Custom ListPreference in AndroidX - android-fragments

I have customized my Android Application Setting page, I use API 21 or 26. I have added a CustomListPreference java class which was inherited from ListPreference and integrated it into the SettingActivity.
But, I relisted the system doesn't work, as SettingActivity has Setting fragment inherited from androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat and packages used for the Setting Activity are as follows:
If I use packages android.preference.Preference and android.preference.ListPreference for my Custom ListPreference, all my code stops working when Android creates objects for the Setting Activity. It crashes just after the custom ListPreference constructorwith error "Error inflating class com.signatact.doorbell.dialog.preference.AppListPreference".
Digging into details I found the reason of the crash as the last step for new object creation for Setting Activity is the cast to androidx.preference.Preference:
import androidx.preference;
return (Preference) constructor.newInstance(args); // line 242
It is clear, the system fails with cast between android.preference.Preference and androidx.preference.Preference.
However, if I move my custom ListPreference file implementation to androidx, almost all method I used before for customization are not available, hereby is a list of methods which are not available, where I put my custom logic:
// Error(s): Methods don't override methods from its superclass
protected void onPrepareDialogBuilder(AlertDialog.Builder builder)
protected void onDialogClosed(boolean positiveResult)
It looks like Google dramatically changed their API, can anybody give idea how in AndroidX one can customize ListPreference?
In general, I need standard customization things as follows:
In a row I have a custom set of controls (3 ones - 2x text boxes and 1 checkbox) - I build a custom layout for each row in onPrepareDialogBuilder with my custom ArrayAdapter for the list
I need dynamically update the CustomListPreference values. I populate those values in onResume in SettingActivity
I need to get callback when the list is pressed and new value is selected
I found only one practical guidance here for my case which is as follows: How can I change the appearance of ListPreference Dialog but it is limited and short. I analysed the AndroidX API and it looks like I need more time to come out with a solution and thus any help / idea appreciated...
Thx, Vlad.

Simply override onClick() function to pop out an AlertDialog with custom layout. Remember to call setValue() when anything selected in the dialog.
public class ColorPreference extends ListPreference {
private CharSequence[] mEntries;
private CharSequence[] mEntryValues;
private String mValue;
private String mSummary;
private AlertDialog mDialog;
public ColorPreference(Context context) {
this(context, null);
public ColorPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
protected void onClick() {
mEntries = getEntries();
mEntryValues = getEntryValues();
mSummary = getSummary().toString();
mValue = getValue();
mClickedDialogEntryIndex = findIndexOfValue(mValue);
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext());
builder.setSingleChoiceItems(new ColorAdapter(getContext(), R.layout.pref_color_item),mClickedDialogEntryIndex,null);
mDialog = builder.create();;


Xamarin Forms and IEventAggregator

Making my APP for my job I'm getting stuck on a problem:
I have a base page to fill with information for an order
1 Client
2 Destination
3 Article
When I tap on a button I get a new page (different for what I'm serching Client, Destination, Article) with a listview of the item. On a tap of the item I would like to pass the parameter to the main page to compile the order.
I think that the better solution is to implement the IEventAggregator of PRISM, I have made also some test and it work with button, but if I try to put it on the itemtapped, it give me error.
I have created the class for the event to pass the payload.
This is the xaml.cs of the page that (in theory) must pass the selected client to the mainpage:
IEventAggregator _ea;
private Cliente cliente_selezionato = new Cliente();
public void TapCliente(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e, IEventAggregator ea )
cliente_selezionato = (Cliente)
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new DatiTestataOC());
On the mainpage viewmodel I have:
public DatiTestataOCViewModel(IEventAggregator ea)
private void NuovoCliente(Cliente Parameter)
Cliente = Parameter;
The error that I get are:
Errore XFC0002 EventHandler "TapCliente" with correct signature not found in type "Mokadroid.Views.SceltaClientePage".
Errore XFC0004 Missing default constructor for "Mokadroid.ViewModels.DatiTestataOCViewModel".
If you have Other solution more easy to implement I'm Open...
I've understand that I can't simply use that part of the package, I need to start a new template using the prism template and use all the package.

How do I initialize variables at startup in a Blazor webassembly app?

In UWP, I would programmatically initialize display variables at startup so that the initial display was what I wanted, for example, values based on the day of the year value. I can't crack where to replicate this in my otherwise working Blazor webassembly app. I currently put up default values and ask the user to click a button, that calculates and updates to the values I want to display and on we go.
I would have thought there's a standard, easy way to do this, but given how Blazor pieces are constructed on the fly in order to render as web pages, maybe not? Thanks!
This isn't specific to Blazor, but in any class you can create code in the constructor of your component/
Here I have a Chat component, that I break up into
The chat.razor.cs you create by adding a class with the same name as your component, then add the word partial to make it a partial class:
partial class Chat : IBlazorComponent, IBlazorComponentParent, IDisposable
Note: The interfaces are just for my app, I am just showing the line with partial.
really are you need it:
partial class Chat
Then in my constructor I created:
public Chat()
// Perform initializations for this object
I just call a method, you don't have to:
My Init method:
public void Init()
// do your initializations
Or you can use OnInitializedAsync
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
// load the Categories (example)
this.Categories = await HelpCategoryService.GetHelpCategoryList()
Or here is another I use sometimes: OnAfterRender
protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
Documentation for that is here:
Maybe that gives you some ideas. Not sure about Standard, every use case is different.
Note: I have never used Blazor Web Assembly, only server side Blazor, so not sure what is specific to WASM, but I know constructors work in any C# class.
I assume you want to have global Variables for your app:
Create a Initialize service that initializes your static data.
public class InitializeService
public InitializeService()
MyStaticDataClass.Variable1 == "Pling";
MyStaticDataClass.Variable1 == "GlobalPlong";
In startup services.AddSingleton().
Your MyStaticDataClass vars will now be available from your app and pages

How do I redraw UICollectionView when MvxCollectionViewSource's data changes?

I am using Xamarin and MVVMCross to implement an IOS app. A view I'm working on is displaying correctly, but ONLY when I hard-code the data being bound to inside my ViewModel and NOT when (as by design and necessity) my data arrives late from SQLite, only an indeterminate time after the view is shown.
What I am using and accomplished so far:
Working/Showing storyboard for my View that has a UICollectionView
inside (called: CollectionView in code below)
Custom layout and XIB file for every UICollectionViewCell that also displays correctly in my view
A view that works and displays correctly only if ViewModel data is fully populated the moment ViewDidLoad() is called.
My data in my ViewModel is updated by the Model's databases in an uncertain amount of time whilst the view is happily being shown. When I bind the data as shown below (and trying two-way/one-way bindings and the like as well), I don't get updates on my view as the final data comes in later.
What I can't seem to do:
Redraw the UICollectionView or maybe refresh the
MvxCollectionViewSource below to ensure that as the ViewModel's data changes, I can actually redraw the UICollectionView and show my
custom cells with new and updated data.
The CollectionView cells are implemented as follows. I followed all examples online and from that Stuart Bloke and his Kittens to make sure I implement all the patterns exactly the same:
public partial class MyCell : MvxCollectionViewCell
public static readonly UINib Nib = UINib.FromName("MyCell", NSBundle.MainBundle);
public static readonly NSString Key = new NSString("MyCell");
public MyCell(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
this.DelayBind(() => {
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MyCell, SomeModelClass>();
set.Bind(Label1).To(item => item.Label1);
set.Bind(Label2).To(item => item.Label2);
public static MyCell Create()
return (MyCell)Nib.Instantiate(null, null)[0];
My ViewDidLoad() in the View looks something like this:
CollectionView.RegisterNibForCell(MyCell.Nib, MyCell.Key);
var source = new MvxCollectionViewSource(CollectionView, MyCell.Key);
CollectionView.Source = source;
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MyView, MyViewModel>();
set.Bind(source).To(vm => vm.ListOfStuff);
NB! The ListOfStuff shown above is really just a List of a custom class containing 2 strings right now.
TL:DR: I don't know ListOfStuff's values the moment I call the above code. When I hard-code them in the ViewModel, I get joy. If I don't, I don't, even as data gets updated correctly later.
I now reach out to you, the neurons of the brain of crowdsourcing...
Instead of using a List<T> use ObservableCollection<T> and new items should be added to the CollectionView.
The UI needs to know when the collection has changed. ObservableCollection<T> implements INotifyCollectionChanged and INotifyPropertyChanged and communicates with the UI when the collection changes.
You shouldn't need ReloadData() anymore if you're using ObservableCollection<T>.
This extension method might be of use when adding range of IEnumerable<T>
public static class ObservableCollectionExtensionMethod
public static void AddRange<TSource>(this ObservableCollection<TSource> source, IEnumerable<TSource> collection)
foreach (var i in collection) source.Add(i);

Passing data between views and models in Flex MVC framework

I have never used Flex/Actionscript before so excuse me if I'm asking anything obvious but I have been working on this for 3 days (includes searching google and stackoverflow) before writing this post.
I have been asked to modify a game written in Flex 4 made with a mini-IoC-based MVC framework. Two mods I have been asked to make is a game over screen, which displays the final score and a difficulty selection on the introduction screen. I have made the game over screen, and successfully managed to get the controller to bring it up when the game timer runs out.
So for now, the game structure goes:
Intro View -> Game View -> Game Over View
^ |
|__________ (retry?) ________|
The first problem is getting the score to be passed from the mainGame ActionScript file to the game over screen.
Things I have tried:
Importing mainGame in the gameOverViewBase and calling the mainGame.score variable in the gameOverView mxml file.
-EDIT!!! = the above method works if I change the score variable in mainGame to a constant, but if it remains a variable, the controller won't load the gameOverView and the game sits at an empty mainGame view.
Making a function that adds to a new score variable in the gameOverViewBase whenever the player scores during the game.
Passing the score as a parameter to the GameOverView when the MainGame ends
This seemed like the most logical way to go about it. So I followed the function through the other components of the game setting the loadGameOver to take an integer as a parameter until I got to the main game actionscript file:
public function loadGameOver(score:int) : void
The loadView function (shown below) is where I get stuck because I can't see where to pass the 'score' parameter. It looks like this:
private function loadView(viewClass:Class, modelClass:Class = null) : void
var view:View = new viewClass();
if(!view) throw new Error("Could not load view");
view.controller = this;
The second problem is the difficulty selection on the introduction screen. I have done this with 3 buttons (easy, normal, hard) in the mxml file and for every button in the ActionScript:
protected function onEasyButtonClick() : void
set = "easy"
Once again, I end up at the above loadView function.
To sum up: I need to know how to pass the data between the views and models. If that's not the ideal method, I am open to any other methods that you think are better.
Thank You!
P.S. I can send my source code to anyone who would like to help :)
You don't specify which MVC framework you're using which would be helpful. However, score should definitely be a property of a model and the model data should be accessible to the view either directly, perhaps via binding (thanks weltraumpirat), or via some intermediary class.
I would suggest you have a look at some of the existing view classes and try to figure out how they are fed the model data. You can use this approach to get the data you need for your view.
The mainGame property is not being set on your GameOverView instance so you're unable to access its score property either through binding or through trace. The loadView method of your controller class accepts a Model class reference which it uses to construct a new Model instance to be used by the new View. Unfortunately this is no use to you as your GameOverView needs the instance of MainGame which was created for the MainGameView (and which contains the current score).
I don't know if the following fits into the philosophy of the framework you're using. However, I would change the loadView method to accept an instance of a Model rather than a class reference, and create and cache a reference to an instance of MainGame when your controller is instantiated. That way you can pass the same Model reference to both the MainGameView and GameOverView when these are created.
public class WhackAMoleBase extends Application implements IGameController
public var viewContainer:Group;
private var mainGame:MainGame
public function WhackAMoleBase() : void
// Create and cache an instance of the main game Model
mainGame = new MainGame();
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
public function loadIntroduction() : void
public function loadMainGame() : void
loadView(MainGameView, mainGame);
public function loadGameOver() : void
// Use the same instance of MainGame which the MainGameView
// has been using as the Model for the GameOverView
loadView(GameOverView, mainGame);
// Accept a Model instance rather than a class Reference
private function loadView(viewClass:Class, model:Model = null) : void
//Create a new instance of the supplied view
var view:View = new viewClass();
if(!view) throw new Error("Could not load view");
//Clear any previous views in the container and add
//Property based dependency injection
view.controller = this;
//There may or may not be a model required for the
//requested view; check and instantiate appropriately
//Give model reference to the controller
//and link the view up to the model
model.controller = this;
view.model = model;
private function onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent) : void
//When the application is first created, we want to show the introductory view

Dynamic list constraint on Alfresco

I'm trying to follow the examples provided in this post, to create a dynamic list constraint in Alfresco 3.3.
So, I've created my own class extending ListOfValuesConstraint:
public class MyConstraint extends ListOfValuesConstraint {
private static ServiceRegistry registry;
public void initialize() {
public List getAllowedValues() {
return super.getAllowedValues();
public void setAllowedValues(List allowedValues) {
protected void loadData() {
List<String> values = new LinkedList<String>();
String query = "+TYPE:\"cm:category\" +#cm\\:description:\"" + tipo + "\"";
StoreRef storeRef = new StoreRef("workspace://SpacesStore");
ResultSet resultSet = registry.getSearchService().query(storeRef, SearchService.LANGUAGE_LUCENE, query);
// ... values.add(data obtained using searchService and nodeService) ...
if (values.isEmpty()) {
ServiceRegistry reference is injected by Spring, and it's working fine. If I only call loadData() from initialize(), it executes the Lucene query, gets the data, and the dropdown displays it correctly. Only that it's not dynamic: data doesn't get refreshed unless I restart the Alfresco server.
getAllowedValues() is called each time the UI has to display a property having this constraint. The idea on the referred post is to call loadData() from getAllowedValues() too, so the values will be actually dynamic. But when I do this, I don't get any data. The Lucene query is the same, but returns 0 results, so my dropdown only displays -.
BTW, the query I'm doing is: +TYPE:"cm:category" +#cm\:description:"something here", and it's the same on each case. It works from initialize, but doesn't from getAllowedValues.
Any ideas on why is this happening, or how can I solve it?
Edit: we upgraded to Alfresco 3.3.0g Community yesterday, but we're still having the same issues.
This dynamic-list-of-values-constraint is a bad idea and I tell you why:
The Alfresco repository should be in a valid state all the time. Your (dynamic) list of constraints will change (that's why you want it to be dynamic). Adding items would not be a problem, but editing and removing items are. If you would remove an item from your option-list, the nodes in the repository with this property value will be invalid.
You will not be able to fix this easily. The standard UI will fail on invalid-state-nodes. Simply editing this value and setting it to something valid will not work. You have been warned.
Because the default UI widget for a ListConstraint is a dropdown, not every dropdown should be a ListConstraint. ListConstraints are designed for something like a Status property: { Draft, Waiting Approval, Approved }. Not for a list of customer-names.
I have seen this same topic come up again and again over the last few years. What you actually want is let the user choose a value from a dynamic list of options (combo box). This is a UI problem, not a dictionary-model-issue. You should setup something like this with the web-config-context.xml (Alfresco web UI) or in Alfresco Share. The last one is more flexible and I would recommend taking that path.
