no data appears on GA Ecommerce report - google-analytics

I need your advice. My developer has implemented the enhanced e-commerce tracker to the website according to this guideline:
The screenshot below is the screenshot of the data layer that fired when people reached the order completed page.
I'm tracking the order completion via the GTM event tag below:
This event is fired as expected on the order completed page, however, I'm not seeing the transaction data under the GA > eCommerce section after 2 days.
Do I need to advise the developer to implement the tag according to this guideline instead?
Is there anything I can do on my end without having the developer to amend the codes on their end?
I appreciate your advice.

Yes, if you're using GTM to pass enhanced ecommerce data you'll need it to be formatted as described in the GTM docs: so the pushed object has ecommerce property and subsequently the purchase property.
Your current setup will work with gtag.js implementation but not with GTM Universal Analytics tag.


Is there a common list of areas to check while comparing GTM and analytics.js data in Google Analytics?

I have a website where we're working on migrating from analytics.js to GTM, so we've created a new temporary property for verifying that GTM is working as per expectations. The existing analytics.js code sends data to an older property.
I see a lot of cases where many users simply don't appear in the GTM tracking data, and we've also done multiple pageview audits to confirm if all pages are tagged properly. There's always a gap of 10-15% in the user comparison, and 20-25% in the pageview comparison.
Has anyone worked on any similar situation where GTM tracking shows lesser data than normal analytics.js tracking?

Switch to Tag Manager, will Enhanced Ecommerce still work?

I've successfully implemented Google Enhanced Ecommerce on one of my websites, where I also have a Google Universal Analytics tracking code. Now we want to change to Google Tag Manager, thus replacing the UA tracking code with the Tag Manager Code (correct?)
Will this affect the Enhanced Ecommerce tracking in any way? Or can I just replace the tracking snippet and the ga('create')-parts with the Tag Manager-snippet?
You need a correctly set up dataLayer (which rather more complicated since you need info on product impressions etc). Documentation is here:
Then you create a news Analytics Tag (just a pageview or event, there is no need for a separate transaction tag) and select "Enhanced Ecommerce" with the "Use datalayer" option in the advanced settings.
GTM will pick up the values from there datalayer and do the rest for you.
So yes, you can get this to work, but it requires a lot of preparation for the correct datalayer implementation. Simply replacing the GA code with the GTM code will do very little except breaking your tracking.

GTM and Enhanced Ecommerce. Not showing in Analytics - Scraping DOM for DataLayer

I'm having a nightmare trying to get enhanced eCommerce data showing in Google Analytics. Using Tag manager I've got the below in my data layer but I can't see anything in my Google Analytics account.
Unfortunately at the moment I'm having to scrape the DOM for the relevant information, so I'm pushing all the information to the datalayer with a 'payment ' event. The corresponding tag is correctly firing on this event.
The GTM preview inspector is showing everything as I would expect
I have ticked the relevant enabled enhanced eCommerce boxes and waited 72 hours after each attempted change but still no luck - can anyone help? I'm sure I've missed a simple step somewhere but no luck on the Google developer docs.
Many Thanks,
'Payment' Event:
After page Fully Loaded:
OK I believe the issue is because you are using the Transaction type tag. This applies only to standard e-commerce. You need to piggyback your e-commerce data with either a pageview or a (non interactive) event.

Google Analytic Reporting and Google Tag Manager - Double Counting Visits

I have added GTM to my website with success and it is reporting all pertinent data to GA. However, when I review the source code for the page I see several deprecated GA tags that were used to measure UX, but are still on the page. Example:
_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, 'Visitor Type', 'LOGGED IN', 2]);_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'XXXXXXXX Login', 'START']);" onkeydown="_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, 'Visitor Type', 'LOGGED IN', 2]);_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'XXXXXX Login', 'START'])
Does this send a pageview every time the event is fired? If so, are these added to my pageviews essentially double, triple counting pageviews because the event is firing. I have switched to UA and realize these are old GA event code.
If you already have GTM tags that are sending data to GA, then you can remove any redundant code that you were using to track the same things, prior to implementing GTM. You will be sending in replicated data which will skew your reports. All tagging can get accomplished through GTM now. However, if you were using the older GA object (ie. _gaq) then it may not necessarily be a problem. The best thing to do is to remove it, at least for code cleanliness.
Hope this helps.
Sounds like you have only partly migrated to Google Tag Manager.
The one thing Nyuen didn't mention above is that GA and UA javascript events can only fire if their corresponding tracking code is still available on the page. If you have removed your tracking code and moved them into the GTM container, then these events can create javascript errors. They could actually be breaking functionality on your site.
If the GTM container and GA / UA tracking code are both running on each page and you have configured event tracking in GTM, Analytics will receive duplicate data.
A partial tag migration is possible, but I have not seen an example one yet:

Google Analytic not required

I have created a new website and trying to add Google Analytic stumbled upon Google Tag Manager. Looks like based on what I am seeing there I don't need to create Google Analytic account at all. Am I right or I am missing something?
GTM is just a tag manager. A tag manager outputs tags based on rules and data layers and stuff. GTM has tight integration w/ GA (as opposed to just outputting the code in a generic container) since it's a google product. But GTM is separate from GA. You still need to create a GA account and specify that acct # in GTM. All GTM does is output the GA code. GTM does not collect the data or provide reports. That's what GA is for.
