How to export Google App Maker app to own server? I know it is possible to export app structure, but I cannot find tool to convert it to standalone app.
This files I can export from system:
- application.json
and folders with JSON files:
- models
- pages
- relations
- scripts (and JS files)
I have an app that has many module files which user can buy and download to use some of them.
How to can save this downloaded modules in cache or folder or other place and use it when app works offline?
I am trying to follow the firebase-electron guide instructions documented in the readme file here:
But I eventually get to a step which says
It is highly recommended that you add firebase-config.json to your .gitignore file. It contains project-specific information that you do not want to check in with the app, nor should it be packaged when building your app.
I was planning on releasing my electron app on the mac / windows / linux stores. And if firebase-electron needs the firebase-config.json file variables, then is there no way to release my electron app with authentication using firebase?
My end goal is to release an electron app with login capabilities that can work on both an electron app and browser. Specifically the YouTube API for uploading videos in node.js which requires a request to be made using the user's auth token (which you can get signing in through google using firebase, but can I release an app with firebase?)
Or maybe is there a better solution / example
I have a Xamarin.Forms app. As it does not have built in configuration file, I used a solution found here:
and here
So now I have a custom appsettings.json file. The secrets in the file are replaced in AzureDevops pipeline. But how can I run the app from Visual Studio (on an emulator)? If it was a web application, I would use Manage User Secrets functionality, which would store the secrets in my file system. So it would be used automatically when the app is running during development. But how can I do it for a Xamarin.Forms app with its custom json file?
You could use the Replace Text in Source Files task on Marketplace to replace text in your source, before you build the project. You can then store the secret as a secure value in the pipeline variables library.
We use a similar approach to update the build versions for Xamarin Apps and for providing access to the Signing files.
First of I am new to Aurelia and has just completed a real world project on my development server which I like to run concurrently with WordPress which needs PHP. Back in the days with angular 1.x I used to gulp all the angular dependencies and scripts into a single file and transfer it to the server, which I thought would be the case with Aurelia too but looks like it is more complex in this matter. So please if any one has come around to this problem, any help would be appericated like how can I port Aurelia project to apache server without serving it through node. Or is it possible to run node and apache on same server.
You don't need to run Node to serve your application. Any web server - such as Apache - will do. You only need to bundle your application and upload the files to your server.
If your project was created using the CLI, the application is bundled automatically every time you run au run (or au build), so you can simply upload the scripts directory and the index.html file. This is the minimum; you may need to upload also CSS, images or fonts, depending on your app.
If your project is based on one of the skeletons, you can bundle your app by running gulp bundle, then upload the distdirectory, the jspm_packages directory, the config.js file and the index.html file, plus anny other asset (CSS, images, etc.) you may need.
I am new to meteor. I developed mobile application from meteor. Now I wish to build that app from site. I feel build.phonegap is easy instead of meteor build
To put it short its not possible to build an app using the phonegap build service.
The reason for this is meteor build does not exclusively build the apk. meteor build also takes your project and builds it up into what would be the /www directory in your phonegap project.
Secondly Meteor doesn't use the original phonegap/cordova build. There is a modification to phonegap so the files in /www are served using an on-device HTTP server at http://meteor.local. This is one of the reasons its not available on WP8, Blackberry, etc. The local webserver sorts out some issues related to routing.
So you would need to use meteor build to build your app.