where did 'resolved.xml.xml` file disappear? - sbt

after changing the sbt.version in the build.properties to 1.3.x, i've found out that the resolved.xml.xml files, which were created after running sbt compile are not created anymore. i'm using those files to re-create the project's structure and dependencies tree.
is there any equivalent to those files in the new SBT version?
yes, i'm familiar with sbt-dependency-graph plugin, but i want to avoid using external solution.

You can disable the integrated coursier to get the old behaviour back:
ThisBuild / useCoursier := false


Set sbt options in build.sbt

I'm working on an SBT project that has to be built with the options like:
-Xmx2G -Xss256M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
This means that every new developer has to read the readme and assign the options to SBT_OPTS in bash profile or put them in the sbtopts file. Similarly, this has to be configured on Jenkins and this applies to all the projects (so if someone wants to use -XX:+UseG1GC with other projects it becomes an issue). Is it possible to specify the required options in the build file itself? This seems logical to me, as the options are project-specific and without them, you cannot build the project.
Create a .sbtopts file at the root of the build with contents:

find sbt plugins versions

I am using some sbt plugins on a project and I would like to know which are their versions from sbt console.
I can type plugins which list the plugins but do not present their versions.
I want to do it from the sbt console, I do not want to inspect some plugins.sbt file or similar somewhere.
When you use plugins command, you see references to the plugins as they are defined in the Scala code. A single artifact can contain many plugins. Those artifacts with plugins have versions and here's how you can see them.
First load the metaproject: reload plugins
Then check dependencies: libraryDependencies
Go back to your project: reload return
You can define an alias for this in your ~/.sbt/<version>/global.sbt:
addCommandAlias("pluginsVersions", "; reload plugins ; libraryDependencies ; reload return")
It's not perfect, the output is noisy and not formatted nicely, but it's something you can get out of the box.

Client-side changes don't apply after deployment the AMP

I made changes to the people-finder.js script to change the sort order, and locally everything works well. To override the functionality, I used the following directory structure and Maven-based SDK to generate AMP file:
As I expected, locally everything works fine and I can see my changes:
Next, I deploy the AMP file on the remote server, as described here: Install the AMP file
And here I do not see my changes:
Directory /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/share/components/people-finder also contains the scripts without changes.
And thus, sorting does not work as I need.
Additional information: I unpacked the AMP file and not found there branch /web/components/... Of course, people-finder.js and people-finder-min.js is not present there also.
What could be the reason?
All that was required is to add a parameter -force:
sudo java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install amps/some-customization-share-1.0-SNAPSHOT.amp tomcat/webapps/share.war -force
Thank you very much Sanjay Patel for your assistance!
These discussions can also be useful:
Client-side changes don't apply after deployment the AMP
Files inside src/main/amp/web folder aren't packaged inside the resulting amp file
Modifications of original client-side files are not picked up

How to use extensions

Could someone please explain how one uses the premake extensions. I added the eclipse extension in a directory under my premake installation. And in the premake script I added recuire "eclipse".
Running the script with premake5 eclipse, I get an error module "eclipse.lua" not found.
I added the path of the modules directory to my environment variables.
I'm using premake (premake5) on Windows 8.
addons need to reside in a folder. You need to create a "eclipse" folder, then copy all the files in it, and the "eclipse" folder should be located where premake can load it (either next the executable or some other place handled through environment variables)
I got this working by adding the full path to the require statement.
require "C:/premake/eclipse/eclipse"
and running the command as premake5 eclipse
Note: This plugin does not generate project files that one can import into Eclipse.

h5bp build script - update css reference automatically?

When I build my h5bp project, the published html files do not include an updated reference to the versioned css file (they still point to 'css/style.css' rather than the newly made css file). The index.html file is the one exception to this.
Is there a step that I am missing while creating the site or while running $ ant build?
It seems there is a mismatch between the stable h5bp version and the current version of their ant-build script. The ant-build script assumes a different directory layout for JS files.
Anyway, they've included some compatibility options in "/build/config/project.properties". Look for the paragraph starting with "# Compatibility with older versions of html5boilerplate", uncomment the following lines and build again. It should work now.
