chd=t truncate data to 100 - graph

I've read all of the documentation, and I can't seem to figure this one out. I have the following URL for an image chart, however it caps the data at 100 for some reason. I've been going crazy trying to figure out what that is.,102,154,145,153,212,215,171,184,148,103,90,62,27,33,28,32,38,22,11,10,13,13,20&chm=B,0D4564,0,0,0&chma=0,0,20,10&chs=900x400&cht=lc&chxl=0:|7AM|8AM|9AM|10AM|11AM|12PM|1PM|2PM|3PM|4PM|5PM|6PM|7PM|8PM|9PM|10PM|11PM|12AM|1AM|2AM|3AM|4AM|5AM|6AM&chxt=x,y&chtt=Calls+By+Hour&chxr=1,0,200

chd=t: (coming from Google Image Charts format) limits data to 100. See the first line of our documentation here.
Basic text-formatted data lets you specify floating point values from 0—100, inclusive, as numbers. Values below zero are marked as missing; values above 100 are truncated to 100.
But the good news, we did not stop at being a drop-in-replacement for Google Image Charts....... We've improved it!
Use our Awesome Text format instead, change chd=t: to chd=a: and you are done!
with chd=t:,102,154,145,153,212,215,171,184,148,103,90,62,27,33,28,32,38,22,11,10,13,13,20&chm=B,0D4564,0,0,0&chma=0,0,20,10&chs=900x400&cht=lc&chxl=0:|7AM|8AM|9AM|10AM|11AM|12PM|1PM|2PM|3PM|4PM|5PM|6PM|7PM|8PM|9PM|10PM|11PM|12AM|1AM|2AM|3AM|4AM|5AM|6AM&chxt=x,y&chtt=Calls+By+Hour&chxr=1,0,200
with chd=a:,102,154,145,153,212,215,171,184,148,103,90,62,27,33,28,32,38,22,11,10,13,13,20&chm=B,0D4564,0,0,0&chma=0,0,20,10&chs=900x400&cht=lc&chxl=0:|7AM|8AM|9AM|10AM|11AM|12PM|1PM|2PM|3PM|4PM|5PM|6PM|7PM|8PM|9PM|10PM|11PM|12AM|1AM|2AM|3AM|4AM|5AM|6AM&chxt=x,y&chtt=Calls+By+Hour&chxr=1,0,200
Edit this chart


rectangles on Grace plots

I have been using Grace (xmgrace) plotting for many years. I recently had an important idea for my work, and it involves rectangles on my plots. Grace supports rectangles (called "boxes"), but when I use a filled "box" it blocks my data curves. I want the curves to show over the filled rectangles. This is driving me nuts. Does anyone know how to put the filled rectangles in the background so they don't block data curves? Thanks.
Unfortunately there is no option in the xmgrace graphical interface that allows you to modify the z order of drawing objects such as boxes:
I also saved the graph as an .agr file and viewed it in a text editor. There doesn't seem to be any flag within the file format to modify z position, either.
Same story if you save a parameter file and check it in a text editor.
So it looks like it is really not possible in xmgrace.
One workaround would be to print to a postscript, EPS or SVG file and open it inside a vector graphics program such as Inkscape (results vary, you might need to experiment with filetypes to see which works best). Then you can easily alter the z order of objects.

Split x axis for every value in graph, in Power BI

I have the following graph in Power BI:
and I'm trying to recreate the below graph from Excel (note the X axis with the months February and January, with the Operation Text:
As you can see, my attempt only displays the Operation Text rather than the month and Operation Text).
Here is what my current axis looks like:
Changing the axis to have Actual Start Date on top, rather than the Operation Text:
Makes my graph look like this:
Is it possible to achieve the same outcome as in Excel, with the values in my graph showing the two months side by side, for each operation text? If so, how can I do this?
I've tried looking into the X axis 'format' settings and wasn't able to see anything obvious to help achieve this. In addition, unfortunately the graph I'm looking to recreate is only a screenshot so I am unable to see how it achieves that outcome.
As suggested, I attempted to place Operation Text into the Legend field in my Visualisations section but I am unable to, due to the fact that I have two Value fields (the two columns Actual Hours and Estimated Hours).
#CR7SMS is correct. You just need to expand down to the next level using that split arrow in the upper right of the visual so that this:
Becomes this:
Note that to get the axis to look like this, you'll need to sort on month rather than one of the measures.
You'll also want to turn off 'Concatenate labels' toggle in the 'Format > X axis' section of the visual settings.
You would have to drill down one level, using the arrows seen at the top right of your first screenshot. For your specific purposes, the split arrow should do the trick. Hope this helps.
Have you tried moving your date or operation text column in legend section ?..not 100% but something close to your requirement you can achieve

power bi format chart or graph number

My card or graph tries to intelligently come up with the format to use for the number to display.
For example, if the scorecard says "11M" instead of 11,000,000.
How do you change this to 11,000,000?
Here is picture of scorecard and KPI chart
Found it!
It is under Indicator option under formatting.
It is set to Auto.
It has millions, thousands, and other options.
A hard find...

Replicate thinkcell "cutout/breaks" in R chart

I have very sparse data and I want to adjust the chart so that I can show the amount of the positive event rather than it being a speck on the chart next to the negative class.
In thinkcell ( an excel and powerpoint add in), there is a cool feature where you can effectively "hide" a part of the frequency. An example is here.
The squiggly lines are a cut off to change the scale.
The kind of data I am working with
Any suggestions on how to do this or how to represent this? I guess at worst I could change the limit of the chart and just label it to show the value in the base... but its not that pretty or obvious.
Appreciate any thoughts.

Need a fast dataset 2D-viewer/plotter for large datasets

I'm searching a data viewer/plotter for some data I've generated.
First some facts about the data I've generated:
There are several datasets with about 3 million data points each.
Each dataset currently is stored in ascii format.
Every line represents a point and consists of multiple columns.
The first two columns determine the position of the point (i.e. x and y value) whereas the first column is a timestamp and the second is a normalized float between 0 and 1.
The other columns contain additional data which may be used to colorize the plot or filter the data.
An example data point:
2012-08-08T01:02:03.040 0.0165719281 foobar SUCCESS XX:1
Current Approach
Currently I am generating multiple png files (with gnuplot) with different selection criteria like the following ones for each data set:
Display all points in grey.
Display all points in grey, but SUCCESS in red.
Display all points in grey, but SUCCESS in red, XX:-1 in green; if both SUCCESS and XX:-1 match use blue as coloring.
With the current approach there are some drawbacks I'd like to have addressed:
I can't easily switch on/off some filters or colorings because I have to generate a new png file every time.
I need to use a limited resolution in my image file because the higher the resolution the slower is the viewer. So I can only zoom in to a limited level of detail.
I don't have the raw data available in the png viewer for each point. Ideally I'd like to have the data visible on selection of a point.
Already tested
I've already tested some other approaches:
Gnuplot itself has a viewer but it can't handle that amount of points efficiently - it is too slow and consumes too much memory.
I've had a quick look at KST, but I couldn't find a way to display 2D data and I don't think it will meet my wishes.
I'd like to have a viewer which can operate on the raw data, can displays the points quickly if zoomed out, can also zoom in quickly and as well should resolve the aforementioned drawbacks.
So finally, does anybody know of such a viewer or has another suggestion?
If there isn't a viewer some recommendations for programming it myself are welcome, too.
Thanks in advance
