iOS 7.1 UINavigationBar Image - uinavigationcontroller

So prior to iOS 7.1 I was setting the background image in my app UINavigation Bar via UI Appearance like so.
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"image-name"] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
It was working fine and the content was getting blurred properly when behind it. Now the content is not blurred at all the navigation bar is just transparent. If I remove the image and set just the navigation bar tintColor it will blur the content correctly. Anyone have any ideas on how I can put a custom image in the NavigationBar and still have it blur the content behind it.


Color of icon in bottom menu don't changed when

I use navigation controller. For change color of icon in bottom menu i use "selector" with state_checked values.
Change color is operable when i navigate between navigation fragments described in navigation menu. Now the issue example:
Inside of fragment which described in bottom menu i navigate to other fragment which now is in back stack.
From this place i navigate to other fragment from bottom menu.
Then i back to fragment from point #1 and i see fragment which is in back stack.
The issue is that icon don't change color while i don't back to fragment from navigation menu.
Behavior of navigation you can see in gif video.
How save change color of navigation icon in bottom menu when i have other fragments in back stack and switch between menu?
behavior of navigation menu
I have a reference for a bottom-tab in Kotlin here.

Ionic-Angular can't get list to scroll properly

I've been trying to programmatically scroll a list (accordion) in an Ionic-Angular app and I’ve been having no success at all.
I reproduced it in this stackblitz:
When you click on an item, it expands and I want it to align to the top of the screen (with the title visible). In this example, I am using scrollIntoView() to get it to the top but it disappears behind the toolbar.
I've tried many things to get it to align properly (including setting a "scroll-margin-top" as suggested on many posts) but this hasn't worked for me.
Also, I can't seem to be able to use the scrollBy() or scrollTo() method... they do nothing at all.
Can anybody help me figure this out and get this precise example to work? Thanks in advance!
The problem is in the property [fullscreen]="true" of the <ion-content> tag.
The property fullscreen of ion-content, according to the ionic documentation...
If true, the content will scroll behind the headers and footers. This effect can easily be seen by setting the toolbar to transparent.
In ionic when you use the option fullscreen as in <ion-content [fullscreen]="true"> it adds the following style to the ion-content tag:
--offset-top: 56px;
The goal of the [fullscreen]="true" is to create the effect of the content scrolling behind the header.
As a side effect, part of the <ion-content> is hidden behind the <ion-header>.
Fullscreen property and scrollIntoView()
According to w3schools...
The scrollIntoView() method scrolls the specified element into the visible area of the browser window.
So, in your code, when you call scrollIntoView() of a group it is working exactly as expected. The screen is scrolled until the top o the group is into the visible area of the browser. The problem is that the <ion-header> is covering part of the top of this visible area.
If you remove the [fullscreen]="true" of the <ion-content>tag the scroll will work as you expect.
But you will loose the effect created by the fullscreen property (content scrolling behing the header).
Fullscreen property of ion-content tag:

Dialog gets hidden by the top navbar

I'm using Primefaces 5.3, and AdminLTE 2 as a template for my website (Which based on bootsrap).
The problem is when I open a dialog box, this dialog gets hidden by the top navbar, and this topbar doesn't get disabled I can still click on its links.
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
As you can see in that picture a portion of the dialog box is hidden by the top nav bar.
How can I solve this problem ?
Without a sample code to work and check your issue. Here is a probable solution that i can suggest to you. Check the z-index of the navbar and the dialog. Try setting z-index for both where the dialog box z-index value is greater than the navbar.

UISplitViewController - Master popover - Portrait mode: How to custom/remove the border at the very top layer?

Sorry for the confusing title, but I'm not sure the correct name of the border.
I've created the UISplitViewController that looks like exactly the Mail app in iPad. But my UISplitViewController is not the highest controller in controls hierarchy.
My problem is that I need a sponsor banner to be displayed under UINavigationBarController but above the UISplitViewController.
As the image, I could have everything in place, but 1 thing, the border of the Master View popover stays on top of the banner.
As my investigation and testing, the border is neither the popover border, nor the view's border. It appears as the UIViewController border???
How can I change the border's colour or just remove it?
I finally found the solution.
There is no way to touch the border, because it's a part on UIViewController.
I realized that the MasterView in portrait mode is a UIPopoverController. It should appear on top of existing content. I tried to insert another view (mask, black UIView to cover the border which was staying on top of the black banner) on top of the popover.
I the solution found here. Just added the mask view in portrait mode and removed it in landscape mode.
Hope this helps other guys.

How to add icons to tabbar items via the GUI designer

I have an iOS6 iPhone application, with a Tabbar and tabbar buttons. These buttons need icons and that's where the trouble starts. Added one icon to the project, double clicked on a button in the designer and associated the (questionmark) icon via the image combobox to the button. When I run the app on my iPhone, I do indeed see that the button now does indeed display a gradient-gray square, which turns into a gradient light-blue square, but the questionmark icon is not shown. The icon is a .png and the size is width 40, height 51. I changed nothing in the code.
I solved my problem to the extent that I can work with it: you need so called 'transparent icons'.
