Request.auth.metadata in security rules? - firebase

I have a Firebase project where I'd like for users to be able to see when other users created their profiles. My initial hope was that I could use "user.metadata.creationTime" on the frontend to pass the date into the user's extra info document and verify that it is correct by having " == request.auth.metadata.creationTime" as a Database Rule, but it looks like it is not possible according to the documentation.
Is there any way I can verify that the creation date is correct on the backend?
More info edit: Below is the code that is being triggered when a user creates a new account on my profile. The three values are displayed publicly. I'm creating a niche gear for sale page so being able to see when a user first created their account could be helpful when deciding if a seller is sketchy. I don't want someone to be able to make it seem like they have been around for longer than they have been.
username: "Username-156135",
bio: "Add a bio",
created: user.metadata.creationTime
Firestore rules:
match /users/{id} {
allow get;
allow create, update: if is string && is string && == request.auth.metadata.creationTime;

user.metadata.creationTime, according to the API documentation is a string with no documented format. I suggest not using it. In fact, what you're trying to do seems impossible since that value isn't available in the API documentation for request.auth.
What I suggest you do instead is use a Firebase Auth onCreate trigger with Cloud Functions to automatically create that document with the current time as a proper timestamp. Then, in security rules, I wouldn't even give the user the ability to change that field, so you can be sure it was only ever set accurately by the trigger. You might be interested in this solution overall.


Is there a way with Hasura to do a mutation based on the result of a query, within the same GraphQL call (Hasura transaction)?

I tried to search for an example but, I presume it's not doable. I am looking to hopefully be proven wrong or to find an official confirmation that it's not doable.
Before using Hasura, I was doing transactional SQL queries that ensured that data was kept consistent.
For example, I would like to create a password reset token if a user requests it, only if the user can be found using an email address. Right now, I have to do 2 queries:
Try to find a user with the specified email address
Insert and assign the token to this user id
In that case, it's not too bad, but now if I want to consume that token, I have to do 3 queries:
Find the valid token
Change the password to the user associated with that token
Delete the token
Obviously, if something goes wrong and the token is not deleted, this could be an issue - so I would be curious to see if there would be ways to merge these queries/mutations into transactions.
Sounds like supporting nested updates would solve this problem for you with the least amount of effort. We are working on a rfc for the feature and hope to start development soon. Please follow this Github issue on our community for future updates.
This comment outlines the current scope of the proposed feature. The rfc will provide a more complete explanation.
You can apply changes to rows that you filter by certain criteria. Here is a sample mutation:
mutation PasswordUpdate($id: uuid!, $token: String!, $new_password: String!) {
where: {id: {_eq: $id}, token: {_eq: $token}}
_set: {token: null, password: $new_password}
) {
That query deletes the token and sets a password for all users (hopefully just one) that have the token assigned.
After some research here is what I found:
For the first example:
Try to find a user with the specified email address
Insert and assign the token to this user id
There are no solutions for this today and as answered by #damel, there is an ongoing RFC to support nested mutations:
Hopefully, this feature will be out soon, but in the meantime, for most cases, it's not such a big deal to have multiple queries as it is possible to catch errors on the first query.
For the second example:
Find the valid token
Change the password to the user associated with that token
Delete the token
When sending multiple mutations in the same query, Hasura treats them as a transaction as announced in 2020.
Of course, it would be nice to do this in the same query (similar to the first example) but since there is a transaction on the mutation, for this case it's still not a problem.
I am sure there are probably cases where this can become a problem but I am not exposed to them right now. Nevertheless, it would be great if the RFC makes it to production, giving more options to Hasura users.

Firestore and Rules | Allowing/disallowing read access to post under a public/private user?

I have the following Firestore setup
A user profile can either be public or private. All users can see posts by public users, but only users who follow private users can see said post, ie. they are in the owner's followers collection.
Current Solution
The post doc looks like this:
owner_account_visibility: public || private
ownerId: uid
The comment doc looks the same:
owner_account_visibility: public || private
ownerId: uid
My rules look like this
match /events/{eventId} {
allow read: isValid();
match /eventComments/{commentId} {
allow read: isValid();
function isValid(){
return ( == "public" || exists(/users/$(
I see problems/questions with this solution:
Problem: A user may create many posts, which in turn may have lots of comments. This means that if a user updates their account visibility, a cloud function has to update possibly thousands of post and comment documents
Problem: A user may load many private posts and comments, and for each one of those is a database read, which can get very expensive as the user scrolls their feed
Question: In the isValid() function, there are two conditions seperated by an OR sign (||). Does this mean that if the first condition returns true ( == "public") then the function will not check the second condition (exists(/users/$(, saving me a database read? If this isn't the case, then I will waste a loooot of reads when a user loads tons of comments from a post even though it is public...
Does anyone have a proposed solution to this problem? Any help would be appreciated :)
I solved this myself. In short, instead of letting a user set their accounts' visibility, I let them set each post's visibility. This is simply because that is the functionality I want in my app. Now, I can simply use == "public", avoiding the issue of having to update every post if a user changes their account's visibility. If the first condition is false, I do as I did in my current solution in the question (exists(/users/$( Also, comments and replies to a post are opened to all authenticated users even though the post is set to private, since comments aren't necessarily the post owner's own content/sensible information

SetPermission With sensenet API - version 6.3

I am working on sensenet API. I faced an issue with setPermission on sensenetAPI security.
As per concern, when I create a document I would like to give See, open, Save and RunApplication permission as a default for newly created document to the user(User is taken from the function parameter).
To achieve this I use below code
public static void SetCollabUserSecurity(string myUserEmailId, Node myNodetToSetSecurity)
var domainName = "Builtin";
var strUsername = GetNameFromEmail(myUserEmailId);
User user;
using (new SystemAccount())
user = User.Load(domainName, strUsername);
if (user != null && user.Enabled)
var myUser = user;
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.See,
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.Open,
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.Save,
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.RunApplication,
While I am using this function, my process for creating document becomes time consuming. It takes around 40 second time for execution.
So in case of, if I would like to share the same newly created document with multiple users, lets say there are 3 user and I want to give the above permission to all of them then my single function call takes 120 second (2 minute) time to simply assign permission.
Is there any Odata REST API call available or any sensenet library call available through which I can assign...
1) multiple permission to multiple user for single document or
2) multiple permission to single user for single document
Can anyone help to come out from this issue?
C# api
On the server there is a c# api for managing permissions, please check this article for details. You may use the AclEditor class for setting multiple permissions in one round. Please note that you have to call the Apply method at the end to actually perform the operation.
// set permissions on folder1, folder2 and file1 for two users and a group
.Allow(folder1.Id, user1.Id, false, PermissionType.Open, PermissionType.Custom01)
.Allow(folder2.Id, user2.Id, false, PermissionType.Open)
.Allow(file1.Id, editorsGroup.Id, false, PermissionType.Save)
As a side note: in most cases it is better to work with groups than users when assigning permissions. So it is advisable to give permissions to a group and put users into the group as members instead of assigning permissions to users directly.
Also: it is easier to maintain a simpler security structure, for example if you assign a permission on the parent container (e.g. a folder) instead of on individual files. Of course if you have to set permission per file, then it is fine.
OData api
The same api is available from the client through the REST api. Please take a look at the SetPermissions action in this article or the similar api in the JavaScript client library of sensenet.

Firebase query with simple login

I am trying to query firebase where I have used simple login to differentiate between users. As such firebase looks like this:
favouritecolour looks like {0: blue, 1: red, 2: green}
I want to be able to query for all users with the same favouritecolour and send their profile information back to be displayed on the web page.
The problem I have is that simple login uses authData.uid for "simplelogin:*" and as such it is different for each user. I want to look through all users. I am not sure how to reference the path to just the favouritecolour for each user, as when querying I don't want to have to search the entire database. I have looked for a wildcard token to use in the path name. I have also looked at relative path definitions, where one may be able to skip over branches in a path. No luck. What code do I need to write to return profileinformation as a snapshot for all profiles matching favouritecolour red?
Thanks for your help.
You need to organize data according to how they are going to be accessed, not according to how "it makes sense" in traditional relational DB. This also includes data duplication and non-normalization.
Take a look at this.
So, you also need to keep something like this:
/favouritecolor/{color}/ --> { user1, user2, user3 }

How does one associate Google Analytics with a particular authenticated user?

What method would you use to associate tracking information in Google Analytics with a particular named user?
I want to be able to do custom reports, and ultimately drill down on usage by user.
I was thinking that perhaps the EventTracking API would be able to help somehow.
Also, referring to this documentation.
You could add the user's username as a tracking/segmentation) variable...
You can only use one _setVar per page, though...
Since Google Analytics isn't aware of users who are logged into your site you'd have to do that sort of tracking within your site's software itself. If there isn't some sort of plugin or extension out there already you'll probably have to write one yourself that keeps track of what your users do when their logged in.
I think you want Google Analytics - Custom Variables. You can set five variables per page, and there is support for variables you set persisting over session and cookie (aka "visitor") lifetime. Take note of the rules for overwriting previous values based upon slot and scope; the documentation explains this with some examples. You should probably include something in a click-wrapped privacy policy about tracking individual users this way; it's somewhat invasive, depending on the purpose of your website.
1, // Slot number: [1-5], inclusive. Required.
'Username', // Custom variable name. Required.
username, // Custom variable value. Required.
2 // Scope:
// 1 = visitor/cookie-level, 2 = session-level, 3 = page-level.
// Optional, default=3.
This post was really helpful for me and my team. Not only does it show how to add users, but it also tells you how to edit existing users that aren't setup correctly.
