how to add page wide header to xPage with fixed navbar - css

I have a responsive app. layout with navbar set as fixed-top and pageWidth=fixed
<xe:simpleResponsiveConfiguration fixedNavbar="fixed-top"
invertedNavbar="false" pageWidth="fixed"...>
Now I want to add something like a page header but it should be page width. See picture below. So the blue panel should be page width while its content is fixed. What control can I use for that blue panel/header. Should it be another navbar?

Since you are using Bootstrap, I would recommend you create your own custom control that adds a bootstrap row after your navbar. Set the css parameters to fix the position.
The trick here: you can add standard markup into an XPage, so you "just" try what you want to achieve in plain html pages and add the row that worked for you to the custom control.


How to add social Icons in mobile navigation using elementor

Is there any way to add social icon links in navigation for all the breakpoints using elementor in WordPress. I have managed to display them in a column on desktop but I am not able to display in mobile navigation
enter image description here
If you need icons to stay in a row with your logo(or any other thing) and not make a new row.
Well you have 2 options:
You can create a template (sections) and make put icons there, then add the template using shortcode widget. Just keep in mind, your section in header must have only 1 column and the widgets inside must be set to "inline".
You can have 2 or more columns and then add css class to each, then you will have to set "flex" in custom css. For example, you have columns with these css classes: .column1 & .column2
Now we go for custom CSS (doesn't matter on which widget you write this custom css):
.column1 {flex:1;}
.column2 {flex:3;}
Change number in flex based on what you need.

Wordpress Divi Blurbs with Toggle buttons

I have a page that has a grid of 4 columns each column contains a blurb and a below the blurb it contains a toggle. The blurb text content is not the same. My issues is once I have aligned the toggle buttons of each the column. The toggle buttons do not align. How can I set the blurb and Toggles to line up without plenty of spacing ? I have used align-items:flex-end any other methods I could try align.
Share link will be more helpful to understand the problem. Question is still not clear to me. If its happening on Divi Latest version then check if there having div before the button tag by inspecting the button. If you are confused just take row or column and then put button inside that. It should work.
As usual button contain a or button tag which is not block level element but text level so its taking display as inline or flex instead of block and getting element only spacing. So you ned to put text level element inside block level wrap like first div then button tag to make it alignment. Hope it will help you.
I understand from your question that the blurb in each column is a different length, so the toggles do not line up horizontally? To line them up in Divi, first you'll need to make sure the columns are equal heights, and add a class to the row:
In the row settings, go to the Design tab, and enable Equalize Column Height.
Also in the row settings, go to the Advanced tab, and add a Custom CSS Class custom_fixed_toggles.
Now add the CSS to Appearance > Divi Theme Options > Custom CSS (which is located at the bottom of the first tab in Theme Options). Something like:
.custom_fixed_toggles .et_pb_toggle {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;

Responsive bootstrap navbar menu items using css only without flexmenu js plugin

i have implemented navbar using bootstrap.min.css. i am getting the bootstarp menus in two lines during tab resolution.
To resolve the above issue, i want the requirement like following image.
You have to set the min height and width of menu.. according to tab..
like bootstrap provides us some css (sm -3,6, 9) class according to resolution , you have to do change in them or just create your new class as resolution you want.

Ionic Platform custom midle tab

So i having problem to customise in bottom tabs the middle, i want to make middle tab height bigger then other tabs, so i cant find the way to customise it. It would be nice if there would be somebody that can help with this.
Link for editing link. And wanted result image.
Tried separately change the hight but, there are a feeling that flex box doesn't allow to tab go out of content.
Inherit the CSS class that holds the icon in the middle and add your custom properties.

Bootstrap 3 fixed size template

I want to create fixed szie page, without common scrollbar. Scrollbars have only two div's, where content content goes beyond of div (contend data and sidebar listing area) as on picture. I alreay did it without bs3, and use javascript (for calculate new offsets on page resize).
Today I tried to create fixed size template with Bootrstrap3, but i can't do it. It's possible to do using bs3? Anybody can show how it is done?
I tried modify this code I do left and right headers.
