Adding CSS to layout file rails 6 - ruby-on-rails-6

I have created a layout file as _navigation.html.erb in which I have my navigation bar code . I want to add background color to my nav bar for that I am using $navbar-default-bg:red; in bootstrap.scss file but nothing is happening why?


How to add social Icons in mobile navigation using elementor

Is there any way to add social icon links in navigation for all the breakpoints using elementor in WordPress. I have managed to display them in a column on desktop but I am not able to display in mobile navigation
enter image description here
If you need icons to stay in a row with your logo(or any other thing) and not make a new row.
Well you have 2 options:
You can create a template (sections) and make put icons there, then add the template using shortcode widget. Just keep in mind, your section in header must have only 1 column and the widgets inside must be set to "inline".
You can have 2 or more columns and then add css class to each, then you will have to set "flex" in custom css. For example, you have columns with these css classes: .column1 & .column2
Now we go for custom CSS (doesn't matter on which widget you write this custom css):
.column1 {flex:1;}
.column2 {flex:3;}
Change number in flex based on what you need.

Custom tool bar menu item xamarin forms

I would like to achieve similar tool bar menu item. I would like to add image in left and text in right. Image is font awesome icon. So I would like to create custom template with label . And show like this menu item . I have tried absolute layout with listview . It not working. I am thinking to use picker but it occupy full screen.but it needs to display like in image .. any one please help on this to overcome issue.

Auto-size home icon bar

I'm using an app for add video support to Wagtail: wagtail-embed-videos.
This app add a new icon in the icon bar but is not properly sized, i mean,
icon isn't in the same line, is putted in the botton.
I want icon in the same line, like this:
In order to put all icons in the same line we can change the width value; make permanent this change require recompile statics, ok.
My question is, have we make it by own hand or you can add support for more
than three icons in the icon bar?
Thank you!

how to add page wide header to xPage with fixed navbar

I have a responsive app. layout with navbar set as fixed-top and pageWidth=fixed
<xe:simpleResponsiveConfiguration fixedNavbar="fixed-top"
invertedNavbar="false" pageWidth="fixed"...>
Now I want to add something like a page header but it should be page width. See picture below. So the blue panel should be page width while its content is fixed. What control can I use for that blue panel/header. Should it be another navbar?
Since you are using Bootstrap, I would recommend you create your own custom control that adds a bootstrap row after your navbar. Set the css parameters to fix the position.
The trick here: you can add standard markup into an XPage, so you "just" try what you want to achieve in plain html pages and add the row that worked for you to the custom control.

Get rid of lines in bootstrap dropdown navbar

Does anyone know how to get rid of these lines separating the menu items? I've been looking under the .dropdown-menu class in the bootstrap css, but I can't find anything that will alter the lines.
the default nav bar drop down menu doesn't look like this
see an example :
it may be another css file you include in your project that cause this effect
