Widgets parsing using Hugo for hugo-academic - r

I am using academic framework and I created a Hugo site that is working well for directory pages but not with widget pages defined using #page in the menus.toml file. The current version of Hugo is
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.58.1-24277B92 windows/amd64 BuildDate:
I got this error message when compiling the academic framework:
ERROR building site: failed to render pages: render of "home" failed:
/themems/academic/layouts/index.json:47:42 :
error calling append: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Type on Zero
yet, I checked the markup file related to this parameter and there is a value assigned already!
How to fix the widget parsing?
Thanks for your help!


Laravel 5.7: what is the meaning of Undefined index style(mix('/css/frontend.css'))?

I am new to Laravel and currently attempt to import vue to my Laravel project.
After I ran 'npm run dev' command and check a page built with blade layout which is downloaded from a boilerplate project, I see the error : Undefined index in style(mix('/css/frontend.css')). This css file exists in public/css.
This is the line that invokes this error.
{{ style(mix('/css/frontend.css')) }}
What is its meaning and how to fix it?
Also, I can't find the api documentation that tell the function of style() and mix().
If you know where the documentation is, please give me the link. Thanks!
Check webpack.mix.js to see if frontend.css is being compiled by Laravel Mix. If you don't see any reference to it, then you should reference the file in your Blade views with asset('/css/frontend.css') instead of mix().
mix() reads from public/mix-manifest.json to map your source filenames to their output name, which is useful when files are versioned for cache busting. A mix-manifest entry might look like this: "/css/app.css": "/css/app.css?id=7564ad125f69af0035c3". If your file wasn't compiled or copied with Laravel mix then it would not have an entry in mix-manifest.json, which would explain the undefined index error and why you need to use asset() instead.
Also, I don't know what style() is but it doesn't come with the Laravel framework.
Refs: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/mix#versioning-and-cache-busting

when i display my wordpress website post on other php script which resides in the same directory

It is not Displaying it and when enable ERROR REPORTING to Check Issue it Show me Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_url() (previously declared in /home/a107853262/public_html/TECHNICALLY-SPEAKING.ORG/small-seo-tools/core/functions.php:237) in /home/a107853262/public_html/TECHNICALLY-SPEAKING.ORG/wp-includes/deprecated.php on line 2039. Thank in Advance
You are trying to re-declare the function clean_url().
Refer this answer
Also clean_url() is deprecated and should be replaced by esc_url(). WordPress Code Reference

2sxc | Export App Error

When I export my 2sxc Content App from my site I am seeing the following error:
(function(){var c=0;if("undefined"!==typeof
CustomEvent&&"function"===typeof window.dispatchEvent){var
a&&(a=JSON.stringify(a)),"string"===typeof a)return
function(c){return function(f){var
fetch&&(fetch=function(c){return function(f,d){var
g}}(fetch))}})(); (function(){if("undefined"!==typeof CustomEvent){var
c=function(a){if(a.lpsubmit)return a;var
I'm trying to export from one dnn site to another (I've already successfully exported the pages that these content apps are placed on). I see the following on my new site when using dnn site wizard to export all content and files:
Error: System.Exception: Data is missing - usually when a site is
copied but the content / apps have not been imported yet - check
I believe what you ran into was that you didn't check the "Include all Content-Groups" checkbox:

Updating Theme Framework Getting privileges Error

I have just Install New woocommerce theme Mystile Version 1.2.9. while using it i am getting error like:
"Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\wamp\www\tramawoo\wp-content\themes\mystile\functions\admin-functions.php on line 3193"
On some forum i read that i have to upgrade Mystile Theme Framework to "WooFramework update is available (v5.5.5)". to get rid from this error.
So from Dashboard >> Mystile Theme > Theme Options >> when i click on WooFramework update is available (v5.5.5) i get this message.
"You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
I am logged in as ADMIN and also i am on my local-server WAMP.
Please suggest.
This could be a bug in the theme or in the framework. It's hard to diagnose from afar. I would suggest that you manually download the new version and just replace it manually.

Web setup project fails to install dynamic-data site: "the installer was interrupted"

The last phase of the installer fails with this message:
Installation Incomplete
The installer was interrupted before [project] could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again.
Running msiexec /i installer.msi /l*vx setup.log shows the following entries in the setup log:
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting web folder property token...
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Token is '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting METADATA_HANDLE for the directory '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: FAILED: -2147024893
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: FAILED: -2147024893
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action failed with code: '3'
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action failed with code: '3'
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action completed with return code: '3'
The same web application had no problems being installed with a web setup project before. The issue started after upgrading the web application from .NET 3.5 SP1 to .NET 4.0.
This blog entry points out the issue:
Which got me started thinking, I have
a subfolder named filters. Changing
nothing else but renaming the filters
subfolder made it finish properly. I'm
assuming you might have the same
problems with folders named apppools,
info, or 1 as well.
(Emphasis mine)
Unfortunately, Filters is a hard-coded folder name in Dynamic Data. If you look at FilterFactory, there doesn't appear to be any way to override that value, seeing as how the FilterFactory property of MetaModel is not marked virtual. If we can't change the folder name, then we have to look at fixing the installer...
The installer error is being raised by the ApplyWebFolderProperties custom action. That action isn't built-in to Windows Installer—it's added by the Web Setup Project. That's helpful, because it means we can remove it with WiRunSQL.vbs:
cscript WiRunSQL.vbs installer.msi "DELETE FROM CustomAction WHERE Action='WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties'"
Note that the actual name of ApplyWebFolderProperties is WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties. Seeing as how the action doesn't appear to be documented anywhere, caveat emptor. It doesn't appear to be too terribly important though.
To automate the workaround, you could add the command to the setup project's PostBuildEvent like so:
cscript.exe "$(ProjectDir)..\WiRunSQL.vbs" "$(BuiltOuputPath)" "DELETE FROM CustomAction WHERE Action='WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties'"
If anyone knows a better way to install a folder named Filters, I'd love to hear it.
