Jupyter Lab Window Not Showing Properly - jupyter-notebook

I just installed Jupyter Lab and tried it, however it doesn't showup properly. I tried reinstalling and installing but it show the same bug.
I am using dell xps 13, I tried installing it using:
'pip install jupyterlab', and
'conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab'
Both gave same error. Is there a solution to this? The Jupyter Notebook is working just fine.
Jupyter Lab Error

I had a similar issue using the pip-installed jupyter lab (Using Win64 with Python 3.6 in a virtualenv). Finally, I managed to run it by uninstalling the pip installer version and using the conda installer version:
"pip uninstall jupyterlab"
"conda install jupyterlab"

I had the same issue with jupyterlab-3.4.5 on firefox 104.0.
When I refreshed the browser (Alt R) it fixed the display.


Cannot start jupyter notebook after deleting anaconda

What happened:
I have had Pip and Anaconda installed on my Mac. I tried to tidy up and decided to delete Anaconda since I assumed I only needed Pip for my Python programming.
My question:
I have been using jupyter notebook for my university project. Apparently, it had been installed by me using anaconda. Now that anaconda is gone, when I try running jupyter notebook, it is still looking in the deleted anaconda directory and throws the following error in the command line
/Users/username/anaconda3/bin/jupyter: No such file or directory
Furthermore, I now get this error when installing jupyter using pip3:
WARNING: The scripts jupyter, jupyter-migrate and jupyter-troubleshoot are installed in '/Users/username/Library/Python/3.8/bin' which is not on PATH.
Unfortunately, I barely have an idea of what I am doing when installing anything using the command line. Could you help me out in fixing the issue?

Jupyter notebook view missing in Spyder ide even after install

Help, I am trying to use jupyter notebook in spyder , I've already installed the jupyter plugin via conda install spyder-notebook -c spyder-ide upon installation I restarted jupyter but the notebook tab is missing under the view tab in spyder.
Message of installation of notebook:
Screenshot of my views and panel tabs in spyder:
The Spyder notebook plugin is not yet compatible with Spyder 5 [...]. The latest version of spyder-notebook is compatible with Spyder 4.2[...]
See here. So either you can revert to Spyder 4.2 or wait for a solution. The issue is tracked here.

Jupyter command not found on Mac OS Catalina

I'm trying to run Jupyter notebook on Mac OS Catalina. I followed the basic instructions:
pip3 install jupyter
I tried everything that is mentioned in the other answers here on stack overflow. I have edited the .bash_profile file, and I have tried to start the notebook with
But nothing is working. My .bash_profile looks like this:
export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH"
# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH
How can I run Jupyter Notebook on Mac OS Catalina?
I have encountered the similar annoying problem and here is my one-line solution:
Open terminal and type:
brew install jupyter
If you haven't install brew on your Mac, please follow the instruction here: https://brew.sh/
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
Wait for around 10 minutes until the installation finishes and try jupyter again.
It helps download a lot of "Catalina" related packages, like
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/jupyterlab-2.1.5.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/ipython-7.16.1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
for the latest discussions on this issue.
From the comments:
Try opening Visual Studio Code and installing Jupyter extensions there if the above method does not work.

Issue running juypter notebook after installing Anaconda

I recently installed the latest version of Anaconda which i require for a course i am doing in data analytics.
I need to use jupyter notebook but it won't run for me ..i keep getting an error jupyter notebook not found.
In the anaconda prompt i ran command conda list and juypter is in the list. The version of juputer showing is version 4.4.0.
I tried then to launch jupyter notebook through anaconda navigator but no luck either. I did notice though that in Anaconda navigator the version of juypter notebook shows as 5.6.0. The conda list command shows version 4.4.0. Strange. I then decided from navigator to install version 4.4.0 of jupyter. This has allowed me to run jupyter notebook but i cant code in the notebook and it says kernel not connected. A lot of errors also showing in command prompt.
Any help would be much appreciated as i have uninstalled and reinstalled Anaconda over 14 times and im getting nowhere. Two assignments due in on the 11th November so getting quite worried. Im very new to programmjng and from a finance background.
Im running windows 7.
Kind regards

Do I need to reinstall R-Studio if I wish to use Anaconda with R?

I have R (version 3.5.0) installed along with R-Studio (version 1.1.453). I recently installed Anaconda. In order to use Anaconda with R, do I need to reinstall R-Studio? I don't see an option for R notebooks when I launch Jupyter. However, there is an option to install R-Studio in the Anaconda Navigator.
Also, the option for installing R-Studio through the Anaconda Navigator suggests that the version of R-Studio that will be installed will be older than that already installed. Will there be a conflict between the two versions of R-Studio if I select this option?
Use R kernel with Jupyter in Anaconda only need install:
conda install r-essentials
