of data (many users in a single area), yes it's good idea to limit the results, but a much better idea would be to load the data in smaller chunks. In short, get 5 users, remove one by one till the list has zero users, load other 5 users and so on. This can be made using my answer from the following post:
Is there a way to paginate queries by combining query cursors using FirestoreRecyclerAdapter?
The initial list, is the list that you are getting when you first query the database. In this case, the initial list will contain 5 users.

Filtering results with Geofire + Firebase

I'm trying to figure out how to query with filter with Geofire.
Suppose I have restaurants with different category. and I want to add that category to my query. How do I go about this?
One way I have now is querying the key with Geofire, run the for loop through each key and get the restaurant, and insert the appropriate restaurant to the array.
These seems so inefficient. Is there any other way to go about this?
Ideally I will have the filtered results, and only load each item when they're about to be shown.
Firebase queries can only filter by one condition. Geofire already does quite some "magic" to allow it to filter on both longitude and latitude. Adding another property to that equation might be possible, but is well beyond what Geofire handles by default. See GeoFire: How to add extra conditions within the query?
If you only ever want to access one category at a time, you can put the restaurants in a top-level node per category and point Geofire to one category.
g: "pns0h0mf2u"
l: [-53.435719, 140.808716]
g: "u417k3dwub"
l: [56.83069, 1.94822]
g: "8m3rz3s480"
l: [30.902225, -166.66809]
item1: ...
item2: ...
item3: ...
In the above example, we have two categories: category1 with 2 items and category2 with just 1 item. For each item, we see the data that Geofire uses: a geohash and the longitude and latitude. We also keep a single list with the other properties of these 3 items.
But more commonly, you simply do the extra filtering in client-side code. If you're worried about the performance of that: measure it, share the code, JSON data and measurements.
This is an old question, but I've seen it in a few places on the web, so I thought I might share one trick I've used.
The Problem
If you have a large collection in your database, maybe containing hundreds of thousands of keys, for example, it might not be feasible to grab them all. If you're trying to filter results based on location in addition to other criteria, you're stuck with something like:
Execute the location query
Loop through each returned geofire key and grab the corresponding data in the database
Check each returned piece of data to see if it matches the other criteria
Unfortunately, that's a lot of network requests, which is quite slow.
More concretely, let's say we want to get all users within e.g. 100 miles of a particular location that are male and between ages 20 and 25. If there are 10,000 users within 100 miles, that means 10,000 network requests to grab the user data and compare their gender and age.
The Workaround:
You can store the data you need for your comparisons in the geofire key itself, separated by a delimiter. Then, you can just split the keys returned by the geofire query to get access to the data. You still have to filter through them, but it's much faster than sending hundreds or thousands of requests.
For instance, you could use the format:
UserID*gender*age, which might look something like facebook:1234567*male*24. The important points are
Separate data points by a delimiter
Use a valid character for the delimiter -- "It can include any unicode characters except for . $ # [ ] / and ASCII control characters 0-31 and 127.)"
Use a character that is not going to be found elsewhere in your database - I used *, but that might not work for you. Do not use any characters from -0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, since those are fair-game for keys generated by firebase's push()
Choose a consistent order for the data - in this case, UserID first, then gender, then age.
You can store up to 768 bytes of data in firebase keys, which goes a long way.
Hope this helps!

DocumentDB - how to order results based on unique ID count

We have an application that allows users to "follow" other users. When a user follows another, we register this data as a document within documentDB, like this:
"followerId": "userUUID",
"artistId": "artistUserUUID"
We now want to get a list of artists, ordered by the count of followers they have. So I am looking to somehow ask the DB to, based on these documents, give me back an array of artistUserUUId's, ordered by the amount of followers they have registered (as expressed in documents like the example given above).
Alternatively, we are also open to add an Array property to the document of the artistUser themselves, though even in this scenario I am still unsure how to do an ORDER BY based on the counting of a document's property (this property being an array of follower Ids).
I guess a workaround would be to add a stored procedure or trigger that will update a counter property within the artistUser document, but I'd like to validate if these is a way to implement this counting feature natively without such a trick.
Unless you denormalize the follower count into artist user documents (as you suggest), then you'll have to fetch every follower to accomplish your goal. Fetching every follower document, may or may not be prohibitive depending upon how many there are. If you fetch them only into a stored procedure rather than your actual client, it's conceptually no less efficient than an SQL GROUP_BY clause. Design your stored procedure to do the count and only returns the table of artist and counts. A robust implementation would incrementally update your output table in pages and be able to restart where it left off after a stored procedure timeout. Look at my countDocuments example stored procedure in documentdb-mock as well as my "Pattern for writing stored procedures" in the documentation for documentdb-utils for how I typically accomplish this.
