Deacticate User based on last login date - asynchronous

Scenario: Deactivate the user whose login date is less than 42 from today. I have an user whose last login date is 1/22/2020(US Date format)/22/1/2020 5:12 pm. Here I wrote a batch apex for deactivating. My code has executed successfully and my batch status is completed but the user record is not deactivating.
Here is the code:
global class User_Deactivation implements Database.Batchable<SObject>
dateTime dt =;
public String query = 'SELECT Name, LastLoginDate, Id From User WHERE IsActive = true AND LastLoginDate=:dt ';
global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc)
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<User> scope)
List<User> userList = new List<User>();
for(User s:scope)
User u =(user)s;
if(userList.size() > 0)
for(User usr : userList)
usr.isActive = false;
update userList;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc)
AsyncApexJob a = [SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed, TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email
FROM AsyncApexJob
WHERE Id = :BC.getJobId()];
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {a.CreatedBy.Email};
mail.setSubject('Apex Job Status: ' + a.Status);
mail.setPlainTextBody('The batch Apex job processed ' + a.TotalJobItems + ' batches with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
please help me out on this

Multiple things you can improve here, where do I begin...
Initialisation(?) piece
dateTime dt =;
String query = 'SELECT Name, LastLoginDate, Id From User WHERE IsActive = true AND LastLoginDate=:dt';
Do you need Date or DateTime match? The way you wrote it it'll match only people who logged in exactly at midnight. System.debug(dt); would say 2020-01-23T00:00:00.000Z. It shouldn't be an equals sign, should be "less than" or "less or equal".
Or even better - you can make it bit more clear what you want to do, bit more "semantic" so the poor guy who's going to maintain it can understand it without extra comments. This reads more natural and uses the SOQL date literals, special "constants" to simplify your logic: SELECT Id, LastLoginDate FROM User WHERE isActive = true AND LastLoginDate != LAST_N_DAYS:42
What is this section of code anyway. It's not really static variables, it's not a constructor... I think it'll behave as a constructor. Be very, very careful with constructors for batches. The state of the class at the end of the constructor gets saved (serialised) and restored every time the class is scheduled to run. It's tempting to put some initialisation code into constructor, maybe read some custom settings, precalculate stuff... But then you'll be in for nasty surprise when admin adds new custom setting and the batch doesn't pick it up. In your case it's even worse, I'd suspect it'll serialise the dt and your today() will be frozen in time, not what you expected. To be safe move all initialisation logic to start()
And I'd even say whoever gave you the requirement didn't think it through. When you make new user they get a link they need to click in next 72h. If they didn't do it (maybe it was sent late Friday and they want to login on Monday) - this thing will dutifully kill their access at Friday night without giving them any chance to login. You need some "grace period". Maybe something like WHERE isActive = true AND (LastLoginDate < :x OR (LastLoginDate = null AND CreatedDate < :x))
Queries in strings work and that's how a lot of batch documentation is written but they are poor practice. Where possible use a compiled query, in brackets. You get minimal improvement in execution (precompiled), you get compile-time warnings when you mess up (better than a runtime error which you might not notice if you don't monitor jobs). And most importantly - if somebody wants to delete a field - SF will detect a dependency and stop him/her. Use return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT ...]); wherever you can.
Your scope already is a list of users, why do you do extra casts to User? Why do you add them to a helper list? Why 2 loops?
for(User u : scope){
u.isActive = false;
update users;
and you're done?
P.S. Why "global" all over the place?


Exchange Web Services find item by unique id

I just started using Microsoft Exchange Web Services for the first time. Want I want to be able to do is the following:
Create Meeting
Update Meeting
Cancel/Delete Meeting
These meetings are created in an ASP.NET MVC application and saved into a SQL Server database. I simply wish to integrate this with the on site Exchange Server. So far, I'm able to created my meeting with the following code:
public static Task<string> CreateMeetingAsync(string from, List<string> to, string subject, string body, string location, DateTime begin, DateTime end)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
service.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
//service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
// I suspect the Service URL needs to be set from the user email address because this is then used to set the organiser
// of the appointment constructed below. The Organizer is a read-only field that cannot be manually set. (security measure)
//service.Url = new Uri(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExchangeServer"]);
Appointment meeting = new Appointment(service);
meeting.Subject = subject;
meeting.Body = "<span style=\"font-family:'Century Gothic'\" >" + body + "</span><br/><br/><br/>";
meeting.Body.BodyType = BodyType.HTML;
meeting.Start = begin;
meeting.End = end;
meeting.Location = location;
meeting.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 60;
foreach (string attendee in to)
catch (Exception ex)
return tcs.Task;
This successfully creates my meeting, places it into the user's calendar in outlook and sends a meeting request to all attendees. I noticed the following exception when attempting to call meeting.Save(SendInvitationsMode.SendToAllAndSaveCopy); twice:
This operation can't be performed because this service object already has an ID. To update this service object, use the Update() method instead.
I thought: Great, it saves the item in exchange with a unique id. I'll save this ID in my application's database and use it later to edit/cancel the meeting. That is why I return the id: tcs.TrySetResult(meeting.Id.UniqueId);
This is saved nicely into my application's database:
Now, I am attempting to do the next part where I update the meeting, but I cannot find a way to search for the item based on the unique identifier that I'm saving. An example I found on code.msdn uses the service.FindItems() method with a query that searches the subject:
string querystring = "Subject:Lunch";
FindItemsResults<Item> results = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, querystring, view);
I don't like this. There could be a chance that the user created a meeting outside of my application that coincidentally has the same subject, and here come's my application and cancel's it. I tried to determine wether it's possible to use the unique id in the query string, but this does not seem possible.
I did notice on the above query string page that the last property you can search on is (property is not specified) that searches in "all word phase properties.". I tried thus simply putting the id into the query, but this returns no results:
FindItemsResults<Item> results = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, "AAMkADJhZDQzZWFmLWYxYTktNGI1Yi1iZTA5LWVmOTE3MmJiMGIxZgBGAAAAAAAqhOzrXRdvRoA6yPu9S/XnBwDXvBDBMebkTqUWix3HxZrnAAAA2LKLAAB5iS34oLxkSJIUht/+h9J1AAFlEVLAAAA=", view);
Use the Appointment.Bind static function, providing a service object and the ItemId saved in your database. Be aware with meeting workflow (invite, accept, reject) can re-create a meeting on the same calendar with a new ItemId. But if you are just looking at the meeting you make on your own calendar, you should be OK.

New item added to session on every request

I found this behaviour by accident, as I return the count of items in a session in an error message and found that some sessions had as many as 120 items in them (they should have 1!). On further investigation I found that every request seems to add an item into the session. They are all negative integers, like -710, -140 -528. I can't seem to see a pattern in what number comes up.
I have checked my code for any interactions with the Session object and as far as I can tell it is not me. I store one item in the session which is my own object which has a number of other properties on it. My session state is SQL server, and I am only serialising a certain set of values that need to be kept.
Has anyone seen anything like this or has any advice on where I can troubleshoot further?
Thank you in advance.
-- Edit, as requested - first where I count the items in the session - this is done in the page load event of my master page. I loop through so I could inspect using the debugger.
int itemCount = Session.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
object o = Session[i];
-- here is where I add my custom object to the session. This is called at session start and in my master page. It runs on a "get, but if not there, create" principle.
HttpSessionState Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
HttpRequest Request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
if (Session == null)
return null;
SessionData sessionData = (SessionData)Session[StaticNames.SESSION_NAME];
if (sessionData == null)
sessionData = new SessionData();
Session.Add(StaticNames.SESSION_NAME, sessionData);
I also have this to get the SessionData object from the session:
public SessionData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
this.IsManualLogin = (bool)info.GetValue("IsManualLogin", typeof(bool));
this.HasAskedUserForLocation = (bool)info.GetValue("HasAskedUserForLocation", typeof(bool));
// ... etc, more items for all users here
int? loginID = null;
loginID = info.GetInt32("LoginID");
this.LoginID = loginID.Value;
// ... etc, more items for logged in users only
There is also an equivalent method for adding this data to the SerializationInfo used for SqlSessionState.
Credit to the modest jadarnel27.
It turns out the Ajax Control Toolkit NoBot control adds an integer into your session on every request. My website has an auto 40 second refresh, similar to facebook, so this probably would have brought the whole thing crashing down at some point and I am lucky to find it now. Should anyone else consider using the NoBot control, be warned about this behaviour!

setting IsEditable=false for item disables save/close button but not save button?

I developed a data extender class that acts on GetItem and CheckOutItem commands to do some business-specific validation to determine whether the user should have access to modify the item or not (basically if it's past the initial "author" task in workflow, no one can edit it. by default Tridion allows "reviewers" in workflow to edit the item, which is a no-no in our business).
I am relatively certain this worked at one point, but now does not. I'm exploring what might have changed, but I thought I'd ask here in case anyone has an idea.
If the item can't be modified, I'm setting the IsEditable attribute to false. This does in fact disable the Save and Close button and Save and New button, but for some reason the Save button is enabled. I don't quite understand why there could be a difference. (I'm looking to see if someone extended the save button somehow, but I don't see that being done). Any thoughts on how the Save button would enable when the others aren't?
thanks for any suggestions,
public override XmlTextReader ProcessResponse(XmlTextReader reader, PipelineContext context)
using (new Tridion.Logging.Tracer())
string command = context.Parameters["command"].ToString();
if (command == CHECKOUT_COMMAND || command == GETITEM_COMMAND)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = ExtenderUtil.GetExtenderAsXmlDocument(reader);
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("tcm", Constants.TcmNamespace);
//is this a page or component?
XmlNode thisItemNode = null;
thisItemNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//tcm:Component", nsmgr) ?? xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//tcm:Page", nsmgr);
if (thisItemNode == null) return ExtenderUtil.GetExtenderAsXmlTextReader(xmlDoc);
// need to impersonate system admin in order to get workflow version of item later
Session sessionSystemAdmin = Util.SystemAdminSession;
XmlAttribute idAttribute = thisItemNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ID") as XmlAttribute;
//if ID attribute is null, we don't have the actual object being used (just a referenced item. so, we'll ignore it)
if (idAttribute != null)
string itemId = idAttribute.Value;
VersionedItem tridionObject = Util.ObtainValidTridionIdentifiableObject(sessionSystemAdmin, itemId) as VersionedItem;
//logic has been moved to separate method, just for maintainablility...
//the logic may change when workflow code is finished.
bool allowSave = IsItemValidForEdit(tridionObject, nsmgr);
if (!allowSave)
//not the WIP ("author") task... make item read-only
Logger.WriteVerbose("setting iseditable to false for item: " + itemId);
XmlAttribute isEditableAttribute = thisItemNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("IsEditable") as XmlAttribute;
isEditableAttribute.Value = "false";
catch (Exception e)
Logger.WriteError("problem with get item data extender", ErrorCode.CMS_DATAEXTENDER_GETITEM_FAILURE, e);
return ExtenderUtil.GetExtenderAsXmlTextReader(xmlDoc);
return reader;
Most of the Tridion GUI probably bases the options it presents on the so-called Allowed Actions. This is a combination of the Allow and Deny attributes that are present in list-calls (if requested) and item XML.
So at the very least you will have to remove the CheckIn and Edit action from the Allow attribute (and probably add them to the Deny attribute). If you look at the Core Service documentation (or any other Tridion API documentation: these values haven't changed in a long time) you can find an Enum called Actions that hold the possible actions and their corresponding values. The Allow and Deny attributes are simply additions of these numbers.
The CheckIn action I mention is number 2, Edit is 2048.
I have a little command line program to decode the AllowedActions for me. To celebrate your question, I quickly converted it into a web page that you can find here. The main work horse is below and shows both how you can decode the number and how you can manipulate it. In this case it's all subtraction, but you can just as easily add an allowed action by adding a number to it.
var AllowedActionsEnum = {
AbortAction: 134217728,
ExecuteAction: 67108864,
FinishProcessAction: 33554432,
RestartActivityAction: 16777216,
FinishActivityAction: 8388608,
StartActivityAction: 4194304,
BlueprintManagedAction: 2097152,
WorkflowManagedAction: 1048576,
PermissionManagedAction: 524288,
EnableAction: 131072,
CopyAction: 65536,
CutAction: 32768,
DeleteAction: 16384,
ViewAction: 8192,
EditAction: 2048,
SearchAction: 1024,
RePublishAction: 512,
UnPublishAction: 256,
PublishAction: 128,
UnLocalizeAction: 64,
LocalizeAction: 32,
RollbackAction: 16,
HistoryListAction: 8,
UndoCheckOutAction: 4,
CheckInAction: 2,
CheckOutAction: 1
function decode() {
var original = left = parseInt(prompt('Specify Allow/Deny actions'));
var msg = "";
for (var action in AllowedActionsEnum) {
if (left >= AllowedActionsEnum[action]) {
msg += '\n' + action + ' ('+AllowedActionsEnum[action]+')';
left -= AllowedActionsEnum[action];
The solution is to really look over the entire solution and be absolutely positive that nobody snuck something in recently that messes with the Save button and is magically enabling it behind the scenes. I've re-edited the code to show how I initially had it. And it does work. It will disable the save, save/close, save/new buttons and make all fields disabled. I'm sorry that I wasted Frank's time. Hopefully having this here for historical purposes may come in handy for someone else with similar requirements in the future. any way to cache things like this?

I have a function called on every single page:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the date of the latest blog entry
/// </summary>
public static DateTime GetNewestBlogDate()
DateTime ReturnDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);
using (var db = new DataClassesDataContext())
var q = (from d in db.tblBlogEntries orderby descending select new {}).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null)
ReturnDate =;
return ReturnDate;
It works like this website, it gets the latest blog entry date and if it's greater than the users cookie value it displays a new icon next to the blog link.
It seems rather wasteful to keep calling this function per page request, called 1:1 on the number of page requests you have. Say you have 30,000 page views per day, that's 1,250 database queries per hour.
Is there any way I can cache this results, and have it expire say every hour?
I'm aware it's a bit of a micro optimisation, but given 10 or so similar functions per page it might add up to something worthwhile. You could denormalise it into a single table and return them all in one go, but I'd rather cache if possible as it's easier to manage.
Since it's not based on the user (the cookie is, but the query doesn't seem to be) - you can just use the standard ASP.NET Cache.
Just insert the result with an expiration of 1 hour. If you like, you can even use the callback to automatically refresh the cache.
Assuming you've stored it into MS-SQL, you could even use a SqlCacheDependency to invalidate when new data is inserted. Or, if your inserting code is well-factored, you could manually invalidate the cache then.
Just use the ASP.NET Cache object with an absolute expiration of 1 hour. Here's an example of how you might implement this:
public static DateTime GetNewestBlogDate()
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
DateTime returnDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30)
string key = "SomeUniqueKey"; // You can use something like "[UserName]_NewestBlogDate"
object cacheObj = context.Cache[key];
if (cacheObj == null)
using (var db = new DataClassesDataContext())
var q = (from d in db.tblBlogEntries orderby descending select new { }).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null)
returnDate =;
context.Cache.Insert(key, returnDate, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
returnDate = (DateTime)cacheObj;
return returnDate;
You haven't indicated what is done with the returned value. If the returned value is displayed the same way on each page, why not just place the code along with the markup to display the result in a user control (ASCX) file? You can then cache the control.
Make it a webmethod with a CacheDuration?
public static DateTime GetNewestBlogDate()

Dynamics Ax: Alert when any record changes

I want to send an alert in Ax, when any field in the vendor table changes (and on create/delete of a record).
In the alert, I would like to include the previous and current value.
But, it appears that you can't set alerts for when any field in a table changes, but need to set one up for EVERY FIELD?! I hope I am mistaken.
And how can I send this notification to a group of people
I have created a new class with a static method that I can easily call from any .update() method to alert me when a record changes, and what changed in the record.
It uses the built in email templates of Ax as well.
static void CompareAndEmail(str emailTemplateName, str nameField, str recipient, Common original, Common modified)
UserInfo userInfo;
Map emailParameterMap = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);
str changes;
int i, fieldId;
DictTable dictTable = new DictTable(original.TableId);
DictField dictField;
for (i=1; i<=dictTable.fieldCnt(); i++)
fieldId = dictTable.fieldCnt2Id(i);
dictField = dictTable.fieldObject(fieldId);
if (dictField.isSystem())
if (original.(fieldId) != modified.(fieldId))
changes += strfmt("%1: %2 -> %3 \n\r",,
//Send Notification Email
select Name from UserInfo where == curUserId();
emailParameterMap.insert("modifiedBy", userInfo.Name);
emailParameterMap.insert("recordName", original.(dictTable.fieldName2Id(nameField)));
emailParameterMap.insert("recordChanges", changes);
SysEmailTable::sendMail(emailTemplateName, "en-us", recipient, emailParameterMap);
Then in the .update() method I just add this one line
//Compare and email differences
"RecChange", //Template to use
"Name", //Name field of the record (MUST BE VALID)
"", //Recipient email
this_Orig, //Original record
this //Modified record
The only things I want to improve upon are:
moving the template name and recipient into a table, for easier maintenance
better formatting for the change list, I don't know how to template that (see: here)
As you have observed the alert system is not designed for "any" field changes, only specific field changes.
This is a bogus request anyway as it would generate many alarts. The right thing to do is to enable database logging of the VendTable table, then send a daily report (in batch) to those interested.
This is done in Administration\Setup\Database logging. There is a report in Administration\Reports. You will need to know the table number to select the table.
This solution requires a "Database logging" license key.
If you really need this feature, then you can create a class that sends a message/email with the footprint of the old record vs the new record. Then simply add some code in the table method "write"/"update"/"save" to make sure you class is run whenever vendtable gets edited.
But I have to agree with Jan. This will generate a lot of alerts. I'd spend some energy checking if the modifications done in vendtable are according to the business needs, and prohibit illegal modifications. That includes making sure only the right people have enough access.
Good luck!
I do agree with suggestion of just write and class to send the mail of changes in vend table.
and execute this class on update method of vendtable.
thanks and Regards,
Deepak Kumar
