Super-ellipse Point Picking - math
I have read the SO questions on how to point-pick from a circle and an ellipse.
How would one uniformly select random points from the interior of a super-ellipse?
More generally, how would one uniformly select random points from the interior of the curve described by an arbitrary super-formula?
The discarding method is not considered a solution, as it is mathematically unenlightening.

In order to sample the superellipse, let's assume without loss of generality that a = b = 1. The general case can be then obtained by rescaling the corresponding axis.
The points in the first quadrant (positive x-coordinate and positive y-coordinate) can be then parametrized as:
x = r * ( cos(t) )^(2/n)
y = r * ( sin(t) )^(2/n)
with 0 <= r <= 1 and 0 <= t <= pi/2:
Now, we need to sample in r, t so that the sampling transformed into x, y is uniform. To this end, let's calculate the Jacobian of this transform:
dx*dy = (2/n) * r * (sin(2*t)/2)^(2/n - 1) dr*dt
= (1/n) * d(r^2) * d(f(t))
Here, we see that as for the variable r, it is sufficient to sample uniformly the value of r^2 and then transform back with a square root. The dependency on t is a bit more complicated. However, with some effort, one gets
f(t) = -(n/2) * 2F1(1/n, (n-1)/n, 1 + 1/n, cos(t)^2) * cos(t)^(2/n)
where 2F1 is the hypergeometric function.
In order to obtain uniform sampling in x,y, we need now to sample uniformly the range of f(t) for t in [0, pi/2] and then find the t which corresponds to this sampled value, i.e., to solve for t the equation u = f(t) where u is a uniform random variable sampled from [f(0), f(pi/2)]. This is essentially the same method as for r, nevertheless in that case one can calculate the inverse directly.
One small issue with this approach is that the function f is not that well-behaved near zero - the infinite slope makes it quite challenging to find a root of u = f(t). To circumvent this, we can sample only the "upper part" of the first quadrant (i.e., area between lines x=y and x=0) and then obtain all the other points by symmetry (not only in the first quadrant but also for all the other ones).
An implementation of this method in Python could look like:
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform, randint, seed
from scipy.optimize import brenth, ridder, bisect, newton
from scipy.special import gamma, hyp2f1
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
def superellipse_area(n):
inv_n = 1. / n
return 4 * ( gamma(1 + inv_n)**2 ) / gamma(1 + 2*inv_n)
def sample_superellipse(n, num_of_points = 2000):
def f(n, x):
inv_n = 1. / n
return -(n/2)*hyp2f1(inv_n, 1 - inv_n, 1 + inv_n, x)*(x**inv_n)
lb = f(n, 0.5)
ub = f(n, 0.0)
points = [None for idx in range(num_of_points)]
for idx in range(num_of_points):
r = np.sqrt(uniform())
v = uniform(lb, ub)
w = bisect(lambda w: f(n, w**n) - v, 0.0, 0.5**(1/n))
z = w**n
x = r * z**(1/n)
y = r * (1 - z)**(1/n)
if uniform(-1, 1) < 0:
y, x = x, y
x = (2*randint(0, 2) - 1)*x
y = (2*randint(0, 2) - 1)*y
points[idx] = [x, y]
return points
def plot_superellipse(ax, n, points):
coords_x = [p[0] for p in points]
coords_y = [p[1] for p in points]
ax.set_xlim(-1.25, 1.25)
ax.set_ylim(-1.25, 1.25)
ax.text(-1.1, 1, '{n:.1f}'.format(n = n), fontsize = 12)
ax.scatter(coords_x, coords_y, s = 0.6)
params = np.array([[0.5, 1], [2, 4]])
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6, 6))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(*params.shape, wspace = 1/32., hspace = 1/32.)
n_rows, n_cols = params.shape
for i in range(n_rows):
for j in range(n_cols):
n = params[i, j]
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i, j])
if i == n_rows-1:
ax.set_xticks([-1, 0, 1])
if j == 0:
ax.set_yticks([-1, 0, 1])
#ensure that the ellipses have similar point density
num_of_points = int(superellipse_area(n) / superellipse_area(2) * 4000)
points = sample_superellipse(n, num_of_points)
plot_superellipse(ax, n, points)
This produces:


Renewal Function for Weibull Distribution

The renewal function for Weibull distribution m(t) with t = 10 is given as below.
I want to find the value of m(t). I wrote the following r code to compute m(t)
last_term = NULL
gamma_k = NULL
n = 50
for(k in 1:n){
gamma_k[k] = gamma(2*k + 1)/factorial(k)
for(j in 1: (n-1)){
prev = gamma_k[n-j]
last_term[j] = gamma(2*j + 1)/factorial(j)*prev
final_term = NULL
find_value = function(n){
for(i in 2:n){
final_term[i] = gamma_k[i] - sum(last_term[1:(i-1)])
all_k = find_value(n)
af_sum = NULL
m_t = function(t){
for(k in 1:n){
af_sum[k] = (-1)^(k-1) * all_k[k] * t^(2*k)/gamma(2*k + 1)
The output is m(t) = 2.670408e+93. Does my iteratvie procedure correct? Thanks.
I don't think it will work. First, lets move Γ(2k+1) from denominator of m(t) into Ak. Thus, Ak will behave roughly as 1/k!.
In the nominator of the m(t) terms there is t2k, so roughly speaking you're computing sum with terms
From Stirling formula
k! ~ kk, making terms
so yes, they will start to decrease and converge to something but after 100th term
Anyway, here is the code, you could try to improve it, but it breaks at k~70
N <- 20
A <- rep(0, N)
# compute A_k/gamma(2k+1) terms
ps <- 0.0 # previous sum
A[1] = 1.0
for(k in 2:N) {
ps <- ps + A[k-1]*gamma(2*(k-1) + 1)/factorial(k-1)
A[k] <- 1.0/factorial(k) - ps/gamma(2*k+1)
t <- 10.0
t2 <- t*t
r <- 0.0
for(k in 1:N){
r <- r + (-t2)^k*A[k]
Ok, I calculated Ak as in your question, got the same answer. I want to estimate terms Ak/Γ(2k+1) from m(t), I believe it will be pretty much dominated by 1/k! term. To do that I made another array k!*Ak/Γ(2k+1), and it should be close to one.
N <- 20
A <- rep(0.0, N)
psum <- function( pA, k ) {
ps <- 0.0
if (k >= 2) {
jmax <- k - 1
for(j in 1:jmax) {
ps <- ps + (gamma(2*j+1)/factorial(j))*pA[k-j]
# compute A_k/gamma(2k+1) terms
A[1] = gamma(3)
for(k in 2:N) {
A[k] <- gamma(2*k+1)/factorial(k) - psum(A, k)
B <- rep(0.0, N)
for(k in 1:N) {
B[k] <- (A[k]/gamma(2*k+1))*factorial(k)
shows that
I got the same Ak values as you did.
Bk is indeed very close to 1
It means that term Ak/Γ(2k+1) could be replaced by 1/k! to get quick estimate of what we might get (with replacement)
m(t) ~= - Sum(k=1, k=Infinity) (-1)k (t2)k / k! = 1 - Sum(k=0, k=Infinity) (-t2)k / k!
This is actually well-known sum and it is equal to exp() with negative argument (well, you have to add term for k=0)
m(t) ~= 1 - exp(-t2)
Approximate value is positive. Probably will stay positive after all, Ak/Γ(2k+1) is a bit different from 1/k!.
We're talking about 1 - exp(-100), which is 1-3.72*10-44! And we're trying to compute it precisely summing and subtracting values on the order of 10100 or even higher. Even with MPFR I don't think this is possible.
Another approach is needed
OK, so I ended up going down a pretty different road on this. I have implemented a simple discretization of the integral equation which defines the renewal function:
m(t) = F(t) + integrate (m(t - s)*f(s), s, 0, t)
The integral is approximated with the rectangle rule. Approximating the integral for different values of t gives a system of linear equations. I wrote a function to generate the equations and extract a matrix of coefficients from it. After looking at some examples, I guessed a rule to define the coefficients directly and used that to generate solutions for some examples. In particular I tried shape = 2, t = 10, as in OP's example, with step = 0.1 (so 101 equations).
I found that the result agrees pretty well with an approximate result which I found in a paper (Baxter et al., cited in the code). Since the renewal function is the expected number of events, for large t it is approximately equal to t/mu where mu is the mean time between events; this is a handy way to know if we're anywhere in the neighborhood.
I was working with Maxima (, which is not efficient for numerical stuff, but which makes it very easy to experiment with different aspects. At this point it would be straightforward to port the final, numerical stuff to another language such as Python.
Thanks to OP for suggesting the problem, and S. Pappadeux for insightful discussions. Here is the plot I got comparing the discretized approximation (red) with the approximation for large t (blue). Trying some examples with different step sizes, I saw that the values tend to increase a little as step size gets smaller, so I think the red line is probably a little low, and the blue line might be more nearly correct.
Here is my Maxima code:
/* discretize weibull renewal function and formulate system of linear equations
* copyright 2020 by Robert Dodier
* I release this work under terms of the GNU General Public License
* This is a program for Maxima, a computer algebra system.
"Definition of the renewal function m(t):" $
renewal_eq: m(t) = F(t) + 'integrate (m(t - s)*f(s), s, 0, t);
"Approximate integral equation with rectangle rule:" $
discretize_renewal (delta_t, k) :=
if equal(k, 0)
then m(0) = F(0)
else m(k*delta_t) = F(k*delta_t)
+ m(k*delta_t)*f(0)*(delta_t / 2)
+ sum (m((k - j)*delta_t)*f(j*delta_t)*delta_t, j, 1, k - 1)
+ m(0)*f(k*delta_t)*(delta_t / 2);
make_eqs (n, delta_t) :=
makelist (discretize_renewal (delta_t, k), k, 0, n);
make_vars (n, delta_t) :=
makelist (m(k*delta_t), k, 0, n);
"Discretized integral equation and variables for n = 4, delta_t = 1/2:" $
make_eqs (4, 1/2);
make_vars (4, 1/2);
make_eqs_vars (n, delta_t) :=
[make_eqs (n, delta_t), make_vars (n, delta_t)];
load (distrib);
subst_pdf_cdf (shape, scale, e) :=
subst ([f = lambda ([x], pdf_weibull (x, shape, scale)), F = lambda ([x], cdf_weibull (x, shape, scale))], e);
matrix_from (eqs, vars) :=
(augcoefmatrix (eqs, vars),
[submatrix (%%, length(%%) + 1), - col (%%, length(%%) + 1)]);
"Subsitute Weibull pdf and cdf for shape = 2 into discretized equation:" $
apply (matrix_from, make_eqs_vars (4, 1/2));
subst_pdf_cdf (2, 1, %);
"Just the right-hand side matrix:" $
rhs_matrix_from (eqs, vars) :=
(map (rhs, eqs),
augcoefmatrix (%%, vars),
[submatrix (%%, length(%%) + 1), col (%%, length(%%) + 1)]);
"Generate the right-hand side matrix, instead of extracting it from equations:" $
generate_rhs_matrix (n, delta_t) :=
[delta_t * genmatrix (lambda ([i, j], if i = 1 and j = 1 then 0
elseif j > i then 0
elseif j = i then f(0)/2
elseif j = 1 then f(delta_t*(i - 1))/2
else f(delta_t*(i - j))), n + 1, n + 1),
transpose (makelist (F(k*delta_t), k, 0, n))];
"Generate numerical right-hand side matrix, skipping over formulas:" $
generate_rhs_matrix_numerical (shape, scale, n, delta_t) :=
block ([f, F, numer: true], local (f, F),
f: lambda ([x], pdf_weibull (x, shape, scale)),
F: lambda ([x], cdf_weibull (x, shape, scale)),
[genmatrix (lambda ([i, j], delta_t * if i = 1 and j = 1 then 0
elseif j > i then 0
elseif j = i then f(0)/2
elseif j = 1 then f(delta_t*(i - 1))/2
else f(delta_t*(i - j))), n + 1, n + 1),
transpose (makelist (F(k*delta_t), k, 0, n))]);
"Solve approximate integral equation (shape = 3, t = 1) via LU decomposition:" $
fpprintprec: 4 $
n: 20 $
t: 1;
[AA, bb]: generate_rhs_matrix_numerical (3, 1, n, t/n);
xx_by_lu: linsolve_by_lu (ident(n + 1) - AA, bb, floatfield);
"Iterative solution of approximate integral equation (shape = 3, t = 1):" $
xx: bb;
for i thru 10 do xx: AA . xx + bb;
xx - (AA.xx + bb);
xx_iterative: xx;
"Should find iterative and LU give same result:" $
xx_diff: xx_iterative - xx_by_lu[1];
sqrt (transpose(xx_diff) . xx_diff);
"Try shape = 2, t = 10:" $
n: 100 $
t: 10 $
[AA, bb]: generate_rhs_matrix_numerical (2, 1, n, t/n);
xx_by_lu: linsolve_by_lu (ident(n + 1) - AA, bb, floatfield);
"Baxter, et al., Eq. 3 (for large values of t) compared to discretization:" $
/* L.A. Baxter, E.M. Scheuer, D.J. McConalogue, W.R. Blischke.
* "On the Tabulation of the Renewal Function,"
* Econometrics, vol. 24, no. 2 (May 1982).
* H(t) is their notation for the renewal function.
H(t) := t/mu + sigma^2/(2*mu^2) - 1/2;
tx_points: makelist ([float (k/n*t), xx_by_lu[1][k, 1]], k, 1, n);
plot2d ([H(u), [discrete, tx_points]], [u, 0, t]), mu = mean_weibull(2, 1), sigma = std_weibull(2, 1);

Continued fractions and Pell's equation - numerical issues

Mathematical background
Continued fractions are a way to represent numbers (rational or not), with a basic recursion formula to calculate it. Given a number r, we define r[0]=r and have:
for n in range(0..N):
a[n] = floor(r[n])
if r[n] == [an]: break
r[n+1] = 1 / (r[n]-a[n])
where a is the final representation. We can also define a series of convergents by
h[-2,-1] = [0, 1]
k[-2, -1] = [1, 0]
h[n] = a[n]*h[n-1]+h[n-2]
k[n] = a[n]*k[n-1]+k[n-2]
where h[n]/k[n] converge to r.
Pell's equation is a problem of the form x^2-D*y^2=1 where all numbers are integers and D is not a perfect square in our case. A solution for a given D that minimizes x is given by continued fractions. Basically, for the above equation, it is guaranteed that this (fundamental) solution is x=h[n] and y=k[n] for the lowest n found which solves the equation in the continued fraction expansion of sqrt(D).
I am failing to get this simple algorithm work for D=61. I first noticed it did not solve Pell's equation for 100 coefficients, so I compared it against Wolfram Alpha's convergents and continued fraction representation and noticed the 20th elements fail - the representation is 3 compared to 4 that I get, yielding different convergents - h[20]=335159612 on Wolfram compared to 425680601 for me.
I tested the code below, two languages (though to be fair, Python is C under the hood I guess), on two systems and get the same result - a diff on loop 20. I'll note that the convergents are still accurate and converge! Why am I getting different results compared to Wolfram Alpha, and is it possible to fix it?
For testing, here's a Python program to solve Pell's equation for D=61, printing first 20 convergents and the continued fraction representation cf (and some extra unneeded fluff):
from math import floor, sqrt # Can use mpmath here as well.
def continued_fraction(D, count=100, thresh=1E-12, verbose=False):
cf = []
h = (0, 1)
k = (1, 0)
r = start = sqrt(D)
initial_count = count
x = (1+thresh+start)*start
y = start
while abs(x/y - start) > thresh and count:
i = int(floor(r))
f = r - i
x, y = i*h[-1] + h[-2], i*k[-1] + k[-2]
if verbose is True or verbose == initial_count-count:
print(f'{x}\u00B2-{D}x{y}\u00B2 = {x**2-D*y**2}')
if x**2 - D*y**2 == 1:
print(f'{x}\u00B2-{D}x{y}\u00B2 = {x**2-D*y**2}')
count -= 1
r = 1/f
h = (h[1], x)
k = (k[1], y)
raise OverflowError(f"Converged on {x} {y} with count {count} and diff {abs(start-x/y)}!")
continued_fraction(61, count=20, verbose=True, thresh=-1) # We don't want to stop on account of thresh in this example
A c program doing the same:
int main() {
long D = 61;
double start = sqrt(D);
long h[] = {0, 1};
long k[] = {1, 0};
int count = 20;
float thresh = 1E-12;
double r = start;
long x = (1+thresh+start)*start;
long y = start;
while(abs(x/(double)y-start) > -1 && count) {
long i = floor(r);
double f = r - i;
x = i * h[1] + h[0];
y = i * k[1] + k[0];
printf("%ld\u00B2-%ldx%ld\u00B2 = %lf\n", x, D, y, x*x-D*y*y);
r = 1/f;
h[0] = h[1];
h[1] = x;
k[0] = k[1];
k[1] = y;
return 0;
mpmath, python's multi-precision library can be used. Just be careful that all the important numbers are in mp format.
In the code below, x, y and i are standard multi-precision integers. r and f are multi-precision real numbers. Note that the initial count is set higher than 20.
from mpmath import mp, mpf
mp.dps = 50 # precision in number of decimal digits
def continued_fraction(D, count=22, thresh=mpf(1E-12), verbose=False):
cf = []
h = (0, 1)
k = (1, 0)
r = start = mp.sqrt(D)
initial_count = count
x = 0 # some dummy starting values, they will be overwritten early in the while loop
y = 1
while abs(x/y - start) > thresh and count > 0:
i = int(mp.floor(r))
x, y = i*h[-1] + h[-2], i*k[-1] + k[-2]
if verbose or initial_count == count:
print(f'{x}\u00B2-{D}x{y}\u00B2 = {x**2-D*y**2}')
if x**2 - D*y**2 == 1:
print(f'{x}\u00B2-{D}x{y}\u00B2 = {x**2-D*y**2}')
count -= 1
f = r - i
r = 1/f
h = (h[1], x)
k = (k[1], y)
raise OverflowError(f"Converged on {x} {y} with count {count} and diff {abs(start-x/y)}!")
continued_fraction(61, count=22, verbose=True, thresh=mpf(1e-100))
Output is similar to wolfram's:
335159612²-61x42912791² = 3
1431159437²-61x183241189² = -12
1766319049²-61x226153980² = 1
[7, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 14, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1]

2D curve fitting in Julia

I have an array Z in Julia which represents an image of a 2D Gaussian function. I.e. Z[i,j] is the height of the Gaussian at pixel i,j. I would like to determine the parameters of the Gaussian (mean and covariance), presumably by some sort of curve fitting.
I've looked into various methods for fitting Z: I first tried the Distributions package, but it is designed for a somewhat different situation (randomly selected points). Then I tried the LsqFit package, but it seems to be tailored for 1D fitting, as it is throwing errors when I try to fit 2D data, and there is no documentation I can find to lead me to a solution.
How can I fit a Gaussian to a 2D array in Julia?
The simplest approach is to use Optim.jl. Here is an example code (it was not optimized for speed, but it should show you how you can handle the problem):
using Distributions, Optim
# generate some sample data
true_d = MvNormal([1.0, 0.0], [2.0 1.0; 1.0 3.0])
const xr = -3:0.1:3
const yr = -3:0.1:3
const s = 5.0
const m = [s * pdf(true_d, [x, y]) for x in xr, y in yr]
decode(x) = (mu=x[1:2], sig=[x[3] x[4]; x[4] x[5]], s=x[6])
function objective(x)
mu, sig, s = decode(x)
try # sig might be infeasible so we have to handle this case
est_d = MvNormal(mu, sig)
ref_m = [s * pdf(est_d, [x, y]) for x in xr, y in yr]
sum((a-b)^2 for (a,b) in zip(ref_m, m))
# test for an example starting point
result = optimize(objective, [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
Alternatively you could use constrained optimization e.g. like this:
using Distributions, JuMP, NLopt
true_d = MvNormal([1.0, 0.0], [2.0 1.0; 1.0 3.0])
const xr = -3:0.1:3
const yr = -3:0.1:3
const s = 5.0
const Z = [s * pdf(true_d, [x, y]) for x in xr, y in yr]
m = Model(solver=NLoptSolver(algorithm=:LD_MMA))
#variable(m, m1)
#variable(m, m2)
#variable(m, sig11 >= 0.001)
#variable(m, sig12)
#variable(m, sig22 >= 0.001)
#variable(m, sc >= 0.001)
function obj(m1, m2, sig11, sig12, sig22, sc)
est_d = MvNormal([m1, m2], [sig11 sig12; sig12 sig22])
ref_Z = [sc * pdf(est_d, [x, y]) for x in xr, y in yr]
sum((a-b)^2 for (a,b) in zip(ref_Z, Z))
JuMP.register(m, :obj, 6, obj, autodiff=true)
#NLobjective(m, Min, obj(m1, m2, sig11, sig12, sig22, sc))
#NLconstraint(m, sig12*sig12 + 0.001 <= sig11*sig22)
setvalue(m1, 0.0)
setvalue(m2, 0.0)
setvalue(sig11, 1.0)
setvalue(sig12, 0.0)
setvalue(sig22, 1.0)
setvalue(sc, 1.0)
status = solve(m)
getvalue.([m1, m2, sig11, sig12, sig22, sc])
In principle, you have a loss function
loss(μ, Σ) = sum(dist(Z[i,j], N([x(i), y(j)], μ, Σ)) for i in Ri, j in Rj)
where x and y convert your indices to points on the axes (for which you need to know the grid distance and offset positions), and Ri and Rj the ranges of the indices. dist is the distance measure you use, eg. squared difference.
You should be able to pass this into an optimizer by packing μ and Σ into a single vector:
pack(μ, Σ) = [μ; vec(Σ)]
unpack(v) = #views v[1:N], reshape(v[N+1:end], N, N)
loss_packed(v) = loss(unpack(v)...)
where in your case N = 2. (Maybe the unpacking deserves some optimization to get rid of unnecessary copying.)
Another thing is that we have to ensure that Σ is positive semidifinite (and hence also symmetric). One way to do that is to parametrize the packed loss function differently, and optimize over some lower triangular matrix L, such that Σ = L * L'. In the case N = 2, we can write this as
unpack(v) = v[1:2], LowerTriangular([v[3] zero(v[3]); v[4] v[5]])
loss_packed(v) = let (μ, L) = unpack(v)
loss(μ, L * L')
(This is of course prone to further optimization, such as expanding the multiplication directly in to loss). A different way is to specify the condition as constraints into the optimizer.
For the optimzer to work you probably have to get the derivative of loss_packed. Either have to find the manually calculate it (by a good choice of dist), or maybe more easily by using a log transformation (if you're lucky, you find a way to reduce it to a linear problem...). Alternatively you could try to find an optimizer that does automatic differentiation.

Uniformly distribute x points inside a circle

I would like to uniformly distribute a predetermined set of points within a circle. By uniform distribution, I mean they should all be equally distanced from each other (hence a random approach won't work). I tried a hexagonal approach, but I had problems consistently reaching the outermost radius.
My current approach is a nested for loop where each outer iteration reduces the radius & number of points, and each inner loop evenly drops points on the new radius. Essentially, it's a bunch of nested circles. Unfortunately, it's far from even. Any tips on how to do this correctly?
The goals of having a uniform distribution within the area and a uniform distribution on the boundary conflict; any solution will be a compromise between the two. I augmented the sunflower seed arrangement with an additional parameter alpha that indicates how much one cares about the evenness of boundary.
alpha=0 gives the typical sunflower arrangement, with jagged boundary:
With alpha=2 the boundary is smoother:
(Increasing alpha further is problematic: Too many points end up on the boundary).
The algorithm places n points, of which the kth point is put at distance sqrt(k-1/2) from the boundary (index begins with k=1), and with polar angle 2*pi*k/phi^2 where phi is the golden ratio. Exception: the last alpha*sqrt(n) points are placed on the outer boundary of the circle, and the polar radius of other points is scaled to account for that. This computation of the polar radius is done in the function radius.
It is coded in MATLAB.
function sunflower(n, alpha) % example: n=500, alpha=2
hold on
b = round(alpha*sqrt(n)); % number of boundary points
phi = (sqrt(5)+1)/2; % golden ratio
for k=1:n
r = radius(k,n,b);
theta = 2*pi*k/phi^2;
plot(r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta), 'r*');
function r = radius(k,n,b)
if k>n-b
r = 1; % put on the boundary
r = sqrt(k-1/2)/sqrt(n-(b+1)/2); % apply square root
Might as well tag on my Python translation.
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, pi
phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 # golden ratio
def sunflower(n, alpha=0, geodesic=False):
points = []
angle_stride = 360 * phi if geodesic else 2 * pi / phi ** 2
b = round(alpha * sqrt(n)) # number of boundary points
for k in range(1, n + 1):
r = radius(k, n, b)
theta = k * angle_stride
points.append((r * cos(theta), r * sin(theta)))
return points
def radius(k, n, b):
if k > n - b:
return 1.0
return sqrt(k - 0.5) / sqrt(n - (b + 1) / 2)
# example
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
points = sunflower(500, alpha=2, geodesic=False)
xs = [point[0] for point in points]
ys = [point[1] for point in points]
ax.scatter(xs, ys)
ax.set_aspect('equal') # display as square plot with equal axes
Stumbled across this question and the answer above (so all cred to user3717023 & Matt).
Just adding my translation into R here, in case someone else needed that :)
sunflower <- function(n, alpha = 2, geometry = c('planar','geodesic')) {
b <- round(alpha*sqrt(n)) # number of boundary points
phi <- (sqrt(5)+1)/2 # golden ratio
r <- radius(1:n,n,b)
theta <- 1:n * ifelse(geometry[1] == 'geodesic', 360*phi, 2*pi/phi^2)
x = r*cos(theta),
y = r*sin(theta)
radius <- function(k,n,b) {
k > n-b,
# example:
sunflower(500, 2, 'planar') %>%
ggplot(aes(x,y)) +
Building on top of #OlivelsAWord , here is a Python implementation using numpy:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def sunflower(n: int, alpha: float) -> np.ndarray:
# Number of points respectively on the boundary and inside the cirlce.
n_exterior = np.round(alpha * np.sqrt(n)).astype(int)
n_interior = n - n_exterior
# Ensure there are still some points in the inside...
if n_interior < 1:
raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter 'alpha' is too large ({alpha}), all "
f"points would end-up on the boundary.")
# Generate the angles. The factor k_theta corresponds to 2*pi/phi^2.
k_theta = np.pi * (3 - np.sqrt(5))
angles = np.linspace(k_theta, k_theta * n, n)
# Generate the radii.
r_interior = np.sqrt(np.linspace(0, 1, n_interior))
r_exterior = np.ones((n_exterior,))
r = np.concatenate((r_interior, r_exterior))
# Return Cartesian coordinates from polar ones.
return r * np.stack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles)))
# NOTE: say the returned array is called s. The layout is such that s[0,:]
# contains X values and s[1,:] contains Y values. Change the above to
# return r.reshape(n, 1) * np.stack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles)), axis=1)
# if you want s[:,0] and s[:,1] to contain X and Y values instead.
if __name__ == '__main__':
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Let's plot three sunflowers with different values of alpha!
for alpha in (0, 1, 2):
s = sunflower(500, alpha)
# NOTE: the 'alpha=0.5' parameter is to control transparency, it does
# not have anything to do with the alpha used in 'sunflower' ;)
ax.scatter(s[0], s[1], alpha=0.5, label=f"alpha={alpha}")
# Display as square plot with equal axes and add a legend. Then show the result :)
Adding my Java implementation of previous answers with an example (Processing).
int n = 2000; // count of nodes
Float alpha = 2.; // constant that can be adjusted to vary the geometry of points at the boundary
ArrayList<PVector> vertices = new ArrayList<PVector>();
Float scaleFactor = 200.; // scale points beyond their 0.0-1.0 range for visualisation;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
// Test
vertices = sunflower(n, alpha);
displayTest(vertices, scaleFactor);
ArrayList<PVector> sunflower(int n, Float alpha) {
Double phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2; // golden ratio
Double angle = 2 * PI / Math.pow(phi, 2); // value used to calculate theta for each point
ArrayList<PVector> points = new ArrayList<PVector>();
Long b = Math.round(alpha*Math.sqrt(n)); // number of boundary points
Float theta, r, x, y;
for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) {
r = radius(i, n, b.floatValue());
theta = i * angle.floatValue();
x = r * cos(theta);
y = r * sin(theta);
PVector p = new PVector(x, y);
return points;
Float radius(int k, int n, Float b) {
if (k > n - b) {
return 1.0;
} else {
Double r = Math.sqrt(k - 0.5) / Math.sqrt(n - (b+1) / 2);
return r.floatValue();
void displayTest(ArrayList<PVector> points, Float size) {
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
Float x = size * points.get(i).x;
Float y = size * points.get(i).y;
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
ellipse(x, y, 5, 5);
Here's my Unity implementation.
Vector2[] Sunflower(int n, float alpha = 0, bool geodesic = false){
float phi = (1 + Mathf.Sqrt(5)) / 2;//golden ratio
float angle_stride = 360 * phi;
float radius(float k, float n, float b)
return k > n - b ? 1 : Mathf.Sqrt(k - 0.5f) / Mathf.Sqrt(n - (b + 1) / 2);
int b = (int)(alpha * Mathf.Sqrt(n)); //# number of boundary points
List<Vector2>points = new List<Vector2>();
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
float r = radius(k, n, b);
float theta = geodesic ? k * 360 * phi : k * angle_stride;
float x = !float.IsNaN(r * Mathf.Cos(theta)) ? r * Mathf.Cos(theta) : 0;
float y = !float.IsNaN(r * Mathf.Sin(theta)) ? r * Mathf.Sin(theta) : 0;
points.Add(new Vector2(x, y));
return points.ToArray();

interpolation curve to surface

This is a interpolation problem:
I have a function z=z(x,y) and I know the relationship between x and y like x=f(y,x_0). Here x_0's are starting points of curves on time y=0. Let's assume x_0=[0 1 2] has three values. For each value of x_0, I get a curve in R^2.x1=f1(y),x2=f2(y) and x3=f3(y) and I draw z1,z2,z3 curves in R^3 using (x1,f1), (x2,f2) and (x3,f3). How can I interpolate z1,z2,23 for getting a surface?
I will be grateful for any help,
Using your notation, and some arbitrary example relationships for x = f(x0, y) and z = f(x,y), this is how you do it (I also added a plot of the direct calculation for reference):
% Define grid
x0_orig = 0:2;
y_orig = 0:3;
[x0, y] = meshgrid(x0_orig, y_orig);
% Calculate x (replace the relationship with your own)
x = x0 + 0.1 * y.^2;
% Calculate z (replace the relationship with your own)
z = 0.1 * (x.^2 + y.^2);
% Plot
surf(x, y, z)
title('Original data')
% Interpolate with finer grid
x0i = 0:0.25:2;
yi = 0:0.25:3;
xi = interp2(x0_orig, y_orig, x, x0i, yi');
[x0i yi] = meshgrid(x0i, yi);
zi = interp2(x0, y, z, x0i, yi);
surf(xi, yi, zi);
title('Interpolated data')
% Recalculate directly with finer grid
x0i = 0:0.25:2;
yi = 0:0.25:3;
[x0i yi] = meshgrid(x0i, yi);
xi = x0i + 0.1 * yi.^2;
zi = 0.1 * (xi.^2 + yi.^2);
surf(xi, yi, zi)
title('Recalculated directly')
