What is the difference between "users" and "active user" in firebase analytics? - google-analytics

In firebase analytics: If I (as a user) uses an app three time in a day, then will it be counted as three user ? or one user with three session ? Please answer.

Active users reports count the number of unique users that were active in a given time period. So if a single user is active multiple times in a day, they'll count as a single active user.


Create a trial account for new users to test a web app build with Firebase: How should I count a trial period?

Product: Web App.
Technologies: Firebase, JavaScript, Cloud Functions.
Hello I am dealing with the task of creating a trial account for new users in order of testing an app to know if it fits theirs requirements.Then, within trial time, users can decide if they want to suscribe or not.
This is my initial idea:
A potential new user discovers the landing page of the app
The user is interested in the app and creates a new account
The new account has a trial period (15 days free)
Whithin this trial period the user has to subscribe (Stripe) or the account is disabled/removed
I know that Stripe can deal with trial periods, but you first have to fill the payment data (credit card, etc). I want to avoid this, so I want to control the trial time and let the user try the app without asking him for payment data.
My cuestion is that after creating the user account, in which way could I count the trial period ?
Do I have to use Cloud Functions to count the trial period? Any orientation about how to count the trial period with Cloud Functions? Do I have to check the new accounts every day or something like that or is there any other way to get a notice after the trial period is over?
Any other approches?
My cuestion is that after creating the user account, in which way could I count the trial period ?
When the user creates an account, store a timestamp of creation date for your document. When the user logs in, check if this timeStamp has passed 15 days or not.
You can also capture the time of creating the account in your app, add to it 15 days in the future, and then save this new [expiry date] in your user account info document.
Whenever this user logs in, first check, if the expiry date is before\after the current date. If it's after the current date(time of login), do your logic and tell them that the trial period is over.

What's Google Analytics user/active user/new user/define?

I have a question regarding the active users definition in the active users report.
According to the official explanation (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6171863?hl=en)
1-Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app on January 30 (the last day of your date range).
7-Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app from January 24 through January 30 (the last 7 days of your date range).
Can I interpret sessions here as "at least one session"(one or above)? If so, the 7-Day Active Users can be users who only viewed one session during the last 7 days. How can this metric indicate the "returning users"?
Should I sessions as " more than one" (two or above), which seems to make more sense?
Another question: As 7-Day Active Users counts into the active users from the last 7 days (including today), so it should include all 1-Day Active Users . By the same logic, the 14-Day Active Users should include all 7-Day Active Users, and the 30-Day Active Users should include all 14-Day Active Users. Am I correct?
If I am correct, then it will never happens that 1-Day Active Users are more than 7/14/30-Day Active Users.
What does the below sentence from the explanation page mean?
"In cases where you have a lot of 1-Day Active Users but the numbers drop off for longer term users"
Does it mean that 1-Day Active Users stabilizes/increases while the long term users decrease? So it's about comparing the trend, not the absolute active user number?
Users reports are bit tricky to understand in GA, basically it depends on the date range you are selecting.
Q1: GA considers a user as active if he had at least one session for that day irrespective of whether the user is new or returning or he had more than a single session.
Q2: No, all 1-Day Active Users are not included in 7-Day Active Users. For example a user had a session today and also on the 7th day then he'll be counted only once because in the selected date range at least one session is only considered.

Google Analytics Users Count is 0 while Active User Count is 1

In my Google Analytics account, the Users count is 0 while Active Users count is 1.
Why is the active user is not being identified as Unique User in Google Analytics?
I just checked after 21 hours of Account creation and still the User count is 0 while in graph it is one for yesterday data.
Here is attachment
If you look carefully you will see that the Users are set to 'Last 7 days' (which does not include today) while the Active User count is real-time. You can tweak the time period settings, but Users will never keep up with Active Users anyway because GA is always a bit behind re everything that isn't real-time.

How to differentiate active users from non active ones

I built an app and I would like to differentiate the behaviours of my users regarding their activity levels.
Objectives : make monthly users become daily users by understanding how daily users use the app vs monthly users and trying to narrow the gap between them.
I am well aware of the Daily / Weekly / Monthly active users Firebase offer but it is still a snapshot at a specific time.
Basically, if someone open a session at least one time during 20 days / month => highly active users, if someone opens it at between 7-20 times a month => medium active user, if someone opens it less than 7 times => low active users.
Do you have any clue on how to split these to then understand their behaviour?
because you are tagging your question firebase database that means you want to do it programmatically.
you can make a field in user node name it counter and every time the user login to the app you just increment the counter and make a query to bring the count that's it.

Summarize events per session with Google Analytics

Is it possible to summarize events per user (session)?
I have a subscription (CTA) field on the page.
Further down, there is a small just-for-fun questionnaire.
I want to check, if a user is more willing to subscribe if they performed the questionnaire, or if that doesn't matter at all.
So I track an event for a subscription (I configured this as a "Goal" (conversion)), and an event for the questionnaire. But how can I summarize these two events for each user?
Or do I have to implement this analytics with my own AJAX-PHP-MYSQL setup?
If you mean "a row in the report per indidivual user" then GA does not support this (at least not by default, you would need to store an identifier in a custom dimension and query by that).
If you are looking for aggregated numbers you can create a segment ("include sessions where event equals AND goal conversions for > 1". You can then apply the segment to your query to get the total number of users with both conditions, or add more dimensions e.g. to break down by channel, region etc.
