Dynamics Ax: Alert when any record changes - axapta

I want to send an alert in Ax, when any field in the vendor table changes (and on create/delete of a record).
In the alert, I would like to include the previous and current value.
But, it appears that you can't set alerts for when any field in a table changes, but need to set one up for EVERY FIELD?! I hope I am mistaken.
And how can I send this notification to a group of people

I have created a new class with a static method that I can easily call from any .update() method to alert me when a record changes, and what changed in the record.
It uses the built in email templates of Ax as well.
static void CompareAndEmail(str emailTemplateName, str nameField, str recipient, Common original, Common modified)
UserInfo userInfo;
Map emailParameterMap = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);
str changes;
int i, fieldId;
DictTable dictTable = new DictTable(original.TableId);
DictField dictField;
for (i=1; i<=dictTable.fieldCnt(); i++)
fieldId = dictTable.fieldCnt2Id(i);
dictField = dictTable.fieldObject(fieldId);
if (dictField.isSystem())
if (original.(fieldId) != modified.(fieldId))
changes += strfmt("%1: %2 -> %3 \n\r",
//Send Notification Email
select Name from UserInfo where userInfo.id == curUserId();
emailParameterMap.insert("modifiedBy", userInfo.Name);
emailParameterMap.insert("tableName", dictTable.name());
emailParameterMap.insert("recordName", original.(dictTable.fieldName2Id(nameField)));
emailParameterMap.insert("recordChanges", changes);
SysEmailTable::sendMail(emailTemplateName, "en-us", recipient, emailParameterMap);
Then in the .update() method I just add this one line
//Compare and email differences
"RecChange", //Template to use
"Name", //Name field of the record (MUST BE VALID)
"user#domain.com", //Recipient email
this_Orig, //Original record
this //Modified record
The only things I want to improve upon are:
moving the template name and recipient into a table, for easier maintenance
better formatting for the change list, I don't know how to template that (see: here)

As you have observed the alert system is not designed for "any" field changes, only specific field changes.
This is a bogus request anyway as it would generate many alarts. The right thing to do is to enable database logging of the VendTable table, then send a daily report (in batch) to those interested.
This is done in Administration\Setup\Database logging. There is a report in Administration\Reports. You will need to know the table number to select the table.
This solution requires a "Database logging" license key.

If you really need this feature, then you can create a class that sends a message/email with the footprint of the old record vs the new record. Then simply add some code in the table method "write"/"update"/"save" to make sure you class is run whenever vendtable gets edited.
But I have to agree with Jan. This will generate a lot of alerts. I'd spend some energy checking if the modifications done in vendtable are according to the business needs, and prohibit illegal modifications. That includes making sure only the right people have enough access.
Good luck!

I do agree with suggestion of Skaue.you just write and class to send the mail of changes in vend table.
and execute this class on update method of vendtable.
thanks and Regards,
Deepak Kumar


Deacticate User based on last login date

Scenario: Deactivate the user whose login date is less than 42 from today. I have an user whose last login date is 1/22/2020(US Date format)/22/1/2020 5:12 pm. Here I wrote a batch apex for deactivating. My code has executed successfully and my batch status is completed but the user record is not deactivating.
Here is the code:
global class User_Deactivation implements Database.Batchable<SObject>
dateTime dt = date.today()-42;
public String query = 'SELECT Name, LastLoginDate, Id From User WHERE IsActive = true AND LastLoginDate=:dt ';
global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc)
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List<User> scope)
List<User> userList = new List<User>();
for(User s:scope)
User u =(user)s;
if(userList.size() > 0)
for(User usr : userList)
usr.isActive = false;
update userList;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc)
AsyncApexJob a = [SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed, TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email
FROM AsyncApexJob
WHERE Id = :BC.getJobId()];
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {a.CreatedBy.Email};
mail.setSubject('Apex Job Status: ' + a.Status);
mail.setPlainTextBody('The batch Apex job processed ' + a.TotalJobItems + ' batches with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
please help me out on this
Multiple things you can improve here, where do I begin...
Initialisation(?) piece
dateTime dt = date.today()-42;
String query = 'SELECT Name, LastLoginDate, Id From User WHERE IsActive = true AND LastLoginDate=:dt';
Do you need Date or DateTime match? The way you wrote it it'll match only people who logged in exactly at midnight. System.debug(dt); would say 2020-01-23T00:00:00.000Z. It shouldn't be an equals sign, should be "less than" or "less or equal".
Or even better - you can make it bit more clear what you want to do, bit more "semantic" so the poor guy who's going to maintain it can understand it without extra comments. This reads more natural and uses the SOQL date literals, special "constants" to simplify your logic: SELECT Id, LastLoginDate FROM User WHERE isActive = true AND LastLoginDate != LAST_N_DAYS:42
What is this section of code anyway. It's not really static variables, it's not a constructor... I think it'll behave as a constructor. Be very, very careful with constructors for batches. The state of the class at the end of the constructor gets saved (serialised) and restored every time the class is scheduled to run. It's tempting to put some initialisation code into constructor, maybe read some custom settings, precalculate stuff... But then you'll be in for nasty surprise when admin adds new custom setting and the batch doesn't pick it up. In your case it's even worse, I'd suspect it'll serialise the dt and your today() will be frozen in time, not what you expected. To be safe move all initialisation logic to start()
And I'd even say whoever gave you the requirement didn't think it through. When you make new user they get a link they need to click in next 72h. If they didn't do it (maybe it was sent late Friday and they want to login on Monday) - this thing will dutifully kill their access at Friday night without giving them any chance to login. You need some "grace period". Maybe something like WHERE isActive = true AND (LastLoginDate < :x OR (LastLoginDate = null AND CreatedDate < :x))
Queries in strings work and that's how a lot of batch documentation is written but they are poor practice. Where possible use a compiled query, in brackets. You get minimal improvement in execution (precompiled), you get compile-time warnings when you mess up (better than a runtime error which you might not notice if you don't monitor jobs). And most importantly - if somebody wants to delete a field - SF will detect a dependency and stop him/her. Use return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT ...]); wherever you can.
Your scope already is a list of users, why do you do extra casts to User? Why do you add them to a helper list? Why 2 loops?
for(User u : scope){
u.isActive = false;
update users;
and you're done?
P.S. Why "global" all over the place?

Relational Query - 2 degrees away

I have three models:
I am looking for all timesheets that need to be approved by a manager (many timesheets per employee, one manager per employee).
I have tried creating datasources and prefetching both Employee and Employee.Manager, but I so far no success as of yet.
Is there a trick to this? Do I need to load the query and then do another load? Or create an intermediary datasource that holds both the Timesheet and Employee data or something else?
You can do it by applying a query filter to the datasource onDataLoad event or another event. For example, you could bind the value of a dropdown with Managers to:
- assuming that the datasource of the widget is set to Timesheets.
If you are linking to the page from another page, you could also call a script instead of using a preset action. On the link click, invoke the script below, passing it the desired manager object from the linking page.
function loadPageTimesheets(manager){
app.pages.Timesheets.datasource.query.filters.Employee.Manager._equals = manager;
I would recommend to redesign your app a little bit to use full power of App Maker. You can go with Directory Model (Manager -> Employees) plus one table with data (Timesheets). In this case your timesheets query can look similar to this:
// Server side script
function getTimesheets(query) {
var managerEmail = query.parameters.ManagerEmail;
var dirQuery = app.models.Directory.newQuery();
dirQuery.filters.PrimaryEmail._equals = managerEmail;
var people = dirQuery.run();
if (people.length === 0) {
return [];
var manager = people[0];
// Subordinates lookup can look fancier if you need recursively
// include everybody down the hierarchy chart. In this case
// it also will make sense to update prefetch above to include
// reports of reports of reports...
var subortinatesEmails = manager.DirectReports.map(function(employee) {
return employee.PrimaryEmail;
var tsQuery = app.models.Timesheet.newQuery();
tsQuery.filters.EmployeeEmail._in = subortinatesEmails;
return tsQuery.run();

qt multiple QSqlTableModels edited together in one transaction

I have a window in a Qt application using PostgreSQL 9.3 database. The window is a form used do display, edit and insert new data. t looks like that:
I have data from 3 sql tables in that view. the tables are related with foreign keys:
contractors (main table) - mapped to "personal data" section
contacts (has foreign key to contractors.ID)
addresses (has foreign key to contractors.ID)
So - in my window's class I have 3 main models (+ 2 proxy models to transpose tables in "personal data" an "address data" sections). I use QSqlTableModel for theese sesctions, and a QSqlRelationalTableModel for contactData section. when opening that window "normally" (to view some contractor), i simply pass contractor's ID to the constructor and store it in proper variable. Also, I call the QSqlTableModel::​setFilter(const QString & filter) method for each of the models, and set the proper filtering. When opening that window in "add new" mode i simply pass a "-1" or "0" value to the ID variable, so no data gets loaded to the model.
All 3 models have QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit editStrategy. When saving the data (triggered by clicking a proper button), I start a transaction. And then I submit models one-by-one. personalData model gets submitted first, as I need to obtain it's PK after insert (to set in the FK fields in other models).
When submitting of the model fails, I show a messageBox with the QSqlError content, rollback the transaction and return from the method.
When I have an error on the first model being processed - no problem, as nothing was inserted. But when the first model is saved, but the second or third fails - there is a little problem. So I rollback the transacion as before, and return from the function. But after correcting the data and submitting it again - the first model is not trying to submit - as it doesn't know that there was a rollback, and the data needs to be inserted again. What would be a good way to notice such a model, that it needs to be submited once again?
At the moment I ended up with something like that:
void kontrahenciSubWin::on_btnContractorAdd_clicked() {
//QStringList errorList; // when error occurs in one model - whole transacion gets broken, so no need for a list
QString error;
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database();
//backup the data - in case something fails and we have to rollback the transaction
QSqlRecord personalDataModelrec = personalDataModel->record(0); // always one row. will get erased by SubmitAll, as no filter is set, because I don't have its ID.
QList<QSqlRecord> contactDataModelRecList;
for (int i = 0 ; i< contactDataModel->rowCount(); i++) {
contactDataModelRecList.append( contactDataModel->record(i) );
QList<QSqlRecord> addressDataModelRecList;
for (int i = 0 ; i< addressDataModel->rowCount(); i++) {
addressDataModelRecList.append( addressDataModel->record(i) );
if ( personalDataModel->isDirty() && error.isEmpty() ) {
if (!personalDataModel->submitAll()) //submitAll calls select() on the model, which destroys the data as the filter is invalid ("where ID = -1")
//errorList.append( personalDataModel->lastError().databaseText() );
error = personalDataModel->lastError().databaseText();
else {
kontrahentid = personalDataModel->query().lastInsertId().toInt(); //only here can I fetch ID
setFilter(ALL); //and pass it to the models
if ( contactDataModel->isDirty() && error.isEmpty() )
if (!contactDataModel->submitAll()) //slot on_contactDataModel_beforeInsert() sets FK field
//errorList.append( contactDataModel->lastError().databaseText() );
error = contactDataModel->lastError().databaseText();
if ( addressDataModel->isDirty() && error.isEmpty() )
if (!addressDataModel->submitAll()) //slot on_addressDataModel_beforeInsert() sets FK field
//errorList.append( addressDataModel->lastError().databaseText() );
error = addressDataModel->lastError().databaseText();
//if (!errorList.isEmpty()) {
// QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Data was not saved!"), tr("The following errors occured:") + " \n" + errorList.join("\n"));
if (!error.isEmpty()) {
QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Data was not saved!"), tr("The following errors occured:") + " \n" + error);
initModel(ALL); //re-init models: set table and so on.
//re-add data to the models - backup comes handy
personalDataModel->insertRecord(-1, personalDataModelrec);
for (QList<QSqlRecord>::iterator it = contactDataModelRecList.begin(); it != contactDataModelRecList.end(); it++) {
contactDataModel->insertRecord(-1, *it);
for (QList<QSqlRecord>::iterator it = addressDataModelRecList.begin(); it != addressDataModelRecList.end(); it++) {
addressDataModel->insertRecord(-1, *it);
isInEditMode = false;
Does anyone have a better idea? I doubt if it's possible to ommit backing-up the records before trying to insert them. But maybe there is a better way to "re-add" them to the model? I tried to use "setRecord", and "remoweRows" & "insertRecord" combo, but no luck. Resetting the whole model seems easiest (I only need to re-init it, as it loses table, filter, sorting and everything else when cleared)
I suggest you to use a function written in the language PLPGSQL. It has one transaction between BEGIN and END. If it goes wrong at a certain point of the code then will it rollback all data flawlessly.
What you are doing now is not a good design, because you handle the control over a certain functionality (rollback) to an external system with regard to the rollback (it is happening in the database). The external system is not designed to do that, while the database on the contrairy is created and designed for dealing with rollbacks and transactions. It is very good at it. Rebuilding and reinventing this functionality, which is quite complex, outside the database is asking for a lot of trouble. You will never get the same flawless rollback handling as you will have using functions within the database.
Let each system do what it can do best.
I have met your problem before and had the same line of thought to work this problem out using Hibernate in my case. Until I stepped back from my efforts and re-evaluated the situation.
There are three teams working on the rollback mechanism of a database:
1. the men and women who are writing the source code of the database itself,
2. the men and women who are writing the Hibernate code, and
3. me.
The first team is dedicated to the creation of a good rollback mechanism. If they fail, they have a bad product. They succeeded. The second team is dedicated to the creation of a good rollback mechanism. Their product is not failing when it is not working in very complex situations.
The last team, me, is not dedicated to this problem. Who am I to write a better solution then the people of team 2 or team 1 based on the work of team 2 who were not able to get it to the level of team 1?
That is when I decided to use database functions instead.

Using Campaign Monitor's API

I am looking for a way to use Campaign Monitor's API in my ASP.NET/VB Web application.
I have not used any API before, thus reading their documentation is very difficult to understand.
If anyone has used it and is able to provide some instructions I would appreciate it; or if someone has some general usage instructions (if applied on any APi), be my guest! :)
I know this is not the typical "I have a problem and this is my problem and here's my effort so far" but any help would be much appreciated.
You can also use the Campaign Monitor API client library which is available on Nuget:
AuthenticationDetails auth = new ApiKeyAuthenticationDetails(apiKey);
var fields = new List<SubscriberCustomField>() {
new SubscriberCustomField() { Key = "MyCustomField", Value = myVal }
var subscriber = new Subscriber(auth, listId);
subscriber.Add(email, fullName, fields, false);
I use campaign monitor for populating subscriber lists.
There are two methods to post your subscribers to lists. I'm going to stick to the simplest one. Let's round up somethings you need first.
You'll need an API key (which I am sure you have).
You'll need to create a subscribers list and after you create this
list you'll need the list ID. To get the ID (which is wierd).You'll
need to click into your subscriber list. This look for this towards
the top. Single opt-in list (change name/type) Note: You are not
going to change the name or edit anything but you have to click in
here to get the ID. On the third section you will see this: API
Subscriber List ID. If you're using the API, you'll need this ID to
access this list. 000x0000xx0x0xx00x00xx (just an example.)
You'll need a form to capture Name and Email. You'll need your listid which
you got in the previous point.
Then you'll need to code a communication object.
If you are doing a straight forward call you'll need the name, email, and listid.
ListID ="000x0000xx0x0xx00x00xx";
Email ="JoeM#somethingemail.com";
Name = "Joe Middle";
APIKey = yourAPIKey;
APIURL = "http://api.createsend.com/";
ApiCall = variables.APIURL;
ApiCall &= "api/api.asmx/Subscriber.Add?ApiKey=" & variables.APIKey;
ApiCall &= "&ListID=" & URLEncodedFormat(arguments.ListID);
ApiCall &= "&Email=" & URLEncodedFormat(arguments.Email);
ApiCall &= "&Name=" & URLEncodedFormat(arguments.Name);
Once you have your url build you use whatever method .net uses to post http.
Then you'll want to code for success or fail and do something with that info. post to http and call the result. apiResult.
apiResult = xmlParse(apiResult.fileContent);
try {intCount = ArrayLen(apiResult.Result.XMLChildren);}
catch(Any e){intCount = 0;}
if (intCount gt 0){apiResult = apiResult.Result.xmlChildren;}
// Error handling
if ( apiResult[1].xmlName eq "Code" and apiResult[2].xmlName eq "Message" ){
returnStruct['blnSuccess'] = 0;
returnStruct['errorCode'] = apiResult[1].xmlText;
returnStruct['errorMessage'] = apiResult[2].xmlText;
// Success
else {
// Return str
returnStruct['blnSuccess'] = 1;
returnStruct['returnString'] = apiResult.Result.xmlText;
The code above was adapted from coldfusion and I didn't build it but it is cfscript which is not CFML and you can kind of interpret what is happening.
If you adapt this to .NET then all you are missing is your HTTP call stuff method.
To check log into Campaign Monitor and click on your list. You should see additions showing up, if not it is either you API key (not usually the case), your listID (could be the case), your code (most likely culprit).
This was hammered out in a hurry so apologies if the flow is weird.
Good luck!

Microsoft dynamics CRM 2011: how to generate lead from external contact form

i developed CMS to one of my customers and he wants that when a user fill in the contact form, it will automatically generate lead in his CRM.
what is the easiest way to do that?
by the way, the contact form is ajax and the data is transfered to asmx, so it will be easy to call to CRM webservice or something like that, because i'm already in the server side.
can someone point me to tutorial or some code example?
Your best start will be with the SDK available here, which contains example code and the sdk dlls etc...
Here is a page with a quick reference to all the web service endpoints available in the different flavors of CRM 2011.
From the SDK samplepcode\cs\quickstart creating account, but very similar for lead:
// Connect to the Organization service.
// The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri,
// This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.
_serviceProxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
// Instaniate an account object.
// See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine
// which attributes must be set for each entity.
Account account = new Account { Name = "Fourth Coffee" };
// Create an account record named Fourth Coffee.
_accountId = _serviceProxy.Create(account);
Console.Write("{0} {1} created, ", account.LogicalName, account.Name);
// Retrieve the account containing several of its attributes.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(
new String[] { "name", "address1_postalcode", "lastusedincampaign" });
Account retrievedAccount = (Account)_serviceProxy.Retrieve("account", _accountId, cols);
Console.Write("retrieved, ");
// Update the postal code attribute.
retrievedAccount.Address1_PostalCode = "98052";
// The address 2 postal code was set accidentally, so set it to null.
retrievedAccount.Address2_PostalCode = null;
// Shows use of a Money value.
retrievedAccount.Revenue = new Money(5000000);
// Shows use of a boolean value.
retrievedAccount.CreditOnHold = false;
// Update the account record.
Console.WriteLine("and updated.");
