SpecFlow Inserting New feature not working - automated-tests

I just have downloaded SpecFlow test project from bitbucket repository. Its working fine. Now I want to Add more features to it. It doesn't Automatically create feature cs file. and also test not appearing in test Explorer.

To Add a new Feature file
Right Click on your folder that you want to contain your feature files in the Solution Explorer.
Click add => New Item
In the Search box on the top right Type "Feature", an option for "Specflow Feature File" should show up. Rename the file how you like and click add.
To get the Feature files To display in the Test explorer try cleaning the solution and rebuilding. If this doesn't work we need
more info.


In Goland, how can I hide test files underneath each non-test file?

In Go, it is "idiomatic" to place test files next to the files containing the code under test.
Regardless of whether or not this is a good software engineering practice, in Goland IDE you can hide tests underneath the code under test as if it were a subdirectory.
Where is this setting?
You can follow the instructions from this help page.
A quick reference is to do the following:
under the project view window
click on the cogwheel
select File Nesting...
click on the "Child file suffix" under ".go" extension
add "_test.go" to the list and click OK
Here's the file nesting option:
Once chosen, add the following:

Getting GPS to display my package subfolders

My GPS does not display the subfolders under "src" although they exist and are non empty. When I try to create a new subfolder from within GPS, it gets created but does not show under "src". I am using (community) GPS version 20180523 on Windows 10.
I have tried the following.
(1) I fiddled around with the folder display options in the top right corner of the project tab with no success.
(2) I aggressively hit the refresh button.
(3) I created the subfolders I want in Windows explorer.
How can I get my folder-organised code to show correctly in GPS?
In your project properties GUI, go under Sources->Directories and check the "Include Subdirectories" checkbox. To add it manually to your GPR file, open it and add "/**" to the end of your Source_Dirs option:
for Source_Dirs use ("src/**");

Visual Studio 2017 Custom Item Templates for .Net Core 2.1

Following the instructions at this doc, I
Created a new "ASP.NET Core Web Application" and selected "API" from the follow on menu.
I made a small change to the provided "ValuesController.cs", then
clicked Project > Export Template.
Selected "Item template", clicked next
Selected "ValuesController.cs" from the controllers folder, clicked next.
Didn't check any dependencies, clicked next
Named it "MyControllerTemplate" and didn't add any icons. clicked finish
After all that, I ended up with "MyControllerTemplate.zip" in two places:
Visual Studio 2017 > My Exported Templates
Visual Studio 2017 > Templates > ItemTemplates
According to the doc, that should have been enough. After closing and reopening VS2017, I go to add a new item, and my installed choices are limited to Xamarin.Forms and ASP.NET Core, neither of which have my newly created template.
I also tried it again after extracting the zip file in both places.
Based on another stack overflow, I also tried changing <ProjectType>CSharp</ProjectType> to <ProjectType>DNX</ProjectType> in the .vstemplate file.
and adding
as well as <TemplateGroupID>DotNetWeb</TemplateGroupID>
None of this has made the template visible to me.
Is there something else I need to do, or a step I am messing up?
Edit 1: Tried moving the zip file and extracted files into the Visual C# folder under ItemTemplates, neither worked.
My solution was extracting the zip file, editing the .vstemplate file to add
<TemplateGroupID>AspNetCore</TemplateGroupID> to the <TemplateData> section,
and leaving <ProjectType>CSharp</ProjectType> alone

Atom.io find in project not working

I am trying to use the "find in project" feature of Atom editor.
I am coming from sublime and assumed that opening a folder is the equivalent of opening a project. Is this assumption correct?
If so, then I have a project open. I then search from a string using "Find in project". I am certain the string exists, and the file type is not ignored, yet it still returns no result.
I ran into this issue, and it only affected one project - a project in a git repo.
I checked the settings of the search field.. they were fine.
My issue was, as #fab313 mentioned above, as the setting in Core > Exclude VCS ignored paths.
Once I unchecked that box (Atom menu, Preferences, Core).. all project searches worked fine!
I had this same problem and I found that I accidentally clicked some of the settings boxes in the bottom right.
You just want to make sure you know which boxes are checked.
If I check one of those boxes (making them blue) then my CTRL/Command + F will only find a single result.
The settings will look like this and cause the problems for me:

Injecting a custom stylesheet into a site via Chrome Devtools

Here's the plan: I'm trying to customize a site. I want to create and edit a CSS file locally (on my own text editor) and inject it into the page using the new Workspace and Filesystem features in DevTools.
These two features seem to work quite well, except they only allow you to map certain local files to network files.
I want to create a new file and inject that into the page, not modify an existing (loaded) stylesheet.
Anybody have any ideas?
U can use the chrome extentions for that...create an extention and everytime a page loads you can add that to it.I had done it earlier,modifying the contents of www.imdb.com for a extention of mine called Movie mapper,unfortunately Chrome store removed it after 1 yr.You want the code ? I can share
