2sxc | Export App Error - 2sxc

When I export my 2sxc Content App from my site I am seeing the following error:
(function(){var c=0;if("undefined"!==typeof
CustomEvent&&"function"===typeof window.dispatchEvent){var
a&&(a=JSON.stringify(a)),"string"===typeof a)return
function(c){return function(f){var
fetch&&(fetch=function(c){return function(f,d){var
g}}(fetch))}})(); (function(){if("undefined"!==typeof CustomEvent){var
c=function(a){if(a.lpsubmit)return a;var
I'm trying to export from one dnn site to another (I've already successfully exported the pages that these content apps are placed on). I see the following on my new site when using dnn site wizard to export all content and files:
Error: System.Exception: Data is missing - usually when a site is
copied but the content / apps have not been imported yet - check

I believe what you ran into was that you didn't check the "Include all Content-Groups" checkbox:


Widgets parsing using Hugo for hugo-academic

I am using academic framework and I created a Hugo site that is working well for directory pages but not with widget pages defined using #page in the menus.toml file. The current version of Hugo is
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.58.1-24277B92 windows/amd64 BuildDate:
I got this error message when compiling the academic framework:
ERROR building site: failed to render pages: render of "home" failed:
/themems/academic/layouts/index.json:47:42 :
error calling append: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Type on Zero
yet, I checked the markup file related to this parameter and there is a value assigned already!
How to fix the widget parsing?
Thanks for your help!

The "zip" translation loader is not registered - Prestashop

When I try to access several options of the backend of prestashop it gives me this error. I have installed four languages and the main one is Spanish. How can this error be solved?
Error 500 - The "zip" translation loader is not registered.
It seems you have a zip file in your translations folder. Perhaps it was left there when you installed a new locale. Try removing it.

2sxc - Export this entire App - error

I installed clean:
dnn 9.1.1.
2sxc 9.14.0.
When I try to use : Export this entire App
for any app I get error in dnn admin log,
and nothing happend in UI
DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke
Message:Could not find a part of the path 'C:\root_www_folder\desktopmodules\tosic_sexycontent\SexyContent\ImportExport\Instructions'.
This folder is missing in fresh install:
Create it manualy and export started to work.

Unity/Firebase - Project Bundle ID does not match any bundle IDs in your google-services.json files

I'm making a mobile game on Unity, Android first.
And now I'm integrating firebase analytics.
After set info on Firebase Console and put google-services.json file into Unity project, Unity shows an error saying :
Project Bundle ID com.RetroSpirit.ToiletRush does not match any bundle IDs in your google-services.json files
This will result in an app that will fail to initialize.
Available Bundle IDs:
You need to either:
* Fix your app's bundle ID under "Player Settings --> Bundle Identifier"
* Add another app to your firebase project
Goto https://firebase.google.com/docs/unity/setup#add_firebase_to_your_app_1
and add the new configuration file to your project.
Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:FindGoogleServicesFile(SortedDictionary`2, String, LogMessage, LogMessage)
Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:FindGoogleServicesFile(String, LogMessage, LogMessage)
Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:UpdateJson(Boolean, LogMessage, LogMessage)
Firebase.Editor.GenerateXmlFromGoogleServicesJson:OnPostprocessAllAssets(String[], String[], String[], String[])
UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal:PostprocessAllAssets(String[], String[], String[], String[], String[])
UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:ProjectWindowDrag(HierarchyProperty, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
Here's the part of google-services.json,
"client": [
"client_info": {
"mobilesdk_app_id": "*:***********:android:****************",
"android_client_info": {
"package_name": "com.RetroSpirit.ToiletRush"
"oauth_client": [
"client_id": "***********-********************************.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"client_type": 1,
"android_info": {
"package_name": "com.RetroSpirit.ToiletRush",
"certificate_hash": "****************************************"
I don't know what should I check.
Project Bundle ID (the Package name on Build Settings - Other Settings - Identification) is exactly same as package_names in google-services.json.
Any ideas?
My case was in Unity and to fix it I added the google-services.json from the firebase project to the assets folder. I had only the GoogleService-Info.plist before.
Little bit funny to answer myself...
I found the reason of problem accidently. There was something wrong with my VC runtime so generate_xml_from_google_services_json.exe couldn't extract package name from google-services.json. (vc90.crt.manifest could not be extracted!)
Unfortunately, I couldn't fix that runtime error despite so many re-install of Visual Studio, VC Runtime and .net frameworks. Finally I re-installed Windows 10 and the problem just gone away... Still don't know what caused this error.
I understand you have fixed this by re-installing Windows but this is how I got passed this problem in case anyone else runs into this:
Make sure you have set your Package Name in Unity player settings (Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Identification > Package Name).
Set to the same one you set up in Firebase (looks like com.CompanyName.ProductName).
Make sure you have imported the Firebase assets into your Unity project as described here https://firebase.google.com/docs/unity/setup and that the Firebase folder exists in Assets > Firebase. Changing the location of this folder seems to break things.
In our case we solved the issue by requesting a new google-services.json file from a collegue who has admin rights.
In my case, the issue was with the Package Name. So I followed the following steps and solved the problem:
Change the package name (com.companyname.appname) [everything in lowercase]
Delete the existing keystore
Add a new keystore and generating a fingerprint with Keytool
Delete the current app from the Firebase console
Add a new app with the correct package name and the generated fingerprint
download google-services.json again and Import to Unity under the Assets folder
Done! It works!!
hey everyone I found a fix to this issue I'm using mac pro m1
step to fix
reinstall visual studio
download Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Android from the visual studio website
restart the project
and after that, it will fix

unable to launch custom brackets.exe

I have created a desktop app using brackets-shell version sprint-38. I have done the following changes.
config.h -changed APP_NAME from 'Brackets' to 'MyBrackets'.
appshell_config.gypi - changed appname from 'Brackets' to 'MyBrackets'.
Gruntfile - changed build.name from 'Brackets' to 'MyBrackets'.
After building brackets-shell with these changes i used to get 'MyBrackets.exe'
inside brackets-shell/release folder.
while executing the exe one file chooser popup comes, and node & MyBrackets.exe processes will start in the background.
his works fine with Sprint38,But after migrating to brackets-shell tag version release-1.3 or master, this dose not work. The file chooser is not coming as well as no node process starts.
Is any thing i am missing with the latest release ?
I got the problem. actually xcopy command is not generating properly in MyBrackets.vscsproj file. and this is well know problem i think so. To fix this problem one fix-msvc.sh file has written.
Since brackets.vscsproj name is hardcoded here so changes is not reflecting in my MyBrackets.vscsproj
