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getting issue UITableVieCell alignment in iOS 13. Couldn't clickable tableviewcell. Action Item text is hidden in top.
How do we add a More tab menu (like iOS overflow menu) in bottom tab bar in V2 React-native-navigation (wix)?
RNN V2 automatically adds a overflow button when it has > 5 tabs.
Closing this Question.
This bug has cropped up in iOS 11. There is a UINavigationController embedded as a child UIViewController of another UIViewController. There's a UIPanGestureRecogniser setup that affects the y axis of the child UIViewController's view's frame allowing you to drag it down to reveal the UIViewController below
The problem that's cropped up is that now as soon as the UIViewController's frame gets adjusted to move it downwards iOS seems to remove the inset on the UINavigationBar for the UIStatusBar, which results in an unpleasant jerk upwards.
How do I prevent this from happening?
I have been using a UIView in my navigationBar as the titleView up to Xcode 8 iOS 10. The view was added in storyboard. In that UIView I have a label representing the title and underneath it a segmented control. This has worked fine up until iOS 11. Now I can no longer interact with the segmented control and the positioning is shifting up so that the title and half of the segmented control is off screen. I was using an empty space for the prompt field of the navigationBar to get the extra height.
Is there a way of adding a title and segmentedControl underneath it to a navigationBar without creating a custom navigationBar? I don't want to create a custom navigationBar because I want to keep the translucency properties of the default navigationBar.
At the moment here is what I see after running Xcode 9 iOS 11:
Add in Appdelegate.m
if ([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height >= 812)
[application setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];
self.window.clipsToBounds =YES;
self.window.frame = CGRectMake(0,40,self.window.frame.size.width,self.window.frame.size.height-20);
Best way to manage this is to add the segmentedControl directly in the navigationTitle area in the storyboard and afterwards add a title in the inspector title textfield in storyboard when navigationBar is selected. This will show both the title in large font and the storyboard above it exactly like the missed calls page of iOS
So prior to iOS 7.1 I was setting the background image in my app UINavigation Bar via UI Appearance like so.
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"image-name"] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
It was working fine and the content was getting blurred properly when behind it. Now the content is not blurred at all the navigation bar is just transparent. If I remove the image and set just the navigation bar tintColor it will blur the content correctly. Anyone have any ideas on how I can put a custom image in the NavigationBar and still have it blur the content behind it.
In Xcode 5, I've opened a new project and added the following:
A Tab View Controller with two Tabs (thus two View Controllers).
In each Controller View, I've added a CollectionView, with both a Label and a Button under it.
I've applied the Default constraints. No warnings.
... clicked Run.
In the iOS simulator, the first Tab looks ok, all elements in the View are aligned to the bottom of the layout, which is the top of the tab bar. Perfect.
When clicking on the second Tab, instead of aligning to the bottom of the layout, it aligns everything to the bottom of the container. So all the elements in the View drop in height by that much. Clicking back to the first tab will now show this incorrect positioning as well.
Strangely, rotating the device fixes this... showing the correct alignments in both tabs and for both orientations.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
I now believe this is a bug in XCode 5.
I got around it by replacing the constraint for a pin, like so:
Editor -> Pin -> Bottom Space to Superview.