Elixir HttpPoison not working to send multipart/form-data requests - http

I have a very simple request to make but it looks like HttpPoison isn't able to resolve this.
The request has attachments, so i'm using multipart/form-data content type.
When I send just the file, the request works fine, but I need to add some other props to my request and that's where the issue comes.
My request:
{:multipart, [
{"form-data", [name: "file", filename: "file.xlsx"]}, []
{"taskName", "#{task.name}"},
{"taskLink", "#{task.link}"}
I receive the file without problems but the taskName and taskLink never reach the server.
( I tried with postman and had no problems )
Some issues related to this:

We have a working example of the multipart list that we use to send zip files along with other attributes. Something equivalent to this might work for you.
{"id", to_string(order_id)},
{"file_size", to_string(file_size)},
{"attachment", file, {"form-data", [name: "file", filename: filename]},
[{"Content-Type", "application/zip"}]


Sending messages with attachments via Linkedin v2 messages API Fail

Sending any attachments via https://api.linkedin.com/v2/messages results in an empty message on the receiver end. It was working fine during the development and until a few months ago.
I followed the steps as mentioned in the doc here: Messages API.
1. Register upload
POST 'https://api.linkedin.com/v2/assets?action=registerUpload'
Headers: { 'x-li-format: json' ,'X-Restli-Protocol-Version: 2.0.0', 'Authorization': <AUTH TOKEN'>, 'Content-Type: application/json'}
"registerUploadRequest": {
"recipes": [
"owner": "urn:li:person:tVBKuamGQA",
"serviceRelationships": [
"identifier": "urn:li:userGeneratedContent",
"relationshipType": "OWNER"
"supportedUploadMechanism": [
2. Media upload
PUT 'https://api.linkedin.com/mediaUpload/D5606AQEyWs_FuSOhpQ/messaging-attachmentFile/0?ca=vector_messaging&cn=uploads_encrypted&m=AQLwVYaN1VD0FAAAAYZWQ5iaB1P3EvIEqybGym69KocRancNKS12YAhD2A&app=109663&sync=1&v=beta&ut=39P3TAA2AwmGE1'
Headers: Same as above
Body: Image in bytes format
3. Send message with the Attachment URN
POST 'https://api.linkedin.com/v2/messages'
Additionally, I was also able to verify that the status of the upload was successful.
"recipients": [
"subject": null,
"body": "Body3",
"messageType": "MEMBER_TO_MEMBER",
"attachments": [
4. Check status of the upload:
Additionally, I was also able to verify that the upload was successful with the status "AVAILABLE"
GET 'https://api.linkedin.com/v2/assets/D5606AQEyWs_FuSOhpQ'
All API calls shared here were successful, making it even more challenging to figure out why the attachments fail. Sending only texts works fine. Any insights/guidance on this issue will be greatly appreciated. It's currently blocking our major release.
I have gone through the assets api, images api documentations from LI, but that doesn't seem to be relevant for sending attachments via private message.
Assets API
Images API

Request header field sentry-trace is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

I'm developing a Frontend using NextJS and Keycloak for auth-purpose. After adding Sentry, I'm facing this issue here, where the token endpoint of Keycloak is returning an error; So I can log in.
I've tried many things:
Change the web-origin config of Keycloak, which (obviously) doesn't change or solves the problem
Play with the Sentry client config, without success, because the denyUrls property still make the Sentry SDK send the sentry-trace into the request.
Now I don't have any more Idea, so I coming here for more help.
So after some investigations, I came across this tracingOrigins property that can be set using integrations like this:
integrations: [
new (Sentry.Integrations as any).BrowserTracing({
tracingOrigins: [
This config is done inside the sentry.client.config.ts file. The downside is that, urls which are not included there, are simply not tracked.
Unfortunately, Keycloak has hardcoded list of allowed headers, so you can't configure Keycloak for sentry-trace header.
You can have some non ideal work arounds:
don't use sentry
compile own hacked Keycloak version, where you allow that header
add reverse proxy in front of Keycloak, which will add sentry-trace header to allowed headers
I've solved this issue on a nextJs application by adding the following header to the static sourcemap response.
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' on next.config.js
const CONFIG = {
headers: () => [
source: "/_next/:path*",
headers: [
{ key: "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", value: SHOP_ORIGIN },
{ key: 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', value: '*' },

How to create a firebase dynamic link with the REST API

I'm trying to generate a dynamic link in firebase using the REST API. I've tried following instruction on the following page of the documentation: https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/rest#create_a_short_link_from_parameters
My apologies in advance for bad formatting, but my request looks something like this:
POST https://firebasedynamiclinks.googleapis.com/v1/shortLinks?key=
with headers:
Content-Type: application/json
and body:
The response i get is:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid Dynamic Link domain: '' or Domain Uri Prefix: 'https://<myDomain>.page.link/'. Expecting exactly one. Dynamic Link Domain isPresent = false, Domain URI prefix isPresent = false, [https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/rest#create_a_short_link_from_parameters]",
My firebase project has a the .page.link domain registered within the project. In the dynamic links section of the firebase project it does show up. I've tested creating links in the firebase console and i've even been able to manually make dynamic short-links using the react-native-firebase package so i'm pretty sure nothing is wrong with my project.
You cannot have / at the end of domainuriprefix. Can you try removing it?
I want to add another solution.
In my case a simple white space in front of 'https' was the trigger.
"message": "Invalid Dynamic Link domain: '' or Domain Uri Prefix: ' https://[...]'
You do need to add the https:// portion to your domainUriPrefix ->

Using nginx to redirect dynamic request

I have a druid service which runs at my local machine at port 8082 as follows:
Method POST: http://localhost:8082/druid/v2/?pretty
"queryType" : "topN",
"dataSource" : "some_source",
"intervals" : ["2015-09-12/2015-09-13"],
"granularity" : "all",
"dimension" : "page",
"metric" : "edits",
"threshold" : 25,
"filter": {
"type": "and",
"fields": [
"type": "selector",
"dimension": "pix_id",
"value": "1234"
Hitting this query gives me a list of records based on the value of the dimension 'pix_id'.
Now, I want to setup an nginx such that the external application should not have any clue about my druid service. I just want the external application to hit the URL:
This url should dynamically generate a JSON with the above mentioned pix_id and send a request to druid and return the response to the user.
Is it possible to do this in nginx?
Yes you can do this, but rather I would suggest to have a php or python script in between to give the results.
So the setup would be -
Have php page receive the request.
make a curl call from php to the druid, locally.
get the result and pass on the response.
There are multiple benefits of doing this eg. -
You completely mask druid, and not necessarily limited to druid.
You can do more calculations in php before sending the request to druid.
caching at php end.

Extjs 4 - Retrieve data in json format and load a Store. It sends OPTION request

I'm developing an app with Spring MVC and the view in extjs 4. At this point, i have to create a Grid which shows a list of users.
In my Spring MVC controller i have a Get method which returns the list of users in a jsonformat with "items" as a root.
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/getUsers")
public #ResponseBody Users getUsersInJSON(){
Users users = new Users();
return users;
If i try to access it with the browser i can see the jsondata correctly.
But my problem is relative to request of the Ext.data.Store
My Script is the following:
Ext.define('UsersList', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{name:'username', type:'string'},
{name:'firstname', type:'string'}
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
storeId: 'users',
model: 'UsersList',
autoLoad: 'true',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url : 'http://localhost:8080/MyApp/getUsers.html',
reader: {type: 'json', root: 'items'}
store :store,
id : 'user',
title: 'Users',
columns : [
{header : 'Username', dataIndex : 'username'},
{header : 'Firstname', dataIndex: 'firstname'}
height :300,
width: 400,
When the store tries to retrieve the data and launchs the http request, in my firebug console appears OPTIONS getUsers.html while the request in the browser launchs GET getUsers.html
As a result, Ext.data.Store has not elements and the grid appears with the columnames but without data. Maybe i've missed something
Thank you
You can change the HTTP methods that are used by the proxy for the different CRUD operations using actionMethods.
But, as you can see in the doc (and as should obviously be the case), GET is the default for read operations. So the OPTIONS request you are observing is quite puzzling. Are you sure that there's not another part of your code that overrides the default application-wide? Maybe do a search for 'OPTIONS' in all your project's JS files, to try and find a possible suspect. Apparently there's no match in the whole Ext code, so that probably doesn't come from the framework.
Ok, I think I've got it. If your page is not accessed from the same domain (i.e. localhost:8080, the port is taken into account), the XHR object seems to resort to an OPTIONS request.
So, to fix your problem, either omit the domain name completely, using:
url: '/MyApp/getUsers.html'
Or double check that your using the same domain and port to access the page and make the requests.
