Google Analytic not required - google-analytics

I have created a new website and trying to add Google Analytic stumbled upon Google Tag Manager. Looks like based on what I am seeing there I don't need to create Google Analytic account at all. Am I right or I am missing something?

GTM is just a tag manager. A tag manager outputs tags based on rules and data layers and stuff. GTM has tight integration w/ GA (as opposed to just outputting the code in a generic container) since it's a google product. But GTM is separate from GA. You still need to create a GA account and specify that acct # in GTM. All GTM does is output the GA code. GTM does not collect the data or provide reports. That's what GA is for.


Can I have both GA4 and Universal Analytics dataLayer on my e-commerce?

I am doing the migration from UA to GA4 on my site, but I need that both properties keep working for some time. My problem is setting the dataLayer, I do not know how to have both of the e-commerce objects without conflict. I know that I can map the variables to GA4 format by GTM, but since the Google documentation recommends setting up GA4 datalayer, and that UA will die soon, I would like to have both dataLayers in my site.
I was thinking of something generic like:
dataLayer.push( {ecommerce: null} )
dataLayer.push( {ecommerce: UA template} )
dataLayer.push( {ecommerce: GA4 template} )
So I will have both objects in my dataLayer. Does that work without conflicts?
You can use the Universal Analytics dataLayer, for example with Google Tag Manager, send ecommerce events as well as to Universal Analytics property also to GA4 property managing the various parameters as expected by this last data collection model:
No conflict can exist because the data is sent to two different systems.

no data appears on GA Ecommerce report

I need your advice. My developer has implemented the enhanced e-commerce tracker to the website according to this guideline:
The screenshot below is the screenshot of the data layer that fired when people reached the order completed page.
I'm tracking the order completion via the GTM event tag below:
This event is fired as expected on the order completed page, however, I'm not seeing the transaction data under the GA > eCommerce section after 2 days.
Do I need to advise the developer to implement the tag according to this guideline instead?
Is there anything I can do on my end without having the developer to amend the codes on their end?
I appreciate your advice.
Yes, if you're using GTM to pass enhanced ecommerce data you'll need it to be formatted as described in the GTM docs: so the pushed object has ecommerce property and subsequently the purchase property.
Your current setup will work with gtag.js implementation but not with GTM Universal Analytics tag.

Google Analytics with GTM; is it possible that data will be duplicated?

I'm fairly new to Google Tag Manager, in the past I've just fired events straight to Google Analytics. What I'm wondering is this; is it possible that, if you use Google Analytics alongside Google Analytics tags in GTM, can you get duplicate data in Google Analytics?
For instance, let's say I have a Pageview tag in GTM, as well as GA on the webpage as normal. Would this count as two pageviews? (ie. one from standard GA, one from the GTM tag)
I've looked around for an answer, but maybe it's just a stupid question!
If both track to the same property you'd get two pageviews in that Ga property.
However there is a good chance that both pageviews would end up in different sessions; GTM creates a random name for the Google Analytics tracker, while the tracker within the page would track to the standard tracker (t0; read about naming trackers here), unless configured otherwise.
IMO it is not a good idea to mix GTM and inline trackers with the same property, since it's hard to be sure that both use the same configuration. And yes, your pageview will be counted twice.

Switch to Tag Manager, will Enhanced Ecommerce still work?

I've successfully implemented Google Enhanced Ecommerce on one of my websites, where I also have a Google Universal Analytics tracking code. Now we want to change to Google Tag Manager, thus replacing the UA tracking code with the Tag Manager Code (correct?)
Will this affect the Enhanced Ecommerce tracking in any way? Or can I just replace the tracking snippet and the ga('create')-parts with the Tag Manager-snippet?
You need a correctly set up dataLayer (which rather more complicated since you need info on product impressions etc). Documentation is here:
Then you create a news Analytics Tag (just a pageview or event, there is no need for a separate transaction tag) and select "Enhanced Ecommerce" with the "Use datalayer" option in the advanced settings.
GTM will pick up the values from there datalayer and do the rest for you.
So yes, you can get this to work, but it requires a lot of preparation for the correct datalayer implementation. Simply replacing the GA code with the GTM code will do very little except breaking your tracking.

Should I remove GA/GDN code if I'm using GTM?

Does GTM code + GA/GDN Tag is enough to track my website analytics ? should I remove GA code if I'm using GTM ?
And aboud google adwords goals , should I remove Google adwords code too and use that one provided from GTM ?
Does GTM code + GA/GDN Tag is enough to track my website analytics ?
Yes, if you have configured the GA tracking tag in the tag manager you do not any other GA code on your site.
should I remove GA code if I'm using GTM
Yes. You do not need it anymore and if you do not remove it you might track your pages and event twice.
And aboud google adwords goals , should I remove Google adwords code
too and use that one provided from GTM
While it is still possible to use the Adwords code side by side with the tag manager it does not make any sense. As a matter of elegance and maintainability I'd say YES, you should remove page code and use GTM instead. Having all tags in one location is after all the point of GTM.
