Correct usage of the SQLite ON CONFLICT clause - sqlite

I have a SQLite database which, amongst other things, has the following table.
bias_type INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT pk_bias_mix PRIMARY KEY(data,link,bias_type)
The constraint pk_bias_mix is being used to ensure that no two rows can have the same values for all three columns data, link and bias_type columns. So suppose I do
INSERT INTO biases (data,link,bias_type,ignores) VALUES(1,1,1,1);
things work as expected - a new row is inserted in the table. If I issue the same INSERT again I get the error
just as expected. I tried to use the SQLite ON CONFLICT clause thus
INSERT INTO biases (data,link,bias_type,ignores) VALUES(1,1,1,1)
ON CONFLICT(data,link,bias_type) DO UPDATE SET ignores = ignores + 1;
and it worked as I had hoped - instead of adding a new row or throwing up an error SQLite incremented the value of the ignores column in the row with the matching data, link and bias_type values.
However, this is just the result of an experiment. It is not immediately clear to me from the SQLite docs that this is indeed how ON CONFLICT is supposed to behave - i.e it can be given two or more conflict constraints to be checked. What I mean by two or more constraints is specifying multiple, comma separated, columns inside CONFLICT(...) as I have done in the example above.
I suspect that this is the right usage since I am merely specifying a CONFLICT condition that replicates my indicated CONSTRAINT. However, I cannot see this explained explicitly anywhere in the docs. I'd be much obliged to anyone who might be able to confirm this.

UPSERT is a special syntax addition to INSERT that causes the INSERT
to behave as an UPDATE or a no-op if the INSERT would violate a
uniqueness constraint.
The special UPSERT processing happens only for uniqueness constraint
on the table that is receiving the INSERT.
So the DO UPDATE part is not triggered by any constraint conflict but only by a unique constraint violation.
The syntax that occurs in between the "ON CONFLICT" and "DO" keywords
is called the "conflict target". The conflict target specifies a
specific uniqueness constraint that will trigger the upsert.
So it is not possible to have two or more conflict constraints to be checked in one statement.
However you can use separate UPSERT statements to check for 2 different unique constraint violations.
See a simplified demo where I added 1 more UNIQUE constraint to your table:
CONSTRAINT con_scraps UNIQUE(scraps)


Is there any way to force SQLite constrains checks?

For example, let say DB has foreign key A.b_id -> with SET NULL on delete.
If record with some get deleted, all b_id references will be set to NULL.
But if A already contains record where A.b_id has value that is not in (it was inserted without foreign keys support), is there a way to force SQLite DB check foreign keys and set to NULL such data?
In fact, in first place I'm solving an DB upgrading task.
On start app checks if internal DB (resource) has higher version than user DB.
If so it backups user DB, copies internal empty DB to user storage. Than turns off foreign keys support and fills new DB with data from backup, inserting automatically in loop table by table for all columns with same name. Turns on foreign keys support back.
Everything works fine, but if in some table in old DB there is no foreign key constrain previously, while new DB has one, the data will be inserted as is and link can point nowhere (possibly wrong links is unavoidable and not related to question).
Yes, I understand a way to insert without turning off foreign keys support, but it would need knowledge of tables dependencies order that I would like to avoid.
Thanks for any help in advance!
Although I don't know of a way that automatically will set to NULL all orphaned values of a column in a table that (should) reference another column in another table, there is a way to get a report of all these cases and then act accordingly.
This is the PRAGMA statement foreign_key_check:
PRAGMA schema.foreign_key_check;
or for a single table check:
PRAGMA schema.foreign_key_check(table-name);
From the documenation:
The foreign_key_check pragma checks the database, or the table called
"table-name", for foreign key constraints that are violated. The
foreign_key_check pragma returns one row output for each foreign key
violation. There are four columns in each result row. The first column
is the name of the table that contains the REFERENCES clause. The
second column is the rowid of the row that contains the invalid
REFERENCES clause, or NULL if the child table is a WITHOUT ROWID
table. The third column is the name of the table that is referred to.
The fourth column is the index of the specific foreign key constraint
that failed. The fourth column in the output of the foreign_key_check
pragma is the same integer as the first column in the output of the
foreign_key_list pragma. When a "table-name" is specified, the only
foreign key constraints checked are those created by REFERENCES
clauses in the CREATE TABLE statement for table-name.
Check a simplified demo of the way to use this PRAGMA statement, or its function counterpart pragma_foreign_key_check().
You can get a list of the rowids of all the problematic rows of each table.
In your case, you can execute an UPDATE statement that will set to NULL all the orphaned b_ids:
SET b_id = NULL
WHERE rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM pragma_foreign_key_check() WHERE "table" = 'A')
This also works in later versions of SQLite:
SET b_id = NULL
WHERE rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM pragma_foreign_key_check('A'))
but it does not seem to work up to SQLite 3.27.0

Limiting the number of rows a table can contain based on the value of a column - SQLite

Since SQLite doesn't support TRUE and FALSE, I have a boolean keyword that stores 0 and 1. For the boolean column in question, I want there to be a check for the number of 1's the column contains and limit the total number for the table.
For example, the table can have columns: name, isAdult. If there are more than 5 adults in the table, the system would not allow a user to add a 6th entry with isAdult = 1. There is no restriction on how many rows the table can contain, since there is no limit on the amount of entries where isAdult = 0.
You can use a trigger to prevent inserting the sixth entry:
CREATE TRIGGER five_adults
WHEN NEW.isAdult
FROM MyTable
WHERE isAdult
) >= 5
SELECT RAISE(FAIL, "only five adults allowed");
(You might need a similar trigger for UPDATEs.)
The SQL-99 standard would solve this with an ASSERTION— a type of constraint that can validate data changes with respect to an arbitrary SELECT statement. Unfortunately, I don't know any SQL database currently on the market that implements ASSERTION constraints. It's an optional feature of the SQL standard, and SQL implementors are not required to provide it.
A workaround is to create a foreign key constraint so isAdult can be an integer value referencing a lookup table that contains only values 1 through 5. Then also put a UNIQUE constraint on isAdult. Use NULL for "false" when the row is for a user who is not an adult (NULL is ignored by UNIQUE).
Another workaround is to do this in application code. SELECT from the database before changing it, to make sure your change won't break your app's business rules. Normally in a multi-user RDMS this is impossible due to race conditions, but since you're using SQLite you might be the sole user.

Alternative to using subquery inside CHECK constraint?

I am trying to build a simple hotel room check-in database as a learning exercise.
CREATE TABLE HotelReservations
arrival DATE NOT NULL,
departure DATE NOT NULL,
guestName CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT timeTraveler CHECK (arrival < departure) /* stops time travelers*/
/* CONSTRAINT multipleReservations CHECK (my question is about this) */
PRIMARY KEY (roomNum, arrival)
I am having trouble specifying a constraint that doesn't allow inserting a new reservation for a room that has not yet been vacated. For example (below), guest 'B' checks into room 123 before 'A' checks out.
INSERT INTO HotelStays(roomNum, arrival, departure, guestName)
(123, date("2017-02-02"), date("2017-02-06"), 'A'),
(123, date("2017-02-04"), date("2017-02-08"), 'B');
This shouldn't be allowed but I am unsure how to write this constraint. My first attempt was to write a subquery in check, but I had trouble figuring out the proper subquery because I don't know how to access the 'roomNum' value of a new insert to perform the subquery with. I then also figured out that most SQL systems don't even allow subquerying inside of check.
So how am I supposed to write this constraint? I read some about triggers which seem like it might solve this problem, but is that really the only way to do it? Or am I just dense and missing an obvious way to write the constraint?
The documentation indeed says:
The expression of a CHECK constraint may not contain a subquery.
While it would be possible to create a user-defined function that goes back to the database and queries the table, the only reasonable way to implement this constraint is with a trigger.
There is a special mechanism to access the new row inside the trigger:
Both the WHEN clause and the trigger actions may access elements of the row being inserted, deleted or updated using references of the form "NEW.column-name" and "OLD.column-name", where column-name is the name of a column from the table that the trigger is associated with.
CREATE TRIGGER multiple_reservations_check
BEFORE INSERT ON HotelReservations
SELECT RAISE(FAIL, "reservations overlap")
FROM HotelReservations
WHERE roomNum = NEW.roomNum
AND departure > NEW.arrival
AND arrival < NEW.departure;

Is this normal behavior for a unique index in Sqlite?

I'm working with SQLite in Flash.
I have this unique index:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX songsIndex ON songs ( DiscID, Artist, Title )
I have a parametised recursive function set up to insert any new rows (single or multiple).
It works fine if I try to insert a row with the same DiscID, Artist and Title as an existing row - ie it ignores inserting the existing row, and tells me that 0 out of 1 records were updated - GOOD.
However, if, for example the DiscId is blank, but the artist and title are not, a new record is created when there is already one with a blank DiscId and the same artist and title - BAD.
I traced out the disc id prior to the insert, and Flash is telling me it's undefined. So I've coded it to set anything undefined to "" (an empty string) to make sure it's truly an empty string being inserted - but subsequent inserts still ignore the unique index and add a brand new row even though the same row exists.
What am I misunderstanding?
Thanks for your time and help.
SQLite allows NULLable fields to participate in UNIQUE indexes. If you have such an index, and if you add records such that two of the three columns have identical values and the other column is NULL in both records, SQLite will allow that, matching the behavior you're seeing.
Therefore the most likely explanation is that despite your effort to INSERT zero-length strings, you're actually still INSERTing NULLs.
Also, unless you've explicitly included OR IGNORE in your INSERT statements, the expected behavior of SQLite is to throw an error when you attempt to insert a duplicate INDEX value into a UNIQUE INDEX. Since you're not seeing that behavior, I'm guessing that Flash provides some kind of wrapper around SQLite that's hiding the true behavior from you (and could also be translating empty strings to NULL).
Larry's answer is great. To anyone having the same problem here's the SQLite docs citation explaining that in this case all NULLs are treated as different values:
For the purposes of unique indices, all NULL values are considered
different from all other NULL values and are thus unique. This is one
of the two possible interpretations of the SQL-92 standard (the
language in the standard is ambiguous). The interpretation used by
SQLite is the same and is the interpretation followed by PostgreSQL,
MySQL, Firebird, and Oracle. Informix and Microsoft SQL Server follow
the other interpretation of the standard, which is that all NULL
values are equal to one another.
See here:

SQLite: how does REPLACE INTO determine if a row exists?

I found this post explaining the difference between UPDATE and "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO". It explains that
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO names (id, name) VALUES (1, "John")
will insert a new row if no record with id =1 exists, and will replace the row with id = 1 if it does exist. My question is: how does SQLite know or decide that 'id' is the field whose values determine if records already exist or not?
In other words, why wouldn't sqlite search for a record with name = "John" and replace the id value? Does this depend on an index that's not being talked about in the above example, or does SQLite give special treatment to fields named 'id' or fields named first in a row of field names?
See the CONFLICT clause documentation for how this is dealt with. Essentially, it is based on UNIQUE and NOT NULL constraints (primary keys being rather usual as a constraint to select whether to update or insert).
When a UNIQUE constraint violation occurs, the REPLACE algorithm deletes pre-existing rows that are causing the constraint violation prior to inserting or updating the current row and the command continues executing normally. If a NOT NULL constraint violation occurs, the REPLACE conflict resolution replaces the NULL value with he default value for that column, or if the column has no default value, then the ABORT algorithm is used. If a CHECK constraint violation occurs, the REPLACE conflict resolution algorithm always works like ABORT.
When the REPLACE conflict resolution strategy deletes rows in order to satisfy a constraint, delete triggers fire if and only if recursive triggers are enabled.
The update hook is not invoked for rows that are deleted by the REPLACE conflict resolution strategy. Nor does REPLACE increment the change counter. The exceptional behaviors defined in this paragraph might change in a future release.
