I'm trying to connect R to Osisoft Pi Historian with no success. Has anyone done this before or is there a package I can install?
This simple script doesn't return any connections, I haven't used RODBC so could be way off track, thanks for any suggestions.
x <- odbcDataSources()
Do you have the OSIsoft PI ODBC driver installed on your system?
Have you checked out OSIsofts own whitepaper
Integrating the PI System with R
Im assuming you are using R Console only? in which case there are examples in the bottom of the article.
I previously used R Dot Net and the AF SDK to process PI data in R,
Many ways to skin the cat...
I want to create a simple GATT Server on my Raspberry Pi Pico. The goal is to create a service that sends a simple set of data to the client. Im using the latest version of MicroPython. My Problem is, that I cant seem to figure out how I can use the MicroPython-specific bluetooth library (https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/library/bluetooth.html), because it doesnt seem to be accesible on the Raspnerry Pi Pico. I also tried using standard python librarys like the bluez-peripheral (https://github.com/spacecheese/bluez_peripheral), but there were a lot of modules missing, that I wasnt able to install. Im open to using any other library. It would be great if someone would know how I can get these librarys running on my Pico or has any suggestions for other librarys.
Thanks in Advance
I am new in R and I am working with a datasets that has more than 5 millions of observations. So I thought that it would be a good idea to use RStudio on a virtual machine instead of using it on my local machine.
I am reading the documentation about virtual machines and RServer but it is still not clear to me if I have to use Microsoft R Server to create a VIM and then just install Rstudio as I would do in my local machine or if I can create a generic VIM and then install RStudio. Which is the correct way? Why?
If both of these options are possible, which one is the best?
Please help me. Sorry for my confusion.
You can do either. If you are using Azure (which I think you are given that you mention Microsoft R Server), there is also the Data Science VM, which will come preinstalled with RStudio and many other useful programs.
R Server is more for production workloads with R, so unless you are planning that you could probably stick with the Data Science VM. If you end up choosing this option, you can connect directly to an RStudio instance on the R Server from the Azure portal.
Does anybody knows if it's possible to interface Hadoop with R / Rstudio ? If yes, HOW?
I have some hive's table and I'd like to accès them with R / Rstudio and within 'shiny' make a visual restitution (graphs etc...).
I would appreciate any help (ideas, code examples ...).
Try the package dplyr.hive.spark. The docs are still a bit more geared towards spark, but I tested it against Hive with the latest HDP sandbox and things were going smoothly. If you give it a try please report any problems.
If you just want to access hive tables on HDFS, you can use the RJDBC package and a JDBC connection (explained here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/HiveServer2+Clients#HiveServer2Clients-JDBC). Then you can use RJDBC just like you would for a relational database except that it might launch some map/reduce jobs on your cluster to execute.
Is there any easy way how to access PostGis data in R on Windows XP?
I thought I can try rgdal, but there is no easy way how to add PG driver (see file.show(system.file("README.windows", package="rgdal")). Therefore this simple piece of code does not work:
mylayer <-readOGR(dsn="PG:host=localhost user=MyUser dbname=MyDb password=Secret port=5432", layer = "MyLayer", verbose = TRUE)
Then I have found qGIS plugin called manageR. Unfortunately, there is a dependency to rpy2 plugin which is not available anymore.
I have no problems using shapefiles, but my intention was to integrate postgis data with current data warehouse and then use R for analytics.
Is there any known simple way how to use PostGIS and R or I have to change OS?
This question has been previously dealt with on the r-sig-geo mailing lists.
Searching for 'postgis rgdal windows' on rseek.org finds previous discussions.
In short - not positive, because the windows rgdal is compiled using a minimal set of drivers - because compiling for lots of others - all of which have different versions - would just transpose the problem into one of the wrong version or missing postgis (in this case).
Going via FWtools may be an option.
I am trying to connect R to a Hadoop cluster using R. The cluster has HDFS, Map Reduce, Hive, Pig and Sqoop installed on it.
R will be running on in the Windows environment. I know that rhdfs, rhadoop and rmr exist for Linuix, but I can't find anything on Windows.
Does anyone know of a library to use?
Thank you
Revolution Analytrics is trying to make a name for themselves in this space. They have a couple of nice packages (some of which are open-source and/or free for non-commercial use) which allow you to interact with Hadoop from R in a Windows environment fluidly.