Getting GPS to display my package subfolders - ada

My GPS does not display the subfolders under "src" although they exist and are non empty. When I try to create a new subfolder from within GPS, it gets created but does not show under "src". I am using (community) GPS version 20180523 on Windows 10.
I have tried the following.
(1) I fiddled around with the folder display options in the top right corner of the project tab with no success.
(2) I aggressively hit the refresh button.
(3) I created the subfolders I want in Windows explorer.
How can I get my folder-organised code to show correctly in GPS?

In your project properties GUI, go under Sources->Directories and check the "Include Subdirectories" checkbox. To add it manually to your GPR file, open it and add "/**" to the end of your Source_Dirs option:
for Source_Dirs use ("src/**");


SpecFlow Inserting New feature not working

I just have downloaded SpecFlow test project from bitbucket repository. Its working fine. Now I want to Add more features to it. It doesn't Automatically create feature cs file. and also test not appearing in test Explorer.
To Add a new Feature file
Right Click on your folder that you want to contain your feature files in the Solution Explorer.
Click add => New Item
In the Search box on the top right Type "Feature", an option for "Specflow Feature File" should show up. Rename the file how you like and click add.
To get the Feature files To display in the Test explorer try cleaning the solution and rebuilding. If this doesn't work we need
more info.

In Goland, how can I hide test files underneath each non-test file?

In Go, it is "idiomatic" to place test files next to the files containing the code under test.
Regardless of whether or not this is a good software engineering practice, in Goland IDE you can hide tests underneath the code under test as if it were a subdirectory.
Where is this setting?
You can follow the instructions from this help page.
A quick reference is to do the following:
under the project view window
click on the cogwheel
select File Nesting...
click on the "Child file suffix" under ".go" extension
add "_test.go" to the list and click OK
Here's the file nesting option:
Once chosen, add the following:

atom started as root but can't access some folders in project

I am using the Atom text editor and I have this problem that even when I start it as root:
sudo atom
there are still files in the project I can't access.
To be more accurate, the problem is that I am trying to look for some strings in the project with the Ctrl+Shift+f combination and I get no results even when the string I am looking for is copied from one of the files in the project.
I will add that all these folders I don't have access to during my search, are colored in a different color (Dark grey in my case but that's obviously per theme).
Any help please?
Have you tried changing the setting for Settings > Core Settings > Exclude VCS Ignored Paths? This is checked by default, and the fuzzy finder will not show files that are ignored. From your description, it sounds like these files are ignored (and thus shown in a different colour).
More info here:
Here's a screenshot showing the box to uncheck:

How to change working directory via extension in Adobe brackets

Given a file or path - I can use FileUtils (or similar) to work with files. I'd like to be able to alter the current working directory in my extension.
I see in node.js there is process.chdir(directory) but I am unable to access that object.
Is there any other way to change the current working directory.
I am trying to create a simple plugin that when you open the file dialog, the directory your file listing is the same as the currently opened file. The simple implementation being:
MainViewManager.on("currentFileChange", function (e, newFile) {
process.chdir(newFile.parentPath); // This is my FAIL
Brackets, like many GUI apps, doesn't use the current working directory very much once it's up and running. So there is probably a different way to accomplish what you're looking for.
When you say...
when you open the file dialog, the directory your file listing is the same as the currently opened file. you mean you want the file tree on the left side of the window to change? If so, try the ProjectManager.openProject() API.
...or do you mean you want to open a file-picker dialog box (like what you see when you choose File > Open in the menu)? If so, you can use FileSystem.showOpenDialog() - the 4th argument is the directory to show when the dialog is first opened.

Sublime Text 3 side bar is not updating or refreshing

For some reason the side bar on Sublime Text 3 is just displaying the folder named Template. The strange thing is that this folder is already deleted and regardless of that, the folder Template should not be displayed when I open Sublime in for example my Dropbox folder. No matter where in Ubuntu I open Sublime (from command line or Dash) it will open with that folder named Template in the sidebar. Template will have the arrow next to it indicating I can expand its contents or hide them. When I press it I see the arrow go from the right to to down position no folder contents show, nothing happens.
Also nothing happens when I go Project > Refresh Folders.
This problem happened around the time I was trying to add a new server using SFTP. Not certain if that had anything to do with it.
Any ideas whats happening here?
If it is a top level folder, you need to edit the project itself. You may right click on the folder in the side bar, and select "Remove from Project". Alternatively, you can edit the file itself by going to Project -> Edit Project. The top level folders are defined as a list of objects. Remove the entry you want from there, and it will no longer appear in the sidebar. You can write a plugin to clean up a project for you if you find yourself removing items frequently.
