"Type Error: semver is not a constructor" when running new Meteor project? - meteor

I was following the "simple-todos" tutorial provided by Meteor but when I came to running the "meteor" command within my newly created project on my Desktop using the "meteor create simple-todos" command in the terminal, it comes up with; Type Error: semver is not a constructor.
I have tried re-installing meteor completing and it comes up with the same error, as well as creating the project within my User directory and not in my desktop.
I cannot move forward with the tutorial as it instructs you to visit localhost:3000, but when I go there, it says cannot load page or similar.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


SABRE RedWeb Installation / Getting Started

I did the basic installation of the SabreRedWeb-SDK-20.11.6 and then clicked on the ConciergeInstaller-5.7.0-1.0.4.exe and it seems to have installed properly. The web instructions found here don't match the video.
Web Instructions (I'm following the Concierge install section)
Video Explanation here...
At 1:45 of the video they mention doing a ngv...
Well, I assume I do that in the node installation which by default was put here...
C:\Program Files\Concierge\node
But when I do ngv when running node.exe
ReferenceError: ngv is not defined
I'm thinking I need to be running the concierge tool itself and not node directly.
You use a command prompt to do the ngv build etc...
Thereafter I am using Visual Studio Code and everytime I save the files the terminal does the save and "re-build" or I suppose it is "re-run".

mizzao:sharejs-codemirror throwing error in my meteor app

I just created a basic project using meteor create CodeCollab. Then I installed the "mizzao:sharejs-codemirror" package using meteor add mizzao:sharejs-codemirror command. The installation works fine without any errors. But when I start the app I get the following error -
I am not able to find a solution for this error. I have not edited any file inside the project. I just created the project, installed package and hit run.
Try running this command
meteor add edemaine:sharejs-codemirror

VS Code attempting to use internal repository and failing

I am working on a practice application in vs code at the moment and failing at the first hurdle. I am trying to add json configuration with the following command:
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
from the terminal within vs code which I have started as an admin. I am getting the error:
error: Unable to load the service index for source <URL to internal nuget repository>.
which is an internal repository that we use in some of our projects for exposing our own packages. So it appears that VS Code is picking up on my package settings and I need to change this so I can target nuget.org. Where do I control this item from so that I can still pick it up in Visual Studio but I don't get it by default when using VS Code?
I have also tried:
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json -s https://www.nuget.org/
which still errors but with a not found and then referencing the internal repository again.
How do I control VS Code so that it does not attempt the internal repo?
Well the answer seems to be relatively simple. All I neded to do was install
and use the command pallette and it all worked properly. It would be nice to get an explanation of what has happened here if anyone knows.

Adding aldeed:autoform causes error in Meteor

I created a new app using below command;
meteor create --full test
The link application works fine. But then, I added aldeed:autoform to the project and re-run meteor.
the browser console shows error
Error : There is no route for the path: /
and the entire UI is blank.
NOTE: When I remove the package, the application works fine.
AutoForm 6.0 requires switching your app to using the SimpleSchema package from 'NPM' and aldeed:collection2-core package.
I encountered the same problem as yours, so when I ran command npm install simpl-schema, the error in the console went away.
Note: The aldeed:autoform was also looking for mongo-object which is present in simpl-schema from NPM. For better understanding, follow the below image attached.
Hope this helps.

Build Kobold2d project from command line

I posted this on the Kobold2d forums but haven't received any replies yet. I'm hoping the larger audience here at SO can help.
I'm trying to get our Kobold2d project working with our Hudson CI server. I'd like to have a script that executes the proper command line build instructions using xcodebuild, but I'm running into a problem with any Kobold2d project.
As a test I created a Orthogonal-Tilemap template project and built/ran it in the xcode 4.4.1 gui successfully. Building the projects individually from the command line the Kobold2D-Libraries.xcodeproj reports a successful build (though I have no idea where any products are stored), but the tilemap project fails with the message:
ld: file not found: <path>/Kobold2D/Kobold2D-2.0.3/BuildTest/build/Release-iphoneos/libkobold2d-ios.a
The only information I can find on this message talks about errors from building in the xcode gui, which is not the problem.
I also tried having xcodebuild build the workspace file but that failed with multiple dependency errors.
Has anyone found a way to successfully build Kobold2d projects from the command line?
Actually I use Hudson to automate Kobold2D builds. Here's the build script for Hudson.
I can see from your path that you changed Xcode's default build locations (Advanced, next to Derived Data in Preferences -> Locations). There's one setting (legacy) that doesn't work at all with Kobold2D, and should actually open a browser window explaining the issue should you have used that setting.
I think your setting is "relative to project" or something similar. Try changing the build location to Xcode default (Unique) and try again. You can use a custom location for derived data if you want to.
In any case, if the output location path of build products ends up being somewhere in the app project folder (in this case: BuildTest) then ld won't be able to find dependencies because they're not all in the same folder. If you do require this you could add a pre-link step that copies the .a files to the correct location. But it's best to avoid this because it'll be prone to breaking.
My script includes
xcodebuild -workspace Bulge.xcworkspace -scheme Bulge-iOS -sdk ${sdk} archive || die "Archive failed"
