Error while executing sql query on database - sqlite

I'm trying to read BLOB data from messages table form WhatsApp database called msgstore, I want to get the file names that are transferred. The blob data is stored in thumb_image column.
I found this query here:
SELECT dbms_lob.substr(thumb_image)
FROM messages
WHERE _id = 3;
I also tried this query from here:
SELECT utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(thumb_image))
FROM messages
WHERE _id = '3;
I both cases I keep getting an error thats says:
Error while executing sql query on database 'msgstore': near "(" syntax error.
I don't understand what's wrong with the query.
How can I fix this?


Why is my Airflow MySqlOperator Insert Command Denied?

I'm running a dag with an insert query. Here is some of the code:
QUERY = '''
INSERT INTO bi.target_skus (skus)
distinct od.sku,
bi.orders as od'''
t1 = MySqlOperator(
mysql_conn_id = MYSQL_CONN_ID,
It's giving me the following error:
ERROR - (1142, "INSERT command denied to user 'xyz' for table 'target_skus'")
A few notes:
Devops said my user has permission to make inserts into that table
Select commands work fine
The error message does not include the database name (bi) even though my insert query does.
This looks like a standard MySQL "not enough privileges" error.
Are you sure you can perform INSERTs with your user, regardless of what your DBA is saying? You should test the same operation using another tool (like MySQL Workbench) setting up the connection in the same way you set it up in Airflow, i.e. same user, same password, same default schema.
It looks like a privilege error from the user trying to insert but there is a comma in the insert that can cause problems too:
QUERY = '''
INSERT INTO bi.target_skus (skus)
distinct od.sku
bi.orders as od'''

OLE DB provider 'for linked server returned data that does not match expected data length for

I get an error querying a remote postgresql server from my sql server 2017 Standard via a linked server
this is the query:
'SELECT corpo::TEXT as test From public.notification')
and this is the error message:
Msg 7347, Level 16, State 1, Line 57
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' for linked server 'xxx' returned data that does not match expected data length for
column '[MSDASQL].test'. The (maximum) expected data length is 1024, while the returned data length is 7774.
Even without conversions the error stills
For the odbc and linked server I followed this handy guide.
In my case, I was reading the data through a view. Apparently, the data size of one column was changed in the underlying table but the view still reported to the linked server the original smaller size of the column. The solution was to open the view with MSSMS and save it again.
Can you try this?
SELECT TRIM(corpo) AS test
FROM public.notification;
') AS oq
I prefer using OPENQUERY since it will send the exact query to the linked server for it to execute.
MySQL currently has problem with casting to VARCHAR data type, so I using TRIM() function to cheat it.

Whats the correct syntax for on conflict do update sqlyte?

I am trying to insert clients on a table(importing them from a csv), the email column needs to be unique(in the csv the a client can appear more than one time, the last instance has the correct info) and the ids are created with an autoincrementing value (this is why i cant use select or replace), im trying to use the syntax found in the sqlite guide(and in every question about ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE found here) but sqlite throws a
SQL logic error near "ON" :syntax error
the query goes like this(using VB)
sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO clients(name1,name2,address1,address2,plz,city,country,phoneNumber1,phoneNumber2,cellPhoneNumber,fax,email) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON CONFLICT(email) DO UPDATE SET name1=excluded.name1,name2=excluded.name2,address1=excluded.address1,address2=excluded.address2,plz=excluded.plz,,,phoneNumber1=excluded.phoneNumber1,phoneNumber2=excluded.phoneNumber2,cellPhoneNumber=excluded.cellPhoneNumber,fax=excluded.fax,;

ORACLE 11g Know Insert Record Details which Failed to insert

I have started auditing insert records by user on failure to any table in my oracle 11g Database. I have used following command to do the same.
I would like to know whenever the record insert will fail, Can i know what was the records which failed to insert into table.
Where we can see such information. Or if you know any other way of auditing of the same please suggest. One way which i know is to write a trigger on insert. In that trigger handle insert failure EXCEPTION and save those values to some table.
Use SQL Loader Utility with following control file format.
load data
infile 'c:\users\shena\desktop\1.txt'
badfile 'C:\Users\shena\Desktop\test.bad'
discardfile 'C:\Users\shena\Desktop\test.dsc'
log 'C:\Users\shena\Desktop\test.log'
into table ma_basic_bd
fields terminated by '|' optionally enclosed by '"' trailing nullcols
"DATE" "to_date(:DATE,'YYYY-MM-DD')",
adjdate "to_date(:adjdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')",
You are requested to use the conventional path loading so that we can get the rejected(rejected because of datatype mismatch and business rule violation) records in .bad file. Conventional path loading is a default option.
Following URL can be used for the detailed knowledge.
Total 4 videos are there. Very helpful.

DynamoDB throws an error when trying to get the item count

I'm trying to get the total number of items in a Dynamodb table. Given below is the C# code that I use.
context = this.DynamoDBContext;
var someClassReuslts = context.Scan<SomeClass>(null);
int itemCount = someClassReuslts .Count<SomeClass>();
When I try to execute this it throws below error
"Unable to convert [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document] of type Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document to System.String"
Is it a mismatch of a property in the data type of the "SomeClass" Vs the actual items properties in the DB? Can someone please help?
Found the issue here. I use two different programs to insert data to dynamo db and read data from dynamo db. Both of these programs are supposed to use the same "SomeClass" but unfortunately I had one of the properties altered in the "SomeClass" that I use to read the data (or run the count query) from Dynamo db. Once I fix the data type mismatch. it works fine now.
