SassC error - it doesn't matter what I change, I still get an Invalid CSS message - css

I've gone through pages of answers and I'm still stumped so here goes:
I'm trying to precompile my Rails app and always get met with a slight variation of this message:
SassC::SyntaxError: Error: Invalid CSS after "...25rem 0}li:not(": expected selector, was
"'.dropdown-menu li'"
on line 6:36279 of stdin
>> in-bottom:.5rem}li{margin:.25rem 0}li:not('.dropdown-menu li'):last-child{ma
I've looked at the CSS in question, and it's fine (no syntax errors, pages render perfectly in the local environment etc). I thought it was a framework issue so I switched from Bulma to another CSSf framework, and I still have the same problem.
Any time I have made a modification (eg removed the selector in its entrirety, the precompile brings up the same problem. Please does anybody know why I'm getting hit with this error?


Browsers ignoring single CSS file

Not sure how to really categorize this question, but on this page, the file seems to be completely ignored by browsers. It appears to load successfully and no different than any other css file on the page, but the styles in it are simply not applied to the page.
The content-type, encoding and everything appears to be working as expected. Roughly the same content "applies" fine on my local installation of the app.
I'm at a loss as to what's going on here.
I just check it out and everything went right.
Try to make the filename shorter in the CDN. Large names tend to make error in some way or maybe check if no other stylesheet is interfering with the styles
If that didn't work, answer these questions and Ill try to git it a try again
Which OS are you using?
2. Are you using wordpress?

Error shows "Failed to get text for stylesheet (#): No style sheet with given id found", what does this mean?

I'm getting this error in Chrome when it loads this application I am working on:
Failed to get text for stylesheet 50: No style sheet with given id found
Subsequent page loads repeat the error, but with a different number:
Failed to get text for stylesheet 152: No style sheet with given id found
This only happens in Chrome, and only with this application. There is no stack trace, reference, or any other information about what id is given, what the stylesheet in question is, or what is causing this generally. How can I find what is causing this error and fix it?
I had the same problem. It looks like a bug in Chrome's live-edit CSS/JS. Notice how the number changes on each request.
I fixed it by closing all the files that I had edited in the dev tools 'source' tab and then refreshed the page.
The error went away after I closed all the files in the 'source' tab.
I tried to reproduce it after closing the files, but I can't seem to recreate it, yet.
Here is a picture showing where to find the 'source' tab:
Still present in Chrome 46.0.2490.80 m (64-bit).
Closing sources tabs 'fixed' it.
Fixt it by holding [Ctrl] + [Shift] and refresh the page
Just experienced this today if you have a .css file open in the dev tools. If you close the .css file and reload, the issue does not happen.
Chrome 48.0.2564.109 (64-bit)

Eclipse - annoying error when editing css files

Each time I edit a css file in Eclipse, I get this error. It really keeps me from doing my work, because it pops up almost after each character.
Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key css2.stylesheet-def.description
I would like to disable the parsing for css in order to not get this error anymore, but I didn't find how. Can you give me any tip on how to solve this issue ?
This sounds like Eclipse bug 419986 which says it because of missing translations in the CSS property files.
The bug report suggests deleting the localization plugin (such as org.eclipse.wst.css.core.nl_fr_4.3.0.jar works around the problem).

404 error empty CSS file

My CSS files do exist. They just don't have anything inside - they are empty.
Chrome however, show 404 errors for my CSS files.
Putting some dummy code e.g. comments in a CSS file makes the error goes away.
Any idea what went wrong for me?
The document root of the website is /var/www/html/niuniu/.
Some of you mentions permission issue but how does it explain the issue when I put in some comments in the CSS file and the error went away - no changes in permission?
I'm using Prestashop but I don't believe that has to do with the issue here.
It appears this is just how Chrome's Developer Tools and Firebug report empty CSS file. This is not a real error that can break my website.

RequireJS text! plugin and Load timeout

I'm using the text! plugin with RequireJS and Firefox seems to hate my text templates. My code seems to work just fine in Chrome and Safari. Here is the error I get.
Error: Load timeout for modules: text!templates/a.html_unnormalized2,
text!templates/c.html_unnormalized4, // _unnormalized# <- What is this?
text!templates/n.html, // I don't see _unnormalized here... why?
First, what does the _unnormalized# mean? It seems to append itself to the file name for some of my templates but not all. However, all of my templates are listed in the error message.
Looking at the Net inspector, it seems to be downloading the necessary template files.
I think I figured it out part of the mystery, although I'm not sure about the details. I noticed that this error occurs when I'm using Firebug and in the console options, ShowXMLHttpRequests is turned on. By turing this option off, the page loads without a hitch.
What do you think guys, is this a Firebug problem? Or a requireJS issue? I'd love to understand why this occurs.
In my case, if I just disable the "Script" tab of FireBug, I have no more freeze or time out error.
Firefox 27.0.1
Firebug 1.12.7
