Copy setup of GA and GTM from one account to another without copying data - google-analytics

How can I copy setup of GA and GTM from one account to another without copying data?
According to the documentation it is not possible:
All reporting data associated with a property is moved (not copied) to the destination account.
But maybe someone knows some kind of a trick?
Thank you.

The documentation you linked is about property moving, which is basically Google's term for moving GA data from one account to another. So in that case moving the data is the whole point. It is true however that you cannot easily copy a GA configuration - the closest would be to set up properties and views programmatically via the management API, but that is a lot of work (too much if you only want to do this once) and still does not cover all the settings.
You can easily move a GTM installation from one GTM account to another. Just export the container in the admin section and import it in the admin section of the new account. This will not copy any data.


Google Tag Manager on localhost

I was asked to implement the Google Tag Manager scripts into the React application. I've added the scripts to head and body of my html file. I've tested the site in the Preview mode of GTM and everything seems to working fine. Clicks and route changes are tracked correctly.
I have one doubt... What about the localhost development ? Is it going to generate unnecessary logs on the analytics (which I have no access to)? Or maybe it's just enough to paste the snippets and that's it?
I can't find an answer so that's why I decided to ask here.
If someone has some experience on that topic - please let me know :)
I would advise you to map separate Google Analytics property IDs by either a datalayer variable, URL or custom JavaScript to return a separate property ID based on whether users are accessing your website from either your localhost development environment, your UAT environment (if any) and then your production environment (or others as applicable).
Essentially you're looking at having something that says "if the URL contains "localhost", return my development property ID", then use this variable name in your Google Analytics tag(s) instead of a static value.
Yes, unfortunately all your existing testing is all in your profile because if you had the production property ID configured and fired off a bunch of events and pageviews, it absolutely collected and sent there as part of the debugging experience. Generally though, that's a low concern on a production app because you make up such a small portion of overall traffic; you're just a couple of blips in the larger dataset.

Migrate data from one Google Analytics Property to Other

We by mistake created a Google Analytics Property of type Apps + Web(as in image). But it restricts us from using many Web specific features (like adding custom dimensions and connection with Google Tag Manager).
So we create a new property of type Web (as we anyway won't need App related things anytime sooner), but now how can we migrate all analytics data(of 4-5 months) to the new property.
We tried to go through the docs and didn't find any related help.
Any input would be helpful.
There is no way to migrate the data from one Account, web property or view in google analytics to another. Once the data has been sent the data is there forever unless you delete the account.

Alfresco Repository Activity

I would like to see the users activities made in the general repository, without using a site (upload docs,...) in the user dashboard, I have only managed to see the acvitities performed inside user sites. is it possible to do something like this?
Thanks in advance
It's possible to create your own activities via the activities services.
Use the postActivity to post your own custom activity. The problem remains that you need a required parameter siteId.
Probably you can just fill in Repository and if that doesn't work, just create a public site called Repository so it does exist for your need.
You'll need to create a Behaviour to trigger these post as well.

Wanted to make alfresco site read only

Want to make alfresco site read only in alfresco community 5.0 so that no one can make any changes or edit that during migration.
I already tried changing the user/group permissions but that method doesn't work properly. Is there any other way to make the sites read only?
You need to make all sites in read only mode and so entire Repository should be in read-only mode for migration!
Try this property in your alfresco-global.prop file
Please check this for reference
The best way to make a site read only would probably be to modify all members of that site to have the consumer role (this would prevent them for creating new content or editing any existing content).
Unfortunately there is no bulk capability built into the UI to do this, however it should be a relatively straightforward exercise to create an admin only custom WebScript to achieve this. It would necessary for the Admin to become the site manager of each site before attempting to change the role of each site member, but there is an API for doing this.
Alternatively (if you have only a few sites) then you could do this manually through the UI using the Site Management Admin Console page. Again, the Admin would need to become the Site Manager for each Site and then visit the site and change the role of every member.
As suggested by #DaveDraper in a former answer, you could setup site memberships to the consumer role. However, this won't take into account any special permission given on a particular node (folder/document) in that site either with or without inheritance of permission.
So, if you intend to block any writes on the entire alfresco repo/site you could simply setup an extra security interceptor on your NodeService to block any write access using the NodeService.
PS : You could get some inspiration from the "NodeService_security" bean and implementation !
I can think of a turn-around or two, but those would be really sloppy so I won't be including them in this response

Plone4 - I need an idea

I need to build a system around a concept as follows:
Users have their objects, which are created by managers and by users themselves. Their objects are visible only to themselves. How to do it in broad way? What logic and mechanism I should choose?
I know this question is perhaps too broad but I am quite novice to development.
Your requirements can be easily solved by using the built-in user-folders of Plone.
You need to enable them in the security-part of the controlpanel via yourhost:8080/sitename/##security-controlpanel
(Note: If you are logged in and trying to see the change of the config afterwards, looking for your own urserfolder, you need to logout and login again, because the foldercreation-trigger is the 'first' login).
Every user gets its own folder then, where other users but Managers don't have have access to and additionally have access themselves to items Managers created in their folder, because the ownership of the user-folder belongs to the user.
Preferably set this configuration in your own product (plone-add-on/plugin), to make it reproducable programatically.
