SetPermission With sensenet API - version 6.3 -

I am working on sensenet API. I faced an issue with setPermission on sensenetAPI security.
As per concern, when I create a document I would like to give See, open, Save and RunApplication permission as a default for newly created document to the user(User is taken from the function parameter).
To achieve this I use below code
public static void SetCollabUserSecurity(string myUserEmailId, Node myNodetToSetSecurity)
var domainName = "Builtin";
var strUsername = GetNameFromEmail(myUserEmailId);
User user;
using (new SystemAccount())
user = User.Load(domainName, strUsername);
if (user != null && user.Enabled)
var myUser = user;
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.See,
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.Open,
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.Save,
myNodetToSetSecurity.Security.SetPermission(myUser, true, PermissionType.RunApplication,
While I am using this function, my process for creating document becomes time consuming. It takes around 40 second time for execution.
So in case of, if I would like to share the same newly created document with multiple users, lets say there are 3 user and I want to give the above permission to all of them then my single function call takes 120 second (2 minute) time to simply assign permission.
Is there any Odata REST API call available or any sensenet library call available through which I can assign...
1) multiple permission to multiple user for single document or
2) multiple permission to single user for single document
Can anyone help to come out from this issue?

C# api
On the server there is a c# api for managing permissions, please check this article for details. You may use the AclEditor class for setting multiple permissions in one round. Please note that you have to call the Apply method at the end to actually perform the operation.
// set permissions on folder1, folder2 and file1 for two users and a group
.Allow(folder1.Id, user1.Id, false, PermissionType.Open, PermissionType.Custom01)
.Allow(folder2.Id, user2.Id, false, PermissionType.Open)
.Allow(file1.Id, editorsGroup.Id, false, PermissionType.Save)
As a side note: in most cases it is better to work with groups than users when assigning permissions. So it is advisable to give permissions to a group and put users into the group as members instead of assigning permissions to users directly.
Also: it is easier to maintain a simpler security structure, for example if you assign a permission on the parent container (e.g. a folder) instead of on individual files. Of course if you have to set permission per file, then it is fine.
OData api
The same api is available from the client through the REST api. Please take a look at the SetPermissions action in this article or the similar api in the JavaScript client library of sensenet.


Firebase storage url, new file keep same access token

Duplicate of: Firebase storage URL keeps changing with new token
When a user uploads a profile pic I store this in firebase storage with the file name as the uid.
Lets say the user then goes and makes say 100 posts + 500 comments and then updates their profile image.
Currently I have a trigger which goes and updates the profile image url in all of the post and comment documents. The reason I have to do this is that when the image is changed in storage the access token is changed and this is part of the url so the old url no longer works.
What I want to do is not have the access token change. If I can do this I can avoid the mass updates that will massively increase my firestore writes.
Is there any way to do this? or an alternative?
Another solution if you don't mind making the file public.
Add this storage rule and you won't have to use a token to access the file.
This will allow read access to "mydir" globally in any subfolder.
match /{path=**}/mydir/{doc} {
allow read: if true;
There are only two options here:
You store the profile image URL only once, probably in the user's profile document, and look it up every time it is needed. In return you only have to write it once.
You store the profile image URL for every post, in which case you only have to load the post documents and not the profile URL for each. In return you'll have to write the profile URL in each post document, and update it though.
For smaller networks the former is more common, since you're more likely to see multiple posts from the same user, so you amortizing the cost of the extra lookup over multiple posts.
The bigger the network of users, the more interesting the second approach becomes, as you'll care about read performance and simplicity more than the writes you're focusing on right now.
In the end, there's no singular right answer here though. You'll have to decide for yourself what performance and cost profile you want your app to have.
Answer provided by #Prodigy here:
I tried this and it works well.
This will save millions of writes.
var storage =;
var pathReference = storage.ref('users/' + userId + '/avatar.jpg');
pathReference.getDownloadURL().then(function (url) {
$("#large-avatar").attr('src', url);
}).catch(function (error) {
// Handle any errors

How to store keywords in firebase firestore

My application use keywords extensively, everything is tagged with keywords, so whenever use wants to search data or add data I have to show keywords in auto complete box.
As of now I am storing keywords in another collection as below
export interface IKeyword {
export interface IUserMin {
export interface IKeywordMin {
My main document holds array of Keywords
export interface MainDocument{
other fields
But problem is auto complete reads data frequently and my document reads quota increases very fast.
Is there a way to implement this without increasing reads for keyword ? Because keyword is not the real data we need to get.
Below is my query to get main documents
query = query.where("Keywords", "array-contains-any", keywords)
I use below query to get keywords in auto complete text box
query = query.orderBy("Name").startAt(searchTerm).endAt(searchTerm+ '\uf8ff').limit(20)
this query run many times when user types auto complete search which is causing more document reads
Does this answer your question
Though the receommended solution is to use 3rd party tool
To reduce documents read:
A solution that come to my mind however I'm not sure if it's suitable for your use case is using Firestore caching feature. By default, firestore client will always try to reach the server to get the new changes on your documents and if it cannot reach the server, it will reach to the cached data on the client device. you can take advantage of this feature by using the cache first and reach the server only when you want. For web application, this feature is disabled by default and you can enable it like in
to help you understand this feature more check this article:
I found a solution, thought I would share here
Create a new collection named typeaheads in below format
export interface ITypeAHead {
export interface ILookupItem {
depending on the minimum letters add either 2 or 3 letters to Prefix, and search based on the prefix, collection and field. so most probably you will end up with 2 or 3 document reads for on search.
Hope this helps someone else.

Request.auth.metadata in security rules?

I have a Firebase project where I'd like for users to be able to see when other users created their profiles. My initial hope was that I could use "user.metadata.creationTime" on the frontend to pass the date into the user's extra info document and verify that it is correct by having " == request.auth.metadata.creationTime" as a Database Rule, but it looks like it is not possible according to the documentation.
Is there any way I can verify that the creation date is correct on the backend?
More info edit: Below is the code that is being triggered when a user creates a new account on my profile. The three values are displayed publicly. I'm creating a niche gear for sale page so being able to see when a user first created their account could be helpful when deciding if a seller is sketchy. I don't want someone to be able to make it seem like they have been around for longer than they have been.
username: "Username-156135",
bio: "Add a bio",
created: user.metadata.creationTime
Firestore rules:
match /users/{id} {
allow get;
allow create, update: if is string && is string && == request.auth.metadata.creationTime;
user.metadata.creationTime, according to the API documentation is a string with no documented format. I suggest not using it. In fact, what you're trying to do seems impossible since that value isn't available in the API documentation for request.auth.
What I suggest you do instead is use a Firebase Auth onCreate trigger with Cloud Functions to automatically create that document with the current time as a proper timestamp. Then, in security rules, I wouldn't even give the user the ability to change that field, so you can be sure it was only ever set accurately by the trigger. You might be interested in this solution overall.

Adding a button for google signin using f#/fable/

I'm working with the SAFE stack ( and through the example dojo. It's great so far.
I'd like to extend the example to include a button to login/auth via Google. So I looked at an example on the Google website ( And then I had a look how to do authentication using ASP.NET ( As a result I ended up confused as to how to integrate this into a SAFE project. Can someone tell me what they would do? SHould I be trying to use ASP.NET Identity or should I be using the JWT approach? I don't even know if they are the same since I'm very new to web frameworks.....
The other question I have is how would one inject raw Javascript into the client side of a SAFE project. The google example above shows raw JS/CSS/HTML code? Should I be injecting that as is or should I look in React for some button that does this and map that idea back through Fable?
Setting up OAuth
The easiest way to use Google OAuth is to wait until the next release of Saturn, at which point Saturn will include the use_google_oauth feature that I just added. :-) See the source code if you're interested in how it works, though I'm afraid you can't implement this yourself with use_custom_oauth because you'll run into a type error (the underlying ASP.NET code has a GoogleOptions class, and use_custom_oauth wants an OAuthOptions class, and they aren't compatible).
To use it, add the following to your application CE:
use_google_oauth googleClientId googleClientSecret "/oauth_callback_google" []
The last parameter should be a sequence of string * string pairs that represent keys and values: you could use a list of tuples, or a Map passed through Map.toSeq, or whatever. The keys of that sequence are keys in the JSON structure that Google returns for the "get more details about this person" API call, and the values are the claim types that those keys should be mapped to in ASP.NET's claims system. The default mapping that use_google_oauth already does is:
id → ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier
displayName → ClaimTypes.Name
emails[] (see note) → ClaimTypes.Email
Those three are automatically mapped by ASP.NET. I added a fourth mapping:
avatar.url → `"urn:google:avatar:url"
There's no standard ClaimTypes name for this one, so I picked an arbitrary URN. Caution: this feature hasn't been released yet, and it's possible (though unlikely) that this string might change between now and when the feature is released in the next version of Saturn.
With those four claim types mapped automatically, I found that I didn't need to specify any additional claims, so I left the final parameter to use_google_oauth as an empty list in my demo app. But if you want more (say you want to get the user's preferred language to use in your localization) then just add them to that list, e.g.:
use_google_oauth googleClientId googleClientSecret "/oauth_callback_google" ["language", "urn:google:language"]
And then once someone has logged in, look in the User.Claims seq for a claim of type "urn:google:language".
Note re: the emails[] list in the JSON: I haven't tested this with a Google account that has multiple emails, so I don't know how ASP.NET picks an email to put in the ClaimTypes.Email claim. It might just pick the first email in the list, or it might pick the one with a type of account; I just don't know. Some experimentation might be needed.
Also note that third-party OAuth, including GitHub and Google, has been split into a new Saturn.Extensions.Authorization package. It will be released on NuGet at the same time that Saturn's next version (probably 0.7.0) is released.
Making the button
Once you have the use_google_oauth call in your application, create something like the following:
let googleUserIdForRmunn = "106310971773596475579"
let matchUpUsers : HttpHandler = fun next ctx ->
// A real implementation would match up user identities with something stored in a database, not hardcoded in Users.fs like this example
let isRmunn =
ctx.User.Claims |> Seq.exists (fun claim ->
claim.Issuer = "Google" && claim.Type = ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier && claim.Value = googleUserIdForRmunn)
if isRmunn then
printfn "User rmunn is an admin of this demo app, adding admin role to user claims"
ctx.User.AddIdentity(new ClaimsIdentity([Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin", ClaimValueTypes.String, "MyApplication")]))
next ctx
let loggedIn = pipeline {
requires_authentication (Giraffe.Auth.challenge "Google")
plug matchUpUsers
let isAdmin = pipeline {
plug loggedIn
requires_role "Admin" (RequestErrors.forbidden (text "Must be admin"))
And now in your scope (NOTE: "scope" will probably be renamed to "router" in Saturn 0.7.0), do something like this:
let loggedInView = scope {
pipe_through loggedIn
get "/" (htmlView Index.layout)
get "/index.html" (redirectTo false "/")
get "/default.html" (redirectTo false "/")
get "/admin" (isAdmin >=> htmlView AdminPage.layout)
And finally, let your main router have a URL that passes things to the loggedInView router:
let browserRouter = scope {
not_found_handler (htmlView NotFound.layout) //Use the default 404 webpage
pipe_through browser //Use the default browser pipeline
forward "" defaultView //Use the default view
forward "/members-only" loggedInView
Then your login button can just go to the /members-only route and you'll be fine.
Note that if you want multiple OAuth buttons (Google, GitHub, Facebook, etc) you'll probably need to tweak that a bit, but this answer is long enough already. When you get to the point of wanting multiple OAuth buttons, go ahead and ask another question.

Creating a user failed. Is there a way to interogate the error?

I am using the ASP.NET Identity framework, with the EntityFramework provider (IdentityDbContext).
I attempt to create a user by calling UserManager.CreateAsync(..).
It returns an object of type IdentityResult, with the following values:
Succeeded: false,
Errors: ["Name AndrewShepherd is already taken."]
The error is valid - there is indeed another user called "AndrewShepherd" in the database. This is not a name the user picked; instead I am generating this name from the Outh2 account information provided by their Google account. (Google Accounts don't enforce unique names, just unique email addresses).
Since the problem is a duplicate name, I can simply try appending a number to the name and trying again. I would programmatically attempt to create AndrewShepherd_1, AndrewShepherd_2, AndrewShepherd_3 until I am either successful or get a different error.
But how do I programatically determine that the problem was a duplicate name?
Options are:
Perform a pattern match on the error string. This solution is guaranteed to break when the next version of ASP.NET Identity has a differently worded error messages or we internationalize the website.
Run the check before creating the user. I would call UserStore.FindByNameAsync to determine if the name had already been taken before invoking UserManager.CreateASync(..). This would have a small concurrency risk if two different sessions are attempting to add the same user name at the same time.
It would be some much easier if we could simply perform a check like this:
if(identityResult.Errors.Where(e => e.ErrorCode == IdentityErrors.DuplicateName).Any())
Is there a way I can perform a unique user check then add a user, that's safe in a concurrent environment?
As an alternaive, you can check if the user name is exist in your DB like that. If user name is already taken, you can change new user name like AndrewShepherd_1, AndrewShepherd_2, AndrewShepherd_3.
using (YourProjectName.Models.DefaultConnection db = new Models.DefaultConnection ())
if (db.AspNetUsers.Select(q => q.UserName).Contains("usernameThatYouWantToCheck"))
/*Your code*/
