Anonymous function to select variables and get unique values - r

I have a simple task which I would like to loop over many datasets (which have similar variable names). I know how to do it dplyr, but I need to convert it to base R in order to get it into an anonymous function.
For example (this not the real data I am working with):
This is my dplyr approach:
mtcars %>%
select(mpg, contains("cyl")) %>%
However, when I throw this into an anonymous function:
I get an error: Error: No tidyselect variables were registered
mtcars %>% (function(x) subset(x, select=c(mpg, contains("cyl")))
Any ideas about how to solve this, and how to add distinct() to the function so that I only get unique values? Any and all suggestions are appreciated, thank you!


Alternative to slice() function in sparklyr

Currently I'm using this code in order to subset unique rows grouped by Loan_ID where Execution_Date is the closest to predetermined date (in my case "2022-03-31")
The example is as follows:
df %>%
group_by(Loan_ID) %>%
slice(which.min(abs(Execution_Date - as.Date("2022-03-31")))) %>%
The problem is that if I implement this code is sparklyr I do get an error: "Slice() is not supported on database backends" (this is because no alternative of slice() function is around in SQL)
How can I deal with this problem?
Thank you in advance!

Arranging by number of characters in variable

I would like to arrange a variable called "Name" by the number of characters in their Name. I'm aware that I need the arrange() function in the package dplyr, but do not find a function in the arrange() function that helps me to arrange based on numbers of characters in the name.
So far I have come up with: arrange((Name))
Is there someone who can help me with this?
Here's a simple workaround with dplyr package and iris data:
iris %>%
mutate(Species = as.character(Species)) %>% # Convert factor to characters

dplyr mutate using dynamic variable name while respecting group_by

I'm trying as per
dplyr mutate using variable columns
dplyr - mutate: use dynamic variable names
to use dynamic names in mutate. What I am trying to do is to normalize column data by groups subject to a minimum standard deviation. Each column has a different minimum standard deviation
e.g. (I omitted loops & map statements for convenience)
iris <- tbl_df(iris)
minsd <- c('Sepal.Length' = 0.8)
varname <- 'Sepal.Length'
iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% mutate(!!varname := mean(pluck(iris,varname),na.rm=T)/max(sd(pluck(iris,varname)),minsd[varname]))
I got the dynamic assignment & variable selection to work as suggested by the reference answers. But group_by() is not respected which, for me at least, is the main benefit of using dplyr here
desired answer is given by
iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% mutate(!!varname := mean(Sepal.Length,na.rm=T)/max(sd(Sepal.Length),minsd[varname]))
Is there a way around this?
I actually did not know much about pluck, so I don't know what went wrong, but I would go for this and this works:
iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
!! varname :=
mean(!!, na.rm = T) /
Let me know if this isn't what you were looking for.
The other answer is obviously the best and it also solved a similar problem that I have encountered. For example, with !!, there is no need to use group_by_() (or group_by_at or arrange_() (or arrange_at()).
However, another way is to replace pluck(iris,varname) in your code with .data[[varname]]. The reason why pluck(iris,varname) does not work is that, I suppose, iris in pluck(iris,varname) is not grouped. However, .data refer to the tibble that executes mutate(), and so is grouped.
An alternative to is rlang::sym() from the rlang package.

Subsetting on a tibble using "[]" gives "object not found" error

The article on dplyr here says "[]" (square brackets) can be used to subset filtered Tibbles like this:
filter(mammals, adult_body_mass_g > 1e7)[ , 3]
But I am getting an "object not found" error.
Here is the replication of the error on a more known dataset "iris"
iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length>6) [,c(1:3)]
Error in filter_(.data, .dots = lazyeval::lazy_dots(...)) :
object 'Sepal.Length' not found
I also want to mention that I am deliberately not preferring to use the native subsetting in dplyr using select() as I need a vector output and not a data frame on a single column. Unfortunately, dplyr always forces a data frame output (for good reasons).
You need an extra pipe:
iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length>6) %>% .[,1:3]
Sorry, forgot the . before the brackets.
Note: Your code will probably be more readable if you stick to the tidyverse syntax and use select as the last operation.
iris %>%
filter(Sepal.Length > 6) %>%
The dplyr-native way of doing this is to use select:
iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length > 6) %>% select(1:3)
You could also use {} so that the filtering is done before [ is applied:
{iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length>6)}[,c(1:3)]
Or, as suggested in another answer, use the . notation to indicated where the data should go in relation to [:
iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length>6) %>% .[,1:3]
You can also load magrittr explicitly and use extract, which is a "pipe-able" version of [:
iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length>6) %>% extract( ,1:3)
The blog entry you reference is old in dplyr time - about 3 years old. dplyr has been changing a lot. I don't know whether the blog's suggestion worked at the time it was written or not, but I'd recommend finding more recent sources to learn about this frequently changing package.

Could not find function mutate_if

I am trying to use the function mutate_if under dplyr() package to convert all the character columns to factor columns. I am aware of alternate approaches for this transfromation, but I am curious to see how mutate_if works. I tried the following command:
df <-df %>% mutate_if(is.character,as.factor)
But I am geting a message, :
could not find function mutate_if
I reinstalled dplyr() but still I am getting the same error message.
When I was having this problem, I also got the error message "there is no package called 'pillar'" while loading the dplyr package. (Re-installing dplyr didn't seem to install pillar.) Installing the pillar package allowed things to work again.
df <-df %>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.character,as.factor)
Try like this. when I faced the same error I used the mutate function like this.
There is no more mutate_if function. You could use this one which is really long if you would not be able to extract names of variables which are from type of character:
dt1 <- dt1 %>% mutate_each_(funs(as.factor),names(which (sapply(dt1, class) == 'character',arr.ind = TRUE)))
If you have list of factor variables lets say in "varlist" object, you can use this one:
dt1 <- dt1 %>% mutate_each_(funs(as.factor),varlist)
