Migrate data from one Google Analytics Property to Other - google-analytics

We by mistake created a Google Analytics Property of type Apps + Web(as in image). But it restricts us from using many Web specific features (like adding custom dimensions and connection with Google Tag Manager).
So we create a new property of type Web (as we anyway won't need App related things anytime sooner), but now how can we migrate all analytics data(of 4-5 months) to the new property.
We tried to go through the docs and didn't find any related help.
Any input would be helpful.

There is no way to migrate the data from one Account, web property or view in google analytics to another. Once the data has been sent the data is there forever unless you delete the account.


Google Tag Manager on localhost

I was asked to implement the Google Tag Manager scripts into the React application. I've added the scripts to head and body of my html file. I've tested the site in the Preview mode of GTM and everything seems to working fine. Clicks and route changes are tracked correctly.
I have one doubt... What about the localhost development ? Is it going to generate unnecessary logs on the analytics (which I have no access to)? Or maybe it's just enough to paste the snippets and that's it?
I can't find an answer so that's why I decided to ask here.
If someone has some experience on that topic - please let me know :)
I would advise you to map separate Google Analytics property IDs by either a datalayer variable, URL or custom JavaScript to return a separate property ID based on whether users are accessing your website from either your localhost development environment, your UAT environment (if any) and then your production environment (or others as applicable).
Essentially you're looking at having something that says "if the URL contains "localhost", return my development property ID", then use this variable name in your Google Analytics tag(s) instead of a static value.
Yes, unfortunately all your existing testing is all in your profile because if you had the production property ID configured and fired off a bunch of events and pageviews, it absolutely collected and sent there as part of the debugging experience. Generally though, that's a low concern on a production app because you make up such a small portion of overall traffic; you're just a couple of blips in the larger dataset.

Multiple data streams for web + app property

I am new to google analytics and noticed that my firebase app was auto linked to a property in my google analytics account as type app + web.
In the data streams section of this property, I would like to ensure data comes through via two sources, www. and admin.. How do I achieve this? The UI on analytics only lets me link one web stream. I also don't seem to be able to edit this once it is set up.
I would actually prefer to set up two separate properties, as they are two different "apps", however in Firebase in Settings > Integrations > Manage you can only link one google property ID.
Both www. and admin. are hosting on the same firebase project, as separate web apps.
Where am I going wrong?

Copy setup of GA and GTM from one account to another without copying data

How can I copy setup of GA and GTM from one account to another without copying data?
According to the documentation it is not possible:
All reporting data associated with a property is moved (not copied) to the destination account.
But maybe someone knows some kind of a trick?
Thank you.
The documentation you linked is about property moving, which is basically Google's term for moving GA data from one account to another. So in that case moving the data is the whole point. It is true however that you cannot easily copy a GA configuration - the closest would be to set up properties and views programmatically via the management API, but that is a lot of work (too much if you only want to do this once) and still does not cover all the settings.
You can easily move a GTM installation from one GTM account to another. Just export the container in the admin section and import it in the admin section of the new account. This will not copy any data.

Analytics not working in Chrome App

I am trying to add Google Analytics to a Chrome App using the google-analytics-bundle.js library found here. Apart from the example in the bundle itself I also tried this sample with no success.
Note that the tracking ID in both tests was been replaced to my own property id, which has already been used successfully before with a separate website.
Here's a screen shot which shows the details of the request and the data being sent:
Since you said that the same tracking ID works on a website, it probably means that you have a wrong kind of tracking ID.
From the Wiki of the library:
get a Google Analytics "App" tracking property.
There are 2 types of properties, selected at property creation: "Website" and "Mobile App". You need the second type to work in a Chrome App.

Google Analytics Universal and Classic

I have several different Google Analytics codes for several different purposes. With the one I recently created, GA automatically created it as Universal, without the option of Classic. However, I have several other trackers as Classic.
Is there a way to use both Google Analytics Universal and Classic codes on the same page?
I have too much to do a migration and change everything around, and need an option to use both codes on the same page.
Thanks for your help!...every time you help me you save a kitten!!
The "classic" code will track to classic properties or, for the time being, to properties that have been recently transferred to Universal Analytics. UA code will track only to UA enabled properties.
You can mix classic and universal code on properties that have been recently transfered to UA (altough at the moment I cannot find the reference for that in the docs, plus I'm not sure how this will work with cross domain tracking).
You can use both ga.ja and analytics.js without problems if they track to different properties (again, this will give you problems with cross domain tracking since they use different parameters to transfer the session between domains).
