power bi format chart or graph number - graph

My card or graph tries to intelligently come up with the format to use for the number to display.
For example, if the scorecard says "11M" instead of 11,000,000.
How do you change this to 11,000,000?
Here is picture of scorecard and KPI chart

Found it!
It is under Indicator option under formatting.
It is set to Auto.
It has millions, thousands, and other options.
A hard find...


R Highcharter - Navigator as input

I am using the Highcharter library in my R Shiny apps to build some dashboards and I was wondering if it would be possible to use the navigator (hc_navigator) as an input.
For example: by adjusting the time window of the chart in my graph, I'd like to calculate the avg or the sum of the displayed data point in the chart. Of course, I'd like this to be dynamic (i.e. any time that I adjust the time window with the navigator, I want the calculated value to update)
Example - This is my baseline chart: Baseline chart. I want to add a box which calculates the avg of the data points displayed in it. But, whenever I adjust the navigator (pls see here: nav-adjusted chart), I want the avg to change according to the data points which remain in the chart.
Does anybody have any idea on how to achieve something like this? Hope I was clear enough :)

Split x axis for every value in graph, in Power BI

I have the following graph in Power BI:
and I'm trying to recreate the below graph from Excel (note the X axis with the months February and January, with the Operation Text:
As you can see, my attempt only displays the Operation Text rather than the month and Operation Text).
Here is what my current axis looks like:
Changing the axis to have Actual Start Date on top, rather than the Operation Text:
Makes my graph look like this:
Is it possible to achieve the same outcome as in Excel, with the values in my graph showing the two months side by side, for each operation text? If so, how can I do this?
I've tried looking into the X axis 'format' settings and wasn't able to see anything obvious to help achieve this. In addition, unfortunately the graph I'm looking to recreate is only a screenshot so I am unable to see how it achieves that outcome.
As suggested, I attempted to place Operation Text into the Legend field in my Visualisations section but I am unable to, due to the fact that I have two Value fields (the two columns Actual Hours and Estimated Hours).
#CR7SMS is correct. You just need to expand down to the next level using that split arrow in the upper right of the visual so that this:
Becomes this:
Note that to get the axis to look like this, you'll need to sort on month rather than one of the measures.
You'll also want to turn off 'Concatenate labels' toggle in the 'Format > X axis' section of the visual settings.
You would have to drill down one level, using the arrows seen at the top right of your first screenshot. For your specific purposes, the split arrow should do the trick. Hope this helps.
Have you tried moving your date or operation text column in legend section ?..not 100% but something close to your requirement you can achieve

chd=t truncate data to 100

I've read all of the documentation, and I can't seem to figure this one out. I have the following URL for an image chart, however it caps the data at 100 for some reason. I've been going crazy trying to figure out what that is.
chd=t: (coming from Google Image Charts format) limits data to 100. See the first line of our documentation here.
Basic text-formatted data lets you specify floating point values from 0—100, inclusive, as numbers. Values below zero are marked as missing; values above 100 are truncated to 100.
But the good news, we did not stop at being a drop-in-replacement for Google Image Charts....... We've improved it!
Use our Awesome Text format instead, change chd=t: to chd=a: and you are done!
with chd=t:
with chd=a:
Edit this chart

Replicate thinkcell "cutout/breaks" in R chart

I have very sparse data and I want to adjust the chart so that I can show the amount of the positive event rather than it being a speck on the chart next to the negative class.
In thinkcell ( an excel and powerpoint add in), there is a cool feature where you can effectively "hide" a part of the frequency. An example is here.
The squiggly lines are a cut off to change the scale.
The kind of data I am working with
Any suggestions on how to do this or how to represent this? I guess at worst I could change the limit of the chart and just label it to show the value in the base... but its not that pretty or obvious.
Appreciate any thoughts.

How do I plot two values against each other in tableau

I have two values I wish to plot against each other in tableau. They are two totals aggregated around the same date. I can get them to the point where they are plotted on a dual access against the date like so:
but any attempt to plot them against each other for correlation has come to nothing. I've tried simple conversion to scatterplot, using calculated fields, using a cross tab with subtitles and attempting to only plot the subtotals against each other all of which have failed. I could do it in Excel but have to do it in tableau.
I have consulted the official Tableau 9.0 guide, google and existing questions on Stack Overflow all to no avail. If I was doing this in BOXI, I could just select the columns and chart them. How do I do the equivalent visualisation in Tableau?
You aren't clear about what type of chart you want to make.
Do you want a scatter plot? If so, put one measure on the row shelf, the other measure on the column shelf, and one or more dimensions (such as your date) on the detail shelf to define how finely to aggregate the data. Check the aggregation functions you use (SUM, AVG) and the aggregation level for your date fields (YEAR, MONTH ...) as desired. You probably want to use the second block of date aggregations on the menu unless you want to group all January data together regardless of year.
If you want a connected scatter plot, set the mark type from automatic to line and move the date field from the detail to the path shelf. You might also then want to put the date on size, color or legend to visually show the direction of time on the line. You might need to change that field to attribute in some cases to avoid creating multiple lines.
Tableau is fantastic once you learn how it works, and get a strong understanding of how choices about treating fields as dimensions or measures, or discrete or continuous impacts the behavior. If you skim over those details, you can still make beautiful charts by following recipes, mimicking examples (and asking StackOverflow), but Tableau's behavior will seem mysterious and arbitrary.
If you take some time to learn the fundamentals about how Tableau works, it will repay your time investment. I recommend Joshua Milligan's book Learning Tableau for a good way to start, along with the training videos on the Tableau website.
