User can has only one value for User Property? - firebase

If I have user who likes apples and oranges can I code it like this:{favorite_food: 'apples'});{favorite_food: 'oranges'});
or I must create values like this:{favorite_food: 'apples_oranges'});
In Firebase docs I havent found information if some user has multi value for one User Property, their example:
based on 1 value per 1 User Property, but what if 1 user has many values for 1 user property?

A user property can hold a single value. Your first code sample would set the user property to "apples" and then set the same user property to "oranges".


How to search if a value exists in table

I am trying to delete records via GUI. I have a text input in my section mapped with property (.EID) which intakes employee ID (for example 1) and when i click a button 'delete' that particular record should be deleted from DB. I have written an activity that successfully deletes.
But I want to display a message if the entered employee ID is not present in the table. For example if I have already deleted record 1 and the user again tries to delete record 1 it should display a message saying "employee doesn't exist, please enter existing ID". I have used obj-open->obj-delete->commit to delete the records.
Please help me how to achieve this.
I have attached screenshot of my GUI, for example i have already deleted record no 2, so when user again enters 2 and clicks on delete button it should display a message saying "no such user".
You can launch a local action(flow action) on the delete button.
In the pre-processing of the flow action call one activity. Pass the employee id as parameter to the activity.
In the activity do obj-browse on the table and add filter on employeeid column.
Store the count of obj-browse in a property. If the count of the obj-browse is greater than 0 then delete the record.
The section of flow action will display 2 messages based on when condition. One message will become active when count is greater than zero which will display Account deleted and another message will get active when count is zero which will display account does not exist.

Adding a user-filled value as well as a pick value for google appmaker

I would like to define a field, where there is a list of allowed values as well as give user the option to type it in. For example, I list a bunch of previous jobs that the applicant can have, plus have them pick other and fill it in as well.
Is it possible to do this with one field or do I need two fields where the user has to type it in? Is there a doc. or sample or tutorial I can look up? Thanks.
Here is a super simple Tags sample:
To cover your exact use case you just need to:
Add logic to check if record already exists
1.1 If record doesn't exist, then create one
Create relation between records
If you don't care about duplicates in your database, then you can skip step 1 and always do 1.1 and 2.

Reuse fields in an ASP.NET form

I have an online form that collects the user's contact information. Typical stuff - first & last name, address, city, state, zip, etc.
At one point in the process, they can enter information for another person as well. At that point, I show a modal popup with the very same fields for this other person.
I hate the repetition of the fields in my ASCX file. I'd like to define a single block of fields and show them in different contexts.
A twist to the plot is that the admin of the site can configure which fields are visible for each of the two contexts.
For example, they might say for the primary user, we want to ask for phone number, but we don't want to show that field for the additional people. In that situation, the phone number field would be visible for the main form, but hidden in the modal popup.
So the question is: What is the best way to reuse the same fields in different places of an ASP.NET form?
You can add another flag to your user control
Note : this flag must be declared as public property
public bool Flag
Your User control
First instance : <UCTagPrefix:UCTagName runat="server" id="" Flag="true"/>
Second instance : <UCTagPrefix:UCTagName runat="server" id="" Flag="false"/>
you can use another type if you want, this sample is based on boolean
Adapt the behavior of your user control with the value of your flag , in your code behind
If admin wants to configure visibility of each field, I think it would be better to add the field list to a database table like fieldName, userType1 (bit), userType2 (bit),... and then add the value 0 or 1 (Admin could do this via interface).
When you load the control get the corresponding values by passing userType to the database (stored procedure or query) and set visibility of each field accordingly.

How to create a form with variable no. of field set

I have to design a page for user information, for some background verification purpose, at my work. I need a set of fields for address, total count of which will be selected by user to update the form with that many fields. So, if user selects 3, form will have 3 set of address fields. Similar concept for work and education details.
Right now, I am passing the count to a handler page, which checks total count, and return it along with querystring, back to the main page. I am able to update the no. of fields, this way, but, all values are lost, once I return to the form. There are a lot of fields to even use session object for every value. Also, it resets the count of other such field set to 0. So, if I select 4 in address field, it renders four set of address fields, but fields for other details are gone.
I need to know, if it is possible to update the fields, using just one page, instead of creating a handler file to handle the redirect, so that I don't lose other data.
Sorry, for sounding a bit confusing. Will update the question, if needed.
Similar blocks are there for education and work details. I want the update button to update the block, with that many fields, while retaining the values already entered by the user.
I have finally shifted the update code to one page. And the total count of blocks, is calculated by this way.
if request.form("addresscount") <> "" then
varaddresscount = request.form("addresscount")
varaddresscount = 1
end if
varaddresscount is used to loop through the html code which renders address fields. Even with this method, if I click on update button to change the total field count, every value entered by user is reset to default. Is there a way to retain the no. of fields without using session object, as there are way too many fields for which I have to store the value in session.
Why not have just a "add address" button that, whenever clicked, adds a extra set of input boxes using Javascript? That solves a lot of your problems regarding retaining the data on already filled in fields AND it makes it easier for the user.

user input forms with user defined fields

Ive been tasked with creating a user input form that has a set of defined fields and the ability for the user to add their own fields on the fly. e.g textbox, select box with options etc etc. Has anyone got any ideas on how i could implement this. What do i need to consider?
Also How would i store the data as i wont know the amount of fields. Generally in past projects a field in the input form has mapped to a column in the database.
Any ideas
Thanks in advance
It will need to be stored in a denormalised fashion:
So you'll probably need a Questions table which defines the question and maybe the type of input and any contraints.
You'll then have an answers table which is linked to whatever your entity is. The answers table will have an question and an answer field.
Do your users log into your site? If so you could use a SQL table to store each users controls e.g. :
UserName ControlID ControlType
JohnSmith 1 TextBox
JohnSmith 2 CheckBox
JoeBlogs 3 TextBox
You can then have another table with each controls value within it:
ControlID Value
1 My Text Value
2 False
3 Hi I’m Joe
You can then just do a simple join to get all the users controls and there values. You can also store information such as location/index of the control on screen. Doing it this way you can add more than one value per control, meaning things like list box's will have multipul rows.
If your not using a log in system you could do the same sort of thing but using Cookies.
